M.. .
Ma Má (interrogative pronoun) what
Ma, ila ma, bi’ma, li-ma, hatta ma Ma for what? after prepositions: ilá ma whereto? where? which way? whither? bi-ma with what? wherewith? li-ma why? wherefore? ḥattá ma how far? to which point?
Ma’, Miyah, Amwah Má’, pl. Miyáh, Amwáh water; liquid, fluid; juice
Ma’ad Ma‘ád literally place or time of return. Day of Resurrection
Ma’dan Nuqrih Ma‘dan Nuqrih a village and silver mine on Euphrates
Ma’dan Ma‘dan (Syrian ma‘din) very good! bravo! well done!
Ma’ida, Ma’idat Má’idat, Má’ida Pers. a table, especially one covered with victuals; a circle, circumference, circuit, orbit
Ma’ida, Mawaid Má’ida, pl. Má’idát, Mawá’id Ar. table
Ma’idiy-i-Asmani Má’idiy-i-Ásmání Pers. compilation of Bahá’í Writings. “Heavenly Banquet”
Ma’juj (Magog), Majuj Ma’júj, Májúj Magog, son of Japhet; Eastern Tartary. See note for Yá’júj (Gog)
Ma’mun Ma’mún reliable, trustworthy
Ma’mur Ma‘múr frequented
Ma’na, Ma’ni, Ma’ani Ma‘ná (Pers. also Ma‘ní), pl. Ma‘ání Pers. sense, meaning, signification, import, drift, reality; virtue, efficacy; spirituality; a thing; anything; a subject; a circumstance, an event.—pl.: significations, senses; imports; mental images; intrinsic qualities; qualities that are commended or approved, charms, graces; elegance of language; mystical meanings; sublime realities, spiritual matters. A reference to the Imams as the repositories of the inner Word of God. See ma‘nan
Ma’nan, Ma’anin Ma‘nan, pl. Ma‘ánin Ar. sense, meaning, signification, import; concept, notion, idea, thought; thematic purport (e.g., of a work of art, as distinguished from its form); a rhetorical, figurative, or allegorical expression. al-Ma‘ání—the meanings. See ma‘ná
Ma’nawi (Manavi) Ma‘nawí relating to the sense or import (of a word or expression)
Ma’qul Ma‘qúl reasonable, sensible, intelligible, comprehensible, understandable, plausible, logical; rational; apprehensive faculty, comprehension, intellect, discernment, judiciousness, judgment; common sense (ex-cogitated, MF 156)
Ma’raj, Ma’arij Ma‘raj, pl. Ma‘árij place of ascent; (route of) ascent. See Mi‘raj
Ma’raka, Ma’ruka, ‘Arik Ma‘raka(t), Ma‘ruka, pl. ‘Arik battlefield, battle
Ma’rifa (Ma’rifat), Ma’arif Ma‘rifa(t), pl. Ma‘árif knowledge, learning, lore, information, skill, know-how; cognition, intellection, perception, experience, realization; gnosis; acquaintance, cognizance, conversance; an acquainted person, an acquaintance, a friend; (grammar) definite noun; pl. al-Ma‘árif cultural affairs, education. Pers. definition: knowing; knowledge, science, learning; insight in divine matters or mysteries; art, skill, craft; account, reason, means; by means of, through
Ma’ruf Ma‘rúf known, well-known; universally accepted, generally recognized; conventional; that which is good, beneficial, or fitting, good, benefit; fairness, equity, equitableness; kindness, friendliness, amicability; beneficence; favour rendered, courtesy, mark of friendship; active voice (grammar)
Ma’sum Ma‘ṣúm inviolable, sacrosanct, protected by the laws of vendetta (Islamic Law); infallible, sinless, impeccant, impeccable; immaculate, morally infallible and rendered immune to error by God, infallible in judgements and decrees
Ma’sum Ma’ṣúm Pers. guilty or suspect (person)
Ma’sumih Ma‘súmih Pers. Fáṭimah bint Músá al-Khádhim, sister of Imám ‘Alí ar-Riḍá (8th Imám), is commonly known as Fáṭima al-Ma‘súmih
Ma’u’l-Furat Má’u’l-Furát sweet waters (“the fresh and thirst-quenching waters”)
Ma’un Ma‘ún variously interpreted as assistance to neighbours in the form of lending household utensils; voluntary and obligatory alms; obedience to prescribed rules
Mabda’ Mabda’, pl. Mabádi beginning, start, starting point; basis, foundation; principle; invention;—pl. principles, convictions (of a person); ideology; rudiments, fundamental concepts, elements
Mabsut Mabsúṭ extended, outstretched; rim, spread out; extensive, large, sizeable; detailed, elaborate (book); cheerful, happy, gay; feeling well, in good health. Nickname “happy”: Dr Ḍíyá Mabsúṭ Baghdádí
Madad, Amdad Madad, pl. Amdád help, aid, assistance, support, backing, reinforcement;—pl. resources; auxiliaries. House of Ḥájí ‘Alí Madad, in Baghdád that Bahá’u’lláh and family first occupied on arrival. This is not the Bayt-i-A‘ẓam.
Madaha, Madh, Midha Madaḥa, Madḥ, Midḥa to praise, commend, laud, extol
Madaniya, Madaniyyah Madaníya(t), Pers. Madaníyyih civilization
Madda al-Kulliya al-Mádda al-Kullíya the universal matter
Madda, Mawadd Mádda, pl. Mawádd stuff, matter; material possession; substance; material; component, constituent, ingredient; fundamental constituent, radical, chemical element, base; subject, theme, topic; school subject, field of study; discipline, subject matter, curricular subject; article, paragraph (e.g., of a law, treaty or contract); stipulation, contractual term;—pl. material, materials; agents, elements
Maddi, Maddiun Máddí, Máddíún material; corporeal, physical; materialistic;—(pl.) materialist; objective
Madelli Madellí city (probably Mitilíni (Mytilene), Lesvos Island)
Madhhab, Madhhahib Madhhab, pl. Madhháhib going, leave, departure; way out, escape (from); manner followed, adopted procedure or policy, road entered upon; opinion, view, belief; ideology; teaching, doctrine; movement, orientation, trend (also politics); school; mazhab, orthodox rite of fiqh (Islamic Law); religious creed, faith, denomination. Schools of law—the four Sunní legal schools (sing. madhhab) are: (1) the Hanafíte school, founded by Abu Hanifah (d. 767); (2) the Malakite school, founded by Málik ibn Anas (d. 795); (3) the Sháf’íte, founded by Sháf’í (d. 820); and (4) the strictest and most conservative Hanbalite school, founded by Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 855). Actions that might be considered lawful or unlawful are divided into five categories: (i) obligatory, (ii) prohibited, (iii) recommended but not obligatory, (iv) indifferent, and (v) disapproved but not forbidden.
Madhhab-i-Ithna-‘Ashariyyih Madhhab-i-Ithná-‘Asharíyyih Shí‘ahs or “Church of the Twelve” DB lii
Madhkur Madhkúr madkúr mentioned; said, above-mentioned; celebrated
Madi (Mazi) Máḍí (Máẓí) Pers. passing away; past; dead; swift, fleet, expeditious; sharp, piercing (sword)
Madi Darad Maḍí Dárad Pers. a closing phrase
Madih, Mada’ih Madíḥ, pl. Madá’iḥ praise, laudation, commendation; panegyrical poem, panegyric; eulogy, encomium, tribute
Madina, Mudun, Mada’in Madína(h), pl. Mudun, Madá’in town, city; Medina (city in western Saudi Arabia). Citizens al-Anṣár Medinans
Madinah al-Madínah Medinah. Muḥammad migrated to Yathrib in 622 and it was renamed al-Madínat an-Nabí (later shortened to al-Madínah)
Madinat an-Nabi al-Madínat an-Nabí City of the Prophet
Madinatu’l-Khadra Madínatu’l-Khaḍrá’ (the Verdant City) title given to Sabzivár
Madinatu’n-Nabi Madínatu’n-Nabí City of the Prophet (Medina)
Madinatu’s-Salam Madínatu’s-Salám the City of Peace (name given to Baghdád by ‘Abbásid Caliph al-Manṣúr) BKG 106.
Madinatu’t-Tawhid Madínatu’t-Tawḥíd (The City of Unity) (by Bahá’u’lláh)
Madkhal, Madakhil Madkhal, pl. Madákhil entrance; hallway, vestibule, anteroom; entrance hall, lobby, foyer; mouth (of a port, of a canal); oxygen anode (electricity); introduction (to a field of learning); behaviour, conduct. Madákhil: “commission, perquisite, douceur, consideration, pickings and stealings, profit …” (The Dawn-Breakers xliv)
Madkhul, Madakhil Madkhúl, pl. Madákhíl sickly, diseased, abnormal; (mentally) disordered; of weak character, spineless; (pl.) revenue, receipts, takings, returns
Madrasa, Madaris Madrasa, pl. Madáris, Madrasah a religious boarding school associated with a mosque; school. Madrasa becomes madrasih, madrisih or even madrasat (sing.) in Persian
Madrasiya Madrasíya school vacation
Madrisiy-i-Daru'sh-Shafay Madrisiy-i-Dáru’sh-Shafáy Madrisiy-i-Dáru’sh-Shafáy-i-Masjid-i-Sháh. DB 168
Madrisiyi-i-Sadr Madrisiyi-i-Ṣadr
Maf’ul, Mafa’il Maf‘úl, pl. Mafá‘íl object (grammar);—pl. effect, impression, impact; effectiveness, validity. See fá‘il, manṣúb and marfú‘
Maghdub Maghḍúb object of anger
Maghfarat, Maghfirat Maghfara(t), Maghfira(t) (Magfaret) pardon, forgiveness, remission
Mah Máh Pers. the moon; a month, whether lunar or solar; name of the twelfth day of every solar month; name of the angel set over the moon, and any business transacted on the twelfth day of the month; a mistress
Mahabad Mahábád Pers. (Mehabad) is a town in and the capital of Mahábád County, West Ádharbayján Province
Mahabba Maḥabba love; affection, attachment; fondness, tender and kind feelings, inclination, and love
Mahabbat, Mahabb, Mahab Maḥabbat in Perisan also maḥabb, maḥab. Love, affection; friendship, esteem, benevolence
Mahall, Mahallat Maḥall, pl. Maḥallát, Maḥáll place, location, spot, site, locale, locality, center; (place of) residence; business; business house, firm, commercial house; store, shop; object, cause (e.g., of dispute, admiration, etc.); gear (automobile). Maḥallát capital of Maḥallát County, Markazí Province, Iran. Táj Mahal (Urdu “palace”)
Mahalla, Mahallat Maḥalla, pl. Maḥallát way station, stopping place, stop, stopover, encampment; camp; section, part, quarter (of a city)
Mahall-i-Darb Maḥall-i-Ḍarb Place of striking: location in Tabriz where the Báb was subjected to the bastinado after His examination by the divines.
Mahallih Maḥallih Pers. location or place, see Garden of Murgh-Maḥallih, abode/place of birds/chickens.
Mahbub, Mahabib Maḥbúb, pl. Maḥábíb beloved; dear; lovable, desirable; popular; favourite; beloved one, lover; (pl.) gold piece, sequin (in Ottoman times) Title of the First Promised One expected by the Shi’ites.
Mahbuba Maḥbúba sweetheart, darling, beloved woman
Mahbubu’sh-Shuhada’ Maḥbúbu’sh-Shuhadá’ (Beloved of Martyrs) Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥusayn Brother of Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥasan, both from Iṣfahán.
Mahd Maḥḍ of pure descent, pureblood; pure, unmixed, unadulterated; genuine; sheer, downright, outright (e.g., lie, nonsense, etc.)
Mahd, Muhud Mahd, pl. Muhúd bed; cradle
Mahd-i-’Ulya Mahd-i-‘Ulyá
Mahdi-Shahr (Mahdishahr) Mahdí-Shahr (Mahdíshahr) town of Mahdí (Mehdishahr). City 175 km east of Teheran in Semnan Province. Formerly, Sang-Sar or Sangsar—the name may have derived from Sakasar or Saksar (i.e. Saka (scythian) settlement).
Mahdiy (Mahdi or Mihdi) Mahdíy, Mahdí rightly guided; Mahdi
Mahfil, Mahafil Maḥfil, pl. Maḥáfil assembly, congregation, meeting, gathering; party; body, collective whole; circle, quarter
Mahfil-i-rawhani Maḥfil-i-rawḥání (lit. spiritual gathering spiritual assembly)
Mahfurujak (Mahfaruzak) Máhfarújak village 10 km sw of Sari and about 30 km from the Caspian Sea
Mahfuz Maḥfúẓ guarded or preserved
Mahin, Muhana’ Mahín, pl. Muhaná’ despised, despicable, contemptible, vile
Mahiya, Mahiyat (Pers. Mahiyyat) Máhíya, pl. Máhíyát quality, quiddity (the inherent nature or essence of someone or something), essence, nature; salary, income; pay (military)
Mah-Ku Máh-Kú Four-towered fortress above the village of Cháh Máh-Kú in north-western Ádhirbáyján (Azerbaijan). 130 km ne of Van and 205 nw of Tabriz. Named by the Báb the Jabal-i-Basit (the Open Mountain), the numerical values of Máh-Kú and Básiṭ is 72.
Mahmud Zarqani Maḥmúd Zarqání Mírzá Maḥmúd Zarqání
Mahmud Maḥmúd praised; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy
Mahmudabad Maḥmúdábád city on southern coast of Caspian Sea, Iran
Mahmudi Maḥmúdí
Mahmud-i-Alusi Maḥmúd-i-Álúsí
Mahmud-i-Khu’i Maḥmúd-i-Khu’í Mullá Maḥmúd-i-Khu’í
Mahmud-i-Muqari’i Maḥmúd-i-Muqári’í DB 422
Mahmud-i-Qamsari Maḥmúd-i-Qamṣarí DB 8, 9
Mahmudnizhad Maḥmúdnizhád Pers. Muná Mahmúdnizhád
Mah-Parih Máh-Párih [Mahpareh mah + pareh] = ‘a portion of the moon’
Mahram, Maharima Maḥram, pl. Maḥárim something forbidden. inviolable, taboo, sacrosanct, holy, or sacred; unmarriageable, being in a degree of consanguinity precluding marriage (Isl. Law)
Mahshar, Mashir Maḥshar, Maḥshir place of assembly; last judgement
Mahshid Mahshíd Pers. moonlight; the moon [Mahshed]
Mah-tab (Mahtab) Máh-táb Pers. moonlight, moonshine; the moon; the face of a mistress; breath, animal life
Mah-tabi (Mahtabi) Máh-tábí Pers. lit by the moon; a balcony or terrace (to enjoy tbe moonlight); blue light
Mahtum Maḥtúm imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, inevitable; destined, predestined, ordained (fate)
Mahw (Mahv) Maḥw effacement, obliteration, blotting out; erasure, deletion; elimination; abolition, abolishment, annulment. Compare ṣaḥw
Majaz Majáz passing by, through, or beyond; way, road, passage; trope, figure, metaphor, simile, allegory; feigned, insincere, worldly, superficial, profane
Majd (Egyptian “Magd”) Majd, pl. Amjád glory; splendour, magnificence, grandeur; nobility, honour, distinction
Majdal (Majdil) al-Majdal (“tower”) a former Palestinian village about 12 km east of Haifa, depopulated in 1925, now part of Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in Israel. It is identified with the site of the ancient town of Magdala, reputed to be the birthplace of Mary Magdalene.
Majdhub, Majadib Majdhúb, pl. Majádib attracted; possessed, maniacal, insane; (pl.) maniac, lunatic, madman, idiot
Majdi’d-Din Majdi’d-Dín son of Áqáy-i-Kalím, a brother of Bahá’u’lláh
Majdu’d-Dawlih Majdu’d-Dawlih
Majdu’l-Ashraf Majdu’l-Ashraf
Majdu’llah Majdu’lláh Glory of God
Majid Majíd glorious, illustrious; celebrated, famous; glorified, exalted; praiseworthy, laudable, admirable, excellent, splendid; noble
Majidi Majídí (medjidie), a Turkish silver coin of 20 piasters coined under Sulṭán ‘Abdu’l-Majíd
Majid-i-Masha’u’llah Majíd-i-Máshá’u’lláh the Báb’s remains were hidden overnight in this abandoned building near Ṭihrán
Majlas, Majlis Majlas Pers. sitting down;—majlis, time or place of sitting; an assembly, convivial meeting, congress, council
Majlis, Majalis Majlis, pl. Majális seat; session room, conference room; party, gathering, meeting; social gathering: session, sitting; council meeting; council; concilium; collegium, college: board, committee, commission; administrative board; court, tribunal
Majlisi Majlisí a person invited to an assembly; an assessor
Majma, Majami Majma‘, pl. Majámi‘ place where two or more things meet, place or point of union, junction; meeting, congregation, convention, assembly
Majma’-i-Abrar Majma‘-i-Abrár the gathering place of the righteous, e.g. the House of Justice. See barr (reverent).
Majma’u’l-Fusaha’ Majma‘u’l-Fuṣaḥá’ See majma‘ and faṣíḥ
Majmu’ Majmú‘ collected, gathered; totality, whole; total, sum (arithmetic)
Majmu’iy-i-Alwah Majmú‘iy-i-Alwáḥ
Majnun, Majanin Majnún, pl. Majánín possessed, obsessed; insane, mad; madman, maniac, lunatic; crazy, cracked; crackpot; foolish; fool. Name of classical Persian lover who searches for his beloved Laylí.
Majrur, Magarir Majrúr, pl. Magárir drawn, dragged, towed, etc.; word governed by a preposition, word in the genitive form; (pl.) drain, sewer
Majus, Majusi Majús, pl. Majúsí Magus, Magi, Mugh (Pers.) (applied to Zoroastrains by Persians)
Makatib-i-’Abdu’l-Baha Makátíb-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá “Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá” (by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá)
Makhdhumiya Makhdhúmíya(h) status of the master or employer
Makhfiy Makhfíy hidden, concealed
Makhluq, Makhluqat, Makhliq Makhlúq, pl. Makhlúqát, Mákhlíq created; creature, created being
Makhluqat, Makhluqa, Makhaliq Makhlúqat, Makhlúqa a creature, a created thing;—pl. makhaliq, makhlúqát
Makhsus Makhṣúṣ special
Makhtum Makhtúm Pers. sealed, finished, concluded
Makhzum Makhzúm Pers. pierced in the nose; name of the founder of a tribe
Makhzun, Makhzunat Makhzún, pl. Makhzúnát stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; (pl.) stock, supply, stock in trade
Makkah Makkah more accurate spelling of Mecca
Makki Makkí Meccan
Maknun, Maknunih Maknún, Pers. Maknúnih hidden, concealed; well-kept; hidden content
Maktaba, Maktabat, Makatib Maktaba(h), pl. Maktabát, Makátib library; bookstore; desk
Maktub, Makatib Maktúb, pl. Makátíb written, written down, recorded; fated, foreordained, destined; something written, writing;—pl. a writing, message, note; letter
Mal’ak, Malak, Mala’ik, Mala’ika Mal’ak & Malak, pl. Malá’ik, Mala’ika(h or t) an angel (as sent by God); messenger, envoy; embassy, mission; an epistle. Derived from root IV كلأ (L’K) to send [Letters & Essays].—pl. also malá’ika. Alternatives are due sometimes showing the tá’ marbúṭa (letter) at the end
Maladh Maládh refuge, protection; shelter; asylum, sanctuary; protector
Malaki Malakí royal, kingly, regal; monarchic, sovereign; monarchist; angelic
Malakiya, Malakiyat Malakíya, pl. Malakíyát monarchy, kingship, royalty
Malakut Malakút realm, kingdom, empire; kingship, royalty, sovereignty (Kingdom of Angels—realm of being). See Háhút, Láhút, Jabarút and Násút.
Malamat Malámat reproaching, reproving, blaming; reprehension, reproach, rebuke, censure; criticism; contumely
Malayir Maláyir city 60 km sse of Ḥamdán, Iran
Malfuf Malfúf wound, coiled; wrapped up (in); rolled up, rolled together, convolute; twisted, wound (around); fastened, attached (to); swathed (in or with); plump, stout (body)
Malik, Malika, Mulaka Malík, fem. Malíka, pl. Mulaká’ king, monarch, ruler; master, possessor, owner, proprietor. See sulṭán (a higher level of sovereignty)
Malik, Mullak Málik, pl. Mullak, Mullák reigning, ruling; owning, possessing, holding; owner, proprietor, master, possessor, holder
Malik, Muluk, Amlak Malik, pl. Mulúk, Amlák king, sovereign, monarch; present a gift to the king.
Malika, Malikat Malika, pl. Malikát queen
Maliki Málikí state of master, mastership; royal, kingly; lordly. A Malikite is a member of a particular Sunní muslim sect (al-málikíya—a system of Sunní jurisprudence)
Maliku’l-Fadl Malíku’l-Faḍl the lord of grace
Maliku’t-Tujjar Maliku’t-Tujjár “the King of the Merchants” DB 447
Malja’, Malaji’ Malja’, pl. Maláji’ (place of) refuge, retreat; shelter; sanctuary, asylum; home; base; pillbox, bunker, dugout
Malmir Málmír a village 65 km sw of Arák, in Markazí province, Iran
Malmiri Málmírí of or from Málmír
Mamaqan Mamaqán city 50 km south of Zanján, Írán. Other variations are Mámáqán and Mamáqán.
Mamlaka, Mamalik Mamlaka(h), pl. Mamálik kingdom, empire, state, country; royal power, sovereignty
Man Man 1. (interrogative pronoun) who? which one? which ones? 2. (relative pronoun) who; the one who; those who; one who; whoever, whosoever, everyone who, he who.
Manaf Manáf name of a pagan Arabian idol
Mandalij Mandalíj possibly Mandalí—a town in Iraq on the border with Iran
Manhaj, Minhaj, Manahij Manhaj, Minhaj, pl. Manáhij open, plain, easy road, highway, path; manner, procedure, method; program; course
Mani Mání Pers. thou remainest; thou resemblest; rare, uncommon; name of a celebrated Persian painter, the founder of the sect of the Manicheans.
Mani’, Mawani’, Mani’at Máni‘, pl. Mawáni‘, Máni’át hindering, forbidding, etc.; preventive; prohibitive;—(pl. mawáni‘) hindrance, obstacle, obstruction; impediment; a preventive, preservative, prophylactic; objection;—(pl. Máni’át) cutout, anti-interference device (radio). From the root mana‘a withholder, shielder, defender.
Mani’, Muna’a Maní‘, pl. Muna‘á’ unapproachable, inaccessible, impervious, impenetrable, forbidding; well-fortified; mighty, strong, powerful; impregnable, unconquerable; insurmountable, insuperable, invincible, immune
Mani’i-Usku’i Maní’i-Uskú’í
Mankib, Manakib Mankib, pl. Manákib shoulder; side, flank; highland, upland. Qur’án 67:15
Mann, Amnan Mann, pl. Amnán gracious bestowal; favour; benefit, blessing, boon; gift, present, largess; honeydew; manna; a weight of 2 raṭl (Persian weight) There are two Pers. weights: 1) Normal Mann—about 3 kg. 2) King Mann or Mann-i-Sháhí’ is equal to 6.6 kg. The Writings usually refer to the later.
Manqul va ma’qul Manqúl va ma‘qúl “desumed” (select or borrow (from traditional) knowledge) versus “excognitated” (thought out, plan, devise) knowledge (MF, p. 156)
Manqul, Manqulat Manqúl, pl. Manqúlát carried, conveyed, transported; transferred; transmitted; translated; copied, transcribed; movable, mobile, portable; handed down, traditional; traditional stock
Mansha’ Mansha’, Manshá a place where anyone grows up; one’s native soil; principal, beginning, origin, source, spring, motive; object, design, purport, drift, provision (of a law, etc.); allusion; exordium, or argument of any composition
Manshad Manshád village in Yazd province, Iran
Manshadi Manshádí from Manshád
Manshiyya, Manshiyyih Manshiyyá, Pers. Manshíyyih Palestinian village north of Bahjí—destroyed 1948
Mansub, Mansubat Manṣúb, pl. Manṣúbát erected; set-up, raised; planted in the ground; fixed, fastened, attached; installed in office; levelled, aimed (cannon; at); (pl.) word in the accusative or subjunctive. See fá‘il, maf‘úl and marfú‘
Mansur (Mansour) Manṣúr supported, aided (by God); victorious, triumphant; victor; “rendered victorious”. Al-Manṣúr is a district in western Baghdád. In the ne of the district is the Washshash neighbourhood.
Mansura (Mansoura), Manzurih Manṣúra, Pers. Manẓúrih, Manṣúríyyih al-Manṣúra is a city 115 km north of Cairo
Mansuri Manṣúrí
Manthur Manthúr scattered, dispersed, strewn about; prosaic, prose; wall-flower, gillyflower
Mantiq Manṭiq (faculty of) speech; manner of speaking, diction, enunciation; eloquence; logic
Mantiqu’t-Tayr Manṭiqu’ṭ-Ṭayr Written by Shaykh Farídu’d-Dín ‘Aṭṭár
Manuchihr Manúchihr Persian ruler
Man-Yuzhiruhu’llah Man- (man+yu+ẓahara+Alláh) “Him whom God shall make manifest” Title given by the Báb to the promised One. “He Who is made manifest in the past and in the future” is another rendering of “Him Whom God has manifested and will manifest”.
Manzar, Manazir Manẓar, pl. Manáẓir sight; view, panorama; look(s), appearance, aspect; prospect, outlook, perspective; an object soon or viewed, photographic object; scene (of a play); spectacle; stage setting, set, scenery; place commanding a sweeping view; lookout, watchtower. Used in Tablet of Aḥmad (appearance/manifestation). See maẓhar and ẓuhúr
Manzariyih Manẓaríyih village, Iran
Manzil, Manazil Manzil, pl.Manázil stopping place, way station, camp site; apartment, fiat; house; lunar phase
Maqal Maqál speech; proposition, contention, teaching, doctrine; article; treatise; piece of writing
Maqala Shakhsi Sayyah Maqála-i-Shakhṣí Sayyáḥ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, given the English title A Traveller’s Narrative
Maqala, Maqalat, Maqalih Maqála, (Pers. Maqálih), pl. Maqálát article; essay; treatise; piece of writing
Maqaliy-i-Sayyah Maqáliy-i-Sayyáḥ (by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá)
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