A virtual Convention on Students’ Quality Circles

Advisable technological applications for Kingston 2014

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6.0 Advisable technological applications for Kingston 2014

Reflections from the case reviews and the author’s own knowledge result in the following key pieces of technology being recommended for use within the 2014 convention. This section is broken down by the key objectives.

6.1 Keynote Track

The keynote track should be a publicly available video stream which anyone can have access to and watch the proceedings as they take place. As described by the communication model in figure 1, there is no need for the speakers to communicate with the online viewers, this is just not viable considering the potential number of online participants. However the attendees should be able to communicate with each other, regardless of being present at the event or virtually attending.

6.1.1 Livestream

Livestream is unique in that unlike any of the other technologies under review for use in the 2014 convention it has the capabilities of being used in two different ways. Firstly it offers a platform to live stream video content online which anyone can do from their home using their own equipment. Tomorrow’s Web utilised this service effectively as the organisers have special interests in filming and photography. Livestream also offer professional film and production services as demonstrated at London Web Summit. This removes a considerable amount of time and effort from the event organisers having to organise the setup, filming, mixing, production and quality of the live stream. Livestream’s clients include Justin Bieber, Nike, IBM and many more (Livestream Customers, 2012).

Therefore the Livestream platform provides two options for streaming the event. The convention could take advantage of the camera and broadcast capabilities within the university, and stream the event in-house simply using the Livestream software as a broadcast platform. Alternatively, a budget could allow the convention organisers commission Livestream to film and produce the keynote track. Although a higher cost is associated here, it would relieve pressure on the organisers who will also be running the workshop track and providing a live stream of information on social networking sites.
It is worth noting that university camera resources will be limited, hence ensuring that enough are available to cover all areas of the convention which will require video recordings is of paramount importance. This could result in a potential requirement to hire more equipment to meet the demand or hiring an outside contractor such as Livestream to take some of the pressure off university resources.
The systems proposed to allow attendees to discuss and communicate during the keynote track are outlined in section 6.3 Real-Time Updates.

6.2 Workshops

Due to the communication channels described in figure 2, it will not be possible to make the workshops publicly available for all to attend virtually. There need to be clearly devised number of participants allowed access. Neither of the case studies offered a solution to this situation. Following further research and personal experience the author has made the following recommendation.

6.2.1 Google+

Google+ offers a unique and well-suited video conferencing solution as part of its network, which is free to join. As described by the Online Meeting Tools Review (2011), “Google+ allows for rudimentary online collaboration between parties spread across the globe.” The system allows for up to 10 participants to engage in videoconference. Unlike many other services however, once the 10 places are full an unlimited number of people can watch the conference whilst other attendees participate live. This proves for an exciting opportunity. It would be possible to pre-select the schools or classes, which will take part in the workshop. One group can be presenting, one can be representing the physical attendees and the other eight places can represent other groups partaking in the workshop. Google+ functionality then allows anyone else the ability to watch the discussions and presentations live online, without participation access.

A further advantage to using Google+ for the workshop track is that the entire teleconference can be immediately uploaded to YouTube: the platform which will be used to host video content as a resource after the event. This is explored in more detail in section 6.4.1. Due to the complexity of multi video inputs, many other competitors do not provide a video format, which can easily be hosted in YouTube and shared, with all.
Google+ also boasts an unrivalled mobile experience, far superior to its main competitor Facebook. The Google video conferencing feature works flawlessly well on mobile devices, which further strengthens the reasoning behind choosing this platform. In addition Google also creates the largest open source mobile operating system in the world, Android. Six of the top ten mobile phones currently used in Asia run the Android operating system which is optimised for Google+ integration (CNET, 2012). Google+ has applications and a mobile web service which are capable of running on other mobile operating systems.

6.3 Real-Time Updates

Real-time updates offer solutions to the major limitations experience by the 2014 convention. Those are people who do not have the time available to spend 4 days attending a convention, and those who do not have the internet connectivity or bandwidth to partake in video conferencing sessions in person. The updates need to be in the form of text and images, whilst being available to those with low bandwidths and available on mobile devices. These factors influenced the decisions made when choosing the appropriate technologies.

6.3.1 Twitter

Twitter is exceptionally light, in terms of a bandwidth solution to providing real-time text, image and video updates. Available on desktop, mobile web, mobile apps and by SMS, a basic cellular network and standard feature phone are the only requirements for the basics of the service. Twitter is for those with little Internet access the most effective way of participating in the event. Tweets can also be sent from feature phones using the 2014 hash tag, these can easily be traced and allow other participants to engage in a conversation with the original tweeter.

For those with a stable Internet connection, Twitter is still a very valuable resource. The London Web Summit and Tomorrow’s Web conferences both made good use of Twitter as a tool for aiding attendees to communicate with one another and with those not attending in person. It is evident that people will be using Twitter during the convention, regardless of whether it is being promoted as a tool. Hence the convention organisers are best to encourage the use, and set a universal hash tag for the entire convention. This will act as the link between all the individual tweets, so participants can find out what others are thinking, share and debate in real-time.

6.3.2 Tumblr Blog

Tumblr will offer those who are unable to attend in person a more in-depth real-time feed of information. Above the 160 characters allowed in a Tweet, the Tumblr blog will offer a platform for reflection of what has been discussed and debated during the sessions. London Web Summit attempted to run a Tumblr blog, however did not have the resources available to utilise it fully. Tomorrow’s Web have used Tumblr in the past, but replaced it with an all-in-one social platform provided by Livestream. This type of solution would not be appropriate for the 2014 convention due to the number of attendees and the level of quality to be produced for the future resource site.

Tumblr is advantageous, over competitor blogging platforms, primarily because of its social capabilities. Anyone can easily re-post or provide detailed comments and reflections on the posts which the 2014 convention blog posts. This is of more value than simple comments forms at the bottom of posts. Also Tumblr allows users to easily follow the blog, meaning updates will instantly appear in their news feed. Furthermore the tagging feature allows users to work in a similar fashion to that of Twitter, with the hash tag to find other posts and images related to the event. Finally Tumblr also has the most effective mobile web optimisation of any blogging platform. The pages are perfectly optimised, scaling text and images perfectly on any size screen on a mobile device.

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