Air Force sbir 04. 1 Proposal Submission Instructions

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PHASE I: Demonstrate the feasibility of novel coating system materials and/or processes for corrosion protection of steel substrates under simulated exposure conditions. Key test parameters include resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion protection of mechanically damaged/undamaged samples. Common coating performance tests, such as solvent resistance and flexibility, should be performed to maintain or exceed current system results.
PHASE II: Further develop and optimize the coating system developed in Phase I effort and demonstrate the performance improvements using the developed coating technology and materials on aircraft components.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: These protective coatings will have multiple uses for both military and commercial aircraft applications. In addition, any transportation or mechanical systems where steel is exposed to a corrosive environment will have applications for this development.
REFERENCES: 1. S.M. Rossnagel and J. Hopwood, “Metal Ion Deposition From Ionized Magnetron Sputtering Discharge”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12(1), 449 (1994).
2. U. Schulz, K. Fritscher, C. Leyens, M. Peters, and W.A. Kaysser, “The Thermocyclic Behavior of Differently Stabilized and Structured EB-PVD TBCs” Published by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
3. K. Tao, D. Mao, and J. Hopwood, “Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition of Titanium Nitride: A Global Plasma Model”, J. Appl. Phys., 91(7), 4040-4048 (2002).
4. Koval N.N., Goncharenko I.M., Grigoriev S.V., Schanin P.M., “Multiphase Wear-Resistive Coatings Produced on Steels By a Combined Vacuum Plasma-Ion Method” Proc. 1st Intern. Congress on Radiation Physics, High Current Electronics, and Modification of Materials. Tomsk, Russia, 2000. Vol. 3. P. 424-428.
5. S.L. Lee, M. Cipollo, D. Windover, C. Rickard, “Analysis of Magnetron-Sputtered Tantalum Coatings Versus Electrochemically Deposited Tantalum From Molten Salt”, US Army Research and Engineering Center, Benet Laboratories, NY; Published by Surface and Coatings Technology 120-121 (1999) 44-52.
KEYWORDS: Corrosion, Coatings, Cadmium Replacement, Aluminum, Density, Aircraft Components

AF04-271 TITLE: Surface Protection of Aircraft Brake Pressure Plates

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate improved performance of the Aircraft Brake Pressure Plate by development and application of novel surface protective concept.
DESCRIPTION: Pressure plates of the aircraft breaking system are carbon-carbon composite construction and subjected to very high heat, often above 1000° F. These components are exposed to many contaminants including aircraft and runway deicing chemicals. Upon landing, ground crews often apply a temperature-indicating crayon, or temp stick, to the pressure plate or adjacent rotor channel to determine the temperature of the brake to carry out refueling operations. Temp stick chemicals catalyze carbon oxidation, further accelerating the reaction and causing premature brake failures. Currently used oxidation inhibitors are ineffective in preventing these attacks. Surface protection of the pressure plate is required to lower the impact and, eventually, prevent the costly impact of this temp stick application. The current development effort will concentrate on producing a prototype device to generate an improved oxidation preventive system which, when applied, will protect carbon brake pressure plates and increase their performance characteristics and life span. A new surface protection system must be environmentally compliant and easily re-applicable in the event of damage or maintenance. The developed process would demonstrate an ability to produce uniform, well-adhered deposits to comply with existing Aircraft Brake System requirements.
PHASE I: Demonstrate the feasibility of producing the novel application and its suitability to extend the life of pressure plate specimens under laboratory simulated exposure conditions.
PHASE II: Further develop and implement the approach from Phase I and demonstrate the performance improvements utilizing the developed protection system and application techniques on Aircraft Brake Systems. Specific emphasis should be given to environmental compliance as well as improved maintainability.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: The developed surface protective concept will have multiple uses for both military and commercial aircraft applications. Any transportation or mechanical system where carbon brakes are exposed to a highly oxidizing environment will have applications for this prototype device.
REFERENCES: 1. S.M. Rossnagel and J. Hopwood, “Metal Ion Deposition From Ionized Magnetron Sputtering Discharge”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12(1), 449 (1994).
2. U. Schulz, K. Fritscher, C. Leyens, M. Peters, and W.A. Kaysser, “The Thermocyclic Behavior of Differently Stabilized and Structured EB-PVD TBCs” Published by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
3. K. Tao, D. Mao, and J. Hopwood, “Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition of Titanium Nitride: A Global Plasma Model”, J. Appl. Phys., 91(7), 4040-4048 (2002).
4. Koval N.N., Goncharenko I.M., Grigoriev S.V., Schanin P.M., “Multiphase Wear-Resistive Coatings Produced on Steels By a Combined Vacuum Plasma-Ion Method” Proc. 1st Intern. Congress on Radiation Physics, High Current Electronics, and Modification of Materials. Tomsk, Russia, 2000. Vol. 3. P. 424-428.
5. S.L. Lee, M. Cipollo, D. Windover, C. Rickard, “Analysis of Magnetron-Sputtered Tantalum Coatings Versus Electrochemically Deposited Tantalum From Molten Salt”, US Army Research and Engineering Center, Benet Laboratories, NY; Published by Surface and Coatings Technology 120-121 (1999) 44-52.
KEYWORDS: Aircraft, Brake Pressure Plate, Carbon, Oxidation, Surface Protection, Uniform

AF04-273 TITLE: Aircraft Fatigue Damage Inspection

OBJECTIVE: Develop an inspection system/technique that can inspect for fatigue cracks in the secondary layer of multi layer metallic structures.
DESCRIPTION: There is a need to inspect for fatigue cracks, in multi-layer metallic structures. Presently the fatigue cracks cannot be found until the aircraft has been removed from service and some disassembly accomplished. These cracks are located under a thick layer of sealant, which makes it difficult to identify. A major drawback to utilizing current methods of inspection requires the aircraft to be removed from service and some disassembled required for inspection. This leads into a host of problems. The goal of this SBIR project is to research a method to inspect for the cracks without removing the skin of the aircraft.
PHASE I: Research and develop a method to detect the fatigue cracks in multi-layer metallic in aerospace vehicles. Demonstrate the ability to detect cracks within the different layers of metallic structure on an F-15 component.
PHASE II: Develop and demonstrate a portable, easy to use, and cost effective system to be used on the outside of the aircraft. This system should be able to detect the cracks on the aircraft. Apply the results of Phase I to the design, fabrication, and experimental validation of the prototype unit. Demonstrate the operability to Air Force personnel and provide a users/maintenance manual for expected operation.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Potential applications include inspection of composite structures including commercial aircraft. Potential customers include aerospace, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Defense, and Department of Energy.

1. ASM Handbook, Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control, vol. 17, J.R. Davis, S.R. Lampman, ASM International, 1994, Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, Krautkramer, Krautkramer, Springer Verlag, 1990.

KEYWORDS: Aging aircraft, Non-Destructive Inspection, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Inspection

AF04-274 TITLE: Aircraft Corrosion Inspection

OBJECTIVE: Develop an inspection system/technique that can inspect for subsurface material loss (corrosion) in multi layer, dissimilar metallic structures and with the metallic structures being tapered in thickness.
DESCRIPTION: With the many aircraft within the Air Force becoming older, there is a need to inspect for corrosion, in the order a material loss of 0.030 inches in these multi-layer metallic structures. Presently the corrosion is not found until the aircraft has been removed from service and some disassembly accomplished. This corrosion causes troubleshooting and repair, which significantly add to Air Force sustainment costs. This leads into a host of problems. Methods and techniques must be developed to allow determination of the corrosion in the depth of the aircraft structure without removing the different layers of material to visual inspect each metallic surface.
PHASE I: Research and develop a method to detect the corrosion in multi-layer metallic in aerospace vehicles. Demonstrate the ability to detect corrosion within the material on a fighter aircraft component.
PHASE II: Develop and demonstrate a portable, easy to use, and cost effective system to be used on the outside of the aircraft. This system should be able to detect material loss on the different surfaces of metallic structures. Apply the results of Phase I to the design, fabrication, and experimental validation of the prototype unit. Demonstrate the operability to Air Force personnel and provide a users/maintenance manual for expected operation.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Potential applications include inspection of composite structures including commercial aircraft. Potential customers include aerospace, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Defense, and Department of Energy.

1. ASM Handbook, Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control, vol. 17, J.R. Davis, S.R. Lampman, ASM International, 1994, Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, Krautkramer, Krautkramer, Springer Verlag, 1990.

KEYWORDS: Aging aircraft, Non-Destructive Inspection, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Inspection

AF04-275 TITLE: Advanced Battery Modules for Vehicle and Support Equipment

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: Research and develop an advanced modular battery system capable of providing power for electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and equipment that incorporate the principals of common core power production (C2P2).
DESCRIPTION: Currently the Air Force has a growing need for clean, high quality DC ground power to operate electric vehicles and equipment. This project will conduct applied research into battery manufacturing technology that can meet the United States Advance Battery Consortium (USABC) and Department of Energy mid-term goals. Batteries packs should be available in a single 12V, 24V and 42V module as well as configurable for a pack output of at least 312V nominal. Additionally, the manufacturing and design should allow for parallel and/or series configurations that increase capacity/power capability of the configuration. The battery or batteries must be able to communicate (SAE 1850) through a battery management system for common Level 3 charging (SAE 2293) systems. The batteries should also be designed with thermal and electrical management that optimizes operation through –40 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This technology should expand on the commercial leaders methods for Electrical Vehicle (EV) batteries and battery management that specifically meets the needs of the Air Force and Department of Defense yet is flexible enough for commercial use. The physical design must be modular and adaptable at the interfaces to meet a variety of applications without significant redesign of enclosures. Manufacturing by design would not require significant costs for manufacturing nor engineering for various applications whether for a single application or large-scale production.
PHASE I: Conduct applied research into various battery technologies that meet or exceed the current EV battery specifications while analyzing the best source considering battlefield availability. The research must consider mobility, safety, and environmental issues. Models, drawings and simulations shall indicate minimum risk for continuation to Phase II. Data should be available to prove concept and validate a commercial market.
PHASE II: Develop prototype systems to prove design performance, versatility, reliability, and improvements over the current system. Demonstrations should include, but is not limited to, integration in at least one United States Air Force electric vehicle, one hybrid electric van, one hybrid electric bus, and one hybrid electric tow tractor electric/hybrid electric bomb loader.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: Civilian as well as military installation as well as other flightline applications where battery power is required.
KEYWORDS: Battery, Battery Management Systems, Thermal Management, High Voltage DC, Electric Vehicle

AF04-276 TITLE: Robotic Arm

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: Research and develop a robotic arm for multiple Air Force munitions loaders.
DESCRIPTION: Currently the Air Force has a growing need for a single device adaptable to different bomb lift trucks to load multiple munitions on multiple airframes. Development and design of new adapters are required with each new weapon and aircraft fielded. This project will conduct applied research into a robotic arm to be integrated initially into a nuclear-certified bomb lift truck (MHU-83) platform with the possibility of installing to the MJ-1 platforms. The current MHU-83 lift arm uses hydraulics to raise/lower/swing itself as well as the end-mounted table where a plethora of adapters are required to perform a variety of weapons loading tasks. Currently there are $71 million of authorized adapters in the United States Air Force (USAF) inventory, and the value grows with each new weapon and aircraft fielded.
The proposed arm shall fit inside the current truck physical constraints while exceeding current movement limitations. Current munitions range from 5”- 36” diameter; non-circular cross-sections shall be considered as well. This unit should lift 7000 pounds in normal use, have a safety factor of lifting 14000 pounds, and hold a static 21000 pounds (nuclear certification requirements). Movement shall be obtained in all six degrees of freedom and in any combination thereof. It must exceed any and all environmental, efficiency, maintenance and performance standards in effect or proposed through 2010. The arm must be ruggedized to the extent of operating in all present USAF theaters.
Market research has shown there is a gap in available equipment, which can do the required tasks and meet the specifications. No robotic arm can carry the capacity needed through the motions required while placing the load in a precise location for attachment under the aircraft’s wing. Current precision robotics carry minimal loads indoor in fairly clean areas.
Due to the criticality of safely handling sensitive munitions, USAF has not visited robotics for lifting munitions, but the current state of the art shows promise to fulfill the entire USAF mission.
PHASE I: Conduct applied technology research to meet or exceed the current operational requirements while reducing manufacturing and maintenance costs. The research must consider mobility, safety, and environmental issues. Required concept drawings, simulations, and models shall indicate minimal risk to move to Phase II. Actual lab tests and demonstrations desired.
PHASE II: Develop prototype system to improve design performance, versatility, reliability, and improvements over the current system and manufacture two (2) of these prototype systems for testing.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Civilian applications of robotics are numerous. Current assembly, painting, and welding facilities use robotics to perform work. Potential uses for a robotic arm with the capacity the USAF needs are utility industries, hazardous material and waste handling, and heavy lift machinery where large capacity with precision movement is required. Reliability and maintainability will be accomplished via at least one USAF location.



3.Questions about bomb lift trucks or munitions can be directed to the Munition Material Handling Equipment Customer Service Representative SMSgt. Dale Stokes WR-ALC/LESVG (478) 926-7603 ext.114.

KEYWORDS: Munitions, Robotic Arm, End Effector, Bomb Lift Truck

AF04-277 TITLE: Automatic Test Markup Language

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems
OBJECTIVE: Develop, implement, and define a set of industry standard definitions to represent test data and Test Program Set (TPS) using the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
DESCRIPTION: Information flow and content, through the course of Automated Test System (ATS) life cycles, offers many opportunities for improvement, modernization, and standardization. Data is produced and utilized from Automated Test System (ATS) inception to ATS retirement. Opportunities to provide cost savings, enhance capabilities, and to stream line work flows by utilizing modern and emerging text based information technologies and formats abound. These include test system requirements documentation, technical orders, internal communication formats, and many other specific application points. Schemata for using these evolving information formats are being developed and revised for use in the ATS domain. Insertion of these technologies can benefit numerous aspects related to Air Force Automated Test Systems. One particular technology that is clearly emerging as a present and future cornerstone is eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML has been accepted by the computer industry and because of that acceptance there are various tools available for utilizing the data format. This solicitation is looking for innovative applications of the XML technology that can support and enhance ATS, development, usage, and logistical support.
PHASE I: 1) Define and baseline a collection of XML schemas that allows test data and TPS to be exchanged with other ATS in a common format adhering to the XML standard. 2) Identify all appropriate ATS architectural segments, elements, and critical interfaces for potential implementation of the emerging ATML specification/standard. 3) Select a subset of these ATS segments, elements, and critical interfaces for ATML implementation. 4) Design an ATS implementation of the emerging ATML specification/standard for a specific ATS. 5) Conduct a Preliminary Design Review and deliver a System/Software Requirements/Design Specification and Interface Requirements Specification.
PHASE II: 1) Implement the emerging ATML specification/standard in a specific ATS. 2) Develop a Test Plan and Acceptance Test Procedures. 3) Conduct a Test Readiness Review. 4) Perform acceptance testing. 5) Develop a Test Report. 6) Develop a prototype ATML standard.
DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The ATML standard will provide a low cost solution for standard commercial off the shelf software tools to be incorporated in DoD and commercial ATS, replacing obsolete custom high maintenance software tools.

1. Web site for the ATML organization is

2. Email list server for the ATML is

3. An alternative website for ATML is

KEYWORDS: XML, eXtensible Markup Language, ATML, Automatic Test Markup Language, ATS, Automatic Test System, TPS, Test Program Sets, Schema

AF04-278 TITLE: JP8 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell to Power Existing Hybrid 25K Loader

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: Research and integrate a JP8 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) with the capability of powering an existing hybrid electric 25K aircraft material loader.
DESCRIPTION: The Air Force is investing in many new advanced power technologies to enhance its mission effectiveness and reduce its environmental impact. In order to demonstrate the potential applications of these new technologies and to show how these developments can converge to provide the war fighter with a superior tool, the Air Force is interested in integrating a JP8 SOFC with an existing 25K Loader. Although previous JP8 Solid Oxide Fuel cells have been developed, these have been focused on proof of concept and in addition have not been integrated with other advanced power technologies. Innovation will be required to produce a system that meets real world requirements and that can be used to create a complete advanced power system. The JP8 SOFC system must produce minimum vibrations and possess controls matching the load profile for an efficient power process. As this system must demonstrate the application of JP8 SOFC, it is necessary that the system is dependable as well as maintainable.
PHASE I: Gain knowledge and determine the applicability of a JP8 SOFC capable of charging an existing 25K hybrid loader. The reformer must be able to provide adequate power such that loader effectiveness is not compromised. The research must consider mobility, safety, and environmental issues. Models, drawings and simulations shall indicate minimum risk for continuation to Phase II. Data should be available to prove concept and validate a commercial market. Specifications for this vehicle will be available by the technical point of contact and the loader itself will be made accessible for load profile data collection.
PHASE II: Develop prototype systems to prove design performance, versatility, reliability, and improvements over the current system. A prototype demonstration will conclude Phase II.
PHASE III Dual Use Applications: Phase III demonstrations should include but not be limited to integration in at least one USAF 25K loader and show that the resulting combination possesses equal or better characteristics than when the loader is powered by a control source. JP8 is one of the most difficult fuels to reform into hydrogen, yet is one of the military’s most common and vital fuel. The military as well as the civilian market will be shifting to fuel cell technology in the future and this concept could help in developing more options for the fuel cell specifically in remote rural locations with barren landscapes.


KEYWORDS: Reformer, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, JP8

AF04-279 TITLE: Completely Integrated Jamming Test System (CIJTS)

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Sensors, Electronics, Battlespace
OBJECTIVE: Develop a universal open-air jamming and interference test capability, that does not require jamming clearance from the Federal Aviation Agency, but still provides a realistic system level test for Global Positioning System (J) receivers, antennas, and amplifiers.
DESCRIPTION: Chief of Staff of the Air Force is committed to ensuring that our weapons systems are jam resistant and the ability to test these systems is available. Loss of GPS jamming clearance capability could drastically reduce the ability to evaluate US weapon systems in a challenged environment. GPS receiver systems are subject to radio frequency interference. This interference can adversely impact the performance and reliability of GPS systems as defined in RTCA/DO-235. Current tests for GPS jamming and interference are conducted in the laboratory through simulation, in the field through injecting an interference signal into the live antenna feed to the system, and in the field through the use of live interference signals. All of these test methods have problems. Live field tests using actual interfering signals are the most realistic. However, with the expanding use of GPS by the civilian and military communities, live interference tests result in scheduling problems and safety of flight problems for the nations commercial air fleet. The CIJTS program seeks innovative methods and designs through which very low power (less than one watt) jamming and interference signals may be broadcast on the test vehicle itself into the receiving GPS antenna. The very lower radiated power levels near the test bed antenna will eliminate frequency clearance issues and provide the means to evaluate present and future GPS receiver systems in jamming and interference environments without impact to the safety of civil or military GPS users. CIJTS will provide a significant test capability for the war fighter and the Department of Transportation. A significant portion of the innovation will be dedicated to development of methods to adjust the jamming or interference signal to imitate approach to and departure away from the interference source by the test vehicle. The final CIJTS will be capable of generating the following jamming and interference signals. Any combination of these signals will be transmitted for from 1 to 20 jammer sources covering the GPS L1, L2, and L5 frequencies. The CIJTS will have adjustable power levels to emulate from 20 J/S up to 120 J/S of jamming interference at the test bed GPS antenna. The system will also be capable of testing multi-element antenna systems and producing correct multi-jammer wavefronts.

Directory: osbp -> sbir -> solicitations
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solicitations -> Air force 12. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Army 14. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program submitting Proposals on Navy Topics
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program
solicitations -> Armament research, development and engineering center
solicitations -> Army 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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