Air Powered Dragster Introduction An important consideration in designing a vehicle is aerodynamics

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acceleration of the dragster (how fast it speeds up) is controlled by Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Simply put, with the same amount of force applied, the object with less mass will accelerate faster. So, in most instances, the lighter dragster will have the greatest amount of acceleration – it will be the fastest dragster.

Lighter = Faster Heavier = Slower
Once the dragster reaches its top speed, Newton’s First Law of Motion goes into effect. This law states that once an object is in motion, it will stay in motion until something happens (like it hits the finish line). There are actually a number of things working to slow down the dragster BEFORE it ever hits the finish line – all having to do with friction:

  • Friction between the wheels and the track

  • Friction between the axle and the dragster body

  • Friction from the dragster hitting air molecules as it races down the track (aerodynamic drag).

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