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1973 Farkas Memorial Symposium on Structure and Dynamics of Excited States, Jerusalem, [Calculations of Excited State Properties of Conjugated Molecules].

1974 Intercongress Symposium on Intra- and Intermolecular Forces, International Union for Crystallography, University Park, Pennsylvania, [Incorporation of Inter- and Intra-Molecular Interactions in Calculations of Equilibrium Geometries & Lattice Vibrations of Molecular Crystals].

1976 Gordon Research Conference, Biopolymers, New Hampshire, [Theoretical Studies of the Catalytic Reaction of Lysozyme].

1977 Symposium on Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, [The Theory of Enzyme Catalysis].

1978 Symposium on Local Modes in Molecules, APS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, [General Anharmonicity Treatments of Large Molecules and the Local Modes Description].

Fourth West Coast Protein Workshop, Asilomar, [Charge Stabilization and Enzymatic Reactions].

Symposium on Sickle Cell Anemia, San Diego, [Energy/Structure Correlation in Metalloporphyrins and Hemoglobin].

ACS Symposium on Solvent Effect on Molecular Structure and Energetics, Indianapolis, [Microscopic Models for Calculations of Solvent Effects in Chemistry].

Sanibel Symposia, Palm Coast, Florida, [Quantitative Calculations of Ionic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions and in Enzyme Active Sites].

Ionic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions and in Enzyme Active Sites, Gordon Research Conference on The Visual Pigment, New Hampshire, [Charge Stabilization Mechanism in Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin].

Frontiers of Biological Energetics, 50th Anniversary of Johnson Research Foundation and 65th Birthday of Briton Chance, Philadelphia, [Energy Structure Correlation in Metalloporphyrins and Hemoglobin].

Sixth International Biophysics Congress, Kyoto, Japan, [Theoretical Studies of the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

Symposium on Visual Pigment and Purple Membrane, Kyoto, Japan, [Charge Stabilization Mechanism in Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin].

1979 The Third International Symposium on Oxidases and Related Oxidation Reduction Systems, Albany, [Theoretical Studies of Electron Transfer in Cytochromes].

Symposium on Structure-Function Relationships in Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Viruses, Minneapolis, [Theoretical Studies of Enzyme Catalysis].

Lectures on Biological and Chemical Physics, A Symposium in Honor of Shneior Lifson on his 65th Birthday, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, [The Energetics of Enzyme Catalysis].

Workshop on Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions, Orsay, France, [A Valence Bond Approach for Calculations of Enzymatic Reactions].

The Lighthouse Conference on Enzyme Mechanism, Oregon, [Electrostatic Effects in Biological Reactions].

SECAM Discussion on Protein-Protein Interactions, Brussels, [Electrostatic Effects in Subunits Interactions].

1980 Symposium on Interaction between Iron and Proteins in Oxygen and Electron Transport, Airlie House, Virginia, [Electrostatic Contributions to Cooperativity in Hemoglobin].

Conference on Quantum Chemistry in Biomedical Sciences, The New York Academy of Sciences, NY, [Valence Bond Calculations of Enzymatic Reactions].

Gordon Research Conference on Visual Transduction, Tilton School, New Hampshire, [Theories for the Reaction Pathway in Visual Pigment Photochemistry].

Eighth International Congress on Photobiology, Strasbourg, France, [The Dynamics of the First Step of the Vision Process].

The VIIth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Ottawa, Canada, [Panel Discussion on the Visual Pigments].

West Coast Protein Crystallography Workshop, Asilomar, [Energetics of Cooperativity in Hemoglobin].

Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods in Molecular Biology, Andover, New Hampshire, [Molecular Dynamics in Rhodopsin].

1981 Resonance Light Scattering in Solid States and Biomolecular Systems, Arizona State University, March, [Resonance Raman in Protein Active Sites].

Oholo Biological Conference on Biomimetic Chemistry and Transition State Analogs: Approaches to Understanding Enzyme Catalysis, Israel, March, [Correlation X-ray Structures of Enzymes with Their Activity].

Fourth American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, Boulder, June, [Molecular Dynamics of Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

Discussion Meeting on Visual Pigments. Montreal, Canada, October, [Energy Storage and Reaction Pathway in the First Step of the Vision Process].

CECAM Discussion Meeting on Simulation of Small Molecules Binding to Proteins, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, October, [Correlation of Geometry Changes and Energetics of Ligand Binding in Proteins].

1982 Gordon Research Conference on Biopolymers, New Hampshire, July, [The Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

International Conference on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Lake Placid, NY, August, [Semiclassical Trajectory Studies of Vibronic Processes in Large Molecules].

NSF Workshop on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Minnowbrook, NY, August.

The Lighthouse Conference on Structure and Mechanism, Oregon, August, (could not attend).

Biological Structure and Coupled Flows, Rehovot, Israel, June, [Electrostatic Basis for Vectorial Light-Induced Charge Separation in Photobiological Systems].

1983 West Coast Protein Crystallography Workshop, Asilomar, March, [Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

Molecular Mechanics Symposium, Indiana University, June, [Extending Molecular Mechanics to Studies of Chemical and Biological Reactions].

International Conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, Loma Linda, June, [Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions and the Role of Electrostatic Fluctuations].

CECAM Workshop on Nucleic Acids, Orsay, France, July, [Electrostatic Interactions in Nucleic Acids].

ACS Symposium on Biomolecules, Washington D.C., August, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions].

A Symposium on Biochemistry and Mechanism of Enzyme Reactions in the West Coast Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Pasadena, October, [Electrostatic Basis of Structure-Function Correlation of Enzymatic Reactions].

A Symposium on Molecular Dynamics in the West Coast Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Pasadena, October, [Simulating the Dynamics of Biological Reactions].

Pontifical Academy of Science Study Group on Specificity in Biological Interactions, The City of Vatican, November, [Correlating the Catalytic Activity of Enzymes with Their Structure and Dynamics].

A Workshop on Nonlinear Wave Phenomena in Electromagnetic Interactions with Tissue, Univ. of Maryland, November, (Could not attend).

1984 A Meeting on the Mechanism of Protein Folding, Santa Cruz, February, [Folding Energy and Enzyme Catalysis].

International Symposium on Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids, Proteins and Membranes, Rome, April, [Symposium Chairperson].

A Workshop on Molecular Dynamics of Proteins, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, May, [Electrostatic Energy in Solutions and Proteins].

A Workshop on Molecular Dynamics of Proteins, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, May, [Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

Meeting on Molecular Basis of Cancer, Buffalo, May, [Electrostatic Aspects of Biological Recognition].

The 8th International Biophysics Congress, Bristol, England, August, [How to Calculate Electrostatic Energies in Proteins].

International Symposium on Biomolecular Structure and Interactions, Bangalore, India, December, [Dynamics of Proton Transfer Reactions in Proteins] (Invited, had to cancel due to last minute problems).

1985 Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membranes Reactions, Santa Barbara, February, [The Energetics and Dynamics of Light Induced Proton Transfer Across Membranes].

Conference on Protein Structure: Molecular and Electronic Reactivity, Philadelphia, April, [The Dynamics of Electron Transfer Reactions in Proteins].

The Emil-Warburg-Symposium on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Bayreuth, Germany, June, [Exploring the Molecular Origin of Vibronic Line Shapes in Anharmonic Molecules by a Quantized Semiclassical Trajectory Approach].

Symposium on Quantum Chemistry of Biological Systems, Hunter College, New York, August, [Modeling Enzymatic Reactions].

The 5th International Congress on Quantum Chemistry, Montreal, Canada, August, [Simulating the Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

International Workshop on Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution and Quantum Chaos, Rochester, NY, October, [Simulating Intramolecular Dynamics of Radiative and Radiationless Processes].

US/Japan Seminars on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Honolulu, November, [Simulating Radiationless Transitions].

International Workshop on Molecular and Biotechnology, Madars, India, August, (could not participate because of overlap with the meeting in Canada).

International Workshop on Structure and Function of Rhodopsin, Szegeb, Hungary, September, [Electrostatic Effects in Proteins; Light Driven Charge Motion in Rhodopsin, BR and Photosynthetic Systems].

Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Session Chairman, [Microscopic and Macroscopic Models for Calculations of Electrostatic Energy].

1986 ACS Symposium on Theory of the Solvent Role in Charge Transfer Reactions, New York, April, [Simulating the Energetics and Dynamics of Electron Transfer and Proton Transfer Reactions in Polar Solvent].

Sanibel Symposia on Quantum Biology and Quantum Pharmacology, Marineland, Florida, March, [Toward Computer Simulation of Site Directed Mutagenesis of Enzymatic Active Site].

The first EBSA Workshop on Structure Dynamics and Functions of Biomolecules, Saltsjobaden, Sweden, July, [Simulating the Functions of Designer Enzymes].

The 10th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Eugene, Oregon, September, [Incorporating Protein and Solvent Environments in Resonance Raman Calculations].

ACS Symposium on Theory at the Interface Between Chemistry and Biology, Anaheim, September, [Towards Computer Aided Enzymes Design].

Gordon Research Conference on Biopolymers, Holderness School, New Hampshire, June, [Correlating Structure, Energy and Function in Solvated Proteins].

Symposium on Three-Dimensional Structure and Drug Action, Tokyo, Japan, September, [Towards Computer Simulation of Site-directed Mutagenesis of Enzyme Active Sites].

1987 The Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, February, [Towards Quantitative Structure Function Correlation in Proteins].

American Physical Society, Symposium on Computational Approaches to Protein Structure and Dynamics, New York, March, [Simulating Enzymatic Reactions].

ACS Symposium on Biological Electron Transfer, Denver, April, [Simulating the Energetics and Dynamics of Electron Transfer in Proteins].

The Fifth Conversation in Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, June, [Computer Simulation of Designer Enzymes].

World Congress of Theoretical Organic Chemist, Budapest, Hungary, August, [Simulating Organic Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

ACS Symposium on Free Energy Perturbation Methods, New Orleans, September, [Quantitative Evaluation of Catalytic Free Energies in Genetically Modified Proteins].

The Microscopics of Enzyme Catalysis, Barga, Italy, October, [Simulating the Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions in Genetically Modified Proteins].

NATO Workshop on Structure of Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Centers, Cadarache, France, September, [Crystallography and Optical Spectroscopy] (Invited but could not attend).

1988 Sanibel Symposia, Marineland, Florida, March, [Simulating the Dynamics and Energetics of the Primary Event in Bacterial Photosynthesis].

Workshop on Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics, Tallahassee, April, [Force Fields for Chemical Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

Colloquium on Computer Simulations in Protein Engineering and Drug Design, Amsterdam, Netherlands, [Free Energy of Reaction Pathways in Designer Enzymes].

Macromolecular Dynamics Workshop of the ONR, Las Vegas, May, [The Dynamics of the Primary Event in Photosynthesis].

Gordon Research Conference on Physico-Chemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, Holderness School, New Hampshire, July, [Computer Simulation of the Primary Charge Separation Process in Bacterial Photosynthesis].

NATO ASI on The Enzyme Catalysis Process: Energetics, Structure and Dynamics, Barga, Italy, July, [A Series of Three Lectures on Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions].

OHOLO Conference on Computer Assisted Modeling of Receptor-Ligand Interactions, Eilat, Israel, April, [Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

Gordon Research Conference on Proteins, Newport, Rhode Island, June, [Computer Simulation of Genetically Modified Serine and Cystein Proteases; Correlating Sequence and Catalysis].

Workshop on Molecular Basis of Biological Recognition Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden, September, [Simulation of the Primary Event in Bacterial Photosynthesis].

Rosentiel retreat meeting on Anticipatory Design Strategies, Greenwich. October, [Computer Aided Protein Design: How to Optimize Electrostatic Microenvironments].

Nobel Symposium on Structure and Dynamics of Biological Systems, Lund, Sweden, December, [Simulating Electrostatic Energies in Solvated Proteins: A Semiquantitative Correlation of Structure and Function]

The Third Annual Alliant Users Conference, San Diego, October, [Computer Aided Enzyme Design, The Molaris System]

1989 UCLA Symposium on Protein and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Park City, Utah, January, [Enzyme Catalytic Mechanism a CAD Approach].

ACS Symposium on Computational Modeling of Molecular Systems, Dallas, Texas, April, [Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Solutions and in Enzymes]

The 22nd Jerusalem Symposium on Perspectives in Photosynthesis, May, [Microscopic Simulation of Quantum Dynamics and Energetics in Bacterial Reaction Centers]

The 23rd European Symposium on Bio-Organic Chemistry, Gregynog, Wales, May, [The Microscopic Dielectric Constant in Macromolecules and the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis]

The 2nd Symposium of Protein Engineering, Kobe, Japan, August, [Computer Aided Enzyme Design]

The 44th International Meeting of Physical Chemistry on Modeling Molecular Structures, Nancy, France, September, [Electrostatic Basis of Protein Functions].

The 3rd Alliant Chemistry Colloquium, Tokyo, Japan, October, [Reaction Pathways in Designer Enzymes].

MSI Symposium on Protein Chemistry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October, [Simulation of Quantum Dynamics of Electron Transfer Processes in Bacterial Photosynthesis].

International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December, [Computer Simulation of Electron Transfer in Bacterial Reaction Centers].

1990 ONR Meeting on Molecular Recognition, Charleston, January, [Molecular Recognition in Metalloenzymes Catalysis].

UCSF Conference on Protein and Drug Design and Delivery, San Francisco, February, [Design Principles of Metalloenzymes, Insight from Electrostatic Calculations].

Joint U.S.-Israel Workshop on Light Energy Conversion, February, [Microscopic Simulations of the Energetics and Dynamics of Light Induced Charge Separation in Bacterial Photosynthesis].

Symposium of Structure Function of Bacterial Reaction Centers, Feldafing, Germany, March, [Simulations of Reorganization Energies in Native and Mutant Proteins].

Gordon Research Conference on Biocatalysts, Plymouth State College, NH, June, [Mutagenesis Calculations].

Gordon Research Conference on Enzymes, Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways, Kimball Union Academy, NH, July, [Computer Simulation of the Key Role of Electrostatic Energy in Enzyme Catalysis]

The 10th International Biophysics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August, [The Energetics and Dynamics of Ion Channels]

IUPAB Satellite Symposium on Expanding Frontiers in Polypeptide and Protein Structural Research, Whistler, Canada, July, [Calculations of Free Energies of Macromolecules]

American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, San Diego, August, [Simulation of Quantum Dynamics in Proton Transfer Process].

ACS Symposium on Electron Transfer Reactions in Chemistry and Biology, Washington D.C., August, [Computer Simulations as Microscopic Probes of Electron Transfer in Solutions and Photosynthetic Proteins].

ACS Symposium on Challenges in Computational Chemistry, North Carolina State University, September, [Computer Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

1991 Sanibel Symposia, St. Augustine, March, [Computer Simulations of Bacterial Photosynthesis].

International Symposium on Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems and Mechanisms, Menton, France, June, [Computer Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions].

NATO Workshop on the Role of Computational Models and Theories in Biotechnology, Sant Feliu, Spain, June, [Computer Aided Enzyme Design and the Key Role of Electrostatic Energies].

ACS Symposium on Biological Electron Transfer, New York, August, [Computer Simulations of the Quantum Dynamics of Electron Transfer Processes in Solutions and Bacterial Reaction Centers].

1992 ACS Symposium on Computer Simulations in Chemical Systems, Anaheim, October, [Computer Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar on the Biophysical Chemistry of Retinal Proteins, Hawaii, January, [Simulating the Dynamics of the Primary Event in Bacteriorhodopsin].

Workshop on High Performance Computing and Grand Challenges in Structural Biology, Tallahassee, Florida, January, [Computer Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions].

The Biophysical Society Meeting, Symposium on Quantum Effects in Proteins, Houston, Texas, February, [Simulations of Quantum Dynamics in Proton Transfer and Hydride Transfer Reactions in Proteins].

Royal Society of Chemistry Discussion of Structure and Activity of Enzymes, Cambridge, England, April, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions: Examination of Linear Free Energy Relationships and Quantum Mechanical Corrections in the Initial Proton Transfer Step of Carbonic Anhydrase].

Meeting on Modeling Organic Reactivity in Solutions, Spain, June, (Was invited but could not participate).

NATO Workshop on the Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center, Cadarache, France, May, (Was invited but could not participate).

Gordon Research Conference on Computational Chemistry, New Hampton, June, [Computer Simulation of Chemical Processes in Proteins and Solution].

Workshop on Activated Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Telluride, Colorado, July, [Evaluation of Quantum Mechanical Rate Constants for Processes in Solutions].

The IXth International congress on Photosynthesis, Nagoya, Japan, August 30 - September 5, [Computer Simulations of Charge Separation Processes in Model Compounds and Bacterial Reaction Centers].

NSF-DOE Institute in Computational Biology, Argonne National Laboratory, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Processes; Studies of Enzyme Catalysis, Electron Transfer, Ion channels and Other Systems].

1993 ACS Workshop on Protein Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Jerusalem, Israel, March, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions and Other Biological Processes].

Special lecture series in Molecular Biology, University of Uppsala, Sweden, April, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions and the Origin of Biological Catalysis].

The 26th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry: Reaction Dynamics in Clusters and Condensed Phases, Jerusalem, Israel, [Simulations of Electrons and Proton Transfer Reactions in Condensed Phases].

Symposium on Dynamics and Function of Biomolecules of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary, August, [Computational Methods in Biology].

NATO workshop on Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions, Hotel Alfa Mar, Portugal, September, [Computer Simulations of Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Solutions and Proteins].

American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, August, [Computer Simulation of Electron Transfer and Proton Transfer in Proteins and Solutions].

The 2nd Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi, November, [Computations Modeling of Chemical Processes in Solutions and Proteins].

The 2nd Britton Chance Research Discussion Meeting on Photosynthesis, November, [Discussion leader].

1994 New York Academy of Science Symposium on Modeling Proteins in Solutions, New York, February, [Modeling Proteins in Solution].

Sanibel Symposium, Verda Beach, Florida, February, [Simulation of Electron Transfer Processes in Proteins; Energetics, Dynamics, and Reliable Boundary Conditions].

Gordon Research Conference on Isotopes, Oxnard, California, March, [Computer Simulation of Quantum Mechanical Tunneling in Enzymatic Reactions].

ACS Symposium on Structure and Reactivity in Aqueous Solutions, San Diego, California, March, [Semiempirical and Ab Initio Approaches for Simulation of Chemical Processes in Solution].

The 27th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, Jerusalem, Israel, May, [Computer Simulation of Enzyme Catalysis and the Action of Metallo-Enzymes].

Protein Engineering and Design: Pfizer-Beckman Institute Symposium, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June, [Computer Modeling as an Analytical Tool in Structure-function Correlation of Proteins].

Hungarian Chemical Society Symposium on Molecular Modeling in Genetic and Protein Engineering, Sopron, Hungary, June, [Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

The 8th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, June, [Computer Simulation of Enzyme Catalysis and Other Biological Processes].

International Workshop on Electronic Structure Methods for Truly Large Systems: Moving the Frontiers in Quantum Chemistry, Braunlage, Germany, August, [Quantum Chemical Modeling of Reactions in Solution].

Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis: Biological Aspects, New Hampton, New Hampshire, August, [Computer Simulations of the Electron Transfer Processes in Bacterial Reaction Centers: The Importance of Proper Treatments of Electrostatic Energies in Solvated Macromolecules].

ACS Symposium on Theoretical Modeling of Biological Systems, New York, August, [Energetics and Quantum Dynamics of Enzymatic Reactions].

European Research Conference: Modeling Photochemical Reactivity, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September, [Computer Simulation of Photochemical Processes in Proteins].

Workshop on Algorithms for Macromolecular Modeling, Lawrence, Kansas, October, [Calculation of Electrostatic Energies in Proteins].

Bimolecular Recognition at ONR Meeting, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, November, [On the Design of Biocatalysts].

1995 The III Feldafing Workshop on Reaction Center of Photosynthetic Bacteria Structure and Dynamics, Feldafing, Germany, March, [The Dynamics of the Primary Event in Bacterial Reaction Centers].

A Symposium in Honor of Martin Karplus, Cambridge, MA, March, [Computer Simulations of Enzymatic Reaction and the Mechanism of DNA Polymerases].

Workshop on Quantum Mechanical Simulation Methods for Studying Biological Systems, Les Houches, France, May, [Semiempirical and Ab-Initio Approaches for Simulation of Chemical Processes in Solution and Proteins].

CECAM Workshop on Developing Hybrid Quantum and Classical Mechanical Methods for Simulation of Biopolymers in Solution, Lyon, France, May, [Semiempirical and Ab-Initio Methods for Simulating Chemical Processes in Solution and in Proteins].

CCPI Study Group on Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems: Dynamics and Hybrid Methods, St. Andrew, Scotland, June, [Calculating Chemical Processes in Solution and Proteins].

The 2nd International Symposium on Biological Physics, Munich, Germany, July, [Electrostatic Energies and Macromolecular Functions].

ACS Symposium on Proton Transfer, Chicago, August, [Computer Simulation of Proton Transfer in Enzymes and the Electrostatic Nature of Catalytic Hydrogen Bonds].

The Fifth International Conference Taipei (ICCT) on Structure and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, December, [Computer Modeling on Enzymatic Reactions and the Mechanism of G-Protein].

Pacifichem ‘95 Symposium of Solvation Dynamics from Ions to Protein, Honolulu, Hawaii, December, [Simulating Quantum Dynamics of Charge Transfer Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

1996 Beckmann Institute Workshop on Protein Folding, Caltech, February, [Chair of Theory Session].

ACS Symposium on Transition States in Electron Transfer Reaction, New Orleans, March, [Simulating Transition States of Chemical Reactions in Solutions].

NATO Advanced Study Institute on Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Loutraki, Greece, May, [(a) Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions, (b) Structure and Dynamics of Biological Excited States].

Fourth World Congress of Theoretical Oriented Chemists, Jerusalem, Israel, July, [Semiemprical and Ab Initio Approach for Simulation of Chemical Processes in Solution and Proteins].

Gordon Research Conference on Protolytic Enzymes and Their Inhibitors, Colby-Sawyer, New Hampshire, July, [Energy Considerations Show that LBHB are Anticatalytic].

ACS Symposium on Biophysical Chemistry, Orlando, August, [Organizer and Chair of the Section on Ion Channels and Protein Pumps].

ACS Symposium on Performance on Quantum Chemical and Molecular Modeling Codes for Complex Chemical Systems, Orlando, August, [Ab-Initio Calculations of Chemical Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

EMBO-Workshop on Nucleotide and Phosphoryl Transfer in the Protein and RNA World, Xanten, Germany, September, [Energetics of Phosphate Hydrolysis in Proteins and Solution].

Brazilian Chemical Society Meeting on Methods of Computer Simulation, As Applied to Chemistry, Biochemistry and Materials Sciences, Sao-Carlos, Brazil, November, [Semiempirical and Ab Initio Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Solutions and Proteins].

1997 Annual Biophysical Meeting, New Orleans, March, [Calculations of Electrostatic Energies in Proteins and Solutions by Simplified Dipolar Models].

NATO Meeting on Molecular Modeling and Dynamics of Biological Molecules Containing Metal Ions, San Miniato, Italy, March, [Computer Simulation of the Action of Metalloenzymes].

Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Biology; From Molecular Structure to Functional Mechanisms, Savannah, Georgia, June, [Approaches for Simulation of Chemical Processes in Solutions and Proteins].

NIH Eleventh Meeting of Groups Studying the Structure of AIDS-related Systems and Their Application to Targeted Drug Design, Bathesda, June, [Structure Function Analysis of the Origin of Drug Resistance in HIV Proteases].

CERCA/Chemistry-Industry Workshop, Montreal, Canada, June, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions].

Modeling ‘97, Erlangen, Germany, September, [Evaluation of Solvent Effects in Chemical and Biological Systems].

ACS Symposium on Methods and Applications of Hybrid QM/MM Methods, Las Vegas, September, [Ab initio QM/MM Approaches of Studying Reactions in Proteins and Solutions: Strategies, Problems, and Perspectives].

ACS Symposium on the Role of Electrostatics in Chemistry, Las Vegas, September, [Consistent Calculation of Electrostatic Energies in Proteins and Solutions].

National Academy of Science Colloquium on Computational Biomolecular Science, Irvine, California, September, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions and Other Biological Processes; Finding out What was Optimized by Evolution].

1998 ACS Symposium on Transition State Modeling for Catalysis, Dallas, March, [Elucidating the Origin of Transition State Stabilization in Enzymatic Reactions].

ACS Symposium on Large Scale Electronic Structure Calculations, Dallas, March, [Electronic Structure Calculations of Chemical Reactions in Proteins and Solutions].

Sanibel Symposium, St. Augustine, February, [Ab-Initio Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions].

CECAM Workshop on Implicit Solvent Models for Biomolecular Simulations, Lyon, May, [The Relationship Between Explicit and Implicit Models for Evaluation of Electrostatic Energy in Macromolecules].

Dahlem Workshop on Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids, Berlin, May, [What is the Relationship Between Dynamical Effects and Biological Function?].

The XIVth ICPC International Conference on Phosphorous Chemistry, Cincinnati, July, [Mechanistic Alternatives in Phosphate Ester Hydrolysis, the Use of Computer Simulations to Obtain More Unique Interpretation of Experiments].

Gordon Conference on Computational Chemistry, Tilton, July, [Simulations of Binding and Catalysis: Ab Initio QM/MM-FEB Approaches and Electrostatic Models].

1999 Quantum Bioinorganic Chemistry 99, Warwick, England, July, [Computer Simulations of Metalloenzymes]

The 5th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists, London, England August, [Computer Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions (Plenary Lecture)]

ACS Symposium on QM/MM Methods, New Orleans, August, [Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Proteins and Solutions by Ab-Initio and Related Approaches]

ACS Symposium on Bioenergetics, New Orleans, August, [Simulating Proton Translocations in Proteins: Probing Proton Transfer Pathways in the Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Center]

2000 ACS Symposium on Potential Energy Surfaces from Polyatomic to Macromolecules, San Francisco, March, [Implicit and Explicit Models for Calculations of Electrostatic Energies in Macromolecules and Solutions]

Symposium in Tribute to W. W. Parson, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, April, [Do We Have Any Dynamical Contributions to Enzyme Catalysis?]

International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology, New Orleans, August, [Computer Simulations of Proton Transfer Processes in Proteins]

ACS Symposium on Proton Transfer in Liquids, Solids and Proteins, Washington, August, section chairman

The 3rd European Biophysics Congress, Munich, Germany, September, [Simulating Proton Translocations in Proteins: Probing Proton Transfer Pathways in the Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Center]

Understanding Protein Electrostatics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, September, (Plenary Lecture) [Microscopic and Macroscopic Approaches to Understanding the Nature of Electrostatic Energies in Proteins]

Workshop on Macromolecular Modeling, New York University, October, [How Important are Entropy Contributions to Enzyme Catalysis?]

The 2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December, [Modeling the Energetics and Dynamics of Chemical Processes in Solutions and Clusters by Ab-initio Models of the Complete Solute Solvent System].

2001 The 11th International Conference on Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins, Melbourne, Australia, April, [How Does GAP Catalyze the GTPase Reaction of Ras: Insight from Computer Simulation Studies].

ACS Symposium on Computational Studies of Enzymes, San Diego, April, [Using Computer Simulations to Elucidate the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

CECAM Workshop: Mixed or Hybrid Quantum/Classical Methods, Lyon, France, June, [Pushing the Frontiers of QM/MM Simulations].

Applied Biocatalysis 1980-2020, Trondheim, Norway, June, [The Origin of Biocatalysis: What are the Catalytic Principles that Really Work?].

ACS Symposium on QM/MM methods, Chicago, August, [Pushing the Frontiers of QM/MM Calculations].

2002 Chemical Physics of Biological Systems, Lifson Memorial Lecture, The Weizmann Institute, Israel, February, [From Force Fields to Function of Biological Systems].

ACS Symposium on Modern Aspects of Structure Function Correlation of Biomolecules: Signal Transduction, Orlando, Florida, April, [How Does GAP Catalyze the GTPase Reaction of Ras?]

ACS Symposium on Modern Aspects of Structure-Function Correlation of Biomolecules: Electrostatic Aspects, Orlando, Florida, April, [Electrostatic Aspects of Structure-function Correlation in Biomolecules; From pKa Calculations to Studies of Signal Transduction and Ion Channels].

The Sixteenth Symposium of the Protein Society, August, San Diego, [Searching for the Origin of the Catalytic Power of Enzymes: What Has Been Learned from Computer Simulation Approaches].

The Second Conference of Quantum Bioorganic Chemistry (QBIC-2), Örenäs, Sweden, July, [Recent Advances in QM/MM and Related Approaches; More QM and More Configurational Sampling].

Gordon Research Conference on Mutagenesis: Bates College, Main, August, [General Factors in Enzyme Catalysis and Their Specific Contributions to the Fidelity of DNA Polymerases].

European Research Conference on “Computational Biophysics: Integrating Theoretical Physics and Biology”, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September, [Computer Simulations of Biophysical Reactions: Balancing First Principles with Completeness].

2003 The Enzyme Mechanism Conference, Galveston, Texas, January, [Using Computer Simulations to Elucidate the Molecular Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

American Physical Society Symposium on Physical Models of Ions/Protein Interactions, Austin, Texas, March, [Probing the Origin of the Selectivity of the KcsA Channel by Calculating Ion Currents with Realistic Protein Models].

American Chemical Society symposium on Structure Function Correlation of Biological Channels, New Orleans, March, [Ion Selectivity in Ion Channels as a Challenge for Electrostatic Modeling of Proteins].

American Chemical Society Symposium on Biological Applications of Implicit Solvent Models, New Orleans, March, [Implicit and Explicit Electrostatic Models for Structure Function Correlation of Biomolecules].

American Chemical Society Symposium on Understanding Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Motors, New Orleans, March, [The Energetics of ATP synthase/Converting Conformational Changes to Electrostatic Energies].

Seventh Annual Conference of the Structural Biology Network (SBNet), Tallberg, Sweden, June, [Challenges in Computer Simulations of Biological Molecules].

The Applied Statistical Physics: Molecular Engineering Conference 9Astrtphys-Mex-2003), Puerto Valletta, Mexico, August, [Probing the Origin of Ions and Protons Selectivity in Realistic Models of Biological Channels].

Modeling Chemical Reactivity: From Gas Phase to Solutions and Enzymes, Nancy, France, July, [Computer Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions: Exploring and Quantifying Catalytic Principles].

2004 Telluride Workshop on Non-Adiabatic Dynamics, Telluride, August, [Simulating Non-Adiabatic Transitions in Photobiological Processes; How Many Trajectories are Actually Passing through Conical Intersections]

Telluride Workshop on Translocations of Protons in Biological Systems, August, [What Really Controls Proton Transport in Proteins: Grotthuss Versus Electrostatics]

American Chemical Society Symposium on Quantum Classical Calculations, Philadelphia, August, [Challenges and Advances in QM/MM Methods for Studies of Biological Systems]

American Chemical Society Symposium on the Molecular Origin of Replication and Translation of Nucleic Acids, Philadelphia, August, [Simulating Phosphate Hydrolysis in Key Biological Reactions]

International Symposium on Retinal Proteins, Heidelberg, September, [Computer Simulations of Photobiological Reactions: Advances and Problems]

Triangle Biophysics Symposium – Electrons to Proteins: Coupling and Linkage in Biology, North Carolina, November, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions]

2005 The 3rd Chinese Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference, Hong Kong, January, Keynote Speaker [Computer Simulation of the Function of Biological Molecules]

The 7th Congress of the World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists, Cape Town, South Africa, January, [How do Enzymes Really Work; Using Computer Simulations to Examine and Eliminate Catalytic Proposals].

Quantum Chemistry Applied; From H3 to Biochatlysis, An International Conference for the 60th Birthday of Per Siegbahn, June, Stockholm, [Simulating Proton Transport in Enzymes, Channels and Pumps].

Conference on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July, [Nuclear Quantum Mechanical Contributions to Enzyme Catalysis: Critical Test of a Popular Hypothesis].

ACS National Meeting, Washington DC, August, [Using Computer Simulations to Establish the Key Role of Electrostatic Preorganization in Enzyme Catalysis].

The 1st International NorStruct Workshop in Structural Biology, Tormso, Norway, October, [Elucidation the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis by Computer Simulations; How to Exclude/Validate Catalytic Proposals].

Royal Society meeting on Quantum Catalysis in Enzymes –Beyond the Transition State Theory Paradigm, London, November, [Transition State Theory Provides a Quantitative Framework for Analyzing Enzyme Catalysis; It is All in the Activation Free Energy]

Workshop on Multiscale Modeling in Soft Matter and Biophysics, IPAM, UCLA, September, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Functions].

Bridging Time Length and Scale in Material Science and Biophysics Culminating Workshop, Lake Arrowhead, CA, December, [QM/MM Modeling].

Symposium on Proton Transport Pacificame 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, December, [Simulation Proton Transport in Biological Systems: The EVB as an Effective Strategy for Modeling PTR Processes].

2006 Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membranes Reactions, Ventura, March, [Computer Simulations of Proton Transport in Proteins].

Seventh Meeting of the Swedish Theoretical Chemists, Stockholm, Plenary lecture, May 5, [Capturing the Nature of Biochemical Processes by Molecular Simulations].

ISQBP President’s meeting Strasburg, June, the 2006 Presidents Award Lecture, [Computer Simulations of the Function of Biological Molecules: What Has Been Accomplished and Where We are Going].

Urobic8, Avero, Portugal, July, plenary lecture, [Computer Simulations of the Action of Metalloenzymes: Methods and Insights].

ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, September, [From Macroscopic to Microscopic Descriptions of Electron Transfer and Proton Transfer Reactions: Quantifying Marcus Parabolas].

Gordon Conference on Computational Chemistry, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, October, [Recent Advances in Simulation of Biological Functions].

A Symposium on Enzyme Catalysis of the SFBM, Uppsala, October, [Computer Simulations as a Powerful Tool for Probing the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

2007 APS National Meeting, Bolder, March, [Quantitative Results in QM/MM Calculations of Biological Systems].

ACS National Meeting, Chicago, March, [On Accuracy and Reliability in Simulations of Enzyme Catalysis].

ACS National Meeting, Chicago, March, [Challenges in Calculations of Electrostatic Energies in Macromolecules].

John Stauffer Symposium, USC, April, [How do Enzymes Really Work?]

ICTP Workshop on From Physical Understanding to Novel Architectures of Fuel Cells, Trieste, May, [Effective Strategies for Unraveling Microscopic Energetic and Dynamics of Proton Transport in Complex Systems: From QM/MM to Monte Carlo EVB Based Models].

Isotopes 2007, Benicassim, Spain, May, [Looking for Key Factors in Enzyme Catalysis: Some Recent Confirmation of the Electrostatic Idea].

The Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics Conference on Conductance in Molecules, Jerusalem, August, [Simulating Proton Transport and Ion Transport]

EMBO Workshop on the Chemistry and Biochemistry of Catalysis by Biological Systems, Hamburg, June, [Looking for Key Factors in Enzyme Catalysis: Some Recent Confirmation of the Electrostatic Idea and Additional Evidences that Enzyme Catalysis Does Not Involve Dynamical Effects].

Gordon Research Conference on Computer Aided Drug Design, Tilton, August, [Simulating Drug Resistance].

ACS National Meeting, Boston, August, [Computer Simulations of Photobiological Reactions: Advances and Problems].

ACS National Meeting, Boston, August, [Consistent and Effective Sampling in Ab Initio QM/MM Simulations].

Symposium on 40 Year of Structural Molecular Biology (Levitt 60th Birthday) Stanford, September, [Modeling Enzyme Catalysis].

2008 Gordon Research Conference on Isotopes in Biological and Chemical Sciences, Ventura, February, [Computer Simulations Can Bridge Between Experimental Studies of Enzymes and Their Interpretation: Recent Confirmations of the Electrostatic Idea an Additional Evidences That Enzyme Catalysis Does Not Involve Dynamical Effects]

Wenner-Gren Foundation Symposium on Theoretical Biochemistry, Stockholm, May, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions].

Molecular Frontiers Symposium, Royal Swedish Academy of science, Stockholm, May, [Electrostatic Basis of Biological Energy Conversion and the Fuel of Biological Motors].

Workshop on protein Electrostatics, Telluride, Colorado, July, [Electrostatic Basis for Structure Function Correlation in Proteins: Examples, Validations and Challenges].

Molecular Dynamics of Non-Adiabatic Processes, Institute of Physics, London, July, [Computer Simulations of Photobiologoical Reactions, Advances and Problems] (Had to cancel in the last minute).

WATOC Congress, Sydney, Australia, September, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions].

ESF-EMBO Symposium on Protein Design and Evolution for Biocatalysis, San Feliu, Spain, October, [Hidden Principles of Enzyme Design].

2009 The R.B Woodward Lectures in Chemical Science, Harvard University, February, [How Do Enzymes Really Work and How They Do Not Work; What Has Been Learned from Computer Simulations].

ACS National Meeting, A Symposium on Functional Motions in Enzyme Catalysis, Salt Lake City, March, [Dynamical Coupling Between Conformational and Chemical Motions Does Not Contribute to Catalysis].

The CUSO lecture series, Switzerland, May, [(a) Modeling Proton Transfer and Electron Transfer Reactions in Chemistry and Biology, Bern; (b) Multilevel Modeling in Biophysics and Chemistry, Geneva; (c) Modeling Light Induced Photochemical and Photobiological Reactions, Geneva; (d) How do Enzymes Really Work and How do They Not Work: What Has Been Learned from Computer Simulation Studies?, Lausanne; (e) On the Nature of Proton Transport in Biological Systems - What Can Be Learned from Consistent Simulation Studies and Who is Grotthuss Anyhow?, Basel].

ISOTOPES 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May, [How Do Enzymes Work and How Do They Not Work: What Has Been Learned from Computer Simulation Studies?].

Workshop on Electrostatics in Proteins, Telluride, Colorado, July, [How to Study Electrostatic Energies in Proteins].

ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Protein Dynamics and Functions, Washington, August, [Dynamical Effects are Important in Ultrafast Reactions but not in Enzyme Catalysis: Advances in Modeling long time Enzyme Dynamics].

Faraday Discussion on Physical Organic Chemistry, Cardiff, September, [The EVB as a Quantitative Tool for Simulating and Analyzing Biological and Chemical Reactions].

Modeling09, Erlangen, Germany, September, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Functions].

International Research of Collaborative Research Center on Protein Cofactors Interactions in Biological Systems, Berlin, September, [Simulating Proton Transfer and Electron Transfer in Biology].

Goethe University Frankfurt, September, [How Do Enzymes Really Work and How They Do Not Work; What Has Been Learned from Computer Simulations].

Symposium on Protein Structure and Function, Shanghai, October, [Computer Simulations of the Functions of Biological Molecules, What Has Been Accomplished and Where We are Going].

Multiscale Modeling and Simulations in Science, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, November, [(a) Multiscale Modeling of Protein Functions on Long Time Scale; (b) Multiscale Strategies in QM/MM Modeling; (c) Coarse Graining Approaches in Studying Proton Transport and Ion Transport].

2010 The Lifson Memorial Lecture, The Weizmann Institute, March, [Computer Simulations of the Functions of Biological Systems; What Has Been Accomplished and Where We are Going].

National Academy of Science, Section 29, Washington DC, April, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions].

The Chevy Goldstein Distinguished Lecture in Chemistry, Cal Poly Pomona, May, [Electrostatic Basis of Biological Functions].

Conference on Computational Molecular Science (CMS) 2010, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, June, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Functions].

Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (qscp) xv, Cambridge, England, September, [Multiscale Modeling in Chemistry and Biology].

The XVth QAMTS Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, September, [Using Consistent Simulations to Examine Proposals about the Origin of Enzyme Catalysis].

Telluride Workshop on Proton Transfer in Biology, Telluride, August, [What Does it Take to Simulate Reliably and Effectively Proton Transfer Processes in Membrane Proteins].

Workshop on Water in Biology, Chicago, September, [The Role of Water in Biological Systems].

Pacificahem 2010, Honolulu, December, [Challenges and Advances in QM/MM Methods and Multi Scale Modeling for Studies of Biological Functions].

2011 ACS Symposium on Membrane Proteins, Structure and Function, Anaheim, March, [Coarse Grained Renormalization studies of the Functions of Membrane Proteins].

ThioBio 2011 Madeira, Portugal, June, [Renormalization and Other CG Approaches for Long Time Simulations of Biological Systems].

Royal Swedish Academy Symposium on “Proton Transport Across Biological Membranes”, Stockholm, June, [The Constraints on the Efficiency of Coupled Electron Transfer /Proton Transfer Biological Pumps, and What Does it Take to Relate the Structure of Cytochrome c Oxidase to its Actual Function].

Stanford-Sweden Workshop, Uppsala, June, [Renormalization and Other CG approaches for Long Time Simulations of Biological Systems].

WATOC 2011, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July, [Reference Potentials and CG Approaches for Simulations of Biological Systems].

IUPAC Symposium on Enzyme Catalysis, Porto Rico, August, [How Do Enzymes Work and How Do They Not Work: Advances in Simulations and Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

WRM-ACS Meeting on Understanding Chemical Reactivity Through Computational Chemistry, Pasadena, November, [Advances in Simulations and Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

2012 Gordon Research Conference on Protein Folding and Dynamics, Ventura, January, [Multiscale Modeling of Protein Functions].

Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, Ventura, February, [Coarse Grained Modeling of Proton Translocation, Ion Current and Voltage Effects in Membrane Proteins].

Stauffer Symposium, USC, April, [Simulating the Action of Molecular Motors and Elucidating the Molecular Meaning of Single Molecule].

In Silico Enzyme Design and Screening Conference, Trieste, Italy, May, [Advances in Quantitative Computer Aided Enzyme Design].

The X Girona Seminar, Girona, Spain, July, [Advanced Modeling of Biological Functions; Some Recent Highlights].

Telluride workshop on Proton Transfer, Telluride, July, [Gaining Deeper Insight on Proton Transport in CcO and Related Systems].

ACS Symposium on “Electron and Energy Transfer Phenomena: At the Intersection of Electronic Structure Theory and Chemical Dynamics”, Philadelphia, August, [Modeling the Dynamics and Energetics of Electron Transfer and Proton Transfer Reactions in Chemistry and Biology].

Cold Spring Harbor China, Meeting on Small GTPases at Different Scales: Proteins, Membranes, Cells Suzhou, China, September, [The Nature of the Activation of GTPaes – Simulating the Allosteric Action of G-Proteins].

Distinguished Lecture in Computational Biology, UC Irvine, November, [Advances in Modeling of Biological Functions].

RSC Award in Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Lecture Tour, Newcastle, Sheffield, Bath, November, [Advances in Modeling Biological Functions].

2013 Research Workshop on Computational Biology; Then and Now, The Weizmann Institute, Israel, May, [Progress in Modeling of Biological Functions from Then to Now].

Albany 2013: The 18th Conversation, June, [Exploring the Role of Dynamical Effects in Biology and Modeling Complex Molecular Machines]

Conference in Honor of the 90th Birthday of Rudolph Marcus, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July, [Using Coarse Grained and Multiscale Models in Realistic Elucidations of Vectorial Processes of Motors and Other Complex Biological Systems].

ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Electrostatics and Polarization Effects in Biophysical Chemistry, Indianapolis, September, [Challenges and Advances in Calculations of Electrostatic Energies in Macromolecules].

Opening lecture in Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules VI, Marianské Lazně, Czech Republic, September, [Multiscale Modeling of the Function of Biological Systems].

Molecular Frontiers Symposium, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, October, [Multiscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes].

The III Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan, November.

Nobel Lecture, Stockholm, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions; from Enzymes to Molecular Machines].

Uppsala University, Post Nobel Lecture, Uppsala, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions; from Enzymes to Molecular Machines].

Chalmers University, Post Nobel Lecture, Gutenberg, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions; from Enzymes to Molecular Machines].

Lund University, Post Nobel Lecture, Lund, December, [Computer Simulations of Biological Functions; from Enzymes to Molecular Machines].

2014 Federation of Israeli Experimental Biology (ILANIT), Eilat, Israel, February (Keynote), [Multiscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes].

Biophysical Society (The Founder Award Lecture), San Francisco, February, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems].

Hidden Connections Conference, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, March, [Unraveling the Complexity of Biological Function by Computer Simulations]

Honorary Degree Lecture, Bar Ilan University, Israel, May, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems and Processes]

A Symposium Commemorating Lifson's 100th Birthday, Honoring the 2013 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, May, [Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems and Processes]

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May, [Computer Simulations of Biological Molecules]

ATPase Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, June, [Elucidating the Origin of the Directionality of Molecular Motors: Converting the Structure of ATPases to Free Energy Landscape]

Helmholtz University, Munich, Germany, June, [Multiscale Modeling of the Function of Biological Systems]

64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau, Germany, [Multiscale Simulations of the Functions of Biological Molecules]

WATOC 2014, Santiago, Chile, October, [Multiscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes]

Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry, Amsterdam, November 20, [Multiscale Modeling of the Functions of Biological Molecules]

2015 eSSENCE Workshop on Frontiers in Computational Biomedicine, Uppsala, Sweden, January, [Perspective on Computer Modeling of Biological Systems and Processes].

7th International Science Youth Forum, Singapore, January, [Master Class on Computer Modeling].

The Almløf-Gropen Lecture Department of Chemistry, Oslo, June [ Multiscale modeling of the function of biological systems].

The Almløf-Gropen Lecture center for theoretical and computational chemistry Tormso, June [Multiscale modeling of the function of biological systems].

65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Lindau, June [ How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level?].

World Science Conference the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level?].

Franklin Memorial Lecture at Rice University, September [ How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level?].

2016 Global Young Scientists Summit, Singapore, January [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems].

Keynote speaker at BIT’s 7th World DNA and Genome Day, Dalian, China, April [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

Keynote lecture at the EMBO Conference on Biocatalysts, Oulu, Finland, June [Electrostatic in Biocatalysts].

The Birch lecture at UNSU, Canberra, Australia, June [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

Plenary lecture ICPOC-23, Sydney Australia, July [How Do Enzymes Work and How Do They Not Work: Advances in Simulations and computer Aided Enzyme Design].

Opening the academic year, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

The Emerson Center Award Lecture, Emory University, [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

V Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan, [Using Computer Modeling in Biological Medicine].

The V Congress of the Russian Biochemical Society, Sochi, Russia, [How to Model the Action of Complex Biological Systems and to Advance Molecular Medicine].

Youth Forum, Sochi, Russia, October [Modeling Biological Molecules Keynote Speech].

The Xingda Lectureship, Peking University, Beijing, China, [Modeling the Action of Complex Biological Systems on a Molecular Level].

BIT’s 14th Annual Congress International Drug Discovery Science & Technology, Nanjing, China, [Computer Modeling of Complex Biological Systems].

Instituto Politecnico Nacional, [From Kibbutz to Nobel on Modeling Complex Chemical

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