Applications may not exceed 30 pages when printed. The 30-page limit includes the abstract, program narrative and budget narrative. Attachments and letters of commitment and/or support are not included in the page limit. Applicationsthatexceedthese limits will be deemednon-responsiveto the RFP.
Use Arial, Calibri, or TimesRoman.Thenarrative portions oftheapplication must besubmitted in12 point fonts, single line spacing and pages numbered chronologically.Do not use colored, oversized, orfoldedmaterials.Charts,graphs,footnotes,andbudgettables use10 point font, must be legible.Whenscannedor reproduced, the charts must stillbeclear and legible. Do notinclude organizationalbrochuresor otherpromotionalmaterials,slides,films,clips,etc.
Paper Sizeand Margins
The application must bewritten on 8 ½”x11” white paper.Margins must be atleast one(1) inchat thetop, bottom, left,andright ofthe paper.Left-align text.