A bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical Hebrew Grammar in the twentieth century

Texts for Study of Samuel and Kings versus Chronicles16

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Ben-David, A., Parallels in the Bible (Jerusalem: Carta, 1972).

Talstra, D., and A. J. C. Verheij, "Comparing Samuel/Kings and Chronicles: The Computer Assisted Making of an Analytical Synoptic Database," Textus 14 (1988) 41-60.

Vannutelli, P., Libri Synoptici Veteris Testamenti seu Librorum Regum et Chronocorum. Loci Paralleli (Rome: Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1931).

1.3.6. Other First Millennium "Canaanite" Languages

General Works

Avigad, N., and B. Sass, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities/The Israel Exploration Society/The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997).

Contini, R., Tipologia della frase nominale nel semitico nordoccidentale del 1 millennio A. C. (Supplemento a Egitto e Vicono Oriente, 2; 1979; Studi e Ricerche, 1; Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori in Pisa, 1982).

Cross, F. M. and D. N. Freedman, Early Hebrew Orthography (New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1952). Reviews: W. Moran, CBQ 15 (1953) 364-67; F. Rosenthal, JAOS 73 (1953) 46-47.

Garr, W. R., A Dialect-Geography of Syria-Palestine, 1000 to 586 B.C.E. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1985).

Hackett, J. A., “The Study of Partially Documented Languages,” IOS 20 (2002) = Semitic Linguistics: The State of the Art at the Turn of the 21st Century (ed. S. Izre’el; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002) 57-75.

Harris, Z. S., Development of the Canaanite Dialects: An Investigation in Linguistic History (American Oriental Series 16; New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1939; reprinted, New York: Kraus, 1967).

Hoftijzer, J., and K. Jongeling, Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions (two vols.; Leiden: Brill, 1995). Review: S. Izre’el, IOS 18 = Past Links: Studies in the Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (ed. S. Izre’el, I. Singer and R. Zadok; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1998) 421-29.

Israel, F., "Geographical Linguistics and Canaanite Dialects," Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics: Papers of the Third International Hamito-Semitic Congress (ed. J. Bynon; Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984) 363-87.

Kaufman, S. A., "The Classification of the North West Semitic Dialects of the Biblical Period and Some Implica­tions Thereof," Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 4-12, 1985: Panel Sessions. Hebrew and Aramaic Languages (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1988) 41-57.

Kutscher, E. Y., "Canaanite, Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic, Mishnaic Hebrew, Punic," Lesh 33 (1969) 83-109 (Heb.).

Sarfatti, G. B., "Hebrew Inscriptions of the First Temple Period - A Survey and Some Linguistic Comments," Maarav 3/1 (1982) 55-83.


Aufrecht, W. E., "Ammonite Texts and Language," Ancient Ammon (ed. B. Macdonald and R. W. Younker; Leiden/Boston/Köln, 1999) 163-88, with bibliography.Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions (Lewiston: Mellon, 1989).

Cross, F. M., "Ammonite Ostraca from Heshbon: Heshbon Ostraca IV-VIII," AUSS 13 (1975) 1-20.

Dion, P.-E., "Notes d'épigraphie ammonite," RB 82 (1975) 24-33.

Garbini, G., "La lingua degli Ammoniti," AION 20 (1970) 249-58.

Herr, L. G., "The Servant of Baalis," BA 48 (1985) 169-72.

Israel, F., "The Language of the Ammonites," OLP 10 (1979) 143-59. "Note ammonite - 1. Gli arabismi nella documentazione onomastica ammonita," SEL 6 (1989) 91-96.

Jackson, K. P., The Ammonite Language of the Iron Age (HSM 27; Chico, CA: Scholars, 1983). Review: W. E. Aufrecht, BASOR 266 (1987) 85-95.

Sivan, D., "On the Grammar and Orthography of the Ammonite Findings," UF 14 (1982) 219-34.

Deir ‘Alla

Aufrecht, W. E., "A Bibliography of the Deir ‘Alla Plaster Texts," Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies (September, 1986; Lethbridge, Alberta).

Hackett, J. A., The Balaam Text from Deir ‘Alla (HSM 31; Chicao, CA: Scholars, 1984), with earlier bibliography.

Hoftijzer, J., and G. van der Kooij, ed., The Balaam Text from Deir ‘Alla Re-evaluated (Leiden: Brill, 1991).

Levine, B. A., "The Deir ‘Alla Plaster Inscriptions," JAOS 101 (1981) 195-205.

Müller, H.-P., "Die Sprache der Texte von Tell Deir ‘Alla," ZAH 4/1 (1991) 1-31.

Puech, E., "Le texte 'ammonite' de Deir ‘Alla: Les admonitions de Balaam (première partie)," La vie de la Parole, de l'Ancien au Nouveau Testament. Études d'exégese et d'herméneutique bibliques offertes à Pierre Grelot (Paris: Desclée, 1987) 13-30.

Rendsburg, G. A., "The Dialect of the Deir ‘Alla Inscription," BO 50 (1993) 309-29.

Sasson, V., "Two Unrecognized Terms in the Plaster Texts from Deir ‘Alla," PEQ 117 (1985) 102-3.

Sasson, V., "The Book of Oracular Visions of Balaam from Deir ‘Alla," UF 17 (1986) 283-309.

Sasson, V., "The Language of Rebellion in Psalm 2 and in the Plaster Texts from Deir ‘Alla," AUSS 24/2 (1986) 147-54.

Sasson, V., Once More smr and ‘tm in Balaam's Book from Deir ‘Alla," UF 26 (1994) 435-442.

Sasson, V., "Deir ‘Alla smr Obscured, not Re-evaluated and Other Shady Matters," ZAW 108 (1996) 258-62.

Schmitz, P. C., "The Deir ‘Alla Plaster Text. Combination One, Line Two," OLP 25 (1994) 81-86.


Israel, F., "Miscellanea idumea," RivB 27 (1979) 171-203.

Israel, F., "Supplementum idumeum," RivB 35 (1987) 337-56.

Vanderhooft, D. S., "The Edomite Dialect and Script: A Review of the Evidence," You Shall Not Abhor an Edomite for Heis Your Brother: Edom and Seir in History and Tradition (ed. D. V. Edelman; Archaeology and Biblical Studies 3; Atlanta: Scholars, 1995) 137-57.


Andersen, F. I., "Moabite Syntax," Or 35 (1966) 81-120.

Blau, J., "Short Philological Notes in the Inscription of Mesa‘," Maarav 2/2 (1980) 144-57. Reprinted in Blau, Topics in Hebrew and Semitic Linguistics (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1998) 344-60.

Eskhult, M., Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew Prose (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Semitica Upsaliensa 12; Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1990) ad loc.

Freedman, D. N., "A Second Mesha Inscription," BASOR 175 (1964) 50-51.

Irsigler, H., “Grossatzformen im Althebräischen und die syntaktische Struktur der Inschrift des Königs Mescha von Moab” Syntax und Text: Beiträge zur 22. Internationalen Ökumenischen Hebräisch-Dozenten-Konferenz 1993 in Bamberg (ed. H. Irsigler; ATSAT 40; St. Ottilien: EOS, 1993) 81-121.

Lemaire, A., "'House of David' Restored in the Moabite Inscription," Biblical Archaeology Review 20 (May-June, 1994) 33.

Lipinski, E., "Etymological and Exegetical Notes on the Mesa‘ Inscriptions," Or 40 (1971) 330-32.

Miller, P. D., Jr., "A Note on the Mesa‘ Inscription," Or 38 (1969) 461-64.

Morag, S., "Mesa‘: A Study of Certain Features of Old Hebrew Dialects," ErIs 5 (1958) 138-44 (Heb.).

O’Connor, M., Review of M. Eskhult, Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew Prose, JAOS 112/3 (1992) 497-99, esp. 498.

Rainey, A. F., "Following up on the Ekron and Mesha Inscriptions," IEJ 50 (2000) 116-17.

Segert, S., "Die Sprache der moabitischen Königsinschriften," ArOr 29 (1962) 197-267.

Smelik, K. A. D., “The Literary Structure of King Mesha’s Inscription,” JSOT 46 (1991) 21-30.

Phoenician and Punic

Amadasi Guzzo, M. G., and W. Röllig, "La langue," in La Civilisation Phénicienne et Punique: Manuel de recherche (ed. V. Krings; HdO I/20; Leiden/New York/Köln: Brill, 1995) 185-92.

Baurain, C., C. Bonnet and V. Krings, Phoinikeia Grammata: Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège, 15-18 novembre 1989 (Collection d'études classiques 6; Studia Phoenicia 13; Liège/Namur: Société des études classiques, 1991).

Brisquel-Chatonnet, F., "Les derniers témoignages sur la langue phénicienne en Orient," Rivista di Studi Fenici 19 (1991) 3-21.

Brisquel-Chatonnet, F., "Hébreu du nord et phénicien: Étude comparée de deux dialectes cananéens," OLP 23 (1992) 89-126.

Friedrich, J., and W. Röllig, Phönizisch-Punische Grammatik (AnOr 46; sec. ed.; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1970).

Friedrich, J., M. G. Amadasi Guzzo, and W. Röllig, Phönizisch-Punische Grammatik (AnOr 46; third ed.; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1995).

Garbini, G., "I dialetti del feinicio," AION 27 (1977) 283-93.

Ginsberg, H. L., "Ugaritico-Phoenicia," JANES 5 (1973) 131-47.

Green, W. M., "Augustine's Use of Punic," University of California Publications in Semitic Philology 11 (1951) 179-90.

Harris, Z. S., A Grammar of the Phoenician Language (American Oriental Series 8; New Haven: Oriental Society, 1936).

Israel, F., “Some Conservative Features of Phoenician in the Light of Geographical Linguistics,”Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of his Eighty-Fifth Birthday (ed. A.S. Kaye; two vols.; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991) 1.729-44.

Krahmalkov, C. R., "Studies in Phoenician and Punic Grammar," JSS 15 (1970) 181-88.

Krahmalkov, C. R., A Phoenician-Punic Grammar (HdO 1/54; Leiden: Brill, 2000).

Krahmalkov, C. R., Phoenician-Punic Dictionary (OLA 90; Leuven: Peeters, 2000).

Millar, F., "Local Cultures in the Roman Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa," Journal of Roman Studies 58 (1968) 126-34.

O'Connor, M. P., "The Grammar of Getting Blessed in Tyrian-Sidonian Phoenician," Rivista di Studi Fenici 5 (1977) 5-11.

Röllig, W., "The Phoenician Language: Remarks on the Present State of Research," Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici et Punici. Roma, 5-10 Novembre 1979. Volume 2 (Rome: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1983) 375-85. Reprinted and translated as "Die phönizische Sprache: Bemerkungen zum gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand," Karthago (ed. W. Huss; Wege der Forschung 654; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1992) 76-94.

Röllig, W., "Das Punische im römischen Reich," Die Sprachen im römisch Reich der Kaiserzeit (ed. G. Neumann and J. Untermann Beihefte der Bonner Jährbücher 40; Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag, 1980) 285-99.

Schmitz, P. C., "Prepositions with Pronominal Suffixes in Phoenician and Punic," Fortunate the Eyes That See: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday (ed. A. B. Beck et al.; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995) 400-10.

Segert, S., A Grammar of Phoenician and Punic (Munich: Beck, 1976).

Tomback, R. S., A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages (SBLDS 32; Missoula, Montana: Scholars, 1978). Review: A. van den Branden, BO 36 (1972) 201-3.

"Neo-Philistine" (Ashkelon, Ekron, Tell Jemmah, etc.)

Andersen, F. I, “The Dedicatory Philistiine Inscription from Eqron,” Buried History 35 (1999) 7-22.

Cross, F. M., "A Philistine Ostracon from Ashkelon," Biblical Archaerology Review 22/1 (1996) 64-65.

Gitin, S., "Seventh Century B.C.E. Cultic Elements at Ekron," Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990 (ed. A. Biram and J. Aviram; Jerusalem: Biblical Archaeology Society/Israel Exploration Society, 1993) 248-58.

Gitin, S., T. Dothan and J. Naveh, "A Royal Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron," IEJ 47 (1997) 1-16.

Gitin, S., and M. Cogan, "A New Type of Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron," IEJ 49 (1999) 193-202.

Israel, F., "Note di onomastica semitica 7/1: Rassegna critico-bibliografica ed epigrafica su alcune onomastiche palestinesi: Israeli e Guida, la regione filistea," SEL 8 (1991) 119-40.

Lehmann, R. G., "Studien zur Formgeschichte der 'Eqron-Inschrift des 'KYSH und dne phönizischen Dedikationstexten aus Byblos," UF 31 (1999).

Naveh, J., "Writing and Scripts in Seventh-Century BCE Philistia: The New Evidence from Tell Jemmeh," IEJ 35 (1985) 11-14.

Rainey, A. F., "Following up on the Ekron and Mesha Inscriptions," IEJ 50 (2000) 116-17.

Sasson, V., "The Inscription of Achish, Governor of Eqron, and Philistine Dialect, Cult and Culture," UF 29 (1997) 627-39.

Schäfer-Lichtenberger, C., "The Goddess of Ekron and the Religious-Cultural Background of the Philistines," IEJ 50 (2000) 82-91.

2. Alphabet

2.1. Ugaritic

KTU 5.2, 5.4-5.6, 5.8-5.9, 5.12-5.17, 5.19-5.21, 5.24-5.25.

UT 3.1-3.6.

Albright, W. F., "The Origin of the Alphabet and the Ugaritic ABC Again," BASOR 119 (1950) 23-24.

Bordreuil, P., "Cunéiformes alphabétiques non canoniques. 1) La tablette alphabétique sénestroverse RS 22.03," Syria 58 (1981) 301-10.

Bordreuil, P., and D. Pardee, "Un Abécédaire du type sud-sémitique découvert en 1988 sans les fouilles archéologiques françaises de Ras Shamra - Ougarit," CRAIBL July-October 1995, 855-60 (RS 88.2215).

Bordreuil, P., and D. Pardee, “Textes Aphabétiques en ougaritique: 8. Abécédaire,” Études ougaritiques I. Travaux 1985-1995 (ed. Yon, M., and D. Arnaud; RSO 14; Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 2001) 341-48.

Cross, F., M. and J. Huehnergard, “The Alphabet on a Late Babylonian Cuneiform School Tablet,” Or 72/2 (2003) 223-28.

Cross, F. M., and T. O. Lambdin, "A Ugaritic Abecedary and the Origins of the Proto-Canaanite Alphabet," BASOR 160 (1960) 21-26.

Daniels, P. T., "Ha, La, Ha or Hoi, Lawe, Haut: The Ethiopic Letter Names," Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of his Eighty-fifth Birthday (ed. A. S. Kaye; two vols.; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991) 1.275-88.

Dietrich, M., and O. Loretz, "The Cuneiform Alphabets of Ugarit," UF 21 (1989) 101-12.

Dietrich, M., and O. Loretz, "Die ugaritische Alphabet," UF 18 (1986) 3-26.

Dietrich, M., and O. Loretz, Die Keilalphabete: Die phönizisch-kanaanäischen und altarabischen Alphabete in Ugarit (ALASP 1; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1988).

Ellison, John Lee, “A Paleographic Study of the Alphabetic Cuneiform Textts from Ras Shamra/Ugarit” (Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2002).

Hallo, W. W., "Isaiah 29 9-13 and the Ugaritic Abecedaries," JBL 77 (1958) 324-38.Origins: The Ancient Near Eastern Background of Some Modern Western Institutions (Leiden: Brill, 1996) 35-43.

Hodge, C., "The Hieratic Origin of the Ugaritic Alphabet," Anthropological Linguistics 11 (1969) 277-89.

Jobling, W. J., "The Ugaritic Alphabet and the Khirbet es-Samra Ostracon," Ugarit and the Bible: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ugarit and the Bible. Manchester, September 1992 (ed. G. J. Brooke, A. H. W. Curtis and J. F. Healey; UBL 11; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1994) 151-58.

Röllig, W., “Nordsemitisch – Südsemitisch? Zur Geschichte des Alphabets im 2. J. v. Chr.,” IOS 18 = Past Links: Studies in the Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (ed. S.

Izre’el, I. Singer and R. Zadok; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1998) 79-88.

Rosenthal, F., Review of Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook, Or 18 (1949) 254-56

Rosenthal, F., Review of Garbini and Durant, Introduzione alla lingue semitiche, JAOS 166 (1996) 280.

Segert, S., "Cuneiform Alphabets from Syria and Palestine," JAOS 113 (1993) 82-91.

Speiser, E. A., "A Note on Alphabetic Origins," BASOR 121 (1951) 17-21."The Syllabic Transcription of Ugaritic [h] and [h]," BASOR 175 (1964) 42-47.

Steiglitz, R. R., "The Ugaritic Cuneiform and Canaanite Linear Alphabets," JNES 30 (1971) 135-39.

Tropper, J., "Das letze Zeichen des ugaritischen Alphabets," UF 27 (1995) 505-28."Nachträge zum letzen Zeichen des ugaritischen Alphabets," UF 28 (1996) 651-52.

Windfuhr, G. L., "The Cuneiform Signs of Ugarit," JNES 29 (1970) 48-51.

2.2. Old West Semitic (non-cuneiform) and the Origin of the Alphabet

Albright, W. F., "The Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from Sinai and Their Decipherment," BASOR 110 (1948) 6-22.

Albright, W. F., "The Early Evolution of the Hebrew Alphabet," BASOR 62 (1936) 8-12.

Aufrecht, W. E., "Urbanization and Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages," Aspects of Urbanism in Anitiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete (ed. W. E. Aufrecht, N. A. Mirau and S. W. Gauley; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997) 116-29.

Cowley, A. E. "The Origin of the Semitic Alphabet," JEA 3 (1916) 17-21.

Cross, F. M., "The Evolution of the Proto-Canaanite Alphabet," BASOR 134 (1954) 15-24.

Cross, F. M., "The Origin and Early Evolution of the Alphabet," ErIs 8 (1967) 8*-24*.

Cross, F. M., "Early Alphabetic Scripts," Symposia Celebrating the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1900-1975) (ed. F. M. Cross; Cambridge: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1979) 97-113.

Cross, F. M., "Alphabets and Pots: Reflections on the Typological Method in the Dating of Human Artifacts," Maarav 3/2 (1982) 121-36.

Daniels, P. T., "Fundamentals of Grammatology," JAOS 110 (1990) 727-31.

Daniels, P. T., “The Study of Writing in the Twentieth Century: Semitic Studies Interacting with Non-Semitic,” IOS 20 (2002) = Semitic Linguistics: The State of the Art at the Turn of the 21st Century (ed. S. Izre’el; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002) 85-117 (with helpful bibliography especially of Daniel’s other articles on the alphabet on pp. 107-8).

Darnell, J., F. W. Dobbs-Alsopp, P. K. McCarter, Jr., and B. Zuckerman, "The Wadi el-Hol Inscriptions: Paleo-Canaanite Writing of Extreme Antiquity Discovered in Upper Egypt," National Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 22, 1999.

Diringer, D., "The Origins of the Alphabet," Antiquity 17 (1943) 77-90.

Diringer, D., The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind (New York: The Philosophical Library, 1948).

Driver, G. R., Semitic Writing (rev. ed.: London: British Academy, 1976).

Good, R. M. "Lamed," BASOR 262 (1986) 89-90.

Gardiner, A., "The Egyptian Origin of the Semitic Alphabet," JEA 3 (1916) 1-16.

Gelb, I. J., A Study of Writing (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1963) 138-53. "New Evidence in Favor of the Syllabic Character of West Semitic Writing," BO 15 (1958) 1-7.

Gordon, C. H., "The Accidental Invention of the Phonemic Aphabet," JNES 29 (1970) 193-97.

Hallo, W. W., "Isaiah 28:9-13 and the Ugaritic Abecedaries," JBL 77 (1958) 324-38.

Hallo, W. W., Origins: The Ancient Near Eastern Background of some Modern Western Institutions (Leiden: Brill, 1997) 35-38.

Hamilton, G., "Development of the Early Alphabet" (Ph. D. diss., Harvard University, 1985).

Naveh, J., Early History of the Alphabet: An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography (Jerusalem: Magnes; Leiden: Brill, 1982).

Noble, J. W., "Egyptian Carvings Set Earlier Date For Alphabet," New York Times Sunday, November 14, 1999, pp. 1, 16.

Puech, É., "Origine de l'alphabet," RB 93 (1986) 161-213.

Puech, É., "Quelques remarques sur l'alphabet au deuxième millénaire," Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici (Rome, 1983) 563-85.

Sass, B., The Genesis of the Alphabet and Its Development in the Second Millennium B.C. (Ägypten und Altes Testament 13; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1988).

Sass, B., Studia Alphabetica: On the Origin and Early History of the Northwest Semitic, South Semitic and Greek Alphabets (OBO 102; Freiburg Schweiz; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991) 4-27.

Segert, S., "Charakter des westsemitischen Alphabet: Eine Entgegnung an Ignace J. Gelb," ArOr 26 (1958) 243-47, 657-59.

Swiggers, P., "Some Remarks on Gelb's Theory of Writing," General Linguistics 23 (1983) 198-201.

Warner, S., "The Alphabet: An Innovation and its Diffusion," VT 30 (1980) 81-90.

Ullendorff, E., "Studies on the Ethiopic Syllabary," Africa 21 (1951) 211-13; reprinted in Ullendorff, Studies in Semitic Languages and Civilizations (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1977) 230-40.

2.3. From West Semitic to the Periphery: South Semitic and Greek Alphabets

2.3.1. South and West Semitic Alphabets

Colless, B. E., "Recent Discoveries Illuminating the Origin of the Alphabet," AbrN 26 (1988) 30-67.

Colless, B. E., "The Byblos Syllabary and the Proto-Alphabet," AbrN 30 (1992) 55-102.

Dietrich, M. and O. Loretz, Die Keilalphabete. Die phönizisch-kanaanäischen und altarabischen Alphabete in Ugarit (ALASP 1; Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1988).

Knauf, E. A., "The Migration of the Script, and the Formation of the State in South Arabia," Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies (1989) 1-8.

Hayajneh, H., and J. Tropper, "Die Genese des altsüdarabichen Alphabets," UF 29 (1997) 183-98.

Loundine (Lundin), A. G., "L'origine de l'alphabet," Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 11/1-2 (1985) 173-202.

Loundine (Lundin), A. G., “Quelques lettres des alphabets sémitiques,” Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Maxime Rodinson par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis (ed. C. Robin; GLECS, supplément 12; Paris: Geuthner,1985) 239-44.

Loundine (Lundin), A. G., "L'Abécédaire de Beth Shemesh," Muséon 100 (1987) 243-50.

Loundine (Lundin), A. G., “Ugaritic Writing and the Origin of the Semitic-Consonantal Alphabet,” AO 5 (1987) 91-98.

Röllig, W., "Nordsemitisch - Südsemitisch? Zur Geschichte des Alphabets im 2. J. v. Chr.," IOS 18 = Past Links: Studies in the Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (ed. S. Izre’el, I. Singer and R. Zadok; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1998) 79-88.

Ryckmans, J., “L’ordre alphabétique sud-sémitique et ses origines,” Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Maxime Rodinson par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis (ed. C. Robin; GLECS, supplément 12; Paris: Geuthner,1985) 343-59.

Ryckmans, J., "A. G. Loundine's interpretation of the Beth Shemesh Abecedary: A Presentation and Commentary," Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 18 (1988) 123-29.

Ryckmans, J., "Aux origines de l'alphabet," Bulletin Séanc. Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre Mer 32 (1986/3) 311-33.

Sass, B., "The Beth Shemesh Tablet and the Early History of the Proto-Canaanite, Cuneiform and South Semitic Alphabets," UF 23 (1991) 315-25.Studia Alphabetica: On the Origin and Early History of the Northwest Semitic, South Semitic and Greek Alphabets (OBO 102; Freiburg Schweiz; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991) 28-93.

Swiggers, P., “The Bet-Shemesh ‘Abecedary’,” Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on theOccasion of his Eighty-fifth Birthday (ed. A. S. Kaye; two vols.; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991) 2.1520-27.

Tropper, J., "Ägyptisches, nordwestsemitisches und altsüdarabisches Alphabet," UF 28 (1996) 619-32.

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