A best-fit analysis of the facts and circumstances related to the death of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey

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We will take a middle of the road approach here and acknowledge that LHP was probably not fabricating this from whole cloth, but that she might have left out some exculpatory details. For example, how did she know that the knife hadn’t been found earlier in her absence and later taken to the basement before the murder for an innocent purpose? And if the dryer door were open, an intruder might very well grab the nearest laundry and look for something to cover the body, if they were so inclined (admittedly unlikely). Our suspicion is that she is basically telling the truth but trying to spin the truth to implicate PR for what are arguably understandable reasons. PR implicated LHP as the murderer immediately after the murder. LHP has a bona fide need to defend herself and deflect guilt to someone else, who she believes is rightly PR. Thus, spinning the truth is not so dishonest from her perspective provided the basic facts she relates are true. In this view, her statements increase the likelihood of PR’s culpability. The night gown is considerable in what it suggests.

Reading her other statements, LHP basically describes a mother who cannot rear children properly (is unable to establish and maintain boundaries for them, particularly having to do with self-responsibility), is generally very messy at home – to the point of being insanitary, is oddly moody in the extreme, had difficulty planning events adequately and was generally a poor fit for motherhood. These descriptions are eerily similar to what is often seen with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Due to that consistency, I lend credence to these statements, despite their likely malicious, self-serving intent.

The presence of knives in odd places throughout the house is an area of interest. We know of LHP’s claim that a pocketknife belonging to BR was found in the basement. Can we corroborate this? Yes. In fact, we know from depositions of PR that at least one of BR’s knives was found in the “wine cellar” and that it had either BR’s name or his initials on it. But this presents a problem. If it had his name on it then why didn’t LHP mention that? Moreover, PR claimed that BR owned more than one knife. Before writing that off as a self-serving comment consider what we do know. The knife with BR’s name on it was found in the “wine cellar”. Another knife was found on the counter next to a sink in the laundry room so LHP’s comments may be accurate if she is referring to that knife. The discussion with PR follows.

This is from Patsy's depostion in the Chris Wolf case about a knife, with regard to the Ramsey case:

8 Q.(By Mr. Hoffman) One of the most

9 controversial pieces of evidence is a red Boy
10 Scout knife or a whittling knife. I don't know
11 if it is a Swiss Army knife. Do you know
12 whether or not Burke owned a red knife at any
13 time?
14 A. He had a couple of them.
15 Q. He had more than one?
16 A. I believe so.
17 Q. Do you know if he had more than one
18 at one time?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. So it wasn't like he owned one and
21 then lost it and then owned another one?
22 A. Oh, well, I don't know that exactly.
23 I guess he has had a couple of them in his
24 life. I don't know that.
25 Q. Do you know the whereabouts of that

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1 knife on Christmas day?
2 MR. WOOD: Which one?
3 MR. HOFFMAN: The red knife that I
4 was just referring to.
5 MR. WOOD: She said he had a couple.
6 Q.(By Mr. Hoffman) Do you know the
7 whereabouts of either one of those knives?
8 A. No.

Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Steve Thomas, Tom Trujillo

Also present, Pat Burke, Bryan Morgan, Pete Hoffstrom, Jon Foster
April 30, 1997 - Boulder, Colorado

ST: Patsy, once we were told that Burke at times, would walk through the house whittling and that was something that apparently got on Linda Hoffmans’ nerves somehow to clean up after him.

PR: Right.
ST: Was this consistent with his little pocketknife?
PR: Yeah.
ST: He’d walk through the house whittling and for the tape, I’m showing Patsy a photo of a little red Swiss army knife.
PR: Right. He had one we had gotten him in Switzerland, it had his name on it. Does this have his name on it?
ST: I don’t know.
PR: You don’t know, OK

Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth - Present also were Patrick Burke and Ellis Armistead June 23, 24, 25, 1998 - Boulder, Colorado

18 TOM HANEY: In the previous interview on
19 the -- last April, there was some discussion about
20 Burke having a Swiss Army knife, I think at that time,
21 correct me if I am wrong. You said it had his name or
22 initials on it?
24 TOM HANEY: Would he have had any other
25 knives or would there have been any other Swiss Army

We finally note the Bonita Papers statement regarding one of the knives mentioned supra. From a poster known as "Spade" on the www.forumsforjustice.org forum posted information regarding a person known as "Bonita." Spade wrote: "These are the unedited "notes" of Bonita Sauer, secretary/para-legal to Dan Hoffman. Bonita intended to write a book from the case documents provided to her boss. But Bonita's notes were sold to a tabloid magazine by her nephew.

The Bonita Papers which, in all fairness have not been fully validated, tell us a little more and is corroborated by the above statements:

"Inside the room, investigators found the white blanket that John said had been wrapped around JonBenet, and the piece of black duct tape which had covered her mouth. They also found bundled inside the blanket a child's pink Burble nightgown. A red Swiss army knife was also found lying in the corner of the room away from the blanket. On the floor outside the door to the cellar was a paint tray and acrylic painting supplies. One of the detectives observed a wooden handle to a paint brush, the type used by artists, which appeared to be broken and a piece missing. The floor of the wine cellar was vacuumed to collect any trace evidence. The black duct tape, blanket, nightgown, knife, broken paint brush and paint tray, and vacuumed particles were all collected and logged into evidence."

The rope found in “John Andrew Ramsey’s room”, the room adjacent JBR’s. This is obviously a very different kind of rope than that found with the remains of JBR.

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