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Selling (or Sales) concept

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Selling (or Sales) concept This concept shifted emphasis from the quality of the product as a means of getting the consumer to buy to selling techniques and methods to achieve the same goal. The selling concept assumes that the consumer is resistant to buying the company’s product and therefore must be coaxed to buy by using a variety of selling techniques. The focus is on the needs of the seller rather than on the needs of the consumer. db Marketing concept This is the philosophy which recognises the key role of satisfying the needs of the target consumers as a means of achieving long-run company profitability and competitive advantage. The main pillars of the marketing concept are market focus, consumer orientation, coordinated marketing and profitability. The marketing concept requires the company to clearly define its market and focus on it rather than seeking to address every possible market. Having done this, consumer needs as indicated by consumers themselves are identified and all marketing functions are coordinated to yield consumer satisfaction. Achieving consumer satisfaction is not the sole responsibility of the marketing department. There is need also to ensure that the efforts of all the other departments are coordinated for the purpose of satisfying the identified needs of the consumer. The ultimate goal of the company however is long- run profitability. The marketing concept emphasizes that the path to realising this goal is through consumer satisfaction.

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Societal marketing concept This concept builds on the foundation of the marketing concept. However, it stresses in addition the need to ensure the well- being of both the consumer and the society. This means that in seeking to achieve long-run profitability, the company must take into account the well-being of the consumer as well as the society.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of taking the total, heterogeneous market fora product and dividing it into several sub markets or segments, each of which tends to be homogenous in all significant aspects (Stanton, 1978). In other words, it is the process of subdividing a market into smaller units or segments and designing specific goods and service for each. Market segmentation is carried out because of the size of the total market served by an organisation maybe so large that it may not be possible to satisfy everybody. The company therefore need to focus on a few segments. It is also not possible to satisfy the needs of everybody in a large market because customers tend to have a variety of needs, preferences and desires. Market segmentation helps to satisfy these needs by categorizing them into smaller units with similar characteristics.

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