A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

erhmia: desert eremetical, eremic, eremite, eremology, hermit, hermitage, hermitical eriV

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erhmia: desert

eremetical, eremic, eremite, eremology, hermit, hermitage, hermitical

eriV: strife

Eris, eristic

ermhneuV: interpreter; ErmhV: Hermes

herm, hermaphrodism, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, hermaphroditism, hermeneutics, Hermes, hermetic, hermetical, hermetically, hermetics, hermetism, herrmetist

erpw: crawl

herpes, herpetic, herpetiform, herpetism, herpetofauna, herpetography, herpetologist, herpetology, herpetotomy, herpicide

eruqroV: red

erysipelas, erythremia, erythric, erythrism, erythro-, erythroblast, erythrocyte, erythrogen, erythroid, erythromycin, erythrophobia, erythrophyll, erythroplastid, erythropoesis, erythroscope, erythrose, uroerythrin

ercomai: come, go

proselyte, proselytism, proselytize, proselytizer

erw: speak

rhetor, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorically, rhetorician

erwV: (physical) love; eraw: love; erasthV: lover

autoerotic, autoeroticism, erogenic, erogenous, Eros, erotic, erotically, eroticism, erotism, erotomania, erotophilia, homoerotic, homoeroticism, pederast, pederasty

esqiw, efagon: see fagein
EsiodoV: Hesiod

Hesiod, hesiodic

espera: evening

Hesperia, hesperian, Hesperides, hesperidium, Hesperus

estia: hearth

escara: hearth

scar (on body)

OED: scar may derive from escara.

escatoV: last

eschatological, eschatology, pareschatology

esw: within (variation of eiV: inside)

esophagal, esophagus, esoteric, esoterical, esoterically, esotericism etc.

etairoV/-a: comrade

hetaera, hetaira, hetairism

eteroV: other

hetero, heteroblastic, heterocercal, heterochromatic, heteroclite, heterocyclic, heterocyst, heterodactyl, heterodont, heterodox, heterodoxy, heterodromous, heterodynamic, heterodyne, heterogamete, heterogamous, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogenital, heterogeny, heterograft, heterography, heterogynous, heterokinesy, heterologous, heterology, heterolysis, heteromerous, heteromorphic, heteronomous, heteronomy, heteronuclear, heteronym, heteronymous, heterousian, heteropathic, heterophemy, heterophile, heterophony, heterophoric, heterophyllous, heterophye, heteroplasty, heteropod, heteropolar, heteropraxis, heteropraxy, heteropterous, heterosexist, heterosexual, heterosexuality, heterosis, heterosporous, heterostatic, heterostrophic, heterostyle, heterotaxis, heterothallic, heterotomous, heterotopia, heterotransplant, heterotrichosis, heterotrope, heterotrophic, heterotypic, heterousian, heterozygote

etoV: year

etumoV: true

etymological, etymologically, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, etymon, folk etymology
eu-: well

E.g., eulogium, eulogy, euphony, euthanasia, evangelism, evangelist

euqhnoV: thriving


EukleidhV: Euclid (Perhaps related to kleoV.)

Euclid, Euclidean, non-Euclidean

EuhmeroV: Euhemerus; see hmera
eunh: bed

dispareunia, eunuch

euriskw, eurhka: find

eureka, heuretic, heurism, heuristic

euruV: broad

aneurism, aneurysm, eurybathic, eurycephalic, eurycerous, euryene, eurygnathous, euryphagous, euryphagy, eurypterid, euryscope, eurystomatous, eurytherm, eurythermal

Eurwph: Europe

Eurasia, Eurasian, euro, eurodollar, Europe, European, Europeanism, Europeanize, europium, Indo-Euripean, non-European
eusebeia: reverence: see sebomai
Euterph: Euterpe

Euterpe, Euterpean

EfesoV: Ephesus

Ephesian, ephesite, Ephesus

ec-: from, out of (See ek-.)
ecinoV:: hedgehog

echinacea, echinal, echinate, echinid, echinocactus, echinochrome, echinococcus, echinod, echinoderm, echinodermata, echinoid, echinoidea, echinology, echinulate, echinuliform, echinus
eciV: adder

Echidna, echites, echium, echuroid

ecw: have, hold; parecw: provide; proucw: surpass

cathexis, echard, entelechy, ephectic, epoch, epochal, eunuch, hectic, hectically, hexiology, ischemia, ischretic, ischuria, osthexy, schema, schematic, schematically, schematism, schematist, schematization, schematize, scheme, schemer, scheming, schemist, sketch, sketchbook, sketcher, sketchily, sketchiness, sketchy, synechia, synechism, synectic, synectics, synocha, synochal, synochus


zaw: live; zwh: life; zwon: animal

archizoic, azo-, azote, azotic, bryozoa, Cainozoic, Cenozoic, coprozoic, cosmozoic, cosmozoism, cryptozoa, crytozoic, cryptozoon, cyathozoid, cytozoa, dactylozooid, dermatozoa, deuterozooid, diazotype, diphyzooid, dizoic, enzootic, entozoon, Eozoic, eozoon, epizoic, epizoon, epizootic, ethnozoology, gastrozoid, gonozooid, heliozoan, hematozoan, holozoic, homeozoic, hydrozoan, hylozoic, hylozoism, hylozoist, hypozoa, isozoic, isozooid, kenozooid, malacozoic, megazoospore, merozoite, Mesazoa, Mesozoic, Metazoa, metazoan, microzoa, microzoan, microzooid, monasterial, monastery, monastic, monastically, monasticism, monasticize, monerozoa, monozoic, mycetozoa, nematozooid, Neozoic, oligozoospermia, oozoa, osteozoon, Paleozoic, paleozoology, pantozootia, pantozooism, panzootic, phanerozoic, philozoic, phytozoon, polyzoan, proterozoic, Protozoa, Protozoan, protozoic, protozoology, scyphozoan, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, sporozoan, sporozoite, teleozoon, theriozoic, trophozoite, trophozooid, zoantharian, zoanthropy, zoarium, zodiac, zodiacal, Zoe, zoetic, zoic, zoid, zoism, zoo, zoocentric, zoochemistry, zoodynamic, zooecium, zoogen, zoogenic, zoographer, zoographic, zoogeography, zoography, zooid, zoolatry, zoological, zoologist, zoology, zoomania, zoometry, zoomorph, zoomorphic, zoomorphism, zoomythic, zoon, zoonosis, zoopathology, zoophagous, zoophile, zoophilia, zoophilous, zoophobia, zoophobic, zoophysics, zoophyte, zooplankter, zooplankton, zooplasty, zoopsychology, zooscopic, zoosemiotics, zoosperm, zoospore, zootaxy, zootechny, zootheism, zootokon, zootomy, zootrope, zootype, zooxanthin, zoozygosphere

ZeuV: Jupiter

Dioscuri, eudiometer, Jupiter, zenocentric, zenographic, zenography, Zeus

ZefuroV: west wind

zephyr, zephyrean, zephyrous

zew: boil

eczema, eczematous, zeolite, zeolithic, zeolitize, zeoscope

zhloV: jealousy, zeal; zhlow: rival; zhlow: be jealous

jealous, jealously, jealousy, overzealous, unzealous, zeal, zealless, zealot, zealotry, zealous, zealously, zealousness, zelotic, zelotism, zelotry

zhta: zeta

cedilla, zeta, zetacism, zeta-function, zeta potential

zhtw: to seek

zugon: yoke; zeugnumi: yoke

azygous, bizygomatic, cryptozygous, diazeutic, dizygotic, epizeuxis, hemizygous, heterozygote, homozygote, hypozeugma, monozygotic, phenozygous, syzygant, syzygetic, syzygial, syzygium, syzygy, zeuglodon, zeugma, zeugmatic, zeugmatography, zeuxite, zoozygosphere, zygodactyl, zygodactylous, zygodont, zygogenesis, zygology, zygoma, zygomatic,zygome, zygomorphic, zygon, zygoneure, zygophore, zygophyte, zygosis, zygosity, zygosome, zygosperm, zygospore, zygote
zumh: leaven

abzyme, azym(e), azymous, dezymotize, enzymatic, enzyme, enzymology, histozyme, isoenzyme, isozyme, lysozyme, microzyme, pancreozymin, proenzyme, Prozymite, prozymogen, zyme, zymocyte, zymogen, zymogenesis, zymogenic, zymogram, zymoid, zymology, zymolysis, zymometer, zymophore, zymophyte, zymoplastic, zymosan, zymoscope, zymosis, zymotechny, zymotic, zymotoxic, zymurgy

zwnh: girdle; zwnnumai: gird

faunizone, idiozome, intrazonal, meterzone, parazonium, rezone, subzonal, subzone, tautozonal, Temperate Zone, time zone, Torrid Zone, trizonal, war zone, zona, zonal, zonar, zonary, zonate, zonation, zone, zone center, zone defense, zoneless, zone level, zone refinery, zoning, zonular, zonule


hbh: youth

ephebe, ephebophilia, Hebe, hebeanthous, hebecarpous, hebecladous, hebegynous, hebepetalous, hebephrenia, hebephrenic, hebetic, hebetudinous

hgemwn: governor, guide; hgeomai: lead

cynegetics, eisegesis, epexegesis, exegete, exegesis, exegetical, exegetics, hegemon, hegemonic, hegemonist, hegemony, hegumen, hegumene, hegumeny

hduV: sweet, pleasant; hdonh: pleasure

aedes (mosquito), anhedonia, hedonic, hedonism, hedonist, hedonistic

hqmoV: sieve

hlektron: amber, pale gold

bioelectrical, bioelectricity, bioelectronics, de-electrify, dielectric, diselectrify, dynamo- electric, e-business, e-commerce, EKG, e-learning, electret, electric, electrical, electrically, electric chair, electric fence, electrician, electricity, electric shock, electrifiable, electrification, electrifier, electrify, electrization, electrize, electro, electro- acoustics, electroanalysis, electroballisitic, electrobiology, electrobioscopy, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, electrochemical, electrochemistry, electrocute, electrocution, electrocycle, electrocyte, electrode, electrodeposit, electrodessication, electrodynamics, electroencephalogram, electroencephalograph, electrofocusing, electrogenic, electrogram, electrograph, electrography, electrojet, electrokinetics, electrolier, electrology, electroluminescence, electroluminescent, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrolytic, electrolyze, electromagnet, electromagnetic, electromagnetism, electromechanical, electromeric, electrometalurgy, electrometer, electromigration, electromotion, electromotive, electromotor, electromyogram, electromyograph, electron, electronarcosis, electronarcotic, electronegative, electroneutral, electronically, electronics, electron microscope, electronographic, electropathy, electrophilic, electrophone, electrophonic, electrophoresis, electrophorus, electroplant, electroplate, electroplegy, electropositive, electroproduction, electropuncture, electroretinograph, electrorate, electroscope, electrostatic, electrostatics, electrostimulation, electrostriction, electrosynthetic, electrotechnician, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, electrotint, electrotonus, electrotropism, electrotype, electroweak, electrum, email, e- message, ferroelectric, hydroelectric, isoelectric, isoelectronic, kiloelectron, magnoelectric, microelectrode, microelectronics, myoelectric, neuroelectric, nonelectrocyte, nonelectrolyte, olfactronics, optoelectronics, photoelectric, photoelectron, piezoelectric, piezoelectricity, polyelectrolyte, polyelectronic, positron, pyro-electric, stereoelectronic, technetronic, telectric, therioelectric, therioelectricity, thermoelectric
hleoV: dice (in OLD under alea, but not in LS)

alea iacta est, aleatoric, aleatory

hlioV: sun

aphelion, diakeliotropic, diaheliotropism, heliacal, heliacally, heliocentric, heliocentrism, heliochrome, heliogram, heliograph, heliographer, heliographic, heliography, heliolatry, heliolithic, heliology, heliometer, heliometric, heliopause, heliophile, heliophilous, heliophobe, heliophobia, heliophobous, heliopolar, Helios, helioscope, heliosis, heliostat, heliotactic, heliotaxis, heliotherapy, heliotrope, heliotropic, heliotropism, heliotype, heliozoan, helium, isohel, orthohelium, paraheliotropic, parheliacal, parhelion, perihelion, photoheliograph, pyrheliometer, pyroheliometer, spectroheliogram, spectrohelioscope

hloV: nail

helocerous, heloderm, helodont

Hlusion: Elysium

Elysee, Elysian, Elysium

hmera: day

Decameron, ephemera, ephemeral, ephemerality, ephemeralization, ephemerally, ephemerid, ephemeris, ephemeromorph, ephemeron, ephermous, Euhemerism, Euhemerist, Euhemerize, Euhemerus, hemera, hemeral, hemeralpia, nycthemeral, nychthemeron, penthemimer, trihemeral

hmi-: half

e.g., hemi-, hemisphere

hpar: liver

enterohepatitis, heparinize, hepatalgia, hepatectomy, hepatic, hepatitis, hepatize, hepato- hepatobiliary, hepatocele, hepatocellular, hepatocystic, hepatogastric, hepatogenic, hepatography, hepatolith, hepatology, hepatomegaly, hepatopathy, hepatorenal, hepatorrhea, hepatoscopy, hepatotomy, hepatotoxin, intrahepatic

hpeiroV: mainland

epeirotic, epeirogenesis, epeirogeny

Hra: Hera; HraklhV: Heracles

Hera, Heracles, Heraclid, herculean, Hercules

hrwV: hero

antihero, hero, heroic, heroical, heroically, heroics, heroify, heroin, heroine, heroism, heroistic, heroize, hero myth, hero-worship, mock-heroic, mythoheroic, nonhero, war hero

hsucoV: still

hesychast, hesychastic

hforoV: ephor

hcw: sound, echo

anechoic, catechesis, catechetic, catechetical, catechetically, catechism, catechismal, catechist, catechize, catechizer, catechumen, echo, echocardiogram, echogram, echograph, echoic, echoism, echolalia, echolation, echoless, echolocation, echometer, echopraxia, echo-sounding, re-echo
hwV: dawn

eoan, eoanthropos, eobiont, Eocene, eohippic, eohippus, eolite, eolith, eolithic, eophytic, Eos, eosaurus, eosin, eosinophil, Eozoic, eozoon

qalamoV: inner room

epithalamium, hypothalamus, monothalmic, monothalmous, neothalamus, prothalamion, prothalamium, subthalamic, subthalamus, thalamencephalon, thalamus

qalassa: sea

Panthalassa, thalassanemia, thalassian, Thalassic, thalassocracy, thalassocrat, thalassocraty, thalassography, thalassophile, thalassophilia, thalassotherapy, thallattology

qallw: sprout

heterothallic, homothallic, thalerophagous, thallic, thalliferous, thallium, thalloid, thallophyte, thallus

qanatoV: death

euthanasia, euthanize, tachythanatous, thanatism, thanatist, thanatoid, thanatologist, thanatology, thanatophilia, thanatophobia, thanatopsis, Thanatos

qaptw: bury; tafoV: tomb

bibliotaph, bibliotaphic, cenotaph, epitaph, taphonomy

qaumazw: wonder; qaumastoV: marvellous

thaumatology, thaumatrope, thaumaturge, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgist, thaumaturgy

qeaomai: behold; qea: viewing; qewrew: look at; qeathV: spectator; qeatron: theater

amphitheater, countertheory, metatheater, metatheorem, metatheory, microtheory, nosotheory, quantum theory, theater, theater seat, theatric, theatrical, theatricalism, theatricality, theatrically, theatrics, theatrocracy, theatromania, theatrophil, theatrophobia, theorem, theoretic, theoretical, theoretically, theoretician, theoria, theorist, theorize, theory, wave theory

qeion: sulfur

dithionic, pentathionic, thiazide, thiobacillus, thiocarbonate, thiochrome, thiocrasy, thiocyanogen, thiogenic, thioindigo, thionic, trithionic

qelw: will

Dyothelite, monothelite, thelemic

qeoV: deity; qea: goddess; qusia: sacrifice; quein: sacrifice

apotheosis, apotheosize, atheism, atheist, atheistic, atheistically, atheize, autotheism, autotheist, autotheistic, bitheism, cosmotheism, ditheism, ditheist, ditheistic, Dorothy, egotheism, enthuse, enthusiasm, enthusiast, enthusiastic, enthusiastical, enthusiastically, henotheism, henotheist, henotheistic, hylotheism, katheotheism, monotheism, monotheist, monotheistic, nomotheism, ontotheology, overenthusiastic, overenthusiasm, pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic, pantheology, pantheon, pantheum, philotheist, physico-theology, physitheism, polytheism, polytheist, polytheistic, process theology, psychotheism, theandric, theanthropic, theanthropism, theoanthropomorphic, Theanthropos, thearchy, theism, theist, theistic, theocentric, theocentrism, theocracy, theocrat, theocratic, theochristic, theodemocracy, theodicy, theodidact, Theodore, theody, theodrama, theogeological, theognostic, theogonic, theogonist, theogony, theohuman, theoktonic, theoktony, theolatry, theolepsy, theologaster, theologate, theologian, theologic, theological, theologically, theologism, theologist, theologize, theologoumenon, theologue, theology, theomachy, theomancy, theomania, theomaniac, theometamorphism, theomicrist, theomonism, theomorphic, theomorphism, theomythology, theonomist, theonomy, theopathetic, theopathy, theophagous, theophany, theophilanthropy, theophile, theophilist, theophilosophy, theophobia, theophoric, theophorous, theopneust, theopsychism, theosoph, theosophical, theosophism, theosophist, theosophistic, theosophy, theotaurine, theotechny, theoteleological, theoteleology, theotokos, theurgic, theurgical, theurgist, theurgy, Timothy, tritheism, tritheist, zootheism

qerapwn: attendant; qerapeuw: heal

actinotherapy, bacteriotherapeutic, bacteriotherapy, balneotherapy, bibliotherapy, chemotherapy, chronotherapy, climatotherapy, cryotherapy, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, heliotherapy, hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, immunotherapy, kinesitherapy, logotherapy, massotherapy, mechanotherapy, metallotherapy, oenotherapy, opotherapy, organotherapy, pelotherapy, phototherapy, phthisiotherapy, physical therapy, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, pneumatotherapy, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapy, radiotherapeutic, radiotherapy, sex therapy, shock therapy, teletherapy, thalassotherapy, therapeutic, therapeutical, therapeutics, therapist, therapy, thermotherapy, xylotherapy

qerion: wild beast

dinothere, elasmotherion, megathere, paleothere, panther, pantheress, pantherine, prototheria, therian, therianthropic, therioanthropomorphic, theriatrics, theriodont, theriodynamics, therielectric, therielectricity, theriogenesis, theriograph, therioid, theriolatry, theriolysis, theriomancy, theriomaniac, theriomorph, theriomorphic, theriomorphism, theriotomy, theriozoic, therodont, theroid, therolatry, therology, theromorous, theromorph, therophyte, theropodous, therosaur, titanothere, treacle

qeromai: become warm; qermoV: hot, warm; qalpw: heat

athermic, barothermograph, chronothermal, diathermal, diathermancy, diathermanous, diathermic, diathermy, diathermous, diathermometer, endotherm, endothermal, endothermally, endothermic, endothermy, enthalpy, eurytherm, eurythermal, exotherm, exothermal, exothermally, exothermic, geoisotherm, geothermal, geothermic, geothermometer, hematherm, hematothermal, homeothermic, homotherm, hydrothermal, hyperthermia, hypothermia, hytherograph, isallotherm, isogeothermal, isotheral, isothere, isotherm, isothermal, katathermometer, megatherm, megistotherm, meiotherm, mesotherm, microtherm, normothermal, normothermia, normothermic, pantothermal, parathermic, photothermic, pliothermic, poikilothermic, radiothermy, stenothermal, synthermal, tectonothermal, telethermogram, telethermograph, telethermometer, therm, thermal, thermal analysis, thermal capacity, thermal cycle, thermal diffusion, thermal efficiency, thermal imaging, thermalize, thermal noise, thermal pollution, thermal storage, thermal unit, thermanesthetic, thermesthetic, thermic, Thermidor, thermion, thermionic, thermistor, thermite, thermoammeter, thermoaqueous, thermochaotic, thermochemical, thermochemistry, thermochromism, thermocline, thermocompression, thermocouple, thermocycler, thermode, thermodiffusion, thermoduric, thermodynamic, thermoelastic, thermoelectric, thermoform, thermogenesis, thermogeography, thermogram, thermograph, thermographic, thermography, thermogravimetry, thermohaline, thermoharden, thermohydrology, thermohydrometer, thermokinematics, thermolabile, thermology, thermoluminescence, thermoluminescent, thermolysis, thermomagnetic, thermomagnetism, thermomechanical, thermometamorphism, thermometer, thermometric, thermometrical, thermometry, thermomotor, thermomotive, thermoneutral, thermonuclear, thermophagy, thermophil, thermophilic, thermophilous, thermophone, thermophore, thermopile, thermoplastic, thermoplegia, thermopower, Thermopylae, thermoreceptor, thermoregulatory, thermos, thermoscope, thermoscopic, thermosensitive, thermoset, thermosphere, thermostable, thermostat, thermostatics, thermosynthesis, thermotactic, thermotaxis, thermotensile, thermotension, thermotherapy, thermotic, thermotoxin, thermotropic, thermotropism, thermotype, water thermometer, xenothermal

QersitnV: Thersites

Thersites, Thersitical

qesmoV: law


QespiV: Thespis

Thespian, Thespianism, Thespis

Qessalia: Thessaly

Thessalian, Thessaloniki, Thessaly

Qhbh: Thebes

Thebaic, Thebaid, Theban, Thebes

qhkaioV: burial coffin; qhkh: repository: see tiqhmi
qhluV: female; qhlh: nipple

endothelial, endothelium, epithelial, epithelium, mesothelial, mesothelium, polythelism, thelitis, thelyblast, thelygenous, thelykaryotic, thelytokous

qhsauroV: treasure

entreasure, subtreasurer, subtreasury, thesaurosis, thesaurus, tresaurable, treasure, treasure chest, treasure hunt, treasurer, treasurership, treasure trove, treasury, Treasury Department, treasury note, untreasured

qhta: theta

theta, theta-function

qiasoV: Bacchic dance

thiasos, thiasus

qigma: touch

thigmokinesis, thigmoreceptor, thigmotaxis, thigmotropism

qiV: beach

thinocorine, thinolite

qoloV: building with conical roof, dome

thole, tholobate, tholoid, tholos

QoukudidhV: Thucydides

Thucydidean, Thucydides

Qraswn: Thraso (a boastful, comic character)

Thrasonic, Thrasonical

Qrakh: Thrace

Samothrace, Thrace, Thracian
qremma: nursling

qrhnoV: lament, dirge

threnode, threnody

qrix: hair

chromotricial, distrix, heterotrichosis, ophiothrix, oxytrichine, polytrichous, schizotrichia, sporotrichosis, streptothricosis, trichiasis, trichina, trichinize, trichinosis, trichinous, trichite, trichogenous, trichoid, trichologist, trichology, trichoma, trichophobia, trichophyte, trichosis, trichotillomania, ulotrichan, ulotrichous

qromboV: clot

prothrombin, thrombectomy, thrombin, thrombocyte, thrombolite, thrombolytic, thrombophlebitis, thromboplastic, thrombose, thrombosis, thrombus

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