3.5 Website
Unfortunately, the Students’ Quality Circles programme does not have a website where participants and interested parties could find relevant information about all conventions organised since 1994. However, it is possible to find data about different conventions in a form of article on various websites. Therefore, it would be advisable to create and design a website just for the 17th ISCQC in order to have an information resource based on the Internet for promotional activities, international accessibility and educational purposes. Documents which will be accessed through a web browser should contain information regarding general vision of Students’ Quality Circles, mission of the 17th International Convention which will be hosted at Kingston University and brief explanation of how people could participate in the event virtually. The main reason why the website should come into being is live streaming videos, which will be accessible through this page to all people that will not be able to participate physically. A chat forum with integrated translator program should be implemented in this website as well, in order to allow foreign participants to comment event lively. Moreover, the website would be used to upload recorded video conferences and photos taken during the event to help sustain communication even after the convention will come to an end. This will facilitate to maintain the 17th convention in a continuous process and allow participants to keep on working on issues raised during the event.
4.1 Samsung
Samsung is one of the most innovative companies known worldwide. This company actively participates in educational programmes by investing and donating large amounts of money in technology to schools and universities (The Show Me Campaign, 2011). Moreover, Samsung believes in a power of partnership which helps to make a positive impact on education, especially in Asia and Africa. Therefore, the company closely works with Google, Microsoft, the Adobe Foundation, University of Cape Town (Mobile Innovation Lab and Apps), Kenya Institute of Education and many more organizations and governments. Recently Samsung launched Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in Africa called Samsung Blue Education in order to empower students through technology-based education (Samsung, 2012).
Regarding Samsung’s involvement in CSR initiatives towards education, the assumption could be made that the company would be interested in the ICSQC project. The main reason for this is that Samsung and ICSQC share a “common passion for enhancing the quality of education” (The Show Me Campaign, 2011). Thus, it would be advisable to collaborate with Samsung and even combine Samsung Blue Education and Students’ Quality Circles in order to implement technology-based education and develop links across the continents. In summary, the company could support the 17th International Convention in the UK not only financially but also working hand in hand to organise the event.
Samsung CSR
4.2 Google
Google, like Samsung and other major companies, has an ethical responsibility to society which is known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This kind of commitment morally binds companies to make a positive impact on environment and society while doing business. Google, similar to Samsung, has actively participated in educational programmes since 2007 when the first project in China was organised. The Google China Social Innovation Cup for College Students mission was based on a concept of empowering China’s youth to become agents of social change (Google, 2011). Thus, collaboration with Google could be beneficial not only in terms of financial support or provision of their products but also in sharing previous experience of empowerment programmes as it is a basic topic of ICSQC.
Google’s mission is to organise the world’s information, and make it universally accessible and useful to everyone. Consequently this company might be interested in our idea to hold an International Convention which is planned to be accessible on a virtual platform. The support concerning new technologies from Google could be valuable, as last year the company contributed to a Stanford project and launched three online courses which involved streaming Internet video and interactive technologies (wiredacademic, 2011). Therefore, Goggle’s experience of broadcasting lessons online could benefit our project by improving the convention’s availability to more participants and avoiding the mistakes that were made in Stanford’s mission.
Lastly, Google offers Google Grants for non- profit organisations such as ICSQCs in order to support such areas as “science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts” (Google, 2011). According to the Google website, this programme which also includes capability of AdWords allows organisations to promote their websites and other relevant information via advertising on Google. Hence, it is important to consider Google as one of the best partners for the 17th ICSQC as this company’s contribution would help to achieve better results.
5.0 Summary
The 17th International Students’ Quality Circles Convention will be a challenging event to organise for Kingston University in 2014. The main reason for this is that the event is planned to be available to as many participants as possible on a virtual platform. In order to do that it is worth considering using appropriate social media tools and multiparty video conferencing. Thus, in this report it was analysed how Facebook, YouTube and Cloud Computing could contribute to the convention and develop links with other countries virtually. Moreover, it was advised to create a website just for this event to store information about previous conventions, aims of the 17th ISCQC, recorded meetings and for further educational development of Students’ Quality Circles. As well it was offered to go into partnerships with major companies like Samsung or Google as they are keen on supporting educational projects. These businesses could support this project not only financially but also by promoting the event and providing their products.
It was also discussed what are the educational purposes of the 17th ISCQC and topics which could be introduced during the meetings (digital, distance and blended learning). Moreover, it was analysed how Kingston University could collaborate with International Projects like COHAB in order to develop links with Eastern European countries and involve more participants. Thus, this report summarised how the 17th International Convention could be organised virtually, using appropriate technological tools and what educational matters should be taken into account.
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