A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

khroV: wax (See also cera

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khroV: wax (See also cera.)

cerography, ceroplasty, kerogen, kerosene, meliceris, ozocerite, sycoceric

khrux: herald


khtoV: whale

cetacean, cetic, ceteosaur, cetology, Cetus, denticete, spermaceti

KhfeuV: Cepheus

Cepheid, Cepheus

kiqara: lyre

cithara, citharist, guitar, guitarist, zither

kinew: set in motion

akinesia, akinetic, autokinetic, biokinetics, bradykinesia, bradykinesis, chemokinetic, cinema, cinemascope, cinematheque, cinematic, cinematically, cinematics, cinematize, cinematograph, cinematographer, cinetmatography, cinemobile, cinephile, cinerama, cytokinin, cytokinesis, cytokinetic, diakinesis, diskinesia, electrokinetics, enterokinase, heterokinesy, hexokinase, hydrokinetic, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic, hypokinetic, ideokinetic, interkinesis, isokinetic, karyokinesis, kine, kinematics, kineme, kineograph, kinesalgia, kinesiatric, kinescope, kinesic, kinesics, kinesimeter, kinesiologist, kinesiology, kinesiometer, kinesipath, kinesis, kineticism, kinesiscope, kinesitherapy, kinesodic, kinesthesia, kinetic, kinetically, kineticism, kineticist, kinetics, kinetogenesis, kinetodesma, kinetogram, kinetograph, kinetonucleus, kinetophone, kinetoplast, kinetoscope, kinetosis, kinetosome, klinokinetic, metakinesis, optokinetic, orthokinesis, orthokinetic, parakinesis, pharmacokinetics, photokinesis, prokinesis, prokinetic, psychokinesia, psychokinesis, psychokinetic, stathmokinesis, streptokinase, synkinetic, telekin, telekinesis, telekinetic, thermokinematics, thigmokinesis, urokinase

kirroV: tawny

cirrholite, cirrhosis, cirrhotic

kissoV: ivy

kisth: basket

chest, cist, cistern
kicora: chicory


klaw: break; kladoV: branch

anaclastic, biblioclasm, biblioclast, cataclasm, cataclastic, clade, cladism, cladist, cladistic(s), cladogenesis, clastic, clematis, cranioclasm, cranioclast, cryptoclastic, dendroclastic, diaclastic, disdiaclast, dysclasite, epiclastic, hebecladous, histoclastic, iconoclasm, iconoclast, iconoclastic, idoloclast, lithoclast, microclastic, mythoclastic, oligoclase, orthoclase, osteoclasis, osteoclast, panclastic, panclastite, plagioclase, plagioclastic, polyclad, proteoclastic, pyroclastic, rhomboclase, synclastic, triclad, volcaniclastic

kleiw: shut

cleisto-, cleistocarp, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogsmy, cleistogenous, cleithral, clithral, clitoridectomy, clitoris, diclesium, ophicleide

kleptw: steal; klepthV: thief; klph: theft

biblioklept, clepsydra, cleptocracy, cynklept, klepht, kleptobiosis, kleptocracy, kleptolagnia, kleptomania, kleptomaniac

klew: make famous; kleoV: famous

Cleo, Cleopatra, Clio, Heracles, Heraclid, herculean, Hercules

klhroV: lot

anticlerical, clergy, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clericalism, clericalist, clerically, clerisy, clerk, clerkly, clerkship, cleromancy, cleronomy, nonclerical

klinw: bend; klimax: ladder; klima: slope, zone; klinh: bed (See L. clino.)

acclimate, acclimatization, acclimatize, anaclitic, anticlimactic, anticlimax, anticline, bioclimatic, bioclimatology, climacteric, climactic, climactically, climate, climatic, climatography, climatological, climatologist, climatology, climatotherapy, climax, clime, climograph, cline, clinic, clinical, clinically, clinician, clinographic, clinoid, clinometer, clinometric, clitic, cryptoclite, cycloclinal, dendroclimatology, diaclinal, diclinic, diclinism, diclinous, disclimax, ecoclimate, enclisis, enclitic, endoclinal, epiclinal, exoclinal, geoclinal, geosynclinal, geosyncline, helicline, heteroclite, homoclime, homocline, isoclinal, isocline, klinocephalous, klinokinetic, klinostat, klinotaxis, matroclinal, matroclinous, microclimate, monoclinal, monocline, monoclinic, monoclinous, orocline, paleoclimatologist, paleoclimatology, paraclinical, patroclinous, phytoclimate, policlinic, polyclimax, polyclinic, postclitic, proclimax, procline, proclisis, proclitic, synclinal, syncline, synclitic, thermocline, topocline, triclinic

For incline, decline etc. see L. clivis.
kluzw: wash away, dash over

cataclysm, cataclysmal, cataclysmally, cataclysmic, clyster, klydonograph, klyster, klystron, venoclysis

kluw: twig

clonal, clone, monclonal, polyclonal

knedh: nettle

cnidarian, cnidoblast, cnidocyst, cnidocyte, cnidogenous

kogcoV: mussel

cockle, cocoon, conch, concha, conche, concher, conchifer, conchifera, conchiferous, conchiform, conchifragous, conchite, conchitic, conchitis, conchoid, conchoidal, conchoidally, conchological, conchology, conchometer, conchoscope, conchospiral, conchotome, conchylaceous, conchylia, coquina, dissoconch, protoconch

koqornoV: high boot

cothurn, cothurnal, cothurnate, cothurnus

koiloV: hollow

coelacanth, coelenteron, coelia, coeliac, coeliotomy, coeloblast, coelodont, Coelomata, coelomate, coelome, coelon, coelosperm, coelospermous, dendrocoele, enterocoele, epicoelia, gonocoele, hemocoele, hydrocoele, mesocoele, metacoele, monocoelic, myelocoele, myocoele, neurocoele, omphalocoele, opisthocoelous, orthocoelic, pleurocoele, procoelous, pseudocoele, schizocoele

I have retained the -oe- spelling to distinguish from derivatives of khlh.
koimaw: put to sleep: see keimai
koinoV: common

cenobite, coenoblast, coenocyte, coenogamy, coenopodous, coenospecies, coenure, coinonomic, epicene, koine, koinonia, phytocoenosis

koix: doum-palm

cycad, cycadaceous, cycadeous, cycadiform, cycadite

kokkoV: grain

coccid, coccoid, coccolith, coccule, coccus, cochineal, cryptococosis, cytococcus, dicoccous, echinococcus, enterococcus, gonococcus, meningococcus, myxococcus, pneumococcus, polycoccous, protococcus, pyococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus

kokkux: cuckoo

coccygeal, coccyx, cuckold

kolafoV: stroke; kolaptw: peck at

cope, coppice, copse, coup, coupe, coupon, decoupage, recoup

koleon: sheath

coleopter, Coleoptera, coleopterous

kolla: glue

collage, collagen, collagenous, collemia, colleter, colleterial, colletic, collidine, colligative, collodion, collograph, colloid, colloidal, collophane, collophore, collotype, gradocol, HTTP, hydrocolloid, osteocolla, protocol, protocolaire, sarcocolla, VoIP

kolon: intestine; koloV: shortened

colectomy, coli, colic, colicky, coliform, colitis, colobium, cololite, colon, colonic, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colopexy, colorectal, colostomy, colotomy, enterocolitis, epicolic, gastrocolic, megacolon, mesocolon, pericolitis

koloV: docked

kolossoV: large statue

coliseum, colossal, colossally, colosseum, colossus, supercolossal
kolofwn: summit

colophon, colophony

kolpoV: bosom, womb

bathocolpian, colpitis, colposcope, colpotomy, engulf, gulf, Gulf States, Gulf Stream, pericolpitis

KolciV: Colchis

Colchian, Colchis, colchicum

komh: hair

coma (of a comet), comal, comate, comet, cometary, cometic, cometographer, cometography, cometoid, cometology, comiferous, comoid, comose, comous, eucomis, melanocomous, philocomal

koniV: dust

konimeter, koniscope

koproV: dung

copragogue, copremia, copremesis, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprolitic, coprology, copromania, copromaniac, coprophagan, coprophagia, coprophagic, coprophagist, coprophagous, coprophagy, coprophile, coprophilia, coprophobia, coprosma, coprozoic, eccoprotic, ornithocoprolite

koptw: strike off

apocopate, apocapation, apocope, comma, commatism, osteocomma, osteocope, percope, syncopate, syncopation, syncopator, syncope

korallion: coral

coral, coralist, coralliferous, coralliform, corallin, coralline, corallite, corallitic, coralloid, coralloidal, corallum, corally, coral reef

korax: raven

coraciform, coracine, coracite, coracoid, coracoidal, coracomorphic, corcosteon

KorinqoV: Corinth

Corinth, Corinthian, Corinthianize, currant

koriV: bug


kormoV: stem

cormogen, cormogenous, cormogeny, cormology, cormophyly, cormophyte

koroV: boy; korh: girl

corectome, corectomy, coroplast, coroplastic, coroplasty, corotomy, Dioscuri, kore, kouros

korubaV: Corybant

Corybant, corybantic

korunh: club

corynebacterium, coryneform

koruV: lark


koruV: helmet

corymb, corymbiferous, corymbiform, corymbose, coryphaeus, coryphodon, coryphodont, corythosaurus

korfoV: twig


korwnh: crown; korwniV: curved

cornice, corniculate, corolla, corollaceous, corollar, corollarize, corollary, corolliferous, corollifloral, corolliform, corolline, corollist, corona, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, coronagraph, coronal, coronally, coronary, coronate, coronation, coroner, coronership, coronet, coroniform, coronilla, coronitis, coronofacial, coronoid, coronule, crown, crown colony, crowner, crownless, crownlet, crown prince, discrown, encrown, geocoronal, Northern Crown, paracorolla, postcrown, recrown, Southern Crown, thorn crown, uncrowned

koskinon: sieve


kosmoV: order; kosmioV: moderate

acosmic, cosmetic(s), cosmetical, cosmetically, cosmetician, cosmetize, cosmetologist, cosmetology, cosmic, cosmical, cosmicality, cosmically, cosmism, cosmist, cosmocentric, cosmochemistry, cosmocrat, cosmocritic, cosmodrome, cosmogenesis, cosmogenetic, cosmogenic, cosmogeny, cosmognosis, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmogonical, cosmogonist, cosmogony, cosmographer, cosmographic, cosmographical, cosmography, cosmogyral, cosmolabe, cosmolatry, cosmoline, cosmological, cosmologically, cosmologist, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmonautical, cosmophil, cosmophile, cosmoplastic, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitanly, cosmopolite, cosmopolitical, cosmopolitism, cosmorama, cosmoramic, cosmos, cosmosophy, cosmosphere, cosmotheism, cosmothetic, cosmothetical, cosmotron, cosmozoic, cosmozoism, hypercosmic, loxocosm, macrocosm, microcosm, microcosmic, microcosmography, microcosmology, neocosmic, pancosmic, pancosmism

kotulh: cup

acotyledonous, cotula, cotyle, cotyledon, cotyledonary, cotyliform, cotyligerous, cotyloid, cotylophorous, dicot, dicotyledon, hectocotyl, hypocotyl, monocot, monocotyledon, polycotyledon

kocloV: snail

cochlea, cochlear, cochleariform, cochleate, cochleiform, cochliocarpous, cochlite

kofinoV: basket

coffer, coffin, encoffin, encoffinment

krambh: cabbage

kranion: skull

brachycrany, cranial, cranially, craniate, craniectomy, cranioclasm, cranioclast, craniofacial, craniognomic, craniognomy, craniognosy, craniograph, craniographer, craniography, cranioid, craniological, craniologist, craniology, craniometer, craniometric, craniometrician, craniometry, craniopathy, craniophore, cranioplasty, craniopolis, cranioscope, cranioscopic, cranioscopist, cranioscopy, craniosophic, craniospinal, craniotome, craniotomy, cranium, ectocranial, endocranium, epicranium, hemicrania, hydrocranium, intercranial, mesocranial, migraine, olecranon, pericranium, platycrania, postcranial
kratew: rule; kratoV: power

androcracy, antidemocratic, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, arithmocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, autocratically, beerocracy, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, bureaucratic, Christocratic, cleptocracy, clubocracy, cosmocrat, cottonocracy, countocracy, -cracy, -crat, cratometer, democracy, democrat, democratic, democratically, democratism, democratize, despotocracy, dulocracy, educrat, ergatocracy, foolocracy, geocratic, gerontocracy, gerontocratic, gynecocracy, gyneocracy, hierocracy, Hippocratic, isocracy, kakistocracy, kakistocrat, kleptocracy, logocracy, meritocracy, meritocratic, mesocracy, mesocratic, mobocratic, mobocracy, monocracy, monocrat, neocorate, nomocracy, ochlocracy, ochlocrat, ochlocratic, ochlocratical, orocratic, pancratiast, pancratic, pancration, pancratist, pancratium, pancratic, pantiscocracy, pantiscocrat, Pantocrator, pedantocracy, pediocratic, phallocracy, phallocrat, physiocracy, physiocrat, physiocratic, pigmentocracy, plantocracy, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutocratic, plutocratical, pluto-democracy, pornocracy, pundtitocracy, shopocracy, slavocracy, snobocracy, social democracy, sociocracy, sociocrat, stratocracy, syncracy, technocracy, technocrat, technocratic, teleocracy, thalassocracy, thalassocrat, thalassocraty, theatrocracy, theocracy, theocrat, theocratic, theodemocracy, thugocracy, timocracy, timocratic, typocrat, undemocratic, undemocratically, virtucrat

krathr: mixing bowl; see kerannumi
kreaV: flesh

creatic, creatine, creophagism, creophagist, creophagous, creophagy, creosol, creosote, pancreas, pancreatectomy, pancreatic, pancreatin, pancreatitis, pancreatize, pancreatography, pancreatoid, pancreozymin

kremaw: hang

cremaster, cremasteric, cremnophobia, cremocarp

krhnh: spring (of water)

crenic, crenitic, Hippocrene

krhtizein: combine, lie, play one against another

syncretic, syncretically, syncretism, syncretist, syncretistic, syncretize

kriqh: barley


krikoV: ring

cricoid, cricoidean

krinon: lily

crinoid, encrinal, encrinic, encrinite, encrinitic, encrinoid, Encrinus

krinw: decide, judge, pick, separate; krithV: judge; krisiV: judgment

cosmocritic, crisis, criterial, criteriological, criteriology, criterion, criterional, critic, critical, criticality, critically, criticalness, criticaster, criticism, criticist, criticize, criticizer, critique, diacritic, diacritical, diacritically, eccrinology, ectocrine, endocrine, endrocrinologist, endocrinology, endocrinopathy, enterocrinin, epicritic, exocrinal, exocrine, hematocrit, holocrine, hypercritical, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, metacriticism, metacritical, new criticism, noncritical, oneirocritic, oneirocritical, oneirocriticism, paracrine, precritical, subcritical, syncrisis, ultracritical, uncritical, uncritically

krioV: ram

criocephaous, criocerate, criophore, criophorous, criosphinx

KroisoV: Croesus

krokodeiloV: lizard

croc, crocodile, crocodile tears, crocodilian
krokoV: saffron

croceate, croconic, crocus

krotoV: beat

dicrotic, dicrotism, dicrotous

kruoV: frost

cryobiological, cryobiologist, cryobiology, cryogen, cryogenic, cryoglobulin, cryohydrate, cryohydric, cryolite, cryology, cryometer, cryonic, cryopedology, cryophilic, cryophillite, cryophorous, cryophorus, cryophyte, cryopreservation, cryopump, cryosar, cryoscopy, cryostat, cryosurgery, cryosurgical, cryotherapy, cryotron, cryoturbation, cryptocrystaline, cryptocrystalization, crystal, crystallic, crystalliferous, crystalliform, crystalligerous, crystalline, crystallinity, crystallite, crystallitic, crystallizable, crystallization, crystallize, crystallizer, crystallogenesis, crystallographer, crystallographic, crystallography, crystalloid, crystalloidal, crystallogy, crystallomancy, crystallometry, crystallurgy, crystally, crystalworts, crystoleum, decrystallization, intercrystaline, leucocrystal, metacryst, microcrystal, monocrystal, paleocrystic, paracrystal, polycrystal, uncrystallized

krouw: strike, test, (perhaps) stretch

Procrustean, Procrustes

kruptw: hide; kruptoV: hidden

apocryph, apocrypha, apochryphal, crypt, ryptal, cryptal, cryptesthesia, cryptic, cryptical, cryptically, crypt(o)analysis, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptobranch, cryptobranchiate, cryptocarp, cryptocarpous, crytocephalous, cryptocerite, cryptocerous, cryptoclastic, cryptoclite, crytococosis, crypto-communist, cryptocrystaline, cryptocrystalization, crytodirous, cryptodont, cryptodynamic, crypto- fascist, cryptogamia, cryptogenetic, cryptogenic, cryptogram, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptography, cryptolin, cryptolite, cryptologist, cryptology, cryptomere, cryptomeria, cryptomonad, cryptoneurous, cryptonym, cryptomorphite, cryptonym, cryptonymous, cryptopentamerous, cryptophasia, cryptophyte, cryptoportico, cryptoquote, cryptorchid, cryptorchidism, cryptosporidium, cryptostoma, cryptosystem, cryptotelephony, cryptous, cryptovolcanic, cryptoxanthin, cryptozoa, cryptozoic, cryptozoon, cryptozygous, decrypt, decryption, decryptograph, encrypt, encryption, grot, grotesque, grotesquely, grotesqueness, grotto, holocryptic, Kr, krypton, kryptonite, procrypsis, procryptic, syncryptic, telecryptograph

kteiV: comb

ctenocyst, ctenodont, ctenoid, Ctenophota, ctenosphere

ktizw: found, build

amphictyonic, amphictyony

ktonia: killing

theoktonic, theoktony

kuaqoV: drinking cup

cyathiform, cyathoid, cyatholith, cyathophylloid, cyathozoid

kuanoV: enamel, dark-blue substance

acrocyanosis, anthocyanin, cyan, cyanamide, cyanate, cyanescent, cyanic, cyanicide, cyanidation, cyanide, cyanin, cyanite, cyanize, cyanogen, cyanogenic, cyanometer, cyanophilous, cyanose, cyanosis, cyanotic, cyanotype, dicyanide, hemocyanin, oxycyanide, plastocyanin, thiocyanogen, xanthocyanopsy

kubernaw: steer; kubernhthV: pilot

cybercamp, cybercrime, cybernation, cyberneticist, cybernetics, cyberporn, cyberpunk, cybersecurity, cybersex, cyberspace, cyberterrorism, cyberterrorist, cyborg, govern, governance, governess, government, governmental, governmentally, governor, governorate, governorship, gubernatorial, intergovernmental, misgovern, misgovernance, misgovernment, nongovernmental, overgovern, self-govern, self-government, ungovernable, ungoverned, ungovernmental, world government

kuboV: cube; kubh: head

cubage, cubangle, cube, cubic, cubical, cubicubic, cubically, cubicite, cubiform, cubism, cuboid, cuboidal, cubomancy, cybotaxis, decubital, decubitus, flashcube, hypercube, psilocybin

kudoV: glory

kudize, kudos

kukloV: ring, circle

acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, barocyclometer, bicycle, bicyclist, bike, biker, concylic, countercycle, cyclad, Cyclades, Cycladic, cyclamate, cyclamin, cycle, cycler, cyclery, cyclette, cyclic, cyclical, cyclically, cyclicism, cyclide, cyclist, cyclitis, cyclize, cycloalkane, cyclobranchiate, cyclocentric, cyclocephalous, cycloclinal, cyclode, cyclodialysis, cyclogenesis, cyclogeny, cyclogram, cyclograph, cyclograher, cyclographic, cyclography, cyclohexene, cycloid, cycloidal, cyclomatic, cyclometer, cyclometry, cyclomorphosis, cyclonal, cyclone, cycloneurous, cyclonic, cyclopedia, cyclopedic, cyclopia, cyclopic, cycloplegia, cyclopoid, Cyclops, cyclopterous, cyclorama, cycloscope, cyclosis, cyclospermous, cyclospore, cyclostomatous, cyclostyle, cyclothymia, cyclotomy, cyclotron, dicycle, electrocycle, encyclic, encyclical, encyclopedia, encyclopedian, encyclopedic, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encylopedize, epicycle, epicyclic, eucyclic, exocyclic, geocyclic, hemicycle, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hydrocycle, hypercycle, hypercycloid, kilocycle, KKK, KuKluxKlan, life cycle, logocyclic, macrocyclic, megacycle, metacyclic, microcyclic, minibike, monocycle, motorbike, motorcycle, multicyclic, noncyclic, orthocycle, pentacyclic, pericycle, phylocycle, polycyclic, recyclable, recycle, recycler, synchrocyclotron, tetracyclic, tetracyline, thermal cycle, thermocycler, trade cycle, tricycle, tricyclic, trike, unicycle, unicyclist, weather cycle

kuknoV: swan

cygneous, cygnet, Cygnus

kulindrw: roll

calender, cylinder, cylindraceous, cylindric, cylindrical, cylindrocephalic, cylindroform, cylindrometric

kuma: wave

Cumae, cyma, cymagraph, cymophane, kymogram, kymograph, kymography

kumbh: hollow vessel

chime, cymbal, cymbalist

kuparissoV: cypress

cupresineous, cupressite, cypress

kuprinoV: carp

cyprin, cyprinid, cyprinodont, cyprinoid

KuproV: Cyprus

copper, coppered, copperhead, copperize, coppernose, coppersmith, coppery, Cu, cuprammonia, cuprammonium, cuprate, cupreous, cupric, cupriferous, cuprite, cuproid, cuprous, Cyprian, cypriferous, Cypriot(e), Cyprus

kuroV: power; kurioV: valid

church, church-goer, churchless, churchlike, churchman, churchwarden, churchyard, curiologic, kirk, Kyrie, Kyrie eleison, megachurch

kurtoV: bulging

cyrtoceratid, cyrtograph, cyrtolite, cyrtometer, kurtosis, leptokurtic, mesokurtic, platykurtic

kufeloV: swift

cypseline, cypselous

kufoV: bent

cyphonism, cyphosis, cyphotic, kyphosis

kuw: be pregnant; kustiV: bladder; kutoV: hollow

astrocytoma, blastocyst, blastocyte, choanocyte, cholecyst, cholecystectomy, chondrocyte, chromatocyte, cnidocyst, cnidocyte, coenocyte, ctenocyst, cyesiology, cyst, cystalgia, cystectomy, cystic, cystical, cysticolous, cysticotomy, cystid, cystiferous, cystiform, cystigerous, cystitis, cystitome, cystocarp, cystocele, cystocyte, cystogenous, cystoid, cystolith, cystome, cystometer, cystoplast, cystorrhea, cystoma, cystoscope, cystospasm, cystotome, cystotomy, cytase, ctenocyst, cytoblast, cytocentrifuge, cytochemistry, cytochrome, cytocidal, cytocidally, cytococcus, cytodiagnosis, cytode, cytogamy, cytogenesis, cytogenetics, cytoid, cytokinesis, cytokinetic, cytokinin, cytologist, cytology, cytolysis, cytopathic, cytopathology, cytoplasm, cytostome, cytotaxic, cytotaxonomy, cytotropic, cytozoa, dacryocystitis, ectocyst, electrocyte, encyst, encystation, encystment, endocyst, entocyst, endocytosis, epicyte, erythrocyte, exocytosis, fibrocystic, gametocyte, gonocyte, gonocyte, granulocyte, gymnocyte, hematocyte, hemoleucocyte, hepatocystic, heterocyst, histocyte, hydrocyst, hypnocyst, hysterocyst, immunocyte, intracystic, iridocyte, keratinocyte, leucocyte, leucocytosis, lithocyst, lymphocyte, macrocyst, macrocyte, megalocyte, melanocyte, merocyte, mesocyst, microcyst, microcyte, monocyst, monocyte, mycetocyte, myelocyte, myocyte, nectocyst, nematocyst, nephrocyte, neurocyte, nonelectrocyte, normocyte, ocellicyst, oligocystic, oligocythemia, oligodendrocyte, oocyst, oocyte, osteocyte, otocyst, ovicyst, ovocyte, paracyst, phacocyst, phagocyte, phenocyst, pinocytosis, pituicyte, plasmacyte, plasmocyte, pleocytosis, pneumatocyst, poikilocyte, polycystic, precystic, pseudocyesis, pseudocyst, pyocyte, reticulocyte, sarcocyst, sarcocyte, sicklocyte, siderocyte, solenocyte, spermatocyte, splenocyte, sporocyst, streptocyte, syncytium, thrombocyte, thymocyte, trophocyte, tubulocyst, urocystitis, xenocyst, zymocyte

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