Biology Commonwealth of Virginia

Definitions of Cellular Organelles

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Definitions of Cellular Organelles


The mitochondria of a cell are frequently referred to as the “power plants” of the cell, for it is here that all the reactions that create energy (in the form of ATP) take place. Mitochondria are slipper-shaped organelles that are double-membraned. The mitochondria’s internal network consists of densely folded, membrane-like “sacks” that act as the site for energy transfer. The folds in these sacks are called “cristae.” The size, location, and number of the mitochondria in a cell are largely related to the functions and activities of that cell. Sperm cells, for example, have large numbers of mitochondria near the base of the whip-like flagellar tail to provide energy for motion, but there are few mitochondria elsewhere in the cell.
Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Chromosomes, Chromatin, DNA, Nuclear Matrix, and Nucleoli

The membranous nucleus is the most characteristic organelle of a eukaryotic cell. It is easily visible with a microscope as a dark blotch in the center of cell. Its most important feature is the storage and utilization of genetic material. The contents of the nucleus are suspended in a viscous solution enclosed by a very complex nuclear envelope. The major components of the nucleus are chromosomes, chromatin (dense strands of nucleoprotein fibers holding the genetic material — the DNA of the cell), and the nuclear matrix (a protein-containing fibrillar network). Nucleoli are electron-dense structures that function in the synthesis of ribosomes and rRNA.
Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane is a double layered, fluid-like envelope that surrounds, protects, and maintains the cell. The membrane is composed of phospholipids. The plasma membrane is the outermost membrane which maintains the cell as a distinct entity, apart from the environment, and allows metabolic events to proceed in organized, controlled ways.
Golgi Bodies

The Golgi body/apparatus/complex is a structure made up of 4 to 6 cisternae, or flattened sacs, which function to modify and transport molecules made in the ER. The Golgi is divided into a series of compartments, each containing specific processing enzymes.
Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum is a complex labyrinth of tubules, sheets, and vesicles contained in all eukaryotic cells. The presence of ribosomes distinguishes two categories of endoplasmic reticulum. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) has no protein-producing ribosomes on its surface. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), like the SER, is formed by a network of internal membranes. The membranes of the RER, however, form a series of flattened sheets connected by tubules. The sheets are studded with protein-synthesizing ribosomes.
Microfilaments and Microtubules: Cytoskeleton

Extending from the plasma membrane and the nucleus of eukaryotic cells is an interconnected system of bundled fibers, slender threads, and lattices arranged in a system called the “cytoskeleton.” The cytoskeleton functions to give eukaryotic cells internal organization, assist the plasma membrane in retaining cell shape, and allow the cell to move.
Centrioles and Centrosomes

Centrioles are cylindrical structures that have a characteristic “pinwheel” shape and act as an organizing center during cell division.

Lysosomes dispose of macromolecules, excreting them in secretory vesicles by exocytosis.

Vesicles of eukaryotic cells are used for material transport.

Cell Membrane

Organizing Topic Investigating Cells

Overview Students investigate the composition and functions of the cell membrane. They model the parts of a cell membrane and also model a function of the semi-permeable membrane.

Related Standards of Learning BIO.4d


The students will

  • summarize the six important functions of the cell membrane;

  • diagram the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane;

  • differentiate between osmosis and diffusion in terms of the types of substances involved and the role of a semi-permeable membrane (from Organizing Topic — Investigating Biochemistry).

Materials needed

  • Student-selected materials, such as wire, tubes, straws, string, pipe cleaners, beads, glue guns and glue sticks, mini marshmallows, magnets, small ball bearings, rubber sheets, toothpicks

  • Glue

  • Markers

  • Poster board

  • Graph paper or graphing software and printer

  • Fresh onion, perfume, or other odorous substances that are acceptable for use in the classroom

  • Water

  • Tincture of iodine (CAUTION!)

  • Container for iodine mixture

  • Starch suspension — water into which spray starch has been mixed

  • Plastic sandwich bags with ties

Instructional activity

Content/Teacher Notes

The cell is highly organized with many functional units or organelles. Most of these units are limited by one or more membranes. Each membrane is specialized in that it contains specific proteins and lipid components that enable it to perform its unique role(s) for that cell or organelle. Membranes are essential for the integrity and function of the cell.

Membrane components may

  • be protective;

  • regulate transport in and out of the cell or subcellular domain;

  • allow selective receptivity and signal transduction by providing transmembrane receptors that bind signaling molecules;

  • allow cell recognition;

  • provide anchoring sites for cytoskeletal filaments or components of the extracellular matrix. This allows the cell to maintain its shape and perhaps move to distant sites.

  • help compartmentalize subcellular domains or microdomains;

  • provide a stable site for the binding and catalysis of enzymes;

  • regulate the fusion of the membrane with other membranes in the cell via specialized junctions;

  • provide a passageway across the membrane for certain molecules, such as in gap junctions;

  • allow directed cell or organelle motility.

This lesson is a two-part study. In Part 1, students use reference materials to read about the components of a “typical” cell membrane. They document understanding of the basic structure and function of the parts listed in the procedure below and any others of specific interest. They then use materials, such as those listed in the materials section above or student-chosen materials, to construct a model of the parts, building upon the ideas expressed in the Cell Parts lesson. In Part 2, students model a function of the semi-permeable membrane.


1. Cut the onion or open the volatile compound selected for use in the classroom.

2. After the fumes have diffused, begin a discussion of diffusion and associated terms such as kinetic energy and Brownian motion. Discuss the importance of being able to control what goes out (keeping the onion odor in one place) and comes in (getting water when you need it). This will lead to a differentiation between osmosis and diffusion. Relate the discussion to what is observed as the odor diffuses throughout the room. Segue into the assignment.


Part 1. Construction of the Model

1. Construct a model of the cell membrane that illustrates or demonstrates the following:

  • Phospholipid bilayer molecules

  • Glycoprotein markers

  • Channel proteins

  • Selective permeability

  • Cholesterol

  • Receptor proteins

The model can be two- or three-dimensional and should include at least one functional part that models a membrane-transport process.

2. For good representations and explanations of a cell membrane see the following Web sites:





Part 2. Modeling Semi-Permeability

1. Fill a 500-mL beaker half full of water.

2. Add tincture of iodine solution until the water is noticeably colored. Mix well.

3. In a separate space away from possible contamination, put 100-200 mL of water in a sandwich bag.

4. Add 5–10 mL of the starch suspension. Squeeze gently to mix.

5. Tie off the bag.

6. Rinse the outside of the bag well.

7. Place the bag in the beaker of the iodine solution.

8. Set up a bag without starch as a control.

9. Wait and watch. (It may take overnight.)

Observations and Conclusions

1. Obviously, the models in Part 1 will vary. Student creativity should be encouraged, but all constructions should be safe and sturdy enough to hold up to use in a presentation of what the parts represent and how they show some characteristic of the structure of the components modeled. If the function extension is included, then the part should actually function by modeling the process as well as represent the component’s structure.

2. In Part 2, the students should observe (based on the iodine/starch reaction shown in the biomolecules activities) that in the time frame and under the conditions of the activity, iodine went into the bag and starch did not come out.

Sample assessment

  • Provide students with analogies of cell membrane parts, and have them apply metaphorical analyses to identify the parts, which map onto the analogy.

  • Have students discuss why they saw what they saw in Part 2, based on size, polarity, and concentrations.

  • Have students discuss what happened, if anything, to the water itself in Part 2.


1. Most of the models will be static. An optional extension is to have at least one part function to model a dynamic process. When presented with this challenge, students have been known to be rather creative in producing functioning analogs.

2. You may wish to have students differentiate between the types of transport proteins by including distinctive models of these transport varieties:

  • Uniport

  • Synport

  • Antiport

  • Active

  • Passive

  • Facilitated diffusion

3. Engage students in a discussion of the practical value of an understanding of osmosis and diffusion (separation science, dialysis, bactericidal effects). Have students look at homeostasis life processes that depend on transport mechanisms, such as waste removal, prevention of freezing in some winter survival mechanisms, or gas exchange. (This may be delayed until later in the course, if deemed more appropriate.)


Suggested Web sites with graphics and explanations of the cell membrane:

  • Cell Anatomy: Cell Membrane.

  • Cell Membranes.

  • Geobel, Greg. The Cell Membrane.

  • The Structure and Function of the Cell Membrane.

Mitosis and Cell Cycle

Organizing Topic Investigating Cells

Overview Students investigate the phases of the typical cell cycle, including nuclear and cytoplasmic division.

Related Standards of Learning BIO.4a; BIO.6a


The students will

  • discuss the different types of cells that undergo mitosis and cytokinesis and their rates of cell division;

  • describe the events that occur during the cell cycle, emphasizing mitosis and cytokinesis;

  • diagram the different phases of the cell cycle, labeling the parts of the cell that are pertinent. Records may include the percentage of the time cells spend in each phase.

Materials needed

  • Prepared slides of onion root tip mitosis

  • Prepared slides of animal cell mitosis

  • Microscopes

  • Video of the mitosis process (See, which is an excellent site for both phases of mitosis and the cell cycle.)

  • Drawing materials or microphotographic hardware and photo-editing software

Optional lab

  • Fresh onion root tips

  • Toluidine blue, 2%

  • Water

  • A

    pron or lab coat

  • Carnoy fluid with chloroform

  • C

    (Gap 2)


    (Gap 1)
    ompound microscope

  • Coverslips

  • Eyedropper

  • Hydrochloric acid, 18%

  • Latex gloves

  • Safety glasses

  • Slides

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