The tenderer shall provide a full list of DVMS licenses and associated costs. This list shall include all licenses whether they are included in the overall solution submission or not. Customers may expand their system in the future. These unit costs will be used to generate expected expenditure budgets.
The tenderer shall provide an explanation of how video analytics is offered for the DVMS and provide full details of the licensing costs associated with utilizing video analytics per camera.
BX.Explanation of how video analytics is offered for the DVMS:
(Video analytics license)
Video analytics connection to DVMS base software
Per camera connection
Other – list below
BY.Third-party integration
The tenderer shall provide an explanation of how third-party integrations such as access control, intercoms, etc. are offered, managed and connected to the DVMS and provide full details of the licensing costs associated with using third-party integrated systems. (Please exclude development costs)
Explanation of how third-party integrations are offered/managed/connected for the DVMS:
(Third Party Integration License)
Connection of third-party system to DVMS base software