Ap european History Period 1 Exam: 1450 -1648

Questions 42-45 are based on the following image

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Questions 42-45 are based on the following image:

  1. The event that most likely led to the process seen above was the?

  1. exploration of overseas territories by the Europeans.

  2. rise of mercantilism in the major powers of Europe.

  3. beginning of the Wars of Religion in Europe.

  4. development of absolutism in Russia.

  1. Which of the following countries was the least likely to have been involved in the process seen on the chart?

  1. Portugal

  2. England

  3. Italy

  4. Spain

  1. Based on the map and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen on this chart?

  1. A period of cooperation among European powers as they settled the New World.

  2. The domination of trade Asia as a result of this exchange.

  3. The subjugation of Europeans by the indigenous peoples.

  4. The destruction of indigenous peoples.

  1. Which of the following developments occurred as result of events that took place because of this chart?

  1. The domination of the European continent by a religious revival.

  2. The expansion of the African slave trade.

  3. A period when the Catholic Church stepped in and halted the settling of the Americas.

  4. Efforts by monarchs to limit exploration and trade.

Questions 46-47 are based on the following image:

  1. Based on the map and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen on the map?

  1. The development of absolutism in Europe.

  2. The domination of Europe by Protestants.

  3. The decline of France and the rise of the Holy Roman Empire.

  4. The failed efforts of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity across Europe.

  1. Which of the following developments likely resulted from the map above?

  1. The Edict of Nantes allowing religious pluralism in France.

  2. States exploiting religious conflict to promote political and economic interests.

  3. Conflict between the monarchy and nobility such as the French Wars of Religion.

  4. Efforts by monarchs such as Henry VIII to initiate religious reform

Questions 46-47 are based on the following passage:

Oneiromancy (witchcraft) may be practiced in two ways. The first is when a person uses dreams so that he may dip into the occult with the help of the revelation of devils with whom he has entered into an open pact. The second is when a man uses dreams for knowing the future. Witches, when they do not wish to be bodily transferred, but desire to see what their fellow-witches are doing, it is their practice to lie down and these things are revealed to in images. And if they seek to know some secret, they learn it in dreams from the devil, by reason of an open pact entered into with him.

-Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum (1486) Dominicans Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger

  1. During the great witchcraft persecution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, those most often tried as witches were

  1. Young girls

  2. Older women

  3. Members of the clergy

  4. Members of the aristocracy

  1. The passage above, when applied to the late 16th and early 17th centuries, represents a continued reflection of?

  1. social and economic upheaval in Europe.

  2. the necessity of European exploration.

  3. continued debate over the role scholasticism.

  4. absolutism versus constitutionalism.

  1. Which statement best represents the views of Michel Montaigne?

  1. “I am the state”

  2. The more people have, the more people want”

  3. “we now see with the proper gratitude what we owe to God”

  4. “…everyone gives the title of barbarism to everything that is not in use in his own country”

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