Annual report & statement of accounts


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(8) special audits were finalized and reports submitted to the Commissioner-General and members of the Internal Audit Committee. At the end of the reporting period the remaining reports were either in the process of being finalised or awaiting response from Functional Heads of Divisions audited. Areas audited included Customs Operations of the Integrated Regional Tax Offices, Revenue Collection at several Transit Sheds, disposal of damaged and expired goods and the conduct of public auction at the Wharves. During the year under review, the Division experienced several constraints that negatively affected the achievement of its work programme. Among the constraints were the extended delays in submission of documents and responses to audit reports by Functional Heads, the non-approval/late approval of budgets for audits to be conducted in the Regions resulted in some Regional Offices not being audited in 2014. In addition, the Human Resources Management Division failed to fill existing vacancies in a timely manner.


This Division is mandated to ensure that the actions and practices of the staff in the course of executing their responsibilities and duties are conducted in conformity with established laws, policies, procedures and rules of conduct in order to promote the image of the GRA and to secure public confidence in the integrity of its staff. To this end, the Division conducted eighteen (18) investigations into allegations against staff which originated externally, nineteen (19) into allegations which originated internally and two (2) into the lifestyles of and the rapid and unexplained accumulation of wealth by GRA employees. On completion of the investigations, reports with necessary recommendations were prepared and forwarded to the
Commissioner-General. In addition, verification exercises which were carried out on Certificates of Compliance submitted by Contractors to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board and/or Regional Democratic Councils amounted to ninety-three (93). Staff of the Division also monitored CCTV surveillance cameras located at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and Transit Sheds. One thousand, three hundred and fifty (1,350) such monitoring activities were conducted during the period under review while two hundred and four (204) camera recordings of the examination of imported goods profiled by the Risk Management Unit were conducted. The random monitoring of work attendance, overtime work and related costs was carried out on one hundred and five (105) occasions and similar monitoring of declarations of foreign currency by passengers departing the Cheddi Jagan International Airport was also done. Six (6) visits were made to GRA locations across the country to monitor the activities of staff and nine (9) special assignments were completed and relevant reports were prepared.

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