Адыгэ пхъэлъантхъуэ адыгэ щэнхабзэмрэ литературэмрэ

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place of articulation↓














voiceless, aspirated








































ш, й








х, к, ху







гъ, гъу

хъ, хъу

кхъ, кхъу

къ, къу




I, Iу



Vowels: а, э, и, ы, у, о, е

Semi-vowels: й, у


(not labialized)


(not labialized)



high (raised)





а э




а medium raised, mid-vowel (not labialized) [corresponds to the ‘a’ in English ‘sat’]

э medium raised, mid-vowel (not labialized), short version of ‘а’ [= schwa]

и high raised, front vowel (not labialized) [‘weed’, ‘seen’]

ы low raised, mid-vowel (not labialized), very short [‘sit’, ‘did’]

у high raised, back vowel (labialized). It could be a full vowel, or a semi-vowel. Full vowel: джэду = cat; къанцIу = reed-pipe (musical instrument); бру = gimlet, auger (boring tools). Semi-vowel: уафэ = sky (‘уа’ is pronounced as a diphthong ‘wack’, ‘wax’); уэн = to hit, beat; уэс = snow.

о medium raised, back vowel (labialized). Non-diphthongised ‘o’ in ‘so. СокIуэ = I am going; содэ = I accept. The combination of the semi-vowel ‘й’ followed by the vowel ‘о’, ‘йо’, as in йоплъэ ([he/she] is looking/looks into smth.), is pronounced as a diphthong, as in ‘York’, ‘yoyo’.

е medium raised, front vowel (not labialized). The combination of the vowel ‘е’ followed by the semi-vowel ‘й’, ‘ей’ as in уней (private; personal), or япэрей (ordinal number = first) is pronounced as a diphthong as in RP (received pronunciation) British ‘day’.

The ‘length’ of the vowel is in general dependent on the stress and the tempo of speech. Generally, stressed vowels take longer values.

References and Bibliography

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Choi, J. D., ‘Phonetic Evidence for a Three-vowel System in Kabardian’, in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 86, issue S1, p. S18, November 1989. [Abstract: The Kabardian vowel system has been the focus of much debate. Central to this debate is whether or not the low vowel is quantitatively distinct from the mid vowel . This study examines phonetic evidence that bears on this issue. Spectrographic and durational analyses were conducted for 118 vowels taken from a Kabardian text read twice, once slowly and once at a normal rate, by three adult male speakers. Each vowel was measured for its first three formant frequencies and duration. The data reveal that the mean duration of is 62.5% that of , compared to the mean duration of i which is 67.5% that of . These figures represent ratios characteristic of intrinsic durational differences rather than distinctive length and support a three-vowel analysis. Qualitatively, the formant frequency measurements support the claims in the literature that Kabardian vowels contrast uniquely along the height parameter with some frontback allophony for the two higher vowels. Moreover, has a mean F 1 of 690 Hz as compared to which exhibits a mean F 1 of 510 Hz, further supporting a three-vowel analysis.]

— ‘An Acoustic Study of Kabardian Vowels’, in Journal of the International Phonetic Association, vol. 21, no. 1, 1991, pp 4-12.

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— ‘Circassian /-qa-/ Meets Semantic Algebra and Ergativity’, in Folia Slavica, vol. 7, nos 1/2, 1984b, pp 49-90.

— ‘How to Describe the Sounds of the Northwest Caucasian Languages’, in Folia Slavica, vol. 9, 1986.

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  • ‘Proto-Northwest Caucasian (or How to Crack a Very Hard Nut)’, in Journal of Indo-European Studies, vol. 22, nos 1/2, 1994, pp 1-36.

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–– ‘The North-West Caucasian Languages’, in Analecta Slavica, Amsterdam, vol. 1, 1955, pp 193-206.

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–– ‘Proto-Circassian Phonology: An Essay in Reconstruction’, in Studia Caucasica, 1, 1963, pp 56-92.

–– A Dictionary of Proto-Circassian Roots, Lisse, Netherlands: The Peter de Ridder Press Publications on North Caucasian Languages, 1, 1975.

Kumakhov (Qwmaxwe), M. A., Sravnitelno-istoricheskaya fonetika adigskikh (cherkesskikh) yazikov [Comparative-Historical Method in the Phonetics of the Circassian Languages], Akademiya nauk SSSR, institut yazikoznaniya, Moscow, 1981. [Summary in English; 287 pages; bibliography on pp 278-86]

Peterson, T., ‘Minimality and Syllabification in Kabardian’, in Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, vol. 39, no. 1, 2003, pp 215-35. [Abstract: While there has been much discussion in the literature on the phonemic inventory of Kabardian, there has been little work done exploring syllabification in this language. This paper aims to provide a preliminary account of syllable structure in Kabardian and show how this predicts the distribution of epenthetic schwa and consonant clustering. It will be shown that the distribution of a moraic coda is not only autonomous from the nucleus, but an obligatory component of the Kabardian syllable. This analysis uses an Optimality Theoretic framework to show that schwa epenthesis ensures the satisfaction of Proper Headedness and that the optimal syllable in Kabardian is a closed syllable. Tyler Peterson is at the University of British Columbia]

— ‘Issues of Homophony and the Minimal Word in the Adyghan Languages’, paper presented at Conference on the Languages of the Caucasus, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 7-9 December 2007. Online. Abstract available HTTP: <http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/conference/07-CaucasusConference/pdf/final%20abstracts%20english/PetersonAbstract.pdf> (accessed 22 February 2009).

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Wiris, H. Sch. and Zex’wex’w, L. H., Adigebze Orfograficheske Psalhalhe [Kabardino-Cherkess Orthographical Dictionary], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1982.

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