A best-fit analysis of the facts and circumstances related to the death of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey

a causal inconsistency requiring foreknowledge

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a causal inconsistency requiring foreknowledge. The police attempt to explain to PR that they can establish causality because they know that, if the first picture was found on the roll before the Christmas morning photos the Ramseys already identified as such and on that same roll, it must causally precede the picture of the ransom note taken by the police on 26 December, 1996. Many have discussed this interview but few seem to understand its significance. If you read it carefully you will clearly see that what we are describing is in fact what was going on in these interviews. Though we can’t say that the particular example above was what happened, we don’t need to do that. We only need to establish a causal inconsistency requiring foreknowledge. This demonstrates foreknowledge of the crime (but not necessarily the ransom note that was found). The reader should focus their attention on that highlighted statement when reading the interviews below in order to fully understand what is going on here. It is, as some might call it, a smoking gun less known to the public and only identifiable as such by a careful reading of the interviews.

17 PATSY RAMSEY: Right, from Priscilla.

18 That's another one of those legal pads.
19 TOM HANEY: Right.
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Is that a (inaudible)
21 picture?
24 TOM HANEY: But this photo was not taken
25 after, this was on, it's a --
1 PATSY RAMSEY: Right, right.
2 TRIP DeMUTH: -- similar photo to this one
3 here, but we're minus that.
5 TOM HANEY: And probably minus the cleaning
6 fluid and we have some bags here.
7 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
8 TOM HANEY: And that's photo 52 that we're
9 comparing it to.
10 PATSY RAMSEY: Is that cleaning stuff over
11 there?
12 TOM HANEY: Hard to see. It could be the
13 same, but I'm not sure. Okay.
14 That photo 52 was taken by the police.
16 TOM HANEY: Well, this photo 12OTET8 was on
17 your roll of file in your camera. And on the
18 same roll is the next photo, a Christmas morning
19 photo of the kids.
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes). Oh, God.

[editor’s note: Haney accidentally jumps prematurely to the suspect photo, then backtracks. PR immediately sees the problem]

21 TOM HANEY: Before we, before we talk too
22 much about the next photo, if you can --
23 TRIP DeMUTH: You want to just take that
24 out for a minute?
25 TOM HANEY: Let's talk still about the
1 120TET.

[editor’s note: now he advances back to the suspect photo; 120TET]

Like I say, this was on your role of
2 film and it's not exactly the same photograph

[not exactly the same as the police photograph]

3 that was taken by the police.

4 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
5 TOM HANEY: But it's, it's, it shows --
7 TOM HANEY: -- pretty much, I guess, or can
8 you tell me when that would have been taken?
9 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't have a clue why
10 anybody would take a picture like that. I don't
11 know (inaudible). Who took the picture?
12 TOM HANEY: Well, it's on your roll --
13 PATSY RAMSEY: It's on my --
14 TOM HANEY: -- of film on your camera.
15 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
16 TOM HANEY: And this legal pad that you --
18 TOM HANEY: -- identified --
20 TOM HANEY: -- do you know when that would
21 have been in that position?
22 PATSY RAMSEY: No. So this, this was taken
23 before photo one was?
24 TOM HANEY: Before the police photos.
25 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah, okay. I don't know
1 when this was taken, or why it was taken. I
2 mean, it's nothing.

[editor’s note: PR; “it’s nothing” after PR has already indicated that she sees the problem]

3 TRIP DeMUTH: Do you recognize that pad, I

4 know it's (inaudible) photo?
5 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah, but we had a lot of
6 those around. There was a picture in another
7 one. I think.
8 TRIP DeMUTH: Uh-huh (yes)
9 PATSY RAMSEY: I bought like those Office
10 Depot's or Office Max or whatever they are and I
11 usually kept a bunch of them, you know, kept
12 them over here, right around here in the
13 kitchen.

[PR fumbles with her grammar]

14 TRIP DeMUTH: By the telephone?

15 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah, but, you know, they
16 float all over.
17 TRIP DeMUTH: So it wouldn't have been
18 unusual to be where it is?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: No. No. Gosh.

[editor’s note: Lou Smit interview of JR in which he blatantly whitewashes the causality problem]

12 LOU SMIT: Just one more
13 question. I have got a photograph here
14 called 17.7. Somehow this is in your roll
15 of pictures or someone's roll of pictures
16 from before, okay, and it shows, first of
17 all, put it to the camera so they can see
18 that. And I am going to show you that.
20 LOU SMIT: Do you know who
21 would have taken that photograph?
22 JOHN RAMSEY: It's remotely
23 possible that I was having trouble with my
24 camera, I think, and I don't remember doing
25 this, but I can remember just clicking the
1 camera, trying to see if it worked.
2 LOU SMIT: When was that?
3 JOHN RAMSEY: I mean, I don't
4 know. I mean it was, you know, the only time we
5 got the cameras out were typically at Christmas
6 time. But this looks like the pad frankly that
7 I gave her.
8 LOU SMIT: Does that look
9 like the spot where you would -- that you
10 picked it up from?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Yes, my
12 recollection, yeah.
13 LOU SMIT: So that could be
14 the actual pad of a picture taken prior to
15 what happened?
16 JOHN RAMSEY: That's possible.
And in the SAME interview:
8 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah, it is.
9 You think this came off my camera or
10 you're not sure?
11 MIKE KANE: I am pretty sure it
12 came off your camera.
13 JOHN RAMSEY: They asked if we had
14 any pictures of the Christmas party and I
15 literally -- well, it's possible, because we
16 had an unusual, an uncompleted roll of film in
17 the camera and I think I clicked off some
18 pictures fairly quickly just to finish up the
19 roll, handed it to the policeman, one of the
20 uniform fellows that was there, and they took it
21 to get developed.
22 LOU SMIT: Okay. So this
23 picture here with the pad --
24 JOHN RAMSEY: Could have
25 been when I was just burning up pictures.
1 LOU SMIT: At the scene?
3 LOU SMIT: That morning?
5 LOU SMIT: So it could have been
6 taken just shortly before?
7 JOHN RAMSEY: Right, it's
8 possible. That I think I remember they wanted
9 pictures of the party and I said yeah, we got
10 'em, there was wasn't complete.


[JR stumbles over his grammar]

11 LOU SMIT: So then that would

12 show the pad in its spot that morning?
13 JOHN RAMSEY: Right.
14 LOU SMIT: Prior to you giving it
15 to the police officer?
16 JOHN RAMSEY: Right.
17 LOU SMIT: That explains that then.


The final parts of this interview are inconsistent with reality. The whole point of the exercise of demonstrating the ordering of the pictures on the roll was to show that the picture in question must have been taken before the morning of 25 December, 1996 (or earlier that morning). It could not have been taken the 26 as Lou Smit suggests, so it doesn’t “explain that then”. This murder was likely premeditated, as other observations corroborate. The exact role of the notepad is not clear from the interviews, but the causality issue demonstrating foreknowledge is.

But there’s more concern regarding the Ramseys credibility. After PR expired in 2006 JR continued with the pattern the two had established since 1996. The “A Candy Rose” website has helped us document what we also discovered: every non-profit or other cause established by the Ramseys after their daughter’s death included phone numbers that were out of service, domain names that lasted an average of maybe one year, and too many related but distinct causes to demonstrate any sincere, coherent effort to identify JBR’s murderer – as the Ramseys purport these activities to be. As stated on the “Candy Rose” site: “There are 130 documented references on this web page directly relating or connected in one way or another to the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation. The foundation was set up as the source of funding for the $100,000 reward being offered. In the Ramsey's book, "Death of Innocence," page 164/165 where the Ramsey are explaining the purpose of the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Founation, they are quoted as, "Patsy and I guaranteed a reward of one hundred thousand dollars."

The site continues, “INCOME SOURCES TO THE FOUNDATION Included sources of monies pledged and possible donated contributions from friends and family, corporations and the general public. John and Patsy Ramsey pledged $15,000 PER YEAR for 1997, 1998 and 1999. There are no contributions of this scale from any source in any one of the three tax years listed.” While we dismiss this on the grounds of a state-of-mind objection, we include it here as another credibility issue for the Ramseys.

For his part, JR stated the intent of the foundation to Larry King on a television show called Larry King Live: "The foundation we set up for JonBenet in her honor, we did the same for our daughter, Beth, when she died in 1992. It's a compassion that just, I think, flowed out of us. We weren't sure what we were going to do with it, but we wanted to do something to honor her name."

“…a compassion that just, I think, flowed out of us.” This is the fingerprint of a Narcissist.

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