C-spring mkr, 1874
mark on wts, 1005
see also Briot
B (Kalkoff, P), 1874
B & Cie see Béranger & Cie
B B, mark on wts, 46
B B & Son, wts mkr, 638
B C, mark on wts, 44, 46
B D, C-spring mkr, 1874
B H under W R crowned (Lancashire Blackburn), 1957
B in F (Barrow in Furness), 1960
B M crowned, mark on wts, 94
B O G, mark on wts, 93
B of L, mark on wts, 93
B of R, mark on wts, 121
B P under V R crowned (Pontefract), 1959
B S, mark on wts, 121
B S & M Co Ltd see Burrows, Stewart & Milne Co Ltd
B S M 1867 (mark on wts; St Marylebone), 1960
B S M mark (Marylebone), 1928
B V & Co, wts mkr, 638
Babcock Test, 218, 219
baby sc
berangér, 1294
Chatillon, John & Sons, 333, 335, 338, 1600
Melot & Putzeys, 1293–1294
top-pan spring, 1600
see also Person sc
civilization of, 2146
technical achevements of, 2144
mina weight, 2148
duck shaped, 2148
granite, 2143
swan shaped, 2148
pear-shaped weight, 2143
shekel weight, 2143, 2148–2149
material made of, 2146
Bache, E W, patentee, 549
Bacon (author), 728
Bacon, Francis, 986
bacon sc, semi-self indicating, 8
Badcock, William Geagle
apprentice of Read, Samuel, 246, 1729, 1738
coin sc mkr, 246
dates, 1734
master of Goddard, Howell, 1738
master of Woodage, George Cave, 1735
successor of Blackman, Solomon, 1734–1735
Badger Fire Extinguisher Co, steelyard mkr, 1039
Badlam, Stephen, owner of Adams', John scales, 2537
Bahrain, gold sc, 249, 626
Bailey, patentee see Wilson, R & Bailey, W H
apothecary sc retailer, 1726
surgical appliance suppliers, 1726
Baillet, roberval sc mkr, 2487
Baily's metal, bronze, 2080
Baird & Tatlock
scientific instrument mkr, 1821
see also catalogue
precision bal mkr, 1821
scientific instrument mkr, 1821
see also catalogue
precision bal mkr, 1791
Baird & Tatlock Ltd, chromium-plated wt mkr, 2550
bakelite, postal sc, 479
bakers sc, 1053, 1352, 1592–1593
mkr, Chatillon, John & Sons, 1592–1593
baking, 1053
chemical, 2268
general, 2268
history of, 2268
hydrostatic, 2268
laboratory, 3033
weight depositing, 2542–2547
balance, 2268, 2661
"Balance as a Tool against Commercial Fraud," 2219
balance ball, 137, 217–218, 1452, 1746
def, 138, 171, 1746
fraud, 1184, 1746
balance bascule see béranger
balance box
def, 171
fraud, 1184
balance indicator, 2438
bird beak shaped, 2438
balance-romaine, 1246
balances, history of, 2217–2218
Balances & Weights catalogue of Whipple Museum by Brown (review), 593
"Balances by Greaves" (article by Crawforth), 23
Balanciers Etalonneurs leurs Marques leurs Poincons by Lavagne (review), 556
Balden, Joseph
family tree, 1506
nephew of Beach, Thomas, 1506
Balden, Joseph I
coin sc mkr, 1508
dates, 1508, 1576
family tree, 1506
gold machine mkr, 1508
steelyard mkr, 1508, 1574
wts mkr, 1508
Balden, Joseph II
dates, 1508
family tree, 1506
Balden, Joseph Jr.
dates, 1508
family tree, 1506
Balden, Joseph Sr.
family tree, 1506
gold machine mkr, 1508
steelyard mkr, 1508, 1574
wts mkr, 1508
Balden, Samuel, 1579
Balden & Whitfield
dates, 1508
sc mkr, 1508
Balduin Heller's Söehne, patentee, 318
Baldwin, Leroy Wilbur, coin operated sc patentee, 2431, 2457
ball see poise
Ball, William, 2388–2390
apprentice of Burton, James, 1736
apprentice of Picard, John, 1736
apprentice of Winspeare, Thomas, 1736
clock mkr, 2388
steelyard mkr, 2388–2390
Bister, 2388–2390
ball & rod
mkr, 1220, 1232
postal sc, 1294–1295, 1320
see also Wright, H B
rod pre-loaded for postal rate, 1232, 1294–1295
ball scale, American, 2685, 2687
Ballans, F, bread, sc mkr, 1089
balloon-foot, counter sc, 1452, 1454, 1458, 1461
balls, silver braid, 205, 206
Balog (author), 310
band, 229
def, 171, 229
bandi, 2357
bandolier, 2231
Banfield, S
dates, 1443
pot plate, 1443
Banfield, S Ltd, trade sc mkr, 1443
def, 257
ccd, 66, 991, 1019
equal arm, 136, 697, 811, 1020, 1105, 1189, 1211–1215, 2679–2682
Arstall, Widow & Son, 2012
Bourne, Thomas, 697
Bourne & Smith, 136
Crosby, Daniel I, 1763
Crosby, Daniel II, 1763
CWS Scales Dept, 1105
Dearborn, Benjamin, 1189, 1211–1215
Fairbanks, 78
Fairbanks & Co, 78, 107
Knight, George, 1416
Nicholl & Fowler, 1733
Osterlich Ltd, 1105
Pickering, James II, 1832
Plympton, H, 1189, 1211–1215
Salter, 518, 526, 528
Salter, Geo & Co, 518
Sutcliffe, H & Co., 2679–2682
Testut, 1295
Troemner, Henry, 811, 1020
Winsbury, John & Son, 1733
American, 78, 811, 991, 1020, 1189, 1211–1215
British, 89, 114, 136, 172, 257, 518, 526, 528, 697, 1105, 1416, 1733, 2243–2249, 2679–2682, 2901–2902
French, 1295
Irish, 1762–1763, 1832
patentee, Schmolz, W, 1020
rocker, 991
spring, 518, 526, 528
top-pan spring sc, 518, 526, 528
see also bankers; bullion
weighing coins, 23
wts see weights, purpose
Bank of England, 1128, 1963, 2243–2249
Bullion Office of, 2243–2244
owner of Standard Troy Wt of 1758, 392
sc, 105, 114, 2243–2244
sorting machine, 103
Bank of Ireland, 1755, 1832
Banker and his Wife, Reymerswaele's painting, 744
sc, 2901–2902
def, 257
weighing money, trade card, 1295
wts see weights, purpose, bankers
Banks, J, patentee see Weerasinghe, B E & Banks, J
Banque de France' adjuster, Charpentier, 1623
bar wts see weight, shape, bar
Ba'ra Ibn, Cairo mint official, 815
Barclay (author), 610
barge sc
Béranger, Joseph, 1664
Brown, Lennox & Co, 655, 661, 698–699
platform, 655, 661, 698–699, 1664
Barker, S G see British Research Association, Barker, S G & Hedges, J J
Barlett, John & Son, successor of Bartlett, John, 824
Barlow, H B, yarn bal patentee, 1176
Barmer Waagenfabrik, béranger mkr, 2440
Barned & Co, sc mkr, 556
Barnes, W M, bread sc mkr, 1089
Barnes Scale Company, MI sc mkr, 3034
Barnet's "What Kind of Poise?" (query), 2835–2837
Barnett, John, biography, 2989
Barnett & Cima's, Notes & Queries 147, "What Kind of Poise," 2835–2837
Barnett's "Found, the Missing Mordan" (article), 2987–2989
Baroque, 2438
Barrington, John
coin wts mkr, 1758
date, 1758
accuracy, 2080
sc for comparison of local standards, 2080
Barrow in Furness mark, 1960
Bartholomew Lane, 1745, 3017–3019
"Bartholomew Lane, London" (article by Diana Crawforth-Hitchins), 3016–3019
Bartlett see Hargrave & Bartlett
Bartlett, C H
parcel sc mkr, 1256
patentee, 537, 1256
steelyard mkr, 1028
Bartlett, C H & Co
dates, 1732
patentee, 232, 537
postal sc mkr, 232
successor of Bartlett, Charles & Son, 1732
Bartlett, Charles
apprentice of Bartlett, John, 1732, 2920
apprentice of DeGrave, Edward Abraham, 1732
brother of Bartlett, John, 1732, 2920
dates, 1732
diamond sc mkr, 1732
succeeded by Bartlett, Charles & Co, 1732
working Newcastle, 1732
Bartlett, Charles & Co
dates, 1732
succeeded by Bartlett, Charles & Son, 1732
successor of Bartlett, Charles, 1732
Bartlett, Charles & Son
dates, 1732
succeeded by Bartlett, C H & Co, 1732
successor of Bartlett, Charles & Co, 1732
Bartlett, John, 2920
apprentice of Wood, Robert (line omitted), 1732
apprentice of Wynn, John, 1732
coin sc mkr, 1732
dates, 824, 1732
harp top sc mkr, 2919–2922
London & Bristol, 1732, 2919–2920
master of Bartlett, Charles, 1732
shop sc mkr, 2919–2922
succeeded by Barlett, John & Son, 824
succeeded by Bartlett, S, 1732
succeeded by Pooley, 2919, 2940
Bartlett, John & Son
dates, 824, 1732, 2920
shop sc mkr, 1732
succeeded by Bartlett & Son Ltd, 824, 1732
successor of Bartlett, John, 824
Bartlett, L, weigh scoop patentee, 492
Bartlett, S
dates, 1732
successor of Bartlett, John, 1732
Bartlett & Son Ltd, 2920
bread, sc mkr, 1089
dates, 824, 1732
locations, 2924
succeeded by Pooley, Henry & Co Ltd, 1732
successors of Bartlett, John & Son, 824, 1732
working Bristol & Cardiff, 1732
Bartlett family, 1744
"Bartlett Pairs" (article by Robinson & Knights), 2919–2922
"Bartlett Pairs Postscript" (article by Rangeley), 2940–2941
Barton, Clara, 2819–2820
Barton, John
bank sc designer, 2246
dates, 1508
father of Barton, William Bridgins, 1505
steelyard mkr, 1505, 1508
Barton, William Bridgins
dates, 1508
son of Barton, John, 1505
steelyard mkr, 1505, 1508
succeeded by Beach, Thomas, 1505
Basbee, Walter, assaymaster of Goldsmiths' Co, 2081
Basch's "Allenders ccds," letter to editor, 960
Basch's "Weighing in the American Kitchen" (article), 1247–1251
makers, 2058
alabaster, 683
brass black-patinated, 453, 1294, 1320
brass cut-work on walnut, 409, 530, 688, 936, 939–940
with Wedgwood plaques, 939
brass silver-plated, 1683
buhl, 1220, 1232, 1273, 1287–1288, 1407
cast-iron on ccd, 2063
coromandel wood, 1667
deer's hoof, 663
gilt brass with malachite, 957, 1225, 1287
glass, 1262, 1632, 1634, 1649
inlaid stone, 361, 940, 2057–2058
leather over wood, 939
marble, 940, 1223, 1469, 1514–1515, 1667, 1678, 1702, 1742, 2057–2058
mother-of-pearl, 663
onyx, 1678, 1680
ornate brass, 146, 366, 936, 940, 1260, 1520
oval brass, 681, 936, 939–940, 944
pottery, 939
ram's horn, 190
silver, 1649
silver snuffer tray, 1677
silver with Limoges enamel, 939
silver with stamp-box, 821
specialist mkrs, 2058
tortoiseshell, 1680
tortoiseshell & brass, 1220, 1273, 1287–1288
tortoiseshell & silver, 1407
wood, numerous references
wooden bear, 663
"Basic Library"
article by Crawforth, 87
article by Sturgess, 186–189
article by Willard, 2083–2084, 2091–2096
Basic Scale component, 2146
load receiver, 2146
load sensor, 2146
readout, 2146
Basic Scale components, on Egyptian balance, 2146
Basingstoke, inspectors mark, 46
basis weight, 3077
basket of grapes, poise, 1288
Bassingham, John
dates, 1731
same address as Bassingham, Samuel, 1731
Bassingham, Robert
brother of Bassingham, William, 1731
dates, 1731
master of Shorey, Ebenezer, 1731
same address as Bassingham, Samuel, 1731
son of Bassingham, Samuel, 1731
succeeded by Winsbury, John (wrongly aligned with Bassingham, William), 1731
Bassingham, Samuel
apprentice of Oxley, Henry, 1731
dates, 1731
employer of Bunn, John, 1731
father of Bassingham, Robert, 1731
father of Bassingham, William, 1731
master of Brooks, William, 1731
master of Bunn, John, 1731
master of Turner, John Thomas, 1731
same address as Bassingham, John, 1731
same address as Bassingham, Robert, 1731
Bassingham, William
brother of Bassingham, Robert, 1731
erroneous record, not succeeded by Winsbury, John, 1731
member of Drapers Co, 1727
son of Bassingham, Samuel, 1731
Bastian's Die Munzwaage in der Hand des Sammlers (review), 619
Bastick, Richard
(not Thomas) apprentice of Vandome, Richard, 1734
apprentice of Bastick, Thomas, 1734
dates, 1734
succeeded by Bastick, Richard & Son, 1734
successor of Bastick, Thomas & Son, 1734
Bastick, Richard & Son
apothecary sc mkr, 1734
dates, 1734
successor of Bastick, Richard, 1734
Bastick, Thomas
dates, 1734
master of Bastick, Richard, 1734
partner of Driver, John Samuel, 1734
Bastick, Thomas & Son
succeeded by Bastick, Richard, 1734
successors of Bastick & Driver, 1734
Bastick & Driver
Bastick, Thomas & Driver, John Samuel, 1734
dates, 1734
succeeded by Bastick, Thomas & Son, 1734
succeeded by Driver & Son, 1734
yarn sc mkr, 1734
batch weighing, 2214
Bate, R B see Bate, Robert Brettell
Bate, Richard I
apprentice of Oven, Henry, 1736
apprentice of Snart, John, 211
coin sc mkr, 211, 212
dates, 1736
father of Bate, Richard II, 1736
master of Turvey, William, 1736
succeeded by Bate, Richard II, 1736
Bate, Richard II
dates, 1736
partner of Sewell, George, 1736
son of Bate, Richard I, 1736
successor of Bate, Richard I, 1736
Bate, Robert Brettell, 2333, 2597
Admiralty Charts of, 2251
book on Bate (reviewed), 1786–1788
bullion balance mkr, 2243–2245
coin sc mkr, 1787
collaborator with Cotton, William, 1723
dates, 1723, 2245
inspectors sc mkr, 1791, 2081
Mathematical Instrument to His Majesty's Board of Excise, 2251
mkr of Kater's design of wood beam, 2080, 2081, 2243–2245
New Imperial Standard, 2251–2252
price of, 2252
sc refurbished by Ladd & Oertling, 2080
Standard Measure mkr, 2251
Standard weights mkr, 1786, 2250–2252
successful manufacturer, 2245
trade card, 2245, 2247
working with Berge, Matthew, 1787
working with DeGrave & Son, 1787
working with Dring & Fage, 1787
working with Field, John, 1787
working with Holtzapffel & Co, 1787
working with Kater, Henry, 1786–1787, 2243–2245
working with Ladd, E W, 1787
working with Landale & Tod, 2250–2252
working with Long, Joseph, 1787
working with Makins, G H, 2115
working with Neill, Robert, 1787
working with Oertling, Ludwig, 1787, 2115
working with Potter, J D, 1787
working with Robinson, Thomas Charles, 1787
working with Sanders, Thomas, 1787
working with Sikes, Bartholomew, 1787
working with Simms, William, 1787
working with Troughton, Edward, 1787
working with Young & Son, 1787
Bate & Co
coin sc mkr, 1736
dates, 1736
moved to Birmingham, 1736
successors of Bate & Sewell, 1736
Bate & Sewell
Bate, Richard II & Sewell, George, 1736
succeeded by Bate & Co, 1736
Bath, inspectors mark, 46
Bather, George
apothecary sc mkr, 1738
apprentice of Stanley, Nathaniel, 1738
dates, 1738
partner of Chisholme, James, 1738
successor of Chisholme & Bather, 1738
bathroom sc, 2803
see also Person sc
bathroom sc mkr, Salter, Geo & Co Ltd, 543, 554
Batley mark, 2031
Batz, Gary, biography, 2541
"Herbert Griesshaber's 1648 Cologne Langenbergh Scale & Box" (article), 2942–2944
letter to editor, silver prover, 1141
Light Coin Act, response, 1969
"Presidential Coin Scales" (article), 2535–2541
Response to Review, Pommier's Poids Monétaires II, Poids pour monnaies non françaises (article), 2721–2726
Inventaire des poids, 1386–1387
L'aventure du Metre, 1296–1297
Bausch & Lomb, trip sc mkr, 3095
Bavarian Office of W & M, 642
Bavarian wts see Weights, nationality
Baverstock, George
apprentice of Vaughton, Christopher, 1737
dates, 1737
Bayley, Michael
on Bartholomew Lane, 3018
date, 1727, 3019
Baylis, George Henry
apprentice of Fage, William II, 1737
dates, 1737
at same address as Poupard, Charles, 1737
successor of Fage, Elizabeth, 1737
Beach, 2649
Beach, Thomas
apothecary sc mkr, 1508
apprentice of French, Robert, 1501
article by Crawforth, D, 1499–1513, 1539–1548, 1572–1580
beam sc mkr, 2314
cheesemongers sc mkr, 1545
coin sc mkr, 1508–1509, 1512
contracting beam sc mkr, 1547
dates, 1026
family tree, 1506
flour sc mkr, 1546
great-uncle of Avery, Thomas, 1506
great-uncle of Avery, William, 1506
indenture, 1501
inspectors sc mkr, 1508, 1553, 1575
prices, 1539–1548
steelyard mkr, 1026, 1504, 1508, 1512, 1543, 1565, 1572–1573
successor of Barton, William Bridgins, 1505
trade card, 1507, 1512
trade sc mkr, 1508, 1539, 1574
uncle of Balden, Joseph, 1506
variations offered, 1547
weights mkr, 577
widow, 1579
see also catalogue
beaker, measuring, 797
def, 172
accelerating, 2603
aluminium, 4, 5
arrestment theory, 3
Baily's metal, 2080
bifurcated, 1261, 2190
brass, numerous references
brass alloy, 4
bronze, 5, 115, 249, 281, 814–816, 1567–1569
compensating poise for, 2822
contracting, 1507
copper beryllium, 5
curved, 2479–2480, 2484–2485
design theory, 4
displacement of, 2949
double, 1479, 1528–1529, 1538, 1941–1942
early style, 1351–1354, 1377, 1380
equal-arm, 2575–2578
five, 2200
flexure, 230
gauge, def, 9
gilded, 91, 138, 957
glass, 1168
gun-metal, 115, 2248, 2337–2338
hand held, 2442
hinged, 1326, 1567, 1724
iron, 2357, 2395
ivory, 1300, 1718–1719
lacquered, 700
lattice, 230, 247, 642, 2363
bankers, 1940
early designs, 1215, 1745
precision, 4, 157, 258, 287, 493, 563, 620, 642, 1215, 2363
reasons for, 642, 1745
trade, 7, 111, 137, 559
leaf-section, 205
magnalium, 5
mazac, 975, 977
mediaeval, 1566, 1609–1613
nickel/chromium, 5
nickel-plated brass, 2318
painted, 9, 136, 335, 957, 1205, 1539–1547, 1586, 1590, 1744, 2005
with positive face line, 2950
quartz, 750
rectangular, 2381
sao-Bakari, 321
screwed-together rods, 589
sets, 148
short, 5, 589, 700, 790, 843
slit, bismar, 1326
slotted, 1277
snake, postal sc, 345
square section, 1040
stable equilibrium, 2949
steel, 2197–2198
theory of, 2949–2951
thickness, 5
tin, 1787
tubular, 1293, 1570
twin, 2479, 2885
in unstable equilibrium, 2950
variable, 758
vibrating, 2603
volute shaped, 2479
wire, 1133, 1176
wood, 591, 1851, 2081, 2243–2249, 2249–2250
Zapon-coated, 700
beam def, 171
beam end
def, 171
agate, 7, 1458
beam end shapes, 2572–2574
agate-swan, 1452, 1454
Antwerp, 254
Berlin box, 149, 156
box, 2, 5, 204, 225, 495, 1452, 1542, 1547, 2007
bright ball, 1541, 1545, 2007
Chinese, 175
cusp box, 196
double hole, 228, 599, 601, 2356, 2358–2359
flattened, 2395
Dutch, 229, 472, 858, 860, 1097, 1456, 1540, 1547, 2006
English early, 1351
German swan neck, 62, 82, 507, 1789
hole & cord, 249, 625, 1612, 2025
hook, 1351
horned double-hole, 2359–2360
horned hole, 41
inverted swan-neck, 256, 1189, 1211, 1464
Japanese trumpet, 326
lotus, 2176
Nürnberg, 228, 254, 277, 305, 2414–2415
open box, 42, 80, 284, 1419
oval box, 1749
Renaissance trumpet, 172, 173
ring & hole, 224–225, 249,
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