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Unlike the psychological types who are prone to abusing their own emotional experiences (therefore being selfish) or their own mental notions (and therefore vain), the Scorpio type is focused on the abuse of sensual experiences, which makes them sensual. Sensual abuse (indulgence in food, sexuality, tobacco, etc) represents a meaning of life to the psychological type of Scorpio. The healthy function of pleasant sensual experiences should be solely informative, inducing a person to express satisfaction and gratitude towards their sources. However, by attempting to satisfy oneself through sensual pleasures, one attempts the impossible. Pleasant sensual experiences, as well as emotional, cannot resolve the inner problem; they can only suffocate the awareness of it. Only temporarily. The nature of our senses is such that their experiences quickly disappear after they have fulfilled their healthy function and brought our attention to the reality of life. Soon after a volunteer poured cologne into his nose, he could not smell anything. Therefore, individuals’ attempt to satisfy themselves with sensual experiences naturally leads them to excessiveness, and then depravity (perversion, etc.). When the senses go numb and the feeling of satisfaction grows silent due to constant abuse, the sense of guilt, by then suffocated with sensual pleasure, becomes dominant. Scorpio then faces the temptation also typical of the psychological type of Virgo, which is burdening with guilt that eventually leads to hypocrisy and formalism. Influenced by the sense of guilt, Scorpio is tempted not to regret the bodily desire itself, but merely its manifestation. If the desire essentially remains, the inner discontent remains also, alongside the unclear conscience. Prior to that moment Scorpio would suppress the unclear conscience with excessive sensual pleasures, whereas now they do it by suppressing bodily desires under the influence of guilt. Unlike the introverted psychological type of Virgo, who can easily control themselves, the Scorpio type is extroverted and finds it very difficult to conceal its inner urges for a long time. Hence, Scorpio’s hypocrisy differs from Virgo’s. While Virgos calm their conscience with an external moral immaculacy, the Scorpios tend to pervert moral values by sidetracking them when not capable of curbing its sensual urges, so expressing gluttony, for instance, is not regarded as sin by them, whereas breaking a rule, tradition or a code of conduct not related to the quality of driving motives in their lives actually is. For instance, they would feel guilty if they worked on a religious holiday, but not so if they tricked a customer in a business transaction. Therefore, there is a transfer of guilt towards the demands whose fulfillment does not require inner reform of motives and character. When Jesus Christ criticized the Pharisees, he criticized the temptation typical of the psychological type of Scorpio: "Now you, Pharisees, make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter: but your inside is full of rapine and iniquity. Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without make also that which is within? But yet that which remaineth, give alms: and behold, all things are clean unto you. But woe to you, Pharisees, because you tithe mint and rue and every herb and pass over judgment and the charity of God." “This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and precepts of men. For leaving the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men.” “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you tithe mint and anise and cummin and have left the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and faith.” (Luke 11:39-42; Mark 7:68; Matthew 23:23) In order to succeed in restraining their extroverted nature from expressing their own motives, the psychological type of Scorpio more often then the other types sets out to walk the path of ascetic fanaticism, which implies that they will eliminate all those temptations which give the suppressed motives an opportunity to come out, by strict forbiddances and avoidance of everyday life temptations. Such a mechanism was also described in the Holy Testament referring to people as "Speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared, Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful and by them that have known the truth." (1 Timothy 4:2-3) Of course, by such abstinence one proves that the true victory over their temptations has not really come. Influenced by their unclear conscience, they abstain from tasteful food, for consuming it would reveal that deep inside they are still gluttonous, not grateful. They abstain from sexuality because they have not defeated its abuse, so they cannot comprehend its function in expressing true love, etc. Their own unclear conscience makes the psychological type of Scorpio incapable of easily forgiving others and prone to arousing conflicts and aggressive actions in case of distinct hypocrisy. The same violence that they are prone to apply to themselves (due to the influence of guilt) when they curb the expression of their own essential motives, they are prone to apply to others. “There is none worse than he that envieth himself, and this is the reward of his wickedness.” (Sirach 14:6) The psychological type of Scorpio therefore has two mutually opposed tendencies (which result from their inadequate reaction to severe sensuality and sensitive conscience) and perhaps for this reason they even have two life phases: the first, sensual phase, being activated due to undefeated temptation of puberty, whereas the second one, ascetic phase, activates mostly at a later age, when the unclean conscience naturally overpowers the experience of sensual pleasure. These two phases can appear more often with less intensity. After every satiation, the sense of guilt may prevail, but after the sense of guilt is gone, the undefeated sensual nature may manifest itself again. A truly responsible and mature person will not let themselves be ruled by either bodily desires or the sense of guilt. If they truly repent for their weaknesses in their heart, the enslaving desire will disappear, and so will its symptom- the sense of guilt.


Astrologers claim that the greatest virtues of those born under the sign of Libra are: avoidance of conflict, charm, decency and sociability. We would gladly praise these virtues of Libra if we could be sure of the quality of the motives behind them. But if we take into consideration those weaknesses astrologers attribute to them, which include the ability to get easily offended and hypocrisy, it becomes clear that both good and bad characteristics of Libra are only different faces of one and the same nature. The fact that "Libra is easily ruffled" (Charles E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 125) reveals that behind the charm, decency and sociability lies vanity. If we feed “the virtues” of such a psychological type, we feed their vanity, which will show its other (true) face when the time of difficult life temptations comes. Due to their developed vanity, such a person will become a helpless victim of external influences, causing them counteract their conscience. In order to avoid humiliation in the eyes of society, they will show an inclination to deny truth, sacrifice their integrity and betray their friendship. Along with Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, the psychological type of Libra is moved by the need to satisfy personal vanity, which means that they have the need to imitate imaginary mental notions about their own worth and magnitude. But unlike Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Libra type is characterized by cowardice, manifested through the vain fear of losing the approval of society. Due to their vanity, the psychological type of Libra has no personal attitude, but the one that will win them the approval of the majority. Their vanity makes them slaves to current public opinion. No one flatters their friends more nor gives up friendship that easily under the burden of fear and wounded vanity as they do. Quite often, they study courses at universities that they are not interested in, or perform jobs they do not like, because their choice of university courses and jobs is governed by the need to leave the impression of special worth and significance on their environment. Their vanity incites them to act and pose before other people, especially in public, where they make unnatural facial expressions and gestures, which would charm others and make them like them. Inability to be honest with another person inundates every form of mutual association, from plain friendships, to marital or business liasions and political parties. Flattery is regarded as a token of loyalty, benevolent criticism as a token of hostility. The fear of losing the approval of another person or community attributed to this psychological type is so strong that it naturally results in their tribal way of thinking, the right question being not what kind of person someone is, but whom they support. A crime is not a crime if it was done in the best interest of a community, whereas truth, justice and integrity, if harmful to the community, represent an act of betrayal. The voice of clear conscience is suffocated and overcome by the voice of vain slavish compliance to the opinion of the society, and is subject to its direct judgment. "They are ready for any sacrifice to give comforts to those in their own to give comforts to those in their own immediate home circle, but they are also prepared to sacrifice anyone else's family for their own, if necessary." (Max Heindel & Augusta Foss Heindel, The Message of the Stars, pg 102)


As per astrological books, perhaps the greatest virtue of Sagittarius in relation to other Zodiac signs is their free spirit. However, their cry for destroying the external boundaries of freedom is a manifestation of the slavery of their inner spirit. The psychological type of Sagittarius is a slave to his or her own huge and arrogant Ego. Arrogance in its essence is an irrational independence that is the end in itself. Why do I have to go to work every day? Why do I have to go to bed every night? Why do I have to inhale air? Why was I ‘made a slave’? These are the questions probably known to the psychological type of Sagittarius. Sagittarius views any testimony of reason towards life’s responsibilities, and any voice of conscience calling them to take on responsibility, as an attack on their huge Ego, suffocation of their personality and denial of their freedom. What is the relationship between Sagittarius and other people like? How is their subjective Ego related towards the objective needs of reality? Unlike the Libra type, not only is Sagittarius not a slave to the public opinion, but they are almost completely disinterested in it. In Encyclopedia of psychological astrology by Charles Carter, we read that the term of inconsideration, beside Aries, also belongs to the sign of Sagittarius: "Inconsiderateness, as apart from selfish indifference, which is found in primitive specimens of all the signs, is commonest in Aries and Sagittarius, because their robust animal spirits make it hard for them to appreciate or notice the feelings of less vitalized signs." (Charles E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 103) A huge arrogant Ego makes Sagittarius live life unaware of other people’s needs, and live inconsiderately as if they were the only ones on the planet. Their reason is not focused on recognizing the needs of other people's lives, but responds to current quirks of their own Self. An immediate and close contact with other people is the only thing that causes sympathy and altruism in them. And even then, when they decide to respond to the needs of life they are assured of, Sagittarius will not be pleased with a simple reasonable action; they will attempt to 'enhance' it by bringing their huge Ego in, yielding to their own current cravings, which will result in certain deviation from the plan instructed by their common sense. Due to the nature of their huge Self, the psychological type of Sagittarius experiences the most intense stress when they are to yield to discipline of any kind, regardless of its reasonable justification (getting up every morning at the same time, for instance, or going to bed at the same time every night in order to get up rested). They naturally want to break the rules or discipline and therewith show the ‘free' spirit of their huge arrogant Ego. Astrologer Maja Lončarić wrote about Sagittarius that they are “disharmonic” (Astrology – Stars Talk, pg 17).


As with the rest of Zodiac signs, astrology represents Aries’ flaws as virtues. Being justice-loving is a virtue, but Arieses hate injustice more than they love justice. Being courageous is a virtue, but Arieses are more reckless than they are courageous. Being honest and open is a virtue, but Arieses are more uncontrollable and rough than they are ready to honestly help another with their open criticism. Having strong will is a virtue, but Arieses possess no strong will, they possess strong impulses instead that govern their will. All the virtues astrology attributes to Aries are devaluated by the actual motives behind them. In times of stress, Aries’ values are essentially revealed as great flaws. Astrologers claim the persons born under the sign of Aries to be: "Aries is ... the extreme of self-assertion, vigorous, bold, and regardless of consequences. Aries and Sagittarius are the most excitable signs... Aries - Easily angered and then often go to great lengths." (Charles, E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 17, 78, 176) A truly dignified person maintains their dignity in the moments of humiliation by an unjust authority. They respond to injustice with humility and meekness, thus their dignity comes out to the full extent. Although they are humble, their spirit is not humiliated. However, Aries represents the type of people who are not capable of putting up with injustice. In their humiliation they do not seem dignified, but humiliated and offended. Behind their dignity there lies a huge proud Ego. The whole psychological type of Aries and their defense mechanisms result from their distinct pride. Pride makes a person self-sufficient, so they regard any form of receiving or expressing true love as their own humiliation. Hence the psychological type of Aries shows extreme gratitude if we give them money they are going to spend on fun and pleasure. But if we present them with a gift of the same value which responds to their actual life needs (the need to eat, for example), they will take it with a considerable amount of stress, attempting to depreciate it at all costs (whether by promising a counter-gift, saying we are obliged to help them or by subsequent devaluation of the nobility of our motives to help them). Not only the acceptance of love, but also its expression causes stress of humiliation of their huge self-sufficient Ego. Of course, I am also talking about true kindness here, not manipulating other people’s weaknesses. Their kindness, since it’s desecrated by pride, is engrained with defense mechanisms against their own humiliation. Therefore, even their good and kind deeds are infested with roughness: they have a need to pat a friend on a shoulder when they have just expressed their care and affection towards them, or communicate words to their spouse which diminish the spouse’s love for them, or even use derogative terms of endearment instead of diminutives towards children (brat, punk, horse, ass). For the same reason, useful work is a humiliation to the psychological type of Aries. Any activity which makes them serve or makes them useful to others is a humiliation to them. Due to their pride, they do not praise others because it makes them appear worthless. Any injustice they are aware of, even if it was done to another person, they take personally, and their wounded proud Ego urges them to make self-sacrificial heroic deeds. It is easier for them to lose their lives than suffer humiliation under authority. They naturally fight not only against negative authorities in society, but positive ones as well. The very pride does not allow them to be liars, hypocrits, actors, ‘successful’ merchants or ‘good' politicians when it comes to relations with another people. But the same pride makes them vulnerable and therefore generators of discord and conflict with other people.


The psychological traits of Leo were caused by their desire for power. Even their most harmless actions are a manifestation of conscious or totally subconscious will to exert influence which is the end in itself. Astrologers say that they are characterized by: "Desire to rule and organize administration of people and areas, self-restraint, strong influence upon people, height, posture, and good leadership fits them... A man of will and order, superior. They are not getting on when subservient. In situations like this their abilities seem to be blocked. Faults: Self-overrating." (Mile Dupor, Do not believe it, check it, pg 74) "They are natural-born leaders and feel that their position in life is related to authority and organization. ... Leo’s largest faults are intolerance, conceit, grandiosity and extremely rigid way of thinking." (Nikola Ogrizović, Astrology, pg 17, 7) “They live beyond their boundaries, they tend to command and are kind to their family only if they agree to listen to them.” (Maja Lončarić, Astrology – Stars Talk, pg 55) If given a chance to express themselves without restrictions (in conflicts, fights and war), their desire for power will reveal a destructive, violent and ruinous character, although they will show an affectionate spirit in everyday life, which is nothing but the other face of the same desire to influence other people. "Never overly sensitive to the feelings of others, in spite of their basic kindness, most Leo men are so wrapped up in themselves that they can be brutally frank and untactful." (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 192) Their desire for power is manifested through the role of leaders and interest in magic, which also has its religious form in the so-called charismatic (spiritual) movements, then through political careerism, etc. Moreover, the desire for power is their primaryy driving force which is deeply plotted into all their activities and relationships with other people. “"He (Leo) likes to protect and he is convinced that it is the way to express his chivalry. However, the truth is a bit different. He protects because he likes to control." (Hana Hart, A man in the palm, pg 61) "The lion sometimes tends to marry beneath him. ... He just can't resist acquiring a "subject" to whom he's superior." (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 193) "The lower type brags about how many connections they have in high society, about everyone working according to their concepts, about their contacts with politicians, ..." (Mile Dupor, Do not believe it, check it, pg 75) Unlike Aries and Pisces, whose discontent is a temptation for either hating others or whining over their destinies, the psychological type of Leo is characterized by the lack of tendency to nourish negative feelings, because they would desecrate the spirit of triumph and victory. A potential failure is only a new challenge to start the struggle once again with more fortitude and decisiveness than before. The desire for power results in an unquenchable optimism and positive feelings which characterize them even at the moments of their most bizarre violent acts over their victims. If they nourish hatred, they generally do it just to excuse their need for expressing violence. Their greatest temptation lies in a fact that in most cases they are not aware of the real nature of their primary driving force, so they announce it a virtue. The uncontrollable desire for to power turns the psychological type of Leo into a megalomaniac, which is a psychopathological condition of a person characterized by mania of grandeur, wealth, geniality and omnipotence. Secretly or to some extent openly, megalomaniacs long to see or show themselves as “masters of the world” who are superior to everyone else in regard to certain dimensions or any regard whatsoever.


As opposed to Libra, Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, the psychological types of Gemini, Virgo and Cancer are not slaves to mental notions about their magnitude (they are not proud), but their feelings (they are selfish). Instead of pride, there is slavery to emotional experience: a need to be loved, to possess, to belong, even a need for intoxicating emotions that are accomplished by the use of alcohol, through meditation or abuse of music and the like. But unlike Virgo and Cancer, the Gemini type managed a great deal to keep their judgment and consequently retain the ability of their will to act in accordance with the actual life needs. Their selfishness is nothing but egocentric rational exploitation. "Gemini is egoistic, but also often selfish, frequently in a rather childish way." (Charles, E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 75) The hunting skill of catching apes is probably known to us all. A fruit is put into a huge jar with a narrow bottleneck and the hunter waits for a monkey to put its arm inside and clench the gain. When the hunter comes close to it, the monkey naturally wants to run away but it does not want to give up the fruit. It could keep its freedom if it let go of the fruit and took out its hand, but the strong desire clouds its mind. With the squeezed fruit in its hand, it becomes an easy prey for the hunter. The cause of its tragedy lies in its irrationality. There is a similarity between this and actions of most of the psychological types we are talking about. Due to their offended vanity or their selfish enjoyment, most people will show a foolish willingness to endanger their existence, even their very lives. Most of them abandon common sense because they cannot bear the disclosure of their motives as meaningless. The psychological type of Gemini is undoubtedly different. They will let go of the fruit on time and take their hand out of the jar. After that they might consciously agree to stay in the hunter’s hands, if he promises to give them the fruit. Even if they rush into the selfish enjoyment they will do it with full awareness. Under pressure of conscience they will not deceive themselves about being on the right track if they are not. Maybe the conscience will be troubling them for some time. In that case, they will consciously take alcohol and drink it as long as it takes to silence the voice of conscience. The lack of emotional fervor by which they usually calm their conscience makes them nervous and creates a need to gossip because they feel more exalted and righteous in the dark of the others’ weaknesses and stupidity – which they easily recognize by their common sense, than in the light of their own conscience. The astrologer Liz Greene gives an advice as to how to win Gemini’s affection: "Gemini is also a bit of a gossip - yes, the trait appears in the Gemini man as well as in the Gemini woman - and a less pleasant adjective would be 'nosy' to describe the intense curiosity with which Gemini approaches other people." (Liz Greene, Astrology for Lovers, pg 245) But the need to gossip is also characteristic of all the other types who are expressively conscientious (of course, only when they in conflict with their conscience), especially of the psychological type of Virgo as well as Cancers and Scorpios. Geminies themselves have defense mechanisms, if those reactions may be called so, which are utterly sincere and pragmatic. They will not buy flattery or burden of guilt. One cannot manipulate them by means of some ideology or religion. They can be controlled only through their selfish interests or through their selfish cowardice, because they are certainly not the people who would sacrifice their lives for the sake of ideals. How to help such a psychological type overcome themselves and become humans? What is to be said to a person like that that they are not already aware of on the basis of their common sense? There is one essential question which is a taboo only for Gemini, and that is the question of the fundamental meaning of being. As a meaning of life, selfishness can never fulfill what it promises. No matter how strong, lasting or sublime are the emotions the selfish heart is longing for, they can never satisfy the soul. However, emotions are just emotions, not the essence. They can only suffocate the awareness of inner discontent, they cannot eliminate it. A person who has taken a painkiller really does not feel any pain. But neither sensations nor feelings are relevant indicators of our real mental condition, no matter how true they are. Just like a painkiller treats an uneasy symptom and does not cure the cause itself – an illness, the emotional pleasures also do not take away the mental problem. Deep in the soul the discontent still remains. To change one’s feelings is not the same as to change oneself. To become truly happy and not only to feel happiness, they need to change their essence, not their feelings. To feel happiness and to be happy is not the same thing.


Virgo is characterized by an set of virtues: neatness, tidiness, diligence, etc., which is by any astrologer regarded as a sign of their developed responsibility towards life. However, when we analyze the other attributes of Virgo, we may wonder whether their responsibility is real responsibility or perhaps just a burden of guilt. The astrologer Linda Goodman wrote that Virgos have "deeply rooted possessiveness" (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 232), which means that Virgos do not really treat themselves responsibly because they do not vanquish their inner weaknesses. Also, Linda Goodman says that Virgos "put up with rules of discipline they don't understand, because obedience to fate without struggling comes naturally to them." (Ibid, pg. 229) If Virgos really were responsible, they would take the responsibility to question the significance of their motives and actions, not letting their actions be driven by the principles whose righteousness they are not sure about. Virgos are characterized by the irresponsibility of mind, and they only seem responsible on the outside, because they are burdened with guilt. They seek satisfaction of their guilty conscience in the rules which they blindly and formally obey. Under the influence of guilt, Virgo tends to merely prevent the expression of character weaknesses, instead of resisting them, which makes Virgo a smooth hypocrite. They will repent for something bad they have said or done, but not because they are bad deep inside, for they are not aware that behind their bad actions (which they very rarely demonstrate indeed) there are bad motives they need to repent for. If the weaknesses are only suppressed, they are not replaced by virtues, which makes Virgos cold and without creativity. Since deep inside they remain the same, the guilty conscience remains too, and they will express it in relation to other people through false moralizing. “Virgos are rather complicated and contradictory because they constantly bear the traces of fearfulness and a lack of self-confidence, which makes them quite self-critical and hard on themselves. They are worried about things for which they do not have a real reason for worry. They have high personal standards and great expectations of their own selves, and sometimes others. Their flaws are not huge, but annoy those who live with them because they burden them with unnecessary concern and demands.” (Society of Astrologers of Yugoslavia, Meet Astrology and Yourself, pg 79) “Excessive criticism, pedantry, petulance, over-humbleness, suppressing of emotions, concern and meddling in others’ lives.” (Nikola Ogrizović, Astrology, pg 8) The people belonging to the psychological type of Virgo diligently take care of themselves, their food and health, not because they love being healthy, but because they are afraid of being ill: “They are fastidious and exacting in grooming, eating, working and romance. He takes more baths and showers than any four people you know put together. ... Sometimes a Virgo will even tote his own water with him on trips. Don't laugh - do you know what can happen to a person's stomach when certain foreign bodies in strange drinking water enter the digestive system?” (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 220-221) "They do not talk much, but mainly observe. They are dressed unobtrusively.” (Dr Milijana Pušara, Love Horoscope, 114) "Virgo is generally neat and particular about dress, but seldom overdresses." (Charles, E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 11) The psychological type of Virgo is characterized by extreme selfishness (stinginess and possessiveness). When they meet a person whose extroverted behavior they recognize as their own in form of suppressed and unacknowledged motives, they tend to express contempt towards the person, and if a person is weaker than they are, they even express violence, which would force the person into the same hypocritical behavior they are forced into by their own feeling of guilt. Their hypocrisy activates Pharisee-like intolerance, contempt and repugnance towards the filthy, beggars, cripples and overtly immoral persons. In Sun Signs we read that: "Though he has absolutely no sympathy for beggars or idle wastrels, he is unfailingly generous when a friend is in trouble. The Virgo who is almost miserly where his personal needs are involved will make charming gestures of financial aid to those who really deserve it, or to people he really likes or loves. But you'll never find him throwing money away carelessly, because waste is one of his pet peeves. Virgos labor hard for what they have, and extravagance never fails to shock them. They usually have a few sharp things to say about spendthrifts and people who are too lazy to work. ... He won't take to lateness any more kindly than he does to wastefulness. ... They hate gushy sentiment, dirt, vulgarity, slop-piness and idleness. ... Virgos hate ignorance, stupidity and sloppy thinking almost as much as they hate dirt and vulgarity, and that's a lot. ... Self-discipline is part of his very nature." (pg 225-226, 232) Virgos give up the responsibility to reasonably question the righteousness of their own motives and actions, for it would convince them of their own emptiness, so they transfer the responsibility to the code of conduct they blindly stick to and authorities they blindly obey. Such a mechanism turns Virgo into an authoritarian (“Gestapo-like”) personality with a need for authorities that think and decide instead of themselves, as well as the scapegoats which are to blame instead of themselves.

In 1950s a group of sociologists and psychologists (Adorno, T.W. Frenkel-Brunswik, Else; Levinson. Daniel J. & Sanford, R. Nevitt, The Authoritarian Personality, 1950) defined the fascist type of authoritarian personality (F scale) by means of attributes which correspond to the psychological type of Virgo:

1) Conventionalism

Rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values

2) Authoritarian submission

Submissive, uncritical attitude toward idealized moral authorities of the in-group

3) Authoritarian aggression

Tendency to be on the lookout for, and to condemn, reject, and punish people who violate conventional values

4) Anti-intraception

Opposition to the subjective, the imaginative, the tender-minded

5) Superstition and stereotypy

the belief in mystical determinants of the individual's fate; the disposition to think in rigid categories

6) Power and 'toughness'

Preoccupation with the dominance-submission, strong-weak, leader-follower dimension; identification with power figures; overemphasis upon the conventionalized attributes of the ego; exaggerated assertion of strength and toughness

7) Destructiveness and cynicism

Generalized hostility, vilification of the human

8) Projectivity

The disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world; the projection of unconscious emotional impulses

9) Sex

Exaggerated concern with sexual 'goings-on'

The other psychological types can also be authoritarian, especially in stressful circumstances, but their authoritarianism is different from Virgo’s. The authoritarianism of Aries and Sagittarius excludes items 2, 4 and 5 from the above quoted F scale, whereas Cancer’s authoritarianism lacks items 3, 4, 6 and 9. Item 4 is characteristic of Virgo’s authoritarianism only.


If the psychological type of Gemini burdened themselves with guilt for their exploitations, they would assume the traits of Virgo. But if Virgos confronted their own coldness and emptiness, which are a result of their burden with guilt, and if they decided to fill the emptiness of their souls not with the actual repentance for the suppressed motives of behavior, but aroused sentimental emotions (for instance, by drinking an alcoholic drink or meditating), they would assume the attributes typical of the psychological type of Cancer. So, unlike Virgos, who delude themselves and their need to reform their character by changing their outer behavior, Cancers delude themselves by changing their emotions. Cancer’s emotions perform multiple wrong functions: they are aroused to appease selfishness (an object of pleasure), to sooth guilty conscience (as a ‘proof’ of love), then as a driving force (fanaticism), and they rely on them thus sacrificing their common sense when it comes to judging whether something is right or wrong. By creating in themselves emotions which are not adequate to reality, the Cancer type loses contact with reality and forms mental notions about the events in the outer world in accordance with their false optimism. Such life philosophy degrades them to the level of an infant whose imagination fuses with reality thus living in their own imaginary world. Out of fear not to threaten their pleasant emotions which they find intrinsically important (for they are the object of their selfish pleasure), they show reluctance to face their own life responsibility. Perhaps the best way to explain the functioning of Cancer’s defense mechanisms is by illustrating the example of a mother who is negligent to the actual needs of her child and is therefore tormented by guilty conscience. In order to calm her conscience, instead of repentance of her negligence and reform of her inner motives, she begins to arouse sentimental feelings for her child to the extremes, therewith deluding her conscience. As the aroused feelings of love towards her child become the object of her unvanquished characteristic selfishness, she becomes extremely selfish and possessive in relation to her child (and therefore quite vulnerable and often concerned). When she seeks help from a psychologist as a result, saying: "I love my child too much!” the psychologist easily suspects the mechanism of reverse behavior. Of course it is not possible to love someone too much. The term “too much” is a result of her defense against the voice of guilty conscience warning her that there is still no true love in her heart. If there were true love, she would not "buy" and "bribe" her child by succumbing to its selfish urges, but reasonably look for whatever is truly good and healthy for it. While the mother refers to the emotion of love as a proof that she truly loves her child, the psychologist can succeed in explaining the mother her real condition and the need for inner reform - reform of motives, not emotions, by means of a rational analysis of the meaning of her actions towards her child. Analyzing the meaning of a particular behavior can lead a drug addict to the conclusion that his strong feeling of love towards his girlfriend is not a criterion of his actual love towards her when he offers her narcotics in an outburst of emotions. The psychological type of Cancer faces the same kind of temptation when they are realize that their emotions most often represent the defense against their conscience due to lack of love rather than being a sign of love. Instead of relying on their emotions, Cancers should awake the underdeveloped forces of their common sense to realize that positive emotions are not a criterion of what is right and good. They should understand that, by avoiding negative thoughts and emotions and arousing emotions of love in themselves, they will not succeed in uprooting evil from their hearts and reaching true love in doing so. By avoiding thoughts and emotions adequate to reality they merely eliminate the cause of manifestation of the actual substance of their being. Emotions should be adequate to reality, but if we escape reality to make our own feelings comfortable, we become immature for any kind of stress that will force us, one way or another, into confrontation with the actual substance of our soul and lead us into heavy depression. Selfishness naturally leads to disappointment in life, for life is not here to satisfy and fulfill us, we are here to fulfill it and make it meaningful. By liberating themselves from unreasonable optimism and de-tabooing the concept of self-examination the persons who belong to this psychological type can find themselves on the road to liberation from themselves. If not, they will find themselves on the road to mental illness (manic-depressive psychosis). Astrologers specify Cancer’s traits which are representatives of their temptation: “They fall under the influence, yielding to the weakening point, change mood according to the weather and Moon, their character is nothing but a sum of experiences.” (Mile Dupor, Do not believe it, check it, pg 70)


It is easier to follow the path of least resistance through life and give up the responsibility of being a adult than solve life temptations in a mature and responsible manner. Astromedicine by Mile Dupor offers us an insight into the psychological characteristics of Pisces: “They are victims of circumstance. Looks for punishment. Victim; goes with the flow, cannot untangle from the net that has been placed. They long to be manipulated. They are timid, quiet, shy, wait for their beloved one to meet by chance: a wave needs a current. Kind to the weakening point. They go through life suffering for the sake of ideals and children. Poor is the their mother as they get used by others. They long and perish for intangible ideals. Longing, roads, and sweet sufferings. Tears are a powerful weapon." (Astromedicine, pg 104, 123, 131, 133, 139, 142) In Sun Signs we read as follows: "The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surroundings, the more fish you'll find. ... There's little worldly ambition in Neptune people. ... There's a lack of intensity, almost a carelessness about tomorrow. ... It's never easy for either real or human fish to struggle and fight their way upstream. It's more common, and it takes less effort, to go with the current wherever it takes them. But to swim upstream is the challenge of Pisces-and the only way he ever finds true peace and happiness. Taking the easy way is a trap for those born under this Sun sign, a glittering bait that entices them, while it hides the dangerous hook -a wasted life. ... You'll be impressed with the Piscean charm of manner and lazy good nature. Tell a Piscean that society is decadent, the government is cracking, air pollution will put us all in our graves and the world is coming to a dead stop, and he'll yawn, or smile enchantingly, or look vaguely sympathetic. ... Typical Pisces will normally take the path of least resistance... If reality becomes too terrible to face, he often escapes into rosy daydreams with powder puff foundations and not a prayer of coming true. When life dumps him with a splash-a real belly-smacker-into a stagnant river of dismal failure and hopeless conditions, instead of leaping out of the murky danger, he's more inclined to hide behind his pale green illusions which keep him from making practical decisions." (Sun Signs, pg 501) Astrologer Maja Lončarić wrote about male Pisces: “A man is looking for a woman who is always there to comfort him when he is facing hard times.” (Astrology – Stars Talk, pg 17) People who belong to the psychological type of Pisces are characterized by a tendency to present themselves as miserable and incapable of bearing the burden of life responsibility on their backs, so by whining over themselves and their supposed misfortune they try to assure their conscience that they are not to blame for the consequences of irresponsibility in their lives, but that they are victims of various life opportunities and predicaments. Such an attitude mentally topples them down into two kinds of evil: ungratefulness and immature response to stress. If they cherished the feelings of gratitude, they would have no excuse for whining. If their response to stressful situations was mature, they would have no excuse for their grumbling as well, for all of their problems would be solved. In order to have excuses, they must whine constantly, and all their quests for solutions are merely games they play with a subconscious desire to turn their quests and endeavors into failures, the failures which will give them a reason to self-pity and whine over themselves again. For instance, if you tap a Pisces on the shoulder in the moment of crisis, they will become even more sad to the point of beyond consolation, not less, which should serve as a warning to those who console them that they are about to be involved in a "game" with a predetermined outcome, because Pisces subconsciously wants to stay Pisces. Pisces are comfortable with depression, although they are not comfortable with its symptoms - negative emotions themselves and unsettling relationships with other people. The psychological type of Pisces always tries to eliminate their depressive feelings by means of various techniques (most often with cheerful music), but does not want to give up the roots of their depression because they are afraid to encounter life responsibilities and maturity it requires. Instead of themselves, Pisces blame other people for their condition, or even blame destiny which they see as a damnation of sorts, so they think that their way out of the depression is not in responsible willful action, longing and struggle to make their lives better and more beautiful, but in chance and fortune which may finally smile upon them. Hence their inclination to superstition, mysticism and magic. At the same time they are very afraid of the fact that destiny may smile upon them, because in such a case they will no longer have an excuse for their inner discontent and irresponsibility. The psychological type of Pisces often leads themselves into a state of depression. For example, they give in to nostalgic feelings, brooding over good old times to present themselves as losers, and in this way generate a feeling of self-pity which will make them miserable and therefore irresponsible again. With their mechanisms they look like an injured cat licking and nibbling her wounded leg, until the leg eventually falls off. The only way for a person to beat Pisces’ psychological mechanisms in themselves is to look for the strength and motivation needed to overcome their condition outside the mechanisms of Pisces in themselves, which implies confronting their own defense mechanisms, resisting their influence and yielding to the spirit of unselfish gratitude and creative responsibility. What Pisces expect of other people and life most often is the very thing they fail to offer to other people and life. They should not give in to despair for their “ill fate”, but take it into their own hands and make it the way it should be. However, confronting their own selves is very difficult for Pisces, as it is to Cancer, because they regard such penetration into the personality as breaking a taboo which is not to be interfered with. Clothed in their ideology or religion, they do not allow their fundamental principles of being to come into question. Although their depression is a certain admission that they have a problem, they do not allow the problem to be interfered with. It implies that their basic life principles are right, but that there is someone else to blame for their problems.


The secondary psychological types are compounds of various combinations of the basic psychological types. As a matter of fact, the three male fiery signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, when merged and softened with the psychological influence of Virgo, Cancer and Gemini, result in the forming of Taurus, Aquarius and Capricorn. In practice, these compounds are more common than the types of basic signs. Since the secondary signs are compounds of the basic signs, we will refrain from further repetition of explanations referring to the basic signs they are made of, since they have already been explained, but we will only show that the basic signs appear in the secondary ones.


The psychological type of Taurus is a compound and interaction of Leo and Virgo. An amalgam of Leo’s desire for power and Virgo’s possessiveness, we can clearly see it in the description of Taurus by the astrologer Mile Dupor: “The will is melancholic, latent and more directed towards the power over things. The temperament: reserved, conservative, but also generous and tolerant." (Mile Dupor, Don't believe it, check it, pg 61)


The psychological type of Aquarius represents a combination and interaction of Gemini and Virgo, wherein the Gemini type is dominant. "Generally kindly and tranquil by nature, Aquarians nevertheless enjoy defying public opinion." (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 444)


The psychological type of Capricorn is a combination and interaction of Aries and Cancer. Unlike Aries, who cannot put up with injustice, Cancer easily puts up with it. Unlike Aries, who is proud but unselfish, Cancer is meek but selfish. Unlike Aries, who is rebellious and open, Cancer is fearful and timid. Unlike Aries, who is unconscientious and lazy, Cancer is conscientious and diligent. Unlike Aries, who is too proud to deal with their own emotions, Cancer abuses them in any way. We recognize their interaction in the astrological attributes of Capricorn: "He has a self-made brick wall around him. He's shy, but he's strong and tough. He's pleasant, but he's fiercely ambitious... In his private dreams, the goat is an incurable romantic, but Saturn chains his nature. The stern planet of discipline demands of him calm behavior, practical actions and serious intent. This is his cross, and it's often a heavy one to bear. Sometimes he'll cover his frustration with a brusque manner... Capricorns pretend they can live without compliments, and the way they behave when they get one is pretty convincing proof. Actually, he desperately needs to be told he is good, clever, handsome, desirable and interesting, but since he'll seldom make his need visible, he gets few orchids. (Linda Goodman, Sun Signs, pg 412) The dual nature of Capricorn was described by astrologer Ljiljana Milajić: “It should be noted that there are two different types of Capricorns – one is unusually stingy, the other extremely generous. These are capable and decisive people, usually successful in most of the activities they perform, because they approach everything they do with great sense of duty and discipline. They generally like money - not for the sake of money, but for the power it brings. Naturally, the other, more generous type of Capricorn is a little different, but they also like to possess for the sake of reputation and prestige." (Ljiljana Milajić, The Horoscope, "Woman 21" magazine, issue 7, May-June 2001, Australia)


As we have stated before, the psychological types are products of motives which cannot bear the criticism of common sense and personality defense mechanisms which people use to defend themselves from their own voice of reason and conscience asking for reform. We have seen that the same motives are hidden beneath both their flaws and virtues. When an astrologer divides a Zodiac sign to morally “higher” and “lower”, they do not talk about different motives, but different sublimations of one and the same motive, or about the defense mechanisms which induce one to behave in a morally “elevated” manner. However, a truly grown adult is the one who defeats the bad motive, not the one who suppresses, sublimates or redirects it.

How can we say whether our own “elevated" behavior is a sign of the sublimation of motives which are essentially bad or it represents a true growing up of our personality? By our reaction at the time of unpleasant stressful circumstances! The very circumstances we refer to as the excuse for our bad reactions test our true motives. In the stressful situations our true motives find an occasion to come out and reveal their true nature. Under the pressure of temptation in form of food or tobacco indulgence, the Scorpio type will put their health in danger. In a stressful period the Virgo type will be inclined towards a suspicious "Gestapo-like" spirit and therefore show readiness to endanger their own and other's welfare for the sake of blind observance of principles. The Cancer type will demonstrate cowardly betrayal of a friend under the pressure of unjust authority. The Libra type will demonstrate the same cowardly betrayal, not because of their own selfish fear, but the vain fear of losing the approval of society. The Aries type will in times of stress transform their self-sacrificing courage into madness; their own wounded pride into hatred and destruction. The Leo type will be a close and devoted friend, until the person they love elevate themselves above them in terms of their values. The Gemini type will show a noble character until their own personal interests become endangered.

Can we call some elements of man’s personality virtues if they reveal a flawed character just when they should prove to be virtues? Of course not! Behind various virtues there are often flaws, which reveal their true nature only in times of stress. Because of this fact, a stressful situation is not as bad as it may seem, since it can make us become aware of the actual content of our motives. They therefore give us a chance to beat these motives and thus reform our true character. When a person truly conquers the temptation of the motives which characterize their psychological type, they liberate themselves from their great Ego and their defense mechanisms, so we cannot say that they have a corresponding Zodiac sign. For instance, it is known that the psychological sign of Aries is incapable of putting up with injustice due to their pride and rebellious nature. But, should they beat their pride and rebellious nature to stand injustice with meekness and humility, would it not be utterly meaningless to say that they have a corresponding Zodiac sign of Aries whose character is defined as: “Proud, vengeful, quick-tempered” (Mile Dupor, Do not believe it, Check It, pg 74)?!

The nature of temptation is such that, if we respond to it with maturity, we acquire traits contrary to our Zodiac sign. A mature reaction make the proud become humble, rebellious become meek, selfish - unselfish, vengeful - merciful, cowardly become brave, unreasonable become reasonable, unconscientous - conscientious, immoderate - moderate, and so forth. It is therefore entirely inadequate to attribute the Virgo sign to a person if the person defeats their stinginess and becomes generous; or to attribute the Cancer sign to the one who is not possessive, etc. The one who maturely overcomes temptations in life does not behave in accordance with their Zodiac sign, but with conscience and common sense, purposefully to the real needs of life, free of any typology of Zodiac signs.

Our life needs also include the needs of our spouse. Our readiness and ability to live for someone else certainly indicates a healthy development of our personality, which moved from childlike egoistic self-absorption to the path of growing up to complete maturity where we are able to live for others. This raises the question:

Do astrology and its findings help us successfully overcome temptations in choosing our spouse and building marital relationship itself?

Many believe that we explore horoscope just to find out how to beat life temptations. Therefore the question of whether astrology helps us in beating those temptations is justifiable. Or is it perhaps keeping us from doing so?


The time when our parents chose our spouse is now long gone. The time has come when young people decide, on the basis of their love for one another, to start a future life together. They may think of the patriarchal times with appall, when they would be in a slave-like relationship with a person they did not choose voluntarily, waking up every morning beside someone who is a stranger to their heart. However, without proper understanding of the concept of marital decision even their present relationship, based on their mutual true emotions, might suffer the same fate. One day, when the emotions go silent, they would wake up beside a person they have never really chosen to love. Instead of themselves, the marital decision has been made by their emotions. One day, when the emotions have vanished, the decision has vanished with them. Actually, it would turn out that a true decision of free will never existed. To have free will does not mean to make decisions according to current impulses, emotions and urges of one’s own nature, but to make decisions without regard to them, and to bring into one’s life the quality of experience which makes the relationship filled with the most supreme contents and meaning.

One’s decision to love can fill their whole relationship with love, even if it was empty and slavish for decades. A real marital decision, which stands on the foundations of unselfish love, is a condition for marriage to actually be marriage.

By definition, marriage is a vow of love, which implies us making a responsible life decision to live for our spouse, to take care of them and serve them, to show willingness to sacrifice for them all those character flaws which might be an obstacle to our common happiness. In making a marital decision – a vow a love, we are naturally confronted with our own character weaknesses which prevent us from making the decision.

Selfish motives of human nature which give rise to intentions to emotionally and sensually use the spouse either result fear of marriage or impulsive, inconsiderate and irresponsible marriage, without a true decision for the other person. By solely announcing a relationship an official marital union, but without awareness of mutual responsibility and the decision to live for one another, nothing magical will be done to make such a relationship better than the one which is not formally called marriage. One needs to beat oneself, their selfishness and sensuality, otherwise the fear of their non-fulfillment, losing a better opportunity, etc. gets in their way of making a real marital decision. Unless they beat their selfishness and sensuality, they will not have courage for making a marital decision, or they will base the decision on their unconquered selfishness and sensuality themselves. The same weaknesses that made them start a relationship might one day be the cause of its breakup, once they are no longer satisfied, or when directed to satisfy themselves by someone else.

The first question one has to ask themselves when choosing a spouse is not – “Can I love him/her?“, but “Am I the kind of person who is able to love him/her? Is it over with my selfishness, sensuality, pride, vain oversensitiveness, my desire for power and perhaps my cynicism and grumpiness?“ As long as we are leaving the essential question of our spirit unanswered, we will not be ready to consider the quality of our potential spouse objectively, because we will be limited by the question whether we like them or not.

The reason why we love someone should lie in our hearts, our love, not the values of that person which make us love them in this case. Only when we become capable of loving them regardless of their values and shortcomings, we should start analyzing whether they are truly the right person for marriage, that is, whether we will truly be friends, willing and capable of helping each other in life.

The fear of getting married, which is a natural result of awareness of all the responsibilities of marital vows, might not be overcome in a mature way and thus form a need in us to give up the responsibility of choosing a spouse. The lack of true foundations of the marital decision is frequently manifested through one’s need to let someone or something else make the decision. Naturally, such transfer of responsibility reveals the lack of love. In this case, we will analyze the phenomenon of transferring the responsibility for choosing a spouse to the astrological factor and astrological advice.


Let us look at the example of advice given by astrologers to the persons born under two mutually “inadequate” Zodiac signs. We will analyze the relationship between the people belonging to the signs which are extremely different, because their relationships have the most expressive consequences of unconquered temptations, which to a lesser extent characterize the other signs and the relationships between them.


The astrological authority describes the relation between Cancer and Aries as follows: “The emotions do not concord, both of them suffer. Conflicts related to house, apartment, parents, family and country." (Mile Dupor, Astromedicine, pg 102) There are differences between Cancer and Aries which lead astrologers to the conclusion that their relationship cannot be successful. However, on a global level, mental differences between partners already exist based on their sexes, so if these natural differences between male and female views of the world, types of intelligence, interests, etc. are not kept from abuse and perversion, they themselves will, instead of being a source of mutual welfare, become a source of conflict of these partners and failure of their relationship. Following the logic of astrologers, one may conclude that even the members of the opposite sexes should not be involved in a relationship because they are different and because these differences might ruin their relationship. There are differences between Cancer and Aries which are typical for male and female sex. Aries, alongside with Sagittarius and Leo, is considered to be a typical male Zodiac sign, whereas Cancer is regarded as a typical female sign. Aries’ pride and vanity on one side, and Cancer’s selfish sentimentality on the other, represent different temptations typical for both sexes. Due to the differences in temptations which stem from sexual differences, astrologers conclude that the relationship between Aries and Cancer is doomed to failure. Naturally, their relationship will be doomed to failure if they give up the responsibility which makes them human, and that is the responsibility to not abuse their sexual characteristics to their own end, but to use them for mutual welfare, which is why they exist. Aries’ temptation is to abuse the attribute of their male authority, perverting it into pride and self-sufficiency, which is why they find an open expression or reception of love in the communication with their partner to be humiliating. Pride can even be a temptation to a female Aries, the woman – Eve, who experiences humiliation at the thought that she was made of Adam's rib. She prefers the thought of having been made like a man- out of the dust of the earth than the thought of having been made out of beloved’s rib. Unlike Aries, Cancer’s temptation is a typical female temptation. Abuse of emotions makes Cancer selfish, burdened with proofs of love and acceptance. Cancer's unquenchable need for everyday signs of love by their partner Aries, who out of pride hesitates to show their love openly, leads to a heavy mutual conflict. Is seeking a partner who will put up with Aries’ pride or maybe Cancer’s obsessive need for proofs of love a solution? Or maybe the solution lies in repentance for your own pride and selfishness? Should you change a partner or your own self? Astrological advice discourages you in advance, telling you to give up the fight for the quality of your soul, which conditions the quality of your relationship. Nevertheless, victory over your own weakness will give the right example and encourage the other side to beat themselves. What can break a proud heart of a typical Aries more easily and successfully than gentle, unselfish and unburdening love of a former Cancer who beat their selfishness? What will disencumber a selfish and obsessive Cancer than an example of unselfish and meek love of a former Aries who beat their pride? Temptations are challenges for us to beat them and show that the person we love is more important to us than our character weaknesses.


“In a relationship with a Cancer a Sagittarius feels like buried alive. In order to preserve the relationship, a restless Sagittarius would have to give up having fun, flirting, and even eyeing off with the opposite sex. They will certainly not give up their free will which allows them to do what they please, which is totally unacceptable to the sensitive and possessive Cancer.” (Society of Astrologers of Yugoslavia, pg 58) As we can see, an astrologer predicts a failure of such a relationship, because they reckon that a Sagittarius will surely not give up their shortcomings which basically make them incapable of having any kind of marital relationship. In the same fashion, the astrologers come to terms with Cancer’s possessiveness, the trait which also hinders Cancer’s healthy relationship with any other person. Unless they beat their weaknesses which make them recognizable among Zodiac signs, both types will, in essence, remain deeply incapable of having not only a marital relationship, but a healthy, happy and normal life. Sagittariuses will not be happy nor pleased as long as they cherish in their hearts a desire which leads them to “hunt”, flirt and conquer other people and thus cheat on their spouses. Nor will Cancer be happy as long as they are moved by a need to possess people and things. In order to love other people and live for them (which is a cornerstone of relationships with other people), one must beforehand be unburdened, genuinely pleased and happy. Neither the conquering pleasures of Sagittarius nor the emotional (possessive) pleasures of Cancer can satisfy them; they can merely suffocate the awareness of their inner discontent. Their only true solution is not to gratify their weaknesses, but to repent from them. But, instead of employing self-criticism and questioning their actions and impulses of their hearts, astrology with its superstitious correlations induces people to draw attention from the source of their problem to the excuse for their weaknesses which they find in the stars, and, discouraged by “cosmic order” or “superior force”, abandon the fight for an honest relationship with their spouse. Different kinds of temptations of the psychological types of Sagittarius and Cancer is exactly why they can be right for each other, because they can clearly see each other's weaknesses that need to be overcome in order for their relationship to be based upon love, instead of the weaknesses which might have been the cause of their bonding one day, and the cause of their parting the other. The greatest obstacle in building and maintaining a marital relationship is not the spouses themselves being inadequate, but the absence of spouses’ good will to enhance the quality of their relationship. If a union of two people is based on selfishness and sensuality, spouses cease to be interesting to one another over time, because it is natural that they gets accustomed to constant sensual and emotional experiences. However, if the union is based on true unselfish love, spouses in time become more interesting to one another, because they gradually get to know each other better and respond to one another’s needs more successfully. While in the first case the couple can sadly state that they find each other boring, in the other they will joyfully say that they got to love their spouse even more in the meantime. Those who are not ready to sacrifice and forsake their own selves (and the weaknesses of their character) in order to fight to strengthen the relationship are not worthy of the blessings of marriage. The most an astrologer can do is to invite one to change their own behavior instead of their partner. Yet, to change one's behavior is not to change oneself. Astrological advice, based on trust in the determination of human character by the position of the stars, does not attempt to entice us to change ourselves, in which case any similarity to our Zodiac sign would be wiped off, and our future life would be free of any need for horoscope. To change a policy of relationships with other people is in essence craftiness, but to change oneself, that means to truly become human.


The relation between Cancer and Leo represents the relation between a subordinate and a dominant person. In the relation between men and women there is a natural difference in the responsibilities of different sexes which complement each other. It is natural that a woman is dependent on a man, as much as it is natural that a man is independent and capable of providing a woman with psychophysical security. Even when the most passionate feminists ask the state to ensure their rights, in a way, they ask the state to take over a protective role of a stronger man. Nevertheless, an authoritarian relationship may be formed between the sexes, where one person domineers over the personality of another. It takes two people to build such a depraved relationship. It is most characteristic of the relationship of the psychological types of Leo and Cancer due to their complementary weaknesses. Leo naturally tends to domineer over the personality of other people, practicing violence over their will, reason and conscience. They find this to be easiest in a relationship with the Cancer type, for this type generally tends to give up the responsibility for their actions and leave it to somebody else to think and decide instead of them, whether willingly or out of fear of authority. Such a pathological relationship, where a Cancer renounces their personal attributes to satisfy a violent Leo may seem to be very successful. Both partners can seem very content. Sometimes we can clearly see Cancer's mentally “broken" personality, without them being aware of the grave state of their own condition. The reason for this lies in the fact that the Cancer type is prone to showing mechanisms of reverse behavior in their subordinate attitude towards Leo, sucking up to their master, flattering them, using diminutives while they speak to them, which reveals that their attitude of loyalty is intertwined with cowardice and fear on a subconscious level. If the psychological type of Cancer became aware of the true nature of their attitude, then they could solve the problem. But, they are prone to using various absurdities to excuse and justify their authoritarian attitude towards Leo. Do astrologers attempt to make Cancer aware of their temptation? Do they make Leo pay attention to their disrespect of other person’s personality and violence over their conscience? Let us take a look at the advice astrologers give for such a combination: “This kind of incongruous combination of fire and water in life is often quite successful. Leos are to give credit for that, it seems, for they willingly accept to be victims of flightiness and whimsicality of Cancers, who use the generosity of Leos to a maximum extent.” (Society of Astrologers of Yugoslavia, Meet Astrology and Yourselves, pg 71) We can see that astrologers support Cancer’s subordinate and authoritarian attitude towards Leo. If Cancer was aware of their slavery, then they and their temptation would be closer the one of Gemini, who is characterized by rationality and awareness of the temptation. Does the astrological advice in this case give comfort to Gemini, saying that they have the freedom of will to resist their subordination to Leo? Let us examine the astrological advice: “Leo’s paw has taken hold and it will not let go of the prey! Poor Gemini has no chance to get away here. They will realize that no trick in their arsenal can move Leo from their position of master and will remain their slave and follower." (Society of Astrologers of Yugoslavia, Meet Astrology and Yourselves, pg 71) So, if one is not aware of their slavery due to their emotional exhilaration, astrologers flatter them that it is the sign of their master's good faith. Astrologers then do not see the Leo's paw over that person. But, if one is aware of their slavery, they claim that they have no strength to liberate themselves from it.


Sexually obsessed Scorpio type and the Virgo type which is barely interested in sex naturally come into conflict due to their sexual incompatibility. Unlike Scorpio, who seeks the cure for their inner discontent in sexual pleasure, Virgo seeks satisfaction in the purity of their conscience. Each has their source of satisfaction which, in practice, results in their mutual incompatibility. Each of them shows that they have a need which is more important to them than their partner. Virgo reveals the problem of unclear conscience which burdens them during almost any sensual pleasure. Scorpio reveals the inclination towards sensuality due to which the purpose of their sexuality is not to express love towards their partner, but to attempt to reach their own. Everyone has a conscience problem when they are moved by sinful motives, but there are differences between people and the way they solve the conflicts with their conscience. The Virgo type has emotions and feelings which are meagerly expressed, so it is easier for them to hypocritically hinder the expression of their weaknesses and enjoy the peace of their superficial legalistic conscience. They have a tendency to shift guilt, so instead of feeling guilty about their motives which are actually sinful, they often feel guilty for the actions which do not express the essential problem. The Scorpio type has intensely expressed emotions and feelings, so it is easier for them to suffocate the voice of their unclear conscience by indulging in sensual pleasures. The relationship between Scorpio and Virgo leads to the expression of their mutually adverse mechanisms and behavioral motives, so it gives them the opportunity to become aware of them and beat them. If Virgo's heart is genuinely pure, their conscience will be too, and they will not have any inner obstacles which would prevent them from expressing their love through sexuality, which would be adequate to the needs of their life companion. If Scorpio is truly moved by sincere love, they will not be tempted if their partner does not show an everyday interest in sexual contact with them. Besides, sexual intercourse takes just a small amount of time and communication which pervades a relationship of two people in love. If they are truly in love, they will be interested in recognizing all the needs of their companion to be fulfilled. Their sexual relationship will be unburdened and free, whether of Scorpio's personal need for satisfaction, or of Virgo's self-righteous tendency to feel guilty about it. It will not be a substitute for love, nor a source of happiness, but merely a way to express love, an occasion to share the happiness of spirit. Sexuality nowadays has a distorted function with almost all the psychological types, for it is awaken without marital vows, for personal satisfaction; in this manner people are becoming unable to perform a healthy function of sexuality in marriage.


Unprepared to take over the responsibility for their lives, people have a need for different excuses, including horoscope, for it liberates them from their own responsibility for their actions and flatters them that their relationship with the partner will go into the right direction, or perhaps discourages them, telling them that they are doomed to failure, regardless of their efforts to maintain the relationship.

What can be said to those who explore the future of their relationship in horoscope analysis?

If you expect a lucky star to contribute something to your relationship that is up to you and your partner, you do not need to be wise to understand that such a relationship is doomed to failure, not for some mystical reasons, but because its quality and success are up to you. Your relationship will possess as much quality as you give to it yourselves, and as much success as you sacrifice yourselves for each other. Besides, what would you think of yourselves as conscious and responsible individuals if it was not up to you alone? How pleased would you be with the fortune of your love if you only acted as audience, without will and participation in creating and developing your own relationship?

Yet, horoscope can tell you that your partner is not right for you and that you are not right for him or her because your characters are mutually intolerable. What does it mean? In other words, it means that you both have serious character flaws which prevent you from getting along, because they make you stand in each other’s way. But, if you truly love each other, why not sacrifice the character flaws for the sake of your love? Would you rather cultivate your flaws than build your love relationship? The very differences that might stand in your way can help you develop yourselves in terms of the flaws you have not even been aware of. The differences between the two of you are not necessarily as bad as such, because you need to complement each other, not merely exist double up. If you truly love each other, would it really be difficult for you to promise that you would do anything for the sake of the other? If you are not prepared to make such a sacrifice, then there is no person who deserves to build a relationship with you. What is the value of your relationship if it is not a result of the mutual decision to live for one another? How much do you appreciate the love of your partner if you have more trust in the stars than their true will to love you and live for you? Can you feel gratitude for the partner who loves you, not because they were tempted, stood the tests of life and thus chose to love you themselves, but because some superior force influenced them despite their will and choice? Naturally, marriage which was in essence not chosen by us is not worthy of surviving as a successful one. A true marital relationship is a decision based on unselfish and self-sacrificial love and it is developed throughout temptations of life. Only when a marital decision is not based on readiness to fight for the person one has chosen will they have a need to look for advice and safety of their relationship in astrological predictions, giving up their responsibility for the quality and success of their relationship.


Let us note that astrology assigns a certain type of character that we only have when we exclude mature reaction of reason, conscience and will from our personality, behaving irresponsibly towards the temptations we face.

People do have the tendencies astrology ascribes to them as personal traits, but they also have the abilities to overcome them by reason, conscience and will. However, if they behave irresponsibly, letting bad tendencies of their nature and defense mechanisms of unclear conscience govern them, odds are that they will recognize themselves in the horoscope.

There is a possibility to be accidentally born under a Zodiac sign or ascendant whose psychological type and its description best correspond to the behavioral motives and defense mechanisms that we are naturally prone to, and therefore, due to the recognized similarity, arrive at the conclusion that an astrological factor irrefutably exists. That is why different horoscopes simultaneously “function” in practice (Western, Indian, Chinese, Aztec, etc.), even though they provide often mutually contradictory predictions of the character of people born on a certain date in a certain place. Naturally, since people with certain psychophysical characteristics are born at every moment in every month, there can always be an accidental match between traits of a person and horoscopic predictions of any horoscope system.

Now we need to explain why there are differences between the psychological types based on which astrologers classify people as different Zodiac signs. What influences us to abuse our emotions (corresponding to the Cancer type in its most extreme variety), or to abuse the mental notions about our own worth (corresponding to the Libra type), or our senses (corresponding to the Scorpio type), or perhaps to smother our urges influenced by our sense of guilt (corresponding to the Virgo type)?

Everyone abuses what they have most at their disposal, depending on their inheritance and external influences. Therefore, we will now focus on anthropology.


The differences between various types of psychological Zodiac signs represent the very differences between people. Those differences between people are not a result of any mystical or superstitious causes, but are the result of the perversion of various human abilities.


Our abilities differ from person to person depending on the gender we belong to, our age, genetic adaptation to climate conditions we live in, our natural talent for certain work activities and the influence of external factors.


Gender distinctions are purposeful to different responsibilities of men and women in terms of society, family and bringing up offspring. Different levels of male and female hormones at the early stages of human development result in unlocking of the genes responsible for different abilities. Besides forming the visible sexual differences, they also influence the emergence of differences in the way the male and female brains function. Women’s left and right side of the brain are more mutually connected, so the activity of their brains “disperses”, whereas men use either their left or their right side to a greater extent, depending on the nature of a task they are solving at the given moment. A woman can simultaneously watch her child, listen to the sounds in the kitchen, talk and knit, while a man can concentrate solely on one activity at a time. Different levels of sex hormones in prenatal stage lead to development of the different types of intelligence. While women show a more developed F factor (the ability to use words) and M factor (mechanical memory ability), men show a more developed R factor (highly developed ability to comprehend relations, and to find general principles, correctness and laws from given information) and N factor (the ability to easily and successfully operate with numbers, primarily in basic calculations). Female children prefer playing family games with the dolls they feed, attend and caress, whereas male children are more interested in games involving technical characteristics, construction, power, establishment of influence, battle and conquest. And while a woman is more endowed with emotional intelligence which reveals her sphere of responsibility and care- and those are the people she is immediately close to, a man is characterized with abstract intelligence – issues of general significance which induce him to be the source of safety for his wife and family, as well as the source of justice in human community. Therefore, corresponding to their place under the sun: for women it’s more important how they feel, while for men it is more important that what he is doing is worthy, powerful, significant, and just. In order to remain focused away from the responsibilities which primarily correspond to female gender, man’s sentimentality and ability to perform more than one thing at a time are blocked by male hormone testosterone during his development. The abilities of male and female genders are mutually complementary. In a stressful situation, a woman will rather react defensively with the emotion of fear (so that she can keep her children), whereas she will leave the offensive to her man, who is endowed for aggressive defense of his family with his psychophysical characteristics.


Age distinctions are a consequence of different types and levels of responsibility that a human being can bear from the early childhood through to the old age. In the earliest childhood the responsibilities of children are focused on the performance of their own physiological functions which are necessary for the survival; at the age of puberty there is a sudden psychophysical development and diversion of interests from their own selves to other people, especially of opposite sex, whereas at the mature age the responsibility for the family and social events is awaken in us. Any higher level of responsibility is accompanied by the corresponding hormonal activation of developing abilities which enable us to fulfill the responsibilities presented to us by our life’s needs.

At the age of puberty there is a highest rise in the level of sex hormones. We notice maximum exhibition of sex peculiarities in both genders in terms of their looks and psyche. Males’ body becomes more muscular (man should be a source of safety), and females’ with layers of fat on the chest, hips and stomach (woman should be capable of looking after their children). Men’s voices become deep, women's high-pitched. Excessive level of hormones results in increased body temperature and occurrence of a specific body scent. There is also increased sensuality, manifested through an increased need for food, which is adequate to the needs of accelerated psychophysical development, and through the sexual curiosity, which is purposeful to finding a spouse. At the age of puberty there is an awakening of human being’s need to become independent and take over their life responsibilities. Women have a strong need to have children, while men's need for fatherhood’s care gets activated only with the scent of a baby. Different kinds of abilities are now activated and are at our disposal, and it is greatly up to us and our interests to decide which abilities we are going to keep and then develop.

Somewhere around the age of thirty there is a new rise in the level of hormones with the purpose to activate those abilities which are the most adequate to the highest level of our responsibility towards our family and society. After they have performed their developmental function, the level of hormones is reduced.


The differences between people, which are the result of their different genetic origins, are mostly caused by their adaptation to different climate conditions. Unlike the White race, which was adapted to the moderate climate, members of the Yellow race are characterized by slow metabolism, proneness to obesity, stocky body, instinctive inclination towards making supplies and a multitude of other attributes which express their adaptation to the cold polar climate. Black race possesses attributes which indicate to their adaptation to the warm and sunny climate of the tropical and subtropical belts.

“We have already stated that stocky body with short extremities is more appropriate for keeping warm: this is exactly what we can see in genuine Yellow people, Tungusians, Mongols (and also Tungids) and the people of Siberia (Sibirids). Their hands and feet are extremely small... they have round heads with least parts that stick out and therefore less surface to be cold or freezing... Tungids’ heads have smooth forehead in most of the cases. The nose is low and narrow, cheekbones are wide and prominent; this makes the face more round, especially if it is covered in a fat layer of tissue, and the nose better protected. The eyes of the genuine Yellow people are more specific than the eyes of all the other people: the eye sockets are narrow, and the eyeballs in them and the other protective organs are well coated with fat; in addition, the upper eyelids cover the inner corner of the eye and makes tears run into the nose: that is the characteristic “Mongolian eye”. The narrow eye socket protects the eye form harmful gleam – reflection from icy and snowy surfaces. The other peculiarities of Tungids are sharp black hair, very weak beard and small amount of hairs.. Thick hair and perhaps a curly beard can maintain the exhaled moist air which can freeze, and that can harm the area around the lips.” (Božo Škerlj, Man, pg 315-317)

Adaptive differences between human races are somewhat caused by different levels of male and female hormones. Every person has both the male and the female hormones, but their mutual relation is determined by our gender (a man is determined by his Y chromosome), along with external influences to some extent (awareness of specific life needs or an intense stress that can change the hormonal imbalance), as well as different racial origins to a certain extent. And, while the Yellow race is characterized by excessive female hormones, with a developed eurosomatic vector in the constitution of both sexes, the Black race is characterized by excessive male hormones, so both sexes have a developed leptosomatic vector. Actually, since the members of the Yellow race live in unfavorable climate conditions, raising children requires a greater extent of attention from both parents, whereas in the more favorable climate conditions this requirement is less to some degree.

Man's feminine attributes (emotional closeness, etc.) are activated by an excess of female hormones so that he can get more interested in the events in his immediate environment (family). That female intelligence, which is less abstract and more practical, helps him successfully respond to the existential needs in specific polar climate conditions. Reduced level of male hormones reduces his interests in global issues (politics, philosophy and so on) which could in his case seriously endanger his family’s and his own existence. Male intelligence with its abstract issues would burden him with a responsibility he would not be able to fulfill, and hinder his practical intelligence needed for survival in the unfavorable climate conditions.

“Keith (Kiss) was the first who attempted to explain racial distinctions based on different effects of hormonal glands, that is, based on biochemistry. The difference certainly has its causes but it cannot be the primal cause of racial distinction. But, the fact is that the races, if we describe them as adaptive differences between humans, are complete types after all, which we cannot consider solely as an abstraction, but only from the encompassing viewpoint as specific morphological vectors. We can note and prove by bio-statistical methods that – at least so far in Europe – some sub-races or types are morphologically more associated with male gender and leptosomatic vector. The Alpides, for example, are closer to eurosomatic and female vector, whereas Mediterranides and Atlantides are closer to leptosomatic and male vector. Hence, in theory, masculinity or femininity and lepto- or eurosomatic types can be considered as "racial marks" of any sub-race or type. The above overview determined for European sub-racial types can be expanded to all the races. The Yellow race – in general – is more eurosomatic and “feminine” than the Black race. But, for instance, the Paleomongoloids are more feminine and eurosomatic than the Sinides.” (Božo Škerlj, General Anthropology, pg 89)

Researches done on the level of the male hormone testosterone with different human races revealed that it is most represented in the members of the Black race and least represented with the Yellow race. Difference in the level of hormones is equated in later age, but the one which existed during the prenatal development is essential.

"The races differ in their level of sex hormones. Hormone levels are highest in Blacks and the lowest in Orientals. This may tell us why Black women have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) the most and Orientals the least. The races also differ in testosterone level which helps to explain men's behavior. In one study of college students, testosterone levels were 10 to 20% higher in Blacks than in Whites. For an older sample of U.S. military veterans, Blacks had levels 3% higher than Whites (see the 1992 issue of Steroids). In a study of university students, Black. Americans had 10 to 15% higher levels than White Americans. The Japanese (in Japan) had even lower levels. Testosterone acts as a "master switch." It affects things like self-concept, aggression, altruism, crime, and sexuality, not just in men, but in women too. Testosterone also controls things like muscle mass and the deepening of the voice in the teenage years. ... The testosterone translates into more explosive energy. Entine points out that these physical advantages give Blacks the edge in sports like boxing, basketball, football, and sprinting." (J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behavior, pg 39, 14)

Human society requires people of different abilities, beside those that are a consequence of the different roles of male and female gender. Hence the differences between people and human populations resulting from their various abilities (gifts), so, as some have the gift for hunting, others are gifted for commerce, crafts, crop farming, stock farming, etc. Different gifts require different types of intelligence.

Higher level of testosterone during the prenatal development is indicated by the longer ring finger than the index finger on the right hand. The length difference between these two fingers is less with men and higher with women. The Black race has the least difference, then the White race, while the Yellow race has the highest difference between the two fingers.

If male and female hormones are equally present in the prenatal period, they activate a simultaneous development of both male and female intelligence, so the person possesses above average intelligence and is therefore talented for successful performance of jobs which require both types of intelligence. Research has shown that these people show a strong interest in science from an early age. However, a percentage of these people also become sexually deviant in puberty. If a person in the prenatal period has a lower level of both types of hormones, the range of their developed abilities is different and they can rather successfully perform the most practical jobs far better than if they had both expressive male and female intelligence. They are capable of performing their job with discipline and pedantry, without diversion to the issues which might make their mind wander and thus lessen their success.

A successful society consisting exclusively of scientists, warriors, merchants, etc. is unimaginable. For women who have excessive male hormones, and therefore developed male intelligence due to their anthropological origin, it is natural to take up occupations where they can show their greatest abilities. The same applies to men with more developed female abilities. Every person has their place under the sun and their abilities can contribute to the welfare of the entire human society.

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