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Sub-series M – Voting Records

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Sub-series M – Voting Records
Box 1630
1969-1973 1) [Voting Records] – 91st through 93rd Congresses

1971 2) [Voting Records] – 92nd Congress, 1st Session

1972-1973 3) [Voting Records] – 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Folder 1
1972-1973 4) [Voting Records] – 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Folder 2
1973 5) [Voting Records] – 93rd Congress, 1st Session
1983-1988 6) [Voting Records] – 98th through 100th Congress, Folder 1
1983-1988 7) [Voting Records] – 98th through 100th Congress, Folder 2

Box 1631
1983-1988 1) [Voting Records] – 98th through 100th Congress, Folder 3

1983-1988 2) [Voting Records] – 98th through 100th Congress, Folder 4

1983-1988 3) [Voting Records] – 98th through 100th Congress, Folder 5

1974 4) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1974 Senate Votes, January 21 – December 18, 1974

1975 5) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1975, Senate Votes, February 19 – December 17, 1975

1975-1980 6) [Voting Records] – National Republican Congressional Committee, Roll Call Vote Report – Moffett – Environmental Protection Agency, Urban Development – March 1975 – July 1980

1975-1981 7) [Voting Records] – National Republican Congressional Committee, Roll Call Vote Report – March 20, 1975 – September 15, 1981

1976 8) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1976, Senate Votes, February 25 – September 29, 1976

Box 1632

1977 1) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1977, Senate Votes, January 31 – November 2, 1977

1978 2) [Voting Records] – Connecticut District Election Profiles

1978 3) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1978, Senate Votes, February 7 – October 15, 1978

1979 4) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1979, Senate Votes, February 22 – December 20, 1979

1980 5) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1980, Senate Votes, February 28 – December 9, 1980

1973-1982 6) [Voting Records] – Lowell Weicker Voting Analysis – Republican Policy Committee and the Republican Conference Voting Reports

1981-1982 7) [Voting Records] – National Republican Senatorial Committee, Roll Call Vote Report, 1981 and 1982, Senate Votes, January 22, 1981 – July 15, 1982

1974-1981 8) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book One, Folder 1

Box 1633

1974-1981 1) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book One, Folder 2

1974-1981 2) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book One, Folder 3

1974-1981 3) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book Three, Folder 1

1974-1981 4) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book Three, Folder 2

1974-1981 5) [Voting Records] – Voting Records – Book Three, Folder 3

1972-1981 6) [Voting Records] – Voting Record on the Budget – Congressional Record Indexes

Box 1634

1971-1982 1) [Voting Records] – Weicker Voting Record – Foreign Affairs, 95th – 97th Congresses

1982 2) [Voting Records] – Voting Record Analysis – Weicker, Folder 1

1982 3) [Voting Records] – Voting Record Analysis – Weicker, Folder 2

1982 4) [Voting Records] – Voting Record on Multiple Issues – 97th Congress

1983 5) [Voting Records] – Male/Female Voting Behavior Analysis, 1976-1982 Elections

Undated 6) [Voting Records] – Voting Record on Social Issues – Weicker – Book Two

Box 1635

Undated 1) [Voting Records] – Voting Record on Welfare – Weicker – Book Two

Sub-series N – Appointment Books
Box 1636
1971-1972 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1971

1972-1973 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1972

1973-1974 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1973

Box 1637
1973-1975 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1974
1974-1976 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1975

1975-1977 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1976

Box 1638
1976-1978 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1977
1978-1980 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1979
1980-1982 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1981, Book 1

Box 1639
1980-1982 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1981, Book 2
1981-1983 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1982

1982-1984 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1983

Box 1640

1987-1989 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1988

1988-1990 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – 1989

1979-1981 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brother Diary – “221 Days in D.C., Touch and Die!” – Appointments Secretary – 1980

Box 1641

1976-1978 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Marge Broadbi – 1977

1972-1974 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Camille Butler – 1973

1973-1975 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Camille Butler – 1974

Box 1642

1973-1974 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Press Appointments – 1973

1973-1975 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Press Department – 1974

1975-1976 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Press Department – 1975

Box 1643

1976 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Press Department – 1976

1977-1979 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Press Office – Anne Haskell - 1978

1977-1979 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Bob Santy – 1978

Box 1644

1971-1973 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1972

1972-1974 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1973

1974-1976 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1975

Box 1645

1975-1977 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1976

1977-1979 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1978

1979-1981 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1980

Box 1646

1983-1985 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1984

1984-1986 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1985

1985-1987 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1986

Box 1647

1986-1988 1) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1987

1987-1989 2) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1988

1988-1990 3) [Appointment Books] – Brooks Brothers Diary – Lowell P. Weicker – 1989

Box 1648

1973-1975 1) [Appointment Books] – Guests

1976-1977 2) [Appointment Books] – Guests

1977-1980 3) [Appointment Books] – Guests

1980-1981 4) [Appointment Books] – Guests

1981-1982 5) [Appointment Books] – Guests

Series II – Watergate Records

Sub-series A – Subject Files

Box 1649

Undated Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Memorandum submitted by Alch, Testimony of Attorney Gerald Alch, undated, 28 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Interview with Gerald Alch, Room 1418, New Senate Office Building, May 22, 1973, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Letter, James W. McCord, Jr. to Judge Sirica, regarding answers to Sirica’s questions, March 19, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Memo from J.A.J. regarding McCord-United States v., September 19, 1972, 3 pages, with attached letter from Earl J. Silbert to Gerald Alch, Esquire, September 18, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Handwritten note regarding CRP contacts, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: “Counter-Espionage Agent for the Republicans: The True Story of the Watergate Case,” Table of Contents, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Document with nine numbered paragraphs regarding Mafia connections with Israel, DNC funds and Emprise Corporation; leaks, Jack Anderson and Alaskan Airlines, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Document entitled “Violence,” undated, 1 page.

Document entitled “Demonstrations and Violence,” undated, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Paper, “Violence Planned for the GOP Convention: Summaries of News Items,” undated, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Handwritten note from Jim McCord to Gerald Alch with strategy for McCord’s defense attached, July 13, 1972, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Letter, Alch to McCord regarding McCord’s appeal filed in the Court of Appeals, February 6, 1973, 2 pages

1972 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Note, Jim McCord to Gerald Alch regarding Russo and Ellsberg v. Byrne, August 23, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Note, Jim McCord to Gerry Alch, regarding the “Shift of Focus of the Publicity,” October 16, 1972, 1 page.

1968 Folder 1. Gerald Alch Memo: Document regarding disclosure of all impermissibly intercepted conversations (of McCord’s) during a trial for the protection of the defendant, set forth in the Senate report on the Omnibus Crime Control Bill of 1968, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. American Airlines Statement: Statement by George A. Spater before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, November 15, 1973, with attached Spater biography, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 2. American Airlines Statement:Witness Summary, George A. Spater, undated, with Exhibit Index, check voucher, American Airlines check, letter from Miller to Parkinson, letter from Barrick to Miller, and letter from Miller to Barrick attached, 18 pages.

1976 Folder 3. American-Western Merger: Memo, Geoff to Lowell Weicker, regarding the American-Western Merger Case, May 27, 1976, 1 page, with memos dated May 25, 1976 and May 24, 1976 attached, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Document entitled “Persons and Organizations” of the Dairy Industry, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Letter, Gage to Weicker, regarding testimony by Gary E. Hanman before the Senate Select Committee, November 15, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Memorandum to File from Allen Wietz regarding an “Interview with Clifford Hardin,” October 17, 1973, 4 pages.

1970 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Letter, Hillings to Nixon, regarding “Sec. 22 Tariff Commission (Milk) Recommendations Presidential Proclamation,” December 16, 1970, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Memo, Strachan to Haldeman, regarding “Political Matters,” February 19, 1972, 3 pages (appears the document has been redacted).

Undated Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Handwritten notes regarding AMPI, undated, 10 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Chronology of Milk Fund investigation, October 18, 1973, 2 pages, with a Washington Post article, “Ten Donors Gave Nixon $6 Million,” attached, September 3, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Handwritten list of questions and answers of unknown individual regarding familiarity with Jacobsen and milk industry contributions to Nixon’s reelection campaign, undated, 10 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Untitled document regarding the likelihood of further Committee hearings, February 19, 1974, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Document entitled “Alphabetical Witness List for Milk Case,” undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Memo, Strachan to Haldeman, regarding “Milk Money,” September 11, 1971, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Associated Milk Producers, Inc.: Handwritten notes regarding Center for Corporate Responsibility and Dean documents, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 5. Jack Anderson: Collection of articles by Jack Anderson, January 10, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Jack Anderson: Handwritten notes regarding Jack Anderson, undated, 1 page; Weicker handwritten notes regarding Committee strategy, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Jack Anderson: A note by James McCord, on Jack Anderson, forwarding a report on Anderson’s association with Mrs. Claire Chennault, undated, 1 page, with the report, a page with Chinese Refugee Relief letterhead and a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation for the Chinese Refugee Relief attached, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Weicker handwritten notes regarding inquiries, especially the $100,000, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Letter, unknown to Atkins regarding Ashland Oil’s corporate contribution to the Finance Committee to Reelect the President, July 26, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Letter, Atkins to Berdes regarding Ashland Oil’s contribution, July 28, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Orin E. Atkins Biography, undated, 1 page.

Claude C. Wilde, Jr. Biography, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: George A. Spater Biography, undated, 1 page.

Harding L. Lawrence Biography, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Russell DeYoung Biography, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Witness Summary, Orin E. Atkins, undated, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Copy of a First National City Bank check in the amount of $100,000, March 24, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Letter, Parkinson to Mr. and Mrs. Atkins regarding Atkins’s contribution and the possible disclosure of all names of contributors to the Select Committee, July 9, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Letter, Vinson to Stans regarding Parkinson’s letter to Mr. and Mrs. Atkins and the misinformation in that letter, July 16, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Letter, Barrick to Vinson regarding acknowledgement of Vinson’s letter to Stans, July 16, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Orin E. Atkins: Copy of a Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President check in the amount of $100,000, July 16, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Attorney-Client Privilege: Memorandum of Law, Attorney-Client Privilege, prepared by Counsel to the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, undated, 11 pages, with Rule of Evidence number 503 attached, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: Report, “Watergate Investigation,” undated, 17 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: Memorandum, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the possible release of Grand Jury transcripts to the Select Committee, undated, 13 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Letter, Heacock to Ervin, regarding Mr. Heacock’s offer to provide a solution to the “Watergate mystery,” April 21, 1973, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Letter, Heacock to Weicker and Baker, regarding Heacock’s intelligence gathering and offering the information to Weicker and Baker to facilitate their Watergate investigation, May 24, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: “Memo of Attempts to Alert the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government to the Deeper Conspiracy Behind the Watergate Case” by Heacock and Thompson, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information:Excerpts from “The Cuban Invasion” by Karl E. Meyer and Tad Szule, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 8. Background Information: An untitled document regarding “the author of a 1971 novel about political espionage and assassination,” the crippling of a southern governor and alleged discussions with Cuban connected individuals, undated, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: Article, written by an unknown author (Weicker), regarding the consequences of Watergate, undated, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: “Watergate Implications – I, II, and III,” Comments by unknown individual (Weicker), May 1-3, 1973, 6 pages, with attached copy of an envelope addressed to Dick McGowan with handwritten notes on the back, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Handwritten calendar citing meetings and telephone calls of various individuals involved in the Watergate investigation, January-May 1973, 5 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: Memo, Beach to Weicker, regarding Weicker’s vote attendance record, January 9, 1974, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Chronology, Weicker’s involvement with the Senate Select Committee, February 8-June 28, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Brezhnev’s Gone-Watergate Again,” June 25, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 8. Background Information: The Sunday Herald Advertiser article, “Government Lawyer Bitter Over Watergate Squeeze,” June 17, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: The News American article, “CREEP Darkly Busy Before Watergate,” June 10, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: The San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle article, “What the Senate Hearings Hope to Reveal,” May 13, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Times-Union article, “Watergate Nadir, Historians Agree,” May 3, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: The Light article, “Dirty Politics Goes Way Back in U.S. History Books,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: The Herald-Examiner article, “Watergate: Where It Will Lead,” May 12, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: The Herald-Examiner article, “They Still Answer Phones Down at the CREEP Office,” undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: The Washington Post article, “Ford Convinced Nixon Is Innocent,” January 23, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: The Washington Post article, “Scott Says Nixon Holds Some Proof In Watergate Case,” January 21, 1974, 1 page.

1972 Folder 8. Background Information: “Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, September 4, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Minneapolis Tribune, Bureau of accuracy and fair play, Article: “Hearing halt gives Nixon brief breather,” questionnaire on the accuracy of the article, June 19, 1973, June 25, 1973, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: The New York Times article, “Closing In on Whoever Silenced the Vital Tape,” January 20, 1974, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: The New York Times article, “Impeachment: Legal Terms Describe a Political Process,” January 20, 1974, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: The Hartford Courant article, “Weicker Choice for Probe Won’t Please White House,” February 11, 1973, 1 page.

1974 Folder 8. Background Information: Memo, Fred to Lowell Weicker, regarding attached background materials on Senator Humphrey and the “charges of illegal campaign practices with which he has been associated,” undated, 1 page, with a New York Times article, pages from Facts on File, and Chapter 6 of the Final Report of the Select Committee attached, March 11, 1976, June 1974, 26 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Senator Claims Story Planted,” undated, 2 pages.

1975 Folder 8. Background Information: The Hartford Times article, “’Cleared on Funds,’ Sen. Weicker Says,” August 15, 1975, 1 page.

1975 Folder 8. Background Information: The Hartford Times article, “Harassment Backfires,” August 15, 1975, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Background Information: Time magazine article, “Lowell Weicker Gets made,” July 9, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Background Information: A portion of Dean’s testimony beginning with the transcript of a telephone conversation between Kleindienst and Ehrlichman, undated, 6 pages.

1974 Folder 9. Senator Howard Baker: Letter, Inouye to Baker, regarding Colson’s revocation of his 5th amendment rights and his cooperation with Baker, March 21, 1974, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Alfred Baldwin interview at unknown law offices in New Haven, Connecticut, March 30, 1973, 13 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Memo, McCord to Odle, regarding a volunteer applicant named Beulah Hendley, June 15, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Certificate of Incorporation of Chinese Refugee Relief, June 2, 1972, 1 page, with attached document with Chinese Refugee Relief letterhead, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Transcript of a telephone conversation between “A” and “M” at the law office of Ginsberg, Mirto & Ginsburg, West Haven, Connecticut, undated, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Handwritten notes regarding Alfred Baldwin’s participation in the Watergate break in, undated, 5 pages with attached Schedule D, Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President, Itemized Expenditures – Personal Services, Loans, and Transfers for the period August 1-9, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Handwritten notes regarding a meeting between Robert Mirto, J. Terrance O’Grady, attorneys for Alfred Baldwin, and Earl Silbert, Donald Campbell and Seymour Glanzer to discuss Baldwin’s cooperation in the Watergate investigation, July 6, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Memo, McCord to Odle regarding Jane Armstrong, a possible volunteer for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, June 15, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Copy of a check from the Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President, payable to Alfred Baldwin, August 7, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Handwritten notes regarding questioning of Alfred Baldwin, undated, 38 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Alfred Baldwin: Handwritten notes regarding questioning of Alfred Baldwin, undated, 16 pages.

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Memo to file of Alfred C. Baldwin III, Meeting between Robert Mirto, J. Terrance O’Grady, Earl Silbert, Donald Campbell and Seymour Glanzer (same as item Number 6 in previous folder), July 6, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Proposed line of questions for Baldwin, undated, 11 pages (annotated).

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Proposed line of questions for Baldwin, undated, 11 pages (different annotations on this document).

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Baldwin Witness Summary, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Handwritten notes regarding Baldwin questions and answers, undated, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Typed questions for Baldwin, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Memo, McGowan to Weicker, regarding a “Baldwin Interview,” March 28, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Handwritten questions for Baldwin, March 30, 1973, 21 pages

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Handwritten questions for Baldwin (Weicker w/ Baldwin), March 31, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Handwritten notes regarding Baldwin’s testimony, May 20, 1973, 11 pages

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Copy of section 2514 of part 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations regarding “Immunity of witnesses,” July 6, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Baldwin biographical information, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Chronology of Baldwin’s participation in the Watergate break-in, based on sub facts and sources, undated, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Washington Post article, “Bug Memos Sent to Nixon Aides,” October 6, 1972, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Washington Post article, “Key U.S. Witness Tells of Bugging Democrats,” January 18, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Baldwin Expected to Describe Role of Liddy and McCord,” January 17, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Los Angeles Times article, “An Insider’s Account of the Watergate Bugging,” October 5, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Nixon Group Got Bug Reports, Baldwin Says,” October 5, 1972, 2 pages

1972 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The New York Times article, “Excerpts From Interview With Man Who Says He Helped in Bugging of Democrats,” October 7, 1972, 3 pages

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: The Washington Post article, “Witness Can’t Recall Who Got Tapped Logs,” January 23, 1973, 2 pages

1973 Folder 11. Alfred Baldwin Statements/Testimony: Typewritten notes regarding a meeting with Bob Woodard of The Washington Post, March 27, 1973, 2 pages

Undated Folder 12. Bernard Barker: Bernard L. Barker Witness Summary, undated, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Roger Barth: Interview with Roger Barth at G334 New Senate Office Building, by Scott Armstrong and Mark Lackritz, July 31, 1973, 17 pages (pages 5 and 17 are missing).

Undated Folder 14. Robert Bartlome: Robert E. Bartlome Biography, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 15. Carmine Bellino: Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Subcommittee to Investigate Allegations Against Carmine S. Bellino, Minority View, undated, 6 pages, with attachments: Memo from Bartlett; letter from Bartlett and Scott et al. to Ervin; Statement by Honorable George Bush, Chairman, Republican National Committee; John W. Leon Affidavit; Joseph Shimon Affidavit; Edward Murray Jones Affidavit; letter from Ervin to Scott; Individual Views of Subscribing Senators In Response to Individual Views of Senator Gurney, undated, 21 pages.

Undated Folder 15. Carmine Bellino: Letter, Sanders to Gurney, October 16, 1973, 3 pages, with attachment: Draft of Minority View to be appended to Report of Subcommittee Conducting Inquiry of Allegations Against Carmine S. Bellino, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Witness Summary, Wilbur M. Bennett, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota, undated, 3 pages

1972 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Letter, Maury Stans to Bennett, regarding contributions to Nixon’s reelection campaign, April 28, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Letter, Parkinson to Bennett, regarding amounts of contributions to Nixon’s reelection campaign, July 5, 1973, 4 pages

1973 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Letter, Bennett to Stans, regarding $30,000 contribution made to the Finance Committee to Reelect the President, August 16, 1973, 1 page

1973 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Letter, Parkinson to Bennett, regarding the possible return of the $30,000 contribution, August 23, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Letter, Barrick to Bennett, regarding the return of the $30,000 contribution, September 11, 1973, 1 page.

1968-1972 Folder 16. 3-M & Wilber Bennett: Copies of 3-M checks, ledgers and memos regarding 1968 and 1972 campaign fundraising, multiple dates, 9 pages.

1973 Folder 17. Helen Delich Bentley: Letter, Courey to Fellow Marylanders, regarding possible U.S. Senate candidacy of Helen Delich Bentley, undated, 1 page, with attachments: Document entitled “Senate Bid by Bentley, FMC Chairman, Stirs Controversy in Maritime Community,” June 13, 1973, 4 pages; copy of contribution card for Bentley campaign, undated, 1 page; Document summarizing Ms. Bentley’s solicitation of funds for the 1972 campaign, October 25, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 17. Helen Delich Bentley: Handwritten note regarding Bentley’s trip to Venezuela, her Committee interview and a contribution to Nixon, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 18. Berl Bernhard Testimony: Before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Washington, D.C., Exhibits of Berl Bernhard, Former Campaign Manager for Senator Edmund S. Muskie, October 31, 1973, 152 pages.

1973 Folder 18. Berl Bernhard Testimony: Before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Washington, D.C., Testimony of Berl Bernhard, Former Campaign Manager for Senator Edmund S. Muskie, October 31, 1973, 45 pages.

Undated Folder 18. Berl Bernhard Testimony: Supplement to Bernhard Witness Summary regarding Campaign Finances, undated, 3 pages with Berhard’s Witness Summary attached, undated, 4 pages.

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