see Figure 9). Repeat this process until almost all of the organic material is removed from the bucket. If possible, release any fish and/or salamanders and document the species and number released in the Wildlife Observations section of the Habitat Form. Set the container of elutriated material aside. Figure 9. Photograph of soft, organic material placed and stored in a temporary container.
Begin the elutriation process again with the inorganic material (gravel, sand, silt). Pour some of the contents of the bucket through a U.S. Standard 30 sieve. Too much material in the sieve may result in accidental spillage.
Using a quiet area of the stream or fresh water in the bucket, gently touch the bottom of the sieve to the water surface and rotate it in a circular motion. This will aid in removing fine sediments from the sample. DO NOT IMMERSE THE SIEVE ENTIRELY AS THIS WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF ORGANISMS.If possible, release all fish and salamanders and document the species and number released in the Wildlife Observations section of the Habitat Form.
Pour the hard, inorganic material such as fine gravel and sand from the sieve into a sample jar already 1/2 filled with denatured ethanol (