Assessment: 3
A comprehensive self-assessment for the program, covering many important aspects, was presented to the evaluation commission. The development plan included in the self-evaluation report, was focused on renewal of staff and laboratory equipment, as well as on increased international student exchange and an increased number of students.
Written examinations are used in all courses, and requirements for “passed” of exercises and laboratory work. No specific means or methods for quality assurance of the program were mentioned, besides the self-evaluation report.
Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes are ensured.
Strong and weak points
Here the commission will point only main strong and week points of the program. (See the text above for more details and text below for recommendations).
Strong points (general comments)
Responsiveness to the Latvian needs on automobile transport engineering
Content to some extent based on international experience
Friendly relations with students, individual approach
Week points
General comments
Modern methods for environmental consideration and sustainability missing
Aging of staff
Limited mobility of students, language problems
Masters program
Too little of theoretical subjects (Mathematics, theoretical mechanics, solid mechanics) , especially for the Masters program
Recommendations General
Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used taking advantage of the small number of students as well as the multidisciplinary and professionally oriented programs.
Team work together with PBL is recommended for professional education in the program.
International student exchange within ATI should be encouraged, in different forms
Encourage and assist students to go to summer courses abroad, enhance Erasmus – Socrates, mobility (to improve both knowledge and language) and recognize it as a part of student practical placements.
Modern methods for environmental consideration and sustainability should be included in the programs, as well as alternative future propulsion systems, e.g. electric hybrids.
Take possible actions in order to avoid day time student employment in fields not related with the speciality.
State budget students have rather small stipend (70 LVL), credit system also didn’t cover all, some are paying for studies, therefore a more definite policy towards student work in companies should be important, for example: work closely related to the profession could be supported, but if not related – restricted.
Equalisation of workload among the faculty staff and within program curriculum, involvement of young PhD’s is desirable.
It would be good to have more comprehensive and critical SWOT analysis and future vision of the program, self assessment of problems and plan.
Bachelor Program
Practical placement is comprehensive, and accounts for 26 CP in the Bachelor program. It is then very important to plan and provide placements in advance in order to make placements really valuable.
Masters Program
Theoretical subjects (Mathematics, theoretical mechanics, solid mechanics) should be strengthened in the Masters program, also to prepare for PhD studies.
The commission has the opinion that the programs meet the requirements, ATI staff is able to run the programs well and have a potential to improve it further with regards of commission recommendations.
Commission recommends six-year accreditation of the professional Bachelor study programme “Automobile Transport”.
Commission recommends six-year accreditation of the professional Masters study program “Automobile Transport”.
On behalf of the commission:
Prof. Jan-Gunnar Persson,
Team leader
Novērtēšanas komisijas eksperta individuālajam ziņojumam un Novērtēšanas komisijas kopējam ziņojumam jāpievieno aizpildīta anketa. Par katru jautājumu un par katru no kvalitātes aspektiem (kuri satur vairāk par 1 jautājumu) vēlams dot novērtējumu 4 ballu skalā un rakstisku komentāru, kurš ir obligāts negatīva vērtējuma gadījumā. (Ar atzīmi ballēs norāda galvenokārt īstenošanas atbilstību izvirzītajiem mērķiem un uzdevumiem.) Ieteicams par katru kvalitātes aspektu kopumā sniegt īsu komentāru, aprakstot: atklātos pozitīvos faktorus, trūkumus, rekomendācijas un ieteikumus kvalitātes uzlabošanai, iespējamos draudus. Ja par kādu jautājumu vai kvalitātes aspektu eksperts nav kompetents, par to vērtējums nav jādod. Ieteicams ekspertu ziņojumus strukturēt atbilstoši anketas jautājumiem, vajadzības gadījumā pievienojot papildus punktus.
Novērtēšanas skala: 4 (ļoti labi), 3 (labi), 2 (apmierinoši), 1 (neapmierinoši).
Eksperta vārds, uzvārds: Māris Ķirsis
Novērtētās studiju programmas:
- Automobiļu transports - kods 4252501 - Bakalaura profesionālā studiju programma, RTU, Transporta un mašīnzinību fakultāte, Autotransporta institūts
- Automobiļu transports - kods 4652501 - Maģistra profesionālā studiju programma, RTU, Transporta un mašīnzinību fakultāte, Autotransporta institūts
Eksperta ārējās novērtēšanas vizītes datums: 19.-20.06.2006.
I Studiju programmas vērtēšanas kritēriji
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