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Management of Change
Regina Farms is located in a rural area near Abuja. It produces a wide variety of vegetables, mainly for export and employs about one hundred workers. In 2001, management decided to introduce new methods of farming which emphasizes irrigation and imported modern machines from India. The new methods helped to increase output but led to strong resentment among the workers who did not like the massive retrenchment the new machines brought about. In 2002 the resentment led to a strike. Change in an organisation can take several forms. It could be change in work practices, management, merger with another company, introduction of new accounting software or involve hardware systems such as introduction of computers, new machines or movement to anew building. Whatever the nature of change, the situation described in the short case above could be avoided if it is well managed. In this section we shall walk you through the sources of change, why employees resist change and how change could be managed.
Forces of Organisational Change
A variety of major forces influence organizational change a) The market is being constantly bombarded with new technology, new ways of doing things. These developments have forced a large number of Organisations to reappraise their human resource, marketing and production strategies to help them stay viable. b) New management policies, roles and organisation structure.

322 c) Changes in social trends, values and attitudes of the society in which the business operates could influence change in the organisation. d) The marketing activities of competitors could force an organisation to change product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies. e) Merger with a different company could trigger changes in both companies. f) New work methods and procedures could demand changes in an organisation. g) Anew chief executive (or changes in management) could bring about changes in strategy and policies.

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