Accjc gone wild

June 11, 2014 - ACCJC Announces Proposed Language on Terminating Accreditation

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June 11, 2014 - ACCJC Announces Proposed Language on Terminating Accreditation

At the June 5-7, 2014 meeting of the ACCJC, the Policy Committee of the ACCJC proposed, during the secret session, new language regarding what they called “Restoration Status.” No prior notice of this proposal was made public. The Commission voted to consider their reading at the meeting a “first reading” of the new policy. The Commission will vote, presumably by electronic means, to consider the proposal after a short two-week “public comment period” concluding on June 25, 2014 at 5 p.m.

The announcement of the proposal was made public by the ACCJC on June 11, 2014 at 3 p.m.
The decision to consider a new policy came after much public outcry against ACCJC by legislators, college officials, and others including a message from Grossmont-Cuyamaca District Chancellor Cindy Miles and San Diego Community College District Chancellor Constance Carroll dated June 9, 2014. The letter was signed by over 55 Chancellors, Superintendent/Presidents, and Presidents of California's community colleges. It urged the ACCJC “provide an extension of 12 to 18 months for City College of San Francisco to complete the enormous progress it has been making under its current leadership to comply with all standards of accreditation and to maintain its accredited status during this period. We urge the Commission to either follow its current policy or create a revised policy to enable this extension, perhaps calling a special meeting of the Commission for this purpose. We believe that this action is in the best interests of the 80,000 students of City College of San Francisco, the City and County of San Francisco, the California Community Colleges, and the State of California.”
The new proposed language reads as follows. I have included [MY QUESTIONS] regarding the implication of various sections.
Restoration Status. Prior to the termination effective date or completion of any requested review and appeal process, whichever is later, the institution may submit a request for granting of restoration status. [HOW CAN A COLLEGE DETERMINE THE CORRECT DATE UNTIL AFTER THE APPEAL PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED? THE LANGUAGE SHOULD GIVE SOME TIME AFTER THE RECEIPT OF THE DECISION TO DECIDE WHETHER TO MAKE A REQUEST OR FILE AN APPEAL IN COURT] [IN ADDITION, THERE IS NO CURRENT DATE FOR LOSS OF ACCREDITATION DUE TO THE PENDING LAW SUITS. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT THE TIMELINE?] If, however, an institution has been granted a good cause extension to come into compliance with any standard prior to the termination action, the institution may not apply for restoration status following termination.
The request for granting of restoration status must be accompanied by a completed eligibility report, demonstrating compliance with the Eligibility Requirements. [DOES THIS INCLUDE HAVING AN OPERATING BOARD OF TRUSTEES?] Upon receipt of the institution's request, the Commission shall schedule a comprehensive evaluation of the institution no later than four months following the request. The institution must submit an institutional self evaluation report no later than six weeks prior to the scheduled visit. [HOW WILL THE INSTITUTION KNOW WHEN THE SCHEDULED VISIT WILL BE SO THAT IT CAN PROVIDE THE SELF EVALUATION REPORT IN A TIMELY MANNER?]
For the period leading to completion of the comprehensive evaluation for restoration status, the termination effective date will be rescinded and the termination implementation will be suspended. The institution's accredited status will be "accredited, pending termination." [IF TERMINATION IS DECIDED, WILL STUDENTS HAVE CREDITS COUNT DURING THE SEMESTER THAT THE CONCLUSION IS MADE?]
The comprehensive evaluation for restoration status will determine if the institution meets all of the Eligibility Requirements and has demonstrated either its compliance with all of the Accreditation Standards and Commission policies or the ability to meet them within the two-year restoration status period. If, in the judgment of the Commission,[NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE JUDGMENT OF THE VISITING TEAM] the college fully meets all eligibility requirements and has demonstrated the ability to fully meet all standards within the two-year restoration status period, the college will be granted restoration status. [WILL THE NEW LANGUAGE OF ‘SUBSTANTIALLY MEETS’ BE USED AS WITH OTHER COLLEGE EVALUATIONS?] If, however, in the judgment of the Commission, the college does not fully meet all eligibility requirements and/or has not demonstrated the ability to fully meet all standards within the two-year restoration status period, [HOW CAN THE COMMISSION JUDGE HOW MUCH PROGRESS A COLLEGE CAN MAKE? THE REALITY IS WHETHER THE COLLEGE MAKES IT OR NOT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD] the termination implementation will be reactivated and the effective date will be immediate. [AND THE IMMEDIATE EFFECT ON STUDENTS?] There will be no further right to request a review or appeal in this matter. [DOES THIS INCLUDE THE RIGHT TO GO TO COURT IS SIGNED AWAY IN THE PROCESS?]
The Commission may determine such follow-up and special reports as may be warranted during the restoration status. At the conclusion of the restoration status period, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted for the purpose of determining whether the institution has demonstrated its compliance with Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commission policies. If, in the judgment of the Commission, the institution is in compliance with Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commission policies, then the accredited status of the institution will be reaffirmed. [AND IF SUBSTANTIALLY IN COMPLIANCE AS REQUIRED OF OTHER COLLEGES?]
However, if in the judgment of the Commission the institution is not in compliance with Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commission policies, then the termination implementation will be reactivated and the effective date will be immediate. There will be no further right to request a review or appeal in this matter.
An institution may apply for restoration status only one time within a 20-year period.

Re-application for accredited status. In such a case In the event of the termination of accreditation of an institution, the institution must complete again the entire accreditation process.

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