1 Land that is not controlled by the farmer for the full 5-year contract period cannot be enrolled.
2 The potential barriers were identified from answers to an open-ended question in a previous survey.
3 “Other” programs could include other federal or state programs. In 2012, USDA offered 23 different conservation programs, although the vast majority of working land conservation funding was directed through, EQIP, CSP, and CRP. Many states also have conservation programs that are designed to work with USDA programs.
4 We also tried including age and experience of the primary operator but the resulting coefficients were not statistically significant. Removing these variables did not affect other model coefficients.
5 Farmers with highly erodible cropland must be in compliance with soil conservation requirements to be eligible for conservation programs. Practices included in these plans cannot be supported by conservation programs.
6 Conservation practice questions in ARMS ask when practices were installed or first used.
7 The sign is negative in Table 5 because enters equations (4) and (6) with a minus sign.