Banking wizard by pankaj gautam

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Directions (41 to 45): Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given in bold

  1. Obsolete

Transparent/ irregular/ outmoded/ strange/ straightforward

  1. Baleful

Uncovered/ ruinous/ gentle/ trial/ sheepish

  1. Hoodwink

Bamboozle/ anticipate/ desperate/ humble/ embrace

  1. Nimble

Clumsy/ honest/ needless/agile/ noteworthy

  1. Base

Exalted/ helpful/ unmarked/ harsh/ immoral

Directions (46 to 50): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word given in bold

  1. Fidelity: perfidy/ loyalty/ amnesty/ freshness/ vivacity

  2. Indignation: animosity/ insolence/ forbearance/ alertness/ indolence

  3. Lofty: deserted/ imposing/ solidarity/ lowly/ adrift

  4. Heed: assist/ neglect/ uphold/ conceal/ disguise

  5. Intrepid: audacious/ acquired/ evident/ simple/ bashful


Directions (1 to 5): Read the following each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) (ignore error of punctuation if any).

  1. My daughter never (A) would write to me (B) so I never know (C) what she is doing (D) no error (E)

  2. Whenever we have a puncture (A) she just sits in the car (B) and reads a book (C) while I changed the wheel (D) no error (E)

  3. He walked to the market (A) with both his servants (B) on either side of his (C) to help him buy things (D) no error (E)

  4. Ganesh who has been (A) driving all day (B) was extremely tired (C) and wanted to stop (D) no error (E)

  5. Everyone was reading quietly (A) when suddenly the door (B) burst open and a (C) complete stranger rushed in(D) no error (E)

Directions (6 to 15): In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning :

  1. Enthralling/ respecting/ projecting/ alluring

  2. Swoop/ perturb/ plump/ boil

  3. Concise/ elegant/ indifferent/ indecorous

  4. Acquit/ defend/ forbid/ condemn

  5. Fallacy/ adage/ dictum/ endorse

  6. Elevate/ frugal/ exult/ lament

  7. Surreptitious/ taciturn/ exaggerate/ covert

  8. Handy/ sparse/ redundant/ exhausted

  9. Timid/ conceited/ humane/ modest

  10. Conversion/ desistance/ substitution/ cessation

Directions (16-25): Pick out the most effective pair of words to make the sentence meaningfully complete

  1. The society provides the individual security of life, -- og thought and sustenance for action. Every individual who – from the society is indebted to the society

Serenity – gains / prosperity – benefits/ objectivity – profits/ seriousness – derives/ semblance – evolves

  1. A hobby is an activity of interest – for pleasure. It helps to break the monotony and tedium of our – routine

Developed – interesting/ pursued – humdrum/ cultivated – developed/ regularized – cultivated/ arranged – pursued

  1. The – growth of Indian agriculture in the last three decades has earned – from other countries

Pervasive – reputation/ significant – deliverance/ superior – regard/ dynamic – accolades/ distinctive – encouragement

  1. College going students should – the spirit of service from the great men of –

Inculcate – power/ develop – possession/ invent – wisdom/ analyse – wisdom/ imbibe – yore

  1. The planting of trees on the – of towns and villages helps the – of a country

Surface—output/ peripher—output/ joints—production/ vicinity—cultivation/ outskirts—afforestation

  1. The human infant is a life long bundle of energy with a – array of potentialities, and many –

Marvelous—vulnerabilities/ peculiar—opportunities/ critical—competencies/ vocational—strengths/ perfect—peculiarities

  1. His presentation was so lengthy and – that it was difficult for us to find out the real—in it

Boring—planning/ tedious—skill/ verbose—content/ laborious—coverage/simple—meaning

  1. There is no – the fact that a man of knowledge—great power

Justifying—acknowledges/ clarifying—exhibits/ advocating—projects/ denying—wields/ proclaiming—develops

  1. The – of opinion which emerged at a recently concluded seminar was that the problem of dowry cannot be – unless the law against it is made more stringent

Divergence—managed/ sympathy—projected/ consensus—tackled/ similarity—curbed/ convergence—appreciated

  1. Leisure must be spent carefully and – only, otherwise the devil will take the – you

Positively—care/ constructively—better/ proactively—thought/ objectively—energy/ purpodsefully—measure

Directions (26 to 35): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed after the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of his planet. This (26) and the attendant superiority feeling has made him look down (27) other creatures who co-exist with human on this earth. The so called çivilized’human race has (28) and ill treated small and large animal specis and birds in an attempt to prove his (29). It is common knowledge that (30) number of animals have been (31) for centuries under the (32) of conducting scientific experimnents or for sports. Till recently, in the (33) of scientific experiments monkeys and frogs have been (34) to dissection and (35) in the laboratory.

  1. Pleasure/ fact/ achievement/ force/ arrogance

  2. In/ upon/ with/ for/ into

  3. Criticized/ devalued/ protected/ abused/ enlarged

  4. Supremacy/ wisdom/ cleverness/ instinct/ possession

  5. Tall/ plenty/ countless/ diverse/ numerous

  6. Tortured/exposed/ treated/vanished/ extinct

  7. Projection/ criticism/ pretext/ game/ study

  8. Matter/ set/ scheme/ virtue/ name

  9. Confined/ subjected/ condemned/ allied/ performed

  10. Cruelty/ deformation/ study/ vivisection/ proliferation

Directions (36 to 40): In each of the following questions an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiomatic expressions. If there is no meaning given, mark É’, ie , none of these as your answer.

  1. The green eyed monster

  1. The creature of the sea

  2. An animal with green eyes

  3. Personal jealousy

  4. To get into trouble

  5. None of these

  1. To burn one’s finger

  1. To have a burning sensation at the tips of one’s fingers

  2. To undergo suffering heroically for one’s principles

  3. To behave as if one is very great and important

  4. To be lucky

  5. None of these

  1. To end in smoke

  1. To die of cancer caused by smoking

  2. To end without providing any practical result

  3. Die in a burning house choked with smoke

  4. To risk everything in a single venture

  5. None of these

  1. To catch a tartar

  1. To deal with a person who is more than one’s match

  2. To catch a dangerous person

  3. To trap a wanted criminal with great diificulty

  4. To meet with disaster

  5. None of these

  1. A wet blanket

  1. A man who is always drunk

  2. A wife who is cold to her husband

  3. To wear black and white clothes

  4. A person who ends conversation

  5. None of these

Directions (41 to 50): Read the following passage and answer the question given below it. Certain words in the passage are given in bold so as to help you locate them easily while answering some of the questions.

Comfort is now one of the cause of its own spread. It has now become a physical habit, a fashion, an idea to be pursued for its own sake. The more comfort is brought into the world, the more it is likely to be valued. To those who have known comfort, discomfort is a real torture. The fashion which now decrees the worship of comfort is quite as imperious as any other fashion. Moreover, enormous material interests are bound up with the supply of the means of comfort. The manufacturers of furniture, of heating apparatus, of plumbing fistures cannot afford to let the love of comfort die. In modern advertisements they have found a means for compelling it to live and grow. A man of means today, who builds a house is in general concerned primarily with the comfort of his future residence. He will spend a great deal of money on bathrooms, heating apparatus, padded furnishings, and having spent he will regard his house as perfect. His counterpart in an earlier age would have been primarily concerned with the impressiveness and magnificience of his dwelling – with beauty, in a word, rather than comfort. The money our contemporary would spend on baths and entral heatings would have been spent on marble staircase, frescoes, pictures and statues. I am inclined to think that our present passion for comfort is a little exaggerated. Though I personally enjoy comfort, I have lived most happily in houses devoid of everything that anglo-saxons deem indispensable. Orientals and even south Europeans who know not comfort and live very much as our ancestors did centuries ago seem to go on very well without our elaborate apparatus and padded luxuries. However, comfort for me has a justification; it facilitates mental life. Discomfort handicaps thought; it is difficult to use the mind when the body is cold and aching.

  1. Choose the word that is similar in meaning of the word devoid of as used in the passage

Available/ lacking/ empty/ false/ deficient

  1. How people manage to keep the love of comfort alive?

  1. By pumping in more comfort goods in the market

  2. By sacrificing high profits on comfort goods

  3. By targeting youth in the sales campaign

  4. By appealing to the emotionality of the people

  5. None of these

  1. What is the author’s prediction about comfort?

  1. The value of comfort will increase

  2. People will value more spirituality thus reducing the value of comfort

  3. ‘people will desire simple life style

  4. The advertisements will play down the comfort aspects of goods

  5. None of these

  1. What was the characteristics of affluent man of an earlier age ?

  1. He used to put higher premium on comfort

  2. He was relying much on advertisements

  3. He believed more in simple and cheaper things

  4. He was more qualitative in his emphasis rather than being quantitative

  5. His emphasis was on beauty

  1. What change according to the author has taken place in the attitude to comfort?

  1. It is taken for granted in the modern way of living

  2. It has become now an idea to be pursued for its own sake

  3. It is now believed that discomfort handicaps thought

  4. It is thought that comfort helps body and mind to function effectively

  5. None of these

  1. Choose the word which is similar in meaning of the word decree as used in the passage

Order/ spread/ projected/ attract/ exhibit

  1. Why does the author value comfort?

  1. It helps to project one’s image

  2. It helps to project your values

  3. It facilitates mental life

  4. It encourages a blend of materialistic and spiritual thinking

  5. None of these

  1. Why would manufacturers of various devices not permit comfort to die?

  1. They want to manufacture more and more comfort goods

  2. Manufacturers are mainly interested in creating new things

  3. Manufacturers emphasis is on producing beautiful things

  4. Their prosperity is closely linked with the people’s desire for comfort

  5. None of these

  1. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word indispensable as used in the passage

Unattractive/ avoidable/ favorable/ inelegant/ comfort

  1. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

  1. Discomfort is not liked by those who live in comfort

  2. The affluent man of an earlier age was interested more in beauty than in comfort

  3. Discomfort handicaps thought

  4. Orientals and south Europeans love comfort immensely

  5. Author of the passage enjoys comfort


Directions (1 to 10): In each of these questions, a sentence with two words/ group of words in italic is given. One of them or both may have certain error; you have to find out the correct word or group of words and its proper replacement. If the sentence is correct as it is then mark ‘no error as your answer’

  1. Our firm determination had due impact on them and they will be changed their decision.

  2. Deep breathing exercises are found to be of extreme helful to patients suffering from high blood pressure

  3. By the time they reach the station, the train had been departed

  4. These days, customers have been receiving better services from bank employees

  5. It was heartening news that you narrowly escaped being run over by a speeding car yesterday

  6. What matters most is the quality of the product and only not merely the cost, appearance or size

  7. your investment advisor should be concerned about the security of and high returns on your inv estment, rather than his benefit

  8. people who are insensitive and indifference to the agonies of the poor cannot serve the society

  9. getting carry away by slightest provocation is a sign of immaturity

  10. our employees are so careful in their work that none has been so far found any error in their work.

Directions (11 to 20): closet test

In these days of economic liberalization, globalization, etc, materialistic values have assumed (11) importance. Money physical comforts and luxuries are the most sought after aspects. There has been (12) competition. Such competition (13) undue stress. The stress leads to (14) of health of the people. Indian culture has (15) its striking uniqueness, as against the western culture, infact that there is a (16) place for spiritualism in our value system in all walks of life. The spirituality is a very (17) force which helps in maintaining our physical and mental health. It gives us (18) to cope with the stress. Westerners have now (19) the importance of spirituality and therefore, they have started (20) us in the matter of spirituality.

  1. Usual/little/tangible/least/greater

  2. Critical/unhealthy/unequalled/no/ abosolute

  3. Releases/ deserves/ generates/ demonstrates/ suppresses

  4. Neglect/ illness/ generation/ deterioration/ encroachment

  5. Maintained/ illustrated/ marginalized/ bestowed/ forsaken

  6. Vast/ brief/ formal/ clean/ distinct

  7. Dormant/ dedicated/ vital/ common/ dynamic

  8. Strength/ tips/ clearance/ sermons/ ideals

  9. Informed/ narrated/ intensified/ realized/ invented

  10. Encouraging/ imitating/ blaming/ preaching/ assuming

Directions (21 to 30): comprehension

India’s nuclear ambition had been the bone of contention for a very long time. It was a settled belief in our country that the US began to stress the issue of signing the CTBT only in more recent round of talks when the two countries had come close to an agreement on the other issues, including the CTBT because it is a part of its somewhat browbeating style of doing business. But a moment’s reflection would show that there could be another explanation. In the aftermath of Pokhran-II when tempers had cooled, the US was predisposed to accept our Prime Minister’s repeated assertions that India intended to arm it with nuclear weapons only as a deterrent to a nuclear attack or blackmail.

  1. Which of the following statement is false in the context of the passage?

  1. Only because of Pokhran-II the US had accepted Indian Prime Minister’s assertion about India’s nuclear policy

  2. The rounds of talks were being held by at least three countries, the US being the mediator

  3. Indian Prime Minister has assured the world that it would not initiate nuclear attack on any nation

  1. The real intention of the US in bringing the nuclear issue to the fore is most probable

  1. To suppress India’s nuclear ambition

  2. To incur the goodwill of India’s enemy

  3. To deter India from going nuclear in a big way

  4. To use it as a negotiation tactic

  5. To underplay the other more important issues

  1. The author of the passage thinks that India’s planning for nuclear rearment is

  1. Going to receive a lot of acclaim

  2. Appreciated by other countries with few reservations

  3. A matter that irritated most other countries

  4. Not considered as a deterrent policy by the enemies

  5. None of these

  1. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the contents of the passage?

  1. India’s possessing nuclear arsenals has frightened some countries

  2. India is not eluctant to sign the CTBT

  3. The US wants India to sign the CTBT

  1. Which of the following inference can be drawn from the contents of the passage?

  1. Most of the issues discussed between India and the US have reahed consensus

  2. India will not use nuclear weapons in any situation

  3. India will use nuclear weapons to black mail the enemies

  4. Before Pokhra-II. Temper of the other countries had not been cooled down

  5. None of these

26 to 28 (choose same in meaning)

  1. Predisposed: reluctant/ unpreapared/ ready/ hesistant/ interested

  2. Stress: devastation/ disharmony/ pressurize/ suppress/ implement

  3. Aftermath: devastation/ disharmony/ posterity/ consequences/ contemporary

29 and 30 (choose opposite)

  1. Agreement: dissension/ harmony/refusal/ misunderstanding/ differential

  2. Settled: dislocated/ unprecedented/ irrelevant/ stabilized/ unfounded

31 to 40: In each of these questions two sentences are given. These two sentences are to be combined into a single sentence without changing their meaning. Three probable starters of the combined sentence are given as (1), (2) and (3). Any one or more or none of them may be correct. Find out the correct stater(s) and accordingly give the answer.

  1. It is very cold here. You must carry warm clothes with you

  1. Since you must—

  2. As it is very—

  3. If it is very—

  1. You must sign your railway pass, write your name and age on it. According to the railway authorities, it becomes valid only after that

  1. To make your railway paas valid, the railway authorities should—

  2. Without validating your railway pass, you cannot sign—

  3. To validate yor railway paas, you must –

  1. The doctor says that Ramesh has lost his immunity. Therefore, he is vulnerable to any disease

  1. Ramesh’s loss of immunity—

  2. Because of his vulnerability to his—

  3. His vulnerability to any disease—

  1. How much you speak is less important. What is more important is how relevant you speak.

  1. How relevant you speak is—

  2. How much you speak is as important—

  3. How relevant you speak is not as important—

  1. You must submit a copy of your ration card. Only then yor application for telephone connection will be considered

  1. Unless you submit—

  2. Unless your application for—

  3. Without your application for—

  1. You need two tickets? Please stand in the queue

  1. If you need—

  2. In case you need –

  3. Should you need—

  1. The quality of the fabric was not impressive. We changed our plan of purchasing

  1. The quality of the fabric being—

  2. We changed our—

  3. Inspite of the the unimpressive

  1. Madhuri has been consistent in her studies. Her performance in the examination was nothing else but excellent

  1. Despite being consistent in her studies—

  2. Madhuri’s performance in the examination was not excellent, because—

  3. Because madhuri was only consistent and not intelligent, her performance—

  1. Don’t add musch chilly powder to the soup. Consumers are only small children

  1. Because small children do not allow chilly powder—

  2. Since small children do not consume more soup—

  3. Adding more chilly powder to soup makes the small children like the—

  1. He always delays in taking any action. It makes others suffers a lot

  1. His taking action on time makes—

  2. Others suffers a lot becase of—

  3. On account of his procrastination—

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