A virtual Convention on Students’ Quality Circles

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6.4 Online Resource

Curating a long-term online resource, which offers a constant record of the learning, conversations and debates which took place at the convention is the final aim. Increasing the sustainability of the event and helping to ensure that the 2014 convention is remembered beyond 2014. The resources will be stored in a website, where the information architecture needs deep consideration to ensure that all resources are logically organised and easy to refer back to. Although the website will be self built, a number of tools will aid in the creation and functionality.

6.4.1 YouTube

YouTube will be used as the video platform to host all of the video content after the event. All Google+ workshops can be instantly uploaded to a YouTube channel. Livestream broadcasts can also be exported and uploaded to YouTube after recording, hence providing a wealth of video recordings from the convention in one place. As well as being hosted within YouTube, the videos will be embedded onto the resource website. This means that the site will benefit from all the advantages which come with hosting video on YouTube, such as easy sharing and link backs, without the hassle and expense of hosting the video directly on the website.

YouTube offers more than just a hosting platform. The 2014 convention can place all videos into a channel which aids users in the discovery and sharing of more related videos. Not only will it help to raise the profile of Kingston University and the 2014 convention, but also help users to find related videos on the subject area to broaden their own knowledge and share that with their online social networks.

6.4.2 Slideshare

Slideshare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations (Slideshare, 2012). The platform will be used in a similar fashion to YouTube, as it will host content which will be embedded into the resource website. Hosting on Slideshare has many advantageous. Firstly it removes the cost and time required to build a custom slide sharing feature on the website, which is far superior to simply downloading a PDF. Allowing the user to browse through the slides directly on the site offers a much more enjoyable experience. Furthermore Slideshare has 130 million page views each month, indicating it is the platform which people use to search for presentations. Therefore having the entire 2014 convention hosted on Slideshare offers a potentially enormous opportunity for people to discover the 2014 convention and Kingston Business School.

Although the case studies reviewed did not use Slideshare directly, some speakers at the events have uploaded their slidedecks to Slideshare. For instance Jason Goldberg, CEO Fab.com uploaded his presentation from the London Web Summit and one month later had over 27,000 views (Jason Goldberg, 2012). This demonstrates the sheer power and force which bringing the online social element to these events can have. To curate a custom platform would take considerable resources, however there are multiple platforms available for free which millions of people are using every day.

7.0 Conclusion

This report has identified the aims of the 2014 convention and set aside key technical requirements of the technology to aid in the achieving of those aims. Two London based technology conferences were used as case studies to explore the technology which is available and being used currently by conference organisers. The key limitation of technology was identified when applying it on a global scale, in particular investigating trends in Asia, where the majority of virtual participants will be attending from. This research concluded that supporting mobile devices would be one of the keys to making the 2014 convention a success at a global level.

Following the findings concluded from the research it was decided that sourcing one piece of software, which would satisfy all requirements, was unrealistic. Therefore a mixture of technologies has been recommended. Livestream offers high quality streaming services which would be appropriate for the keynote track. Google+ offers mobile friendly video conferencing technology with the ability to watch if you are not participating and upload instantly to YouTube. Hence Google+ was recommended for the workshop track.
Real-time updates have been proposed to come in two forms, small bursts of information from Tiwtter which people are accustomed to using at conferences. As well as having a real-time updated blog hosted on the Tumblr platform to provide more in-depth text articles. It is highly recommended that the resource website is custom built, to meet the exacting requirements. Hosting partners such as YouTube and Slideshare should be used, not only to save on hosting fees, but also to increase the interactivity within the site and help drive traffic from other sources as people research the topic.

8.0 References

CNET (2012) ‘Asia's Top 10 phones’, [Online]. Available at: http://asia.cnet.com/cnet-asias-top-10-phones-62060624.htm (Accessed: 26 April 2012).
Economic Times (2012) ‘Asia has been a leading innovator in mobile Internet technology for years: Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google’, [Online]. Available at: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-07-19/news/29791013_1_mobile-phone-new-phone-smsbased (Accessed: 20 April 2012).
Jason Goldberg (2012) ‘The Fab Story’, [Online]. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/fabulis/the-fab-story-after-9-months-london-web-summit-april-19-2012 (Accessed: 20 April 2012).
Livestream (2012) ‘Our Customers’, [Online]. Available at: http://new.livestream.com/broadcast-live/our-customers (Accessed: 16 April 2012).
Livestream (2012) ‘Production Service’, [Online]. Available at: http://new.livestream.com/broadcast-live/production (Accessed: 16 April 2012).
Livestream (2012) ‘Web Summit Livestream’, [Online]. Available at: http://new.livestream.com/websummit/LWS (Accessed: 20 March 2012).
London Web Summit (2012) ‘London Web Summit Speakers’, [Online]. Available at: http://www.websummit.net/people/london-web-summit/ (Accessed: 16 April 2012).
Online Meeting Tools Review (2011) ‘Meeting Online With Goolge+’, [Online]. Available at: http://blog.webconferencing-test.com/2011/07/15/meeting-online-with-google/ (Accessed: 22 April 2012).
Slideshare (2012) ‘Why You Should Use Slideshare’, [Online]. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/about (Accessed: 20 April 2012).
Tomorrow’s Web Eventbrite (2012) ‘Tomorrow's Web Meetup: April 21st 2012’, [Online]. Available at: http://twmeetup2.eventbrite.com/ (Accessed: 16 April 2012).
Web Summit (2012) ‘London Web Summit Tumblr’, [Online]. Available at: http://blog.websummit.net/tagged/LWS12 (Accessed: 23 March 2012).
Web Summit (2012) ‘London Web Summit Twitter Feed’, [Online]. Available at: https://twitter.com/#!/WebSummitHQ (Accessed: 23 March 2012).
Yin Yang India (2012) ‘Asia Mobile Internet’, [Online]. Available at: http://yin-yang-india.com/tag/asia-mobile-internet/ (Accessed: 20 April 2012).

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