335 The advantages of this model are its strong theoretical foundation the fact that it includes learning and adjustment loops and that it takes the mission framework and context into consideration. However, in regard to multinational peace-promoting operations, this model lacks the intercultural aspects. Additionally, it focuses very much on
team and task characteristics, which does not correspond to a headquarters perspective. On the HQ level, there are other emphases and vulnerabilities, e.g. organizational culture and structure. Yet another weakness of the CTEF model is the complex
cause-and-effect structure, which in practice can only be verified partially. Figure 7.2: CTEF model (Essens et alb Five Factors Model of Intercultural Leadership Behavior
The Five Factors Model of Intercultural Leadership Behaviour (Fig. 7.3) presumes that competent leadership in an operation is based on more than just individual competence. Additionally, the behaviour of a leader is influenced by 1) the dynamics of
the team the leader works with, 2) by the organizational framework, 3) the present context and 4) by the particular situation the leader is faced with. A big advantage of the Five Factors Model is its focus on intercultural aspects of leadership behavior. In military coalition operations, successful collaboration between
troops of different countries, international partners and the population onsite is pivotal for success. Another advantage is that it includes the external environment into the evaluation.
336 The main disadvantage of this model in our case is the fact that it is a leadership and not an effectiveness model. Therefore it does not specify how effective leadership is linked with organizational effectiveness.
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