Original team concept credited by Tom Anders based on discussions at TalkBloodBowl.com after a typographical error in the Living Rulebook 3.0 listed the new Khemri team as the Khemri Elf team.
Team Description: Some rare wood elves have been known to embrace the flora and fauna of the harsh deserts. These Elves protect this fragile habitat from those that would do it harm. Their close proximity to the Khemri have however changed their ideas on burial techniques and it is not unknown for an ancient elf who has finally died to continue to serve his race. When the undead of the Khemri culture started to field their own Blood Bowl teams, the Desert Elves were not far behind in encouraging their undead brethern to create a team as well. The very sand of the Desert rises to help the team with some extra strength.
Rerolls: 60,000
Allies: The Khemri Elf cannot use allies.
Apothecary: None.
Head Coach: Standard rules
On-Pitch Spellcaster: The starting spell for an Khemri Elf Spellcaster is Necromancy.
Successful Result: Any one player in the Dugout who failed their Regeneration roll is now Regenerated and placed into the Reserves box.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Dugout
Succeeds on: 4+
Secret Weapons: The Khemri Elf team may have one player with a poisoned dagger.
Star Players: Sinnedbad (80k), Humerus Carpal (130k), Eldril Sidewinder (200k), Ithaca Benoin (220k), Setekh (220k), Ramtut III (380k)
Advance: On doubles, a Kislev Werebear can gain Regeneration (+30k value).
Allies: Lycanthrope, Norse
Apothecary: Standard rules
Head Coach: Standard rules
On Pitch Spellcaster: A Kislev spellcaster starts with the spell, Calling the Beast.
Successful Result: A non-Werebear player on a Kislev team is immediate changed into a Werebear player as the Kislev bear spirit inside them all burst forth. The player gets -2 MA, +2 ST, -1 AG, +1 AV and gains Bear Hug and Outrage until the end of the drive.
Failure Result: The player’s change to a Werebear fails and the effects on his body of trying to change will KO the player. This will result in a turnover.
Range: Any non-Werebear Kislev player on the pitch
Succeeds on: 3+
Secret Weapons: The Kislev team may have one player with a Chainsaw.
Star Players: Helmut Wolf (110k), Ol’ Mama Grizzlepaw (190k), Wilhelm Chaney (240k), Zara the Slayer (270k), Icepelt Hammerblow (330k), Morg n’ Thorg (430k)