D.3 Need and Objectives of Coordination The extent of the need for coordination depends on the nature and communication requirements of the tasks performed and the degree of interdependence of the various units performing them. Basically, the primary reason or objective of coordination is that departments and work groups are interdependent for information and resources in the performance of their respective activities. The greater the interdependence
between departments, the more coordination the organisation requires. The need for coordination arises because of two factors a) Division of work. The interdependence between units/departments or work groups. Once the work of an organisation is divided and assigned to different individuals and groups, coordination becomes necessary to ensure that the overall goals/objectives of the organisation are achieved efficiently. b) The second reason arises from the first. This is that interdependence between work units and departments require that their activities are coordinated to achieve organisational goals. c) Reconciliation of goals of individuals with that of the organisation d) Total accomplishment
Through coordination, duplication of efforts is prevented and the time and energy thus saved are better utilised in more productive tasks. e) Economy and efficiency Coordination helps in ensuring economies of scale, labour, time and machinery and minimises delays in order to improve efficiency.
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