Brian rust jazz records, 1917–1934 / Free Personal-Use Edition Not for sale; all commercial use is prohibited. For personal, non-commercial use only. Notice

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See Duke Ellington.


See Harry Reser.


Jasper Davis, Ken Macomber dir. probably: Louis Metcalf, c / Henry Hicks, tb / Charlie Holmes, cl / Spencer ­Williams, p / Elmer Snowden, bj / Bass Moore, bb / Paul Barbarin, d. New York, April 18, 1929.

51187-1-2 Magnolia Blues

Vic unissued

51188-1-2 Soft Shoe Shuffle

Vic unissued


George Scott Wood, p, a dir: Max Goldberg, t, mel / Lew Davis, tb / Freddy Gardner, cl, as, bar / Dick Ball, sb / Max Bacon, d / Sam Browne, v. London, October 29, 1934.

CAR-2973-1 Your Mother's Son, in, 1aw - vSB

RZ MR-1468

CAR-2974-1 I'm Walking The Chalk-Line - vSB

RZ MR-1468

CAR-2975-1 Hotcha Razz-Ma-Tazz - vSB

RZ MR-1509, OK 41588, Gl GZ-3047

CAR-2976-1 When's It Coming Round To Me? - vSB

RZ MR-1509, Gl GZ-3047

Arthur Young, p, added. London, December 18, 1934.

CAR-3122-1 Hot Pie - Part 1 (intro: Bugle Call Rag / Some Of These Days / After You've Gone)

RZ MR-1567, Gl GZ-3055

CAR-3123-1 Hot Pie - Part 2 (intro: St. Louis Blues / Dinah / Poor Butterfly)

RZ MR-1567, Gl GZ-3055

CAR-3124-1 Hot Pie No. 2 - Part 2 (intro: Nobody's Sweetheart / Avalon / Chinatown)

RZ MR-1675, Gl GZ-3071

CAR-3125-1 Hot Pie No. 2 - Part I (intro: Margie / Sweet Sue / Goodbye Blues)

RZ MR-1675, Gl GZ-3071


Eddie Grosso, cl, v / Fred Hall, reed-or / Al Russo, g / Joseph Mayo, d. New York, November 27, 1928.

18903 Diga Diga Doo

Ed 52463

18904 Somebody Stole My Gal

Ed 52463

N-598 Diga Diga Doo

Ed unissued

N-599 Somebody Stole My Gal

Ed unissued

Instrumentation and personnel unknown, but it is perhaps worth noting that both of these titles were recorded a few weeks later for Victor by Bubber Miley and his Mileage Makers, q.v. , a group unrelated to the above. New York, April 22, 1930.

9635- I Lost My Gal From Memphis

ARC unissued

9636- Black Maria

ARC unissued


Charlie Skeete, p, dir: Leonard Davis, Tommy Hodges, t / Tommy Jones, tb / Gene Johnson, cl, as­, bsx / Clifton Glover, cl, as, ts / Joe Jones, bj / Bill Brown, bb / Tommy Benford, d. New York, June 8, 1926.

11031 Tampeekoe

Ed 51775

11032 Deep Henderson

Ed 51775


Pseudonym on Okeh 41549 for Howard Joyner (see Bob Howard).


Pseudonym on Champion for Syd Valentine and his Patent Leather Kids, q.v.


See Slim Lamar (Victor V-38044).


See Slim Gaillard.


ABE SMALL AND HIS MELODY BOYS: Abe Small, c dir: tb / cl, as / bsx / p / d. New York, January, 1923.

001-1 Aunt Hagar's Blues

Strong 10002

002-1 I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate

Strong 10002

009-4 Georgia Cabin Door

Strong 10003

1-1640; 2-1641 To-Morrow (I'll Be In My Dixie Home Again)

Fed / Sil 5228, Sil 2228

1-1647; 2-1648; Sister Kate

3-1649 Fed / Sil 5228, Sil 2228

ABE SMALL'S ROSEMONT ORCHESTRA: Same. New York, c. March, 1923.

1-1748; 2-1749 Georgia Cabin Door

Fed / Sil 5246, Sil 2246

2-1752; 3-1753 Aggravatin' Papa

Fed / Sil 5246, Sil 2246

New York, c. April, 1923.

1-1924 Wabash Blues

Fed 5277, Sil 2277

2-1927 Virginia Blues

Fed 5277, Sil 2277

2-1929 Ma! He's Kissing Me

Fed 5279, Sil 2279



Vocal, with own whistling, acc. by Hymie Wolfson, ts / Joe Venuti, vn / Terry Shand, Bobby van Eps, p / Eddie Lang, g. New York, December 8, 1932.

265000-2 Till Tomorrow

Col DB-1050

265001-2 Remember Our Romance

Col DB-1050

265002-1-2 Fit As A Fiddle

Col unissued

265003-2 Baby

Col DB-1070

Acc. by Ben Selvin, vn, dir: Hymie Wolfson, ts / Joe Venuti, vn / Terry Shand, Bobby van Eps, p / Eddie Lang, g. New York, December 27, 1932.

265019-2 Hold Me

Col DB-1096, Re G-21791

265020-1-2 It's Winter Again

Col unissued

265021-1-2 Willow, Weep For Me

Col unissued

265022-2 Just A Little Home For The Old Folks

Col DB-1070

New York, February 3, 1933.

265032-1-2 I'm Playing With Fire

Col unissued

265033-2 My Darling

Col DB-1091, Re G-21791

265034-2 There's A House On The Hill

Col DB-1091

Other records by Paul Small may be of mild interest for their accompaniments.


Leo McConville, Joe Lindwurm, t / Jack Teagarden, tb / Jimmy Dorsey, cl, as / Fletcher Hereford­, as / Adrian Rollini, bsx / Cornell Smelser, pac / Irving Brodsky, p / Dick McDonough, g / Tex Hurst, sb / Stan King, d / Artie Dunn, v. New York, February 7, 1930.

403746-A Collegiate Love - no v, despite the labels on some issues

OK 41386, Od ONY-36069, 194380, A-286023, Par PNY-34065, R-785

403747-A Accordion Joe - vAD

OK 41386, Od ONY-36069, A-221291, Par PNY-34063, R-758

403748-C I Was Made To Love You - vAD

OK 41395, Od ONY-36064, 194380, Par PNY-34059



Nathan Glantz, as, dir: 2 t / tb / cl, ts / p / bj / bb / d / x. New York, c. March 30, 1923.

8306,-A Blue Hoosier Blues

Gnt 5124, Apex 410, St 9397


See Douglas Williams.


Pseudonym on Harmograph for Ma Rainey, q.v.


Vocal, acc. by Bubber Miley, c / Charlie Irvis, tb / Sidney Bechet, cl, ss / Clarence Williams, p / Buddy Christian, bj. New York, c. January, 1923.

I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate

OK test

Acc. by Clarence Williams, p. New York, February 15, 1923.

80862-1-2-3-4 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do

Col unissued

80863-1-2-3-4 Down-Hearted Blues

Col unissued

New York, February 16, 1923.

80863-5 Down-Hearted Blues

Col A3844

80864-3 Gulf Coast Blues

Col A3844, DCH-112

80865-1-2-3-4 Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa He Can't Make No Time)

Col unissued

NOTE: The Dutch Columbia DCH-112 was scheduled to include TWELFTH STREET RAG by Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven (Okeh matrix 80864), but by an error, Bessie Smith's GULF COAST BLUES was used to press some copies.

Acc. by her Down Home Boys (? Ernest Elliott, cl / Clarence Williams, p / ? Buddy Christ­ian, bj) *; or Clarence

Williams, p only. New York, April 11, 1923.

80862-5-6-7 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do

Col unissued

80865-5-6-7 Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa He Can't Make No Time)

Col unissued

80949-3 *Aggravatin' Papa

Col A3877

80950-2 *Beale Street Mama

Col A3877

80952-3 Baby Won't You Please Come Home Blues

Col A3888

80953-2 Oh Daddy Blues

Col A3888

New York, April 26, 1923.

80862-10 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do

Col A3898

80865-10 Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa He Can't Make No Time)

Col A3898

Acc. by Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, April 28, 1923.

80995-2 Mama's Got The Blues

Col A3900

80996-1 Outside Of That

Col A3900

New York, June 14, 1923.

81074-1-2-3 Sittin' On The Curbstone Blues

Col A3936

81075-3 Bleeding Hearted Blues

Col A3936

81078-3 Lady Luck Blues

Col A3939

81079-3 Yodling Blues

Col A3939

New York, June 15, 1923.

81080-3 Midnight Blues

Col A3936

New York, June 21, 1923.

81091-1-2-3 Play 'Em For Mama, Sing 'Em For Me

Col unissued

81092-1-2 If You Don't I Know Who Will

Col unissued

New York, June 22, 1923.

81092-4 If You Don't I Know Who Will

Col A3942

81095-2 Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine

Col A3942

Acc. by Irving Johns, p. New York, September 21, 1923.

81225-1-2-3 Dot 'Em Down Blues

Col unissued

81226-2 Jail House Blues

Col A4001

Jimmy Jones, p, added where shown. New York, September 24, 1923.

81231-1-2 St. Louis Gal

Col unissued

81231-3 St. Louis Gal - pJJ-IJ

Col 13005-D

81232-2 Sam Jones Blues

Col 13005-D

Acc. by Jimmy Jones, p. New York, September 26, 1923.

81237-3 Graveyard Dream Blues

Col A4001

81238-1-2-3 Blue Bessie (The Bluest Gal In Tennessee)

Col unissued

81241-3 Cemetery Blues

Col 13001-D, DF-3073, LF-217

Acc. by her Down Home Trio: Probably George Baquet, cl / Jimmy Jones, p / bj. New York, September 27, 1923.

81244-1-2-3-4 Whoa, Tillie, Take Your Time

Col unissued

81245-1-2-3 My Sweetie Went Away

Col unissued

Vocal duets with Clara Smith, acc. by Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, October 4, 1923.

81261-3 Far Away Blues

Col 13007-D

81262-2 I'm Going Back To My Used To Be

Col 13007-D

Vocal, acc. by George Baquet, cl / ? Jimmy Jones, p. New York, October 15, 1923.

81244-7 Whoa, Tillie, Take Your Time

Col 13000-D

81245-6 My Sweetie Went Away

Col 13000-D

Acc. by Fletcher Henderson, p, with Coleman Hawkins, ts*. New York, October 16, 1923.

81283-1-2 *Any Woman's Blues

Col unissued

81283-3 Any Woman's Blues

Col 13001-D, DF-3073, LF-217

Acc. by Don Redman, cl / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, December 4, 1923.

81391-3 Chicago Bound Blues

Col 14000-D

81392-3 Mistreatin' Daddy

Col 14000-D

Acc. by Jimmy Jones, p / Harry Reser, g. New York, January 8, 1924.

81464-4 Frosty Mornin' Blues

Col 14005-D

81465-1-2-3-4 Blue Bessie (The Bluest Gal In Tennessee)

Col unissued

Acc. by Don Redman, cl / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, January 9, 1924.

81466-1 Haunted House Blues

Col 14010-D

81469-2 Eavesdropper's Blues

Col 14010-D

NOTE: The intervening matrices are by Dolly Kay, acc. by the Georgians, the latter q.v.

Acc. by Jimmy Jones, p / Harry Reser, g; or by her Jazz Band*: possibly Robert Taylor­, t / George Scott, cl, as / Jimmy Jones, p / Harry Reser, bj, g. New York, January 10, 1924.

81470-4 Easy Come, Easy Go Blues

Col 14005-D

81471-1-2-3-4 *Rampart Street Blues

Col unissued

81472-1-2-3-4 *Lawdy Lawdy Blues

Col unissued

Acc. by Robert Robbins, vn / Irving Johns, p / John Griffin, g, according to notation. New York, April 4, 1924.

81664-1 Sorrowful Blues - vn / g

Col 14020-D

81665-1-2 Sorrowful Blues - vn / p

Col unissued

81668-3 Pinchbacks, Take 'Em Away - p

Col 14025-D

81669-2 Rockin' Chair Blues - vn / p

Col 14020-D

New York, April 5, 1924.

81670-2 Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window Down - vn / p

Col 14025-D

New York, April 7, 1924.

81671-3 Boweavil Blues - p

Col 14018-D

New York, April 8, 1924.

81672-2 Hateful Blues - vn / p

Col 14023-D

81675-2 Frankie Blues - vn / p

Col 14023-D

New York, April 9, 1924.

81676-1 Moonshine Blues - p

Col 14018-D

Acc. by Porter Grainger, p / John Mitchell, bj / Clarence Conaway, u. New York, April 23, 1924.

81720-1-2-3 Banjo Blues

Col unissued

81721-1-2-3 Four Flushin' Papa

Col unissued

Aco. by Don Redman, as / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, July 22, 1924.

81881-1 Lou'siana Low Down Blues

Col 14031-D

81882-1 Mountain Top Blues

Col 14031-D

Acc. by Charlie Green, tb / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, July 23, 1924.

81883-2 Work House Blues

Col 14032-D

81884-4 House Rent Blues

Col 14032-D

New York, July 31, 1924.

81893-2 Salt Water Blues

Col 14037-D

New York, August 8, 1924.

81907-1 Rainy Weather Blues

Col 14037-D

Joe Smith, c, added. New York, September 26, 1924.

140062-2 Weeping Willow Blues

Col 14042-D, 3172-D, Par R-2479, B-71092, PZ-11191

140063-3 The Bye Bye Blues

Col 14042-D

Acc. by Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 4, 1924.

140161-1-2-3 Follow The Deal On Down

Col unissued

140162-1-2-3 Sinful Blues

Col unissued

Acc. by Buster Bailey, Don Redman, cl / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 5, 1924.

140165-1-2-3-4 Dying Gambler's Blues

Col unissued

140166-1-2-3-4 Woman's Trouble Blues

Col unissued

140167-1-2-3-4 Love Me Daddy Blues

Col unissued

New York, December 6, 1924.

140170-4 Sing Sing Prison Blues

Col 14051-D

Acc. by Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 11, 1924.

140161-5 Follow The Deal On Down

Col 14052-D

140162-5 Sinful Blues

Col 14052-D

Acc. by Buster Bailey, Don Redman, cl / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 12, 1924.

140165-5-6 Dying Gambler's Blues

Col unissued

140166-6 Woman's Trouble Blues

Col 14060-D

140167-5 Love Me Daddy Blues

Col 14060-D

Acc. by Charlie Green, tb / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 13, 1924.

140176-2 Dying Gambler's Blues

Col 14051-D

Acc. by Louis Armstrong, c / Fred Longshaw, p or reed-o as noted. New York, January 14, 1925.

140241-1 The St. Louis Blues - reed-o

Col 14064-D, 3171-D, DF-3074, LF-218, SE 5010-S, Par R-2344, R-2476, A-7500, B-71093, PZ-11108, Od 028032, 272289

140242-1 Reckless Blues - reed-o

Col 14056-D, 3171-D, SE 5010-S-Par R-2476, A-7500, B-71093, PZ-11108, Od 028032

140249-2 Sobbin' Hearted Blues - p

Col 14056-D

140250-2 Cold In Hand Blues - p

Col 14064-D, 35672, DF-3074, LF-218, Par R-2344, Od 272289

140251-1 You've Been A Good Old Wagon - p

Col 14079-D, 35672

NOTE: Matrices 140243-140246 inclusive are sermons by Calvin P. Dixon; 140247 / 140248 are by Ollie Powers, q.v.

Acc. by Henderson's Hot Six: Joe Smith, c / Charlie Green, tb / Buster Bailey, cl / Coleman Hawkins, ts / Fletcher Henderson, p / Charlie Dixon, bj / Ralph Escudero, bb. New York, May 5, 1925.

140585-2 Cake Walkin' Babies (From Home)

Col 35673, DS-1409, DZ, 342

New York, May 6, 1925.

140586-1 The Yellow Dog Blues

Col 14075-D

140586-2 The Yellow Dog Blues

Col 14075-D, 3175-D, Par R-2480, JCl 523


Acc. by Charlie Green, tb / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, May 14, 1925.

140600-1-2-3 Ragtime Dance

Col unissued

140601-1 Soft Pedal Blues

Col 14075-D

140601-2 Soft Pedal Blues

Col 14075-D, Par R-2482, B-71092, PZ-11248

Buster Bailey, cl, added, with train effects*. New York, May 15, 1925.

140604-1-2-3 Careless Love Blues

Col unissued

140605-1-2 He's Gone Blues

Col unissued

140606-1-2 Nashville Woman's Blues

Col unissued

140607-1 *Dixie Flyer Blues

Col 14079-D

Acc. by Louis Armstrong, c / Charlie Green, tb / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, May 26, 1925.

140625-2 Nashville Woman's Blues

Col 14090-D, Bm 1010

140625-3 Nashville Woman's Blues

­ Col 14090-D

140626-1 Careless Love Blues

Col 14083-D, 3172-D, Par R-2479, A-7709, B-71193, PZ-11191

140626-2 Careless Love Blues

Col 14083-D

New York, May 27, 1925.

140629-2 J. C. Holmes Blues

Col 14095-D, HJCA HC-67

140630-1 I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle

Col 14090-D, Bm 1010

Acc. by Fred Longshaw, p. New York, June 23, 1925.

140717-3 He's Gone Blues

Col 14083-D

Acc. by her Band: Bob Fuller, cl, as / Isadore Myers, p / Elmer Snowden, bj. New York, August 19, 1925

140857-3 Nobody's Blues But Mine

Col 14098-D

140858-3 I Ain't Got Nobody

Col 14095-D, HJCA HC-101

Vocal duets with Clara Smith, acc. by Stanley Miller, p, who probably plays the part of Charlie Grey on 140890-2.

New York, September 1, 1925.

140889-1-2-3 Down Old Georgia Way

Col unissued

140890-2 My Man Blues

Col 14098-D

Vocal, acc. by Clarence Williams, p. New York, November 17, 1925.

141275-1-2-3-4-5 I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate

Col unissued

141276-3 New Gulf Coast Blues

Col 14109-D

141277-3 Florida Bound Blues

Col 14109-D

Acc. by Joe Smith, c / Charlie Green, tb / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, November 18, 1925.

141283-1 At The Christmas Ball

Col 35842

141284-I-2-3 Telephone Blues

Col unissued

141285-3 I've Been Mistreated And I Don't Like It

Co 14115-D

Acc. by Don Redman, cl, as / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, November 20, 1925.

141293-2 Red Mountain Blues - cl

Col 14115-D

141294-2 Golden Rule Blues - as

Col 14123-D, HJCA 608, Tpl 523

Acc. by Shelton Hemphill, c / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, December 9, 1925.

141369-1-2-3 At The Christmas Ball

Col unissued

141370-3 Lonesome Desert Blues

Col 14123-D, HJCA 608, Tpl 523

141373-1-2-3 Squeeze Me

Col unissued

Acc. by Clarence Williams, p. New York, March 5, 1926.

141767-2 Them "Has Been" Blues

Col 14147-D, HJCA HC-105

141768-3 Squeeze Me

Col 14133-D, Bm 1095, HJCA HC-81

141769-2 What's The Matter Now?

Col 14129-D, Bm 1039

141770-2 I Want Ev'ry Bit Of It

Col 14129-D, Bm 1040

NOTE: Some copies of HJCA HC-105 play a dubbing of NOBODY KNOWS YOU WHEN YOU'RE DOWN AND OUT (148534, q.v.) , though labeled as shown above.

Acc. by Buster Bailey, cl / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, March 18, 1926.

141819-2 Jazzbo Brown From Memphis Town

Col 14133-D, Bm 1095, HJCA HC-81

141820-3 The Gin House Blues

Col 14158-D, HJCA HC-77

Acc. by Joe Smith, c / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, May 4, 1926.

142146-3 Money Blues

Col 14137-D, 3174-D, Par R-2478

142147-2 Baby Doll

Col 14147-D, 3567, DF-2264, DZ-379, UHCA 6

142148-3 Hard Driving Papa

Col 14137-D

142149-1 Lost Your Head Blues

Col 14158-D, 35674

Acc. by Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, October 25, 1926

142874-2 Hard Time Blues

Col 14179-D

142875-3 Honey Man Blues

Col 14172-D

Acc. by her Blue Boys: Joe Smith, c / Buster Bailey, cl / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, October 26, 1926.

142876-2 One And Two Blues

Col 14172-D, 36281, HRS 2

142877-1-2-3 It's Just That Feelin' For Home

Col unissued

142878-3 Young Woman's Blues

Col 14179-D, 35673, DS-1409, DZ-342, S-10002, UHCA 5

Acc. by James P. Johnson, p. New York, February 17, 1927.

143490-2 Preachin' The Blues

Col 14195-0, 35842, Par R-2483, B-71094

143491-1 Back Water Blues

Col 14195-D, 3176-D, Par R-2481, A-7588, PZ-11174, HJCA HC-105

BESSIE SMITH AND HER BAND: Vocal, acc. by Joe Smith, c / Jimmy Harrison, tb / Buster Bailey and/or Coleman Hawkins, cl, as noted / Fletcher Henderson, p / Charlie Dixon, bj. New York, March 2, 1927.

143567-2 After You've Gone - clBB

Col 14197-D, Bm 1094, BRS 14, HJCA HC-65

143568-1 Alexander's Ragtime Band - clCH

Col 14219-D, 3173-D, Par R-2477, B-71231, DPY-1010, BRS 1012

143569-2 Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan) - clBB-CH

Col 14197-D

143569-3 Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan) - clBB-CH

Col 14197-D, 3174-D, Par R-2478, B-71207

143570-2 There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight - clBB

Col 14219-D, 3173-D, Par R-2477, A-7709, B-71231, BRS 1012

Vocal, acc. by her Blue Boys: Joe Smith, c / Charlie Green, tb / Fletcher Henderson, p. New York, March 3, 1927.

143575-3 Trombone Cholly

Col 14232-D, 3175-D, Par R-2480, B-71220, JCl 523

143576-2 Send Me To The 'Lectric Chair

Col 14209-D, Bm 1008

143583-2 Them's Graveyard Words

Col 14209-D, Bm 1008

143584-2 Hot Springs Blues

Col 14569-D, DZ-345

Acc. by James P. Johnson, p. New York, April 1, 1927.

143735-3 Sweet Mistreater

Col 14260-D

143736-3 Lock And Key

Col 14232-D

Acc. by Porter Grainger, p / Lincoln M. Conaway, g. New York, September 27, 1927.

144796-3 Mean Old Bed Bug Blues

Col 14250-D

144797-3 A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Col 14250-D, Bm 1094, BRS 14, HJCA HC-65

Acc. by Ernest Elliott, as / Porter Grainger, p. New York, September 28, 1927.

144800-3 Homeless Blues

Col 14260-D

144801-3 Looking For My Man Blues

Col 14569-D, DZ-345

Acc. by Tommy Ladnier, t / Fletcher Henderson, p / June Cole, bb. New York, October 27, 1927.

144918-1 Dyin' By The Hour

Col 14273-D, DZ / MZ, 346, BRS 1002, JCl 522

144919-3 Foolish Man Blues

Col 14273-D, DZ / MZ, 346, BRS 1002, JCl 522

Acc. by Demas Dean, t / Charlie Green, tb / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, February 9, 1928.

145626-2 Thinking Blues

Col 14292-D, Par R-2483, B-71095

145627-1-2 Pickpocket Blues

Col 14304-D

145628-1 I Used To Be Your Sweet Mama

Col 14292-D, Par R-2482, B-71095, PZ-11248

Acc. by Ernest Elliott, Bob Fuller, cl / Porter Grainger, p. New York, February 16, 1928.

145650-2 I'd Rather Be Dead And Buried In My Grave

Col 14304-D

145651-1-2 Hit Me In The Nose Blues

Col unissued

Acc. by Demas Dean, t / Charlie Green, tb / Fred Longshaw, p. New York, February 21, 1928.

145670-1 Standin' In The Rain Blues

Col 14338-D, HJCA 613

145671-1 It Won't Be You

Col 14338-D, HJCA 613

145672-1-2 I'm A Cheater

Col unissued

Acc. by Abraham Wheat, cl, ss / Bob Fuller, cl / Porter Grainger, p. New York, March 19, 1928.

145783-2 Spider Man Blues

Col 14324-D

145784-1-2-3 Tombstone Blues

Col unissued

Acc. by Charlie Green, tb / Porter Grainger, p. New York, March 20, 1928.

145785-3 Empty Bed Blues - Part 1

Col 14312-D, 35675, DB-2796, BF-397, DW-5104, DZ-349, Voc 03286

145786-1 Empty Bed Blues - Part 2

Col 14312-D, 35675, DB-2796, BF-397, DW-5104, DZ-349, Voc 03286

145787-3 Put It Right Here (Or Keep It Out There)

Col 14324-D

Acc. by Bob Fuller, cl, as / Ernest Elliott, cl, as, ts / Porter Grainger, p, with Joe Williams, tb, added*. New York,

August 24, 1928.

146887-2 Yes Indeed He Do

Col 14354-D

146888-2 Devil's Gonna Get You

Col 14354-D

146889-3 You Ought To Be Ashamed

Col 14399-D

146893-2 Washwoman's Blues

Col 14375-D

146894-2 Slow And Easy Man

Col 14384-D

146895-1 *Poor Man's Blues

Col 14399-D, HJCA 602

Acc. by Joe Williams, tb / Porter Grainger, p. New York, August 25, 1928.

146896-2 Please Help Me Get Him Off My Mind

Col 14375-D, HJCA 602

146897-3 Me And My Gin

Col 14384-D, HJCA HC-77

Acc. by Clarence Williams, p / Eddie Lang, g. New York, May 8, 1929.

148485-3 I'm Wild About That Thing

Col 14427-D, DZ-378, Har 1086, Bm 1009

148486-2 You've Got To Give Me Some

Col 14427-D, DZ-378, Har 1086, Bm 1009

148487-4 Kitchen Man

Col 14435-D, Bm 1040, HJCA 613

Acc. by Ed Allen, c / Garvin Bushell, as / Greely Walton, ts / Clarence Williams, p / Cyrus St. Clair, bb. New York, May 15, 1929.

148533-2 I've Got What It Takes (But It Breaks My Heart To Give It Away)

Col 14435-D, Bm 1041, HJCA 613

148534-3 Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out

Col 14451-D, 3176-D, 37577, DF-2264, Par R-2481, A-7588, B-71076, B-71094, PZ-11174

Vocal / speech, acc. by J. Rosamond Johnson and the Hall Johnson Choir (40 mixed voices) and James P. Johnson, p, dir: Joe Smith, Russell Smith, t / Charlie Green, tb / Buster Bailey, another, cl / Happy Caldwell, cl, ts / Charlie Dixon, bj, g / Harry Hull, bb / Kaiser Marshall­, d. New, York, c. June 24, 1929.

NY-39 St. Louis Blues - Part 1

Cir J-1016

NY-40 St. Louis Blues - Part 2

Cir J-1016

NY-41 St. Louis Blues - Part 3

Cir J-1017

NY-42 St. Louis Blues - Part 4

Cir J-1017

NOTE: All Circle issues are edited dubs from the soundtrack of the RKO film St. Louis Blues (Dudley Murphy, director), omitting some dialogue and incidental music. The complete performance has been dubbed on several LPs and CDs, the most readily accessible being Biograph BLP-M3 (LP) and Columbia C2K57546 (CD).

Acc. by Clarence Williams, p. New York, July 25, 1929.

148854-3 Take It Right Back ('Cause I Don't Want It Here)

Col 14451-D

148855-1-2-3 What Makes Me Love You So?

Col unissued

Acc. by James P. Johnson, p. New York, August 20, 1929.

148901-1-2-3 My Sportin' Man

Col unissued

148902-2 He's Got Me Goin'

Col 14464-D

148903-1-2 When My Baby Comes

Col unissued

148904-1 It Makes My Love Come Down

Col 14464-D, Bm 1038

New York, October 1, 1929.

149074-3 Wasted Life Blues

Col 14476-D, Bm 1038

149075-1 Dirty No-Gooder's Blues

Col 14476-D

New York, October 11, 1929.

149134-3 Blue Spirit Blues

Col 14527-D, Bm 1039

149135-3 Worn Out Papa Blues

Col 14527-D, Bm 1041

149136-2 You Don't Understand

Col 14487-D

149137-2 Don't Cry Baby

Col 14487-D

Acc. by Louis Bacon, t / Charlie Green, tb / Garvin Bushell, cl, as / Clarence Williams, p. New York, March 27, 1930.

150131-3 Keep It To Yourself

Col 14516-D, HJCA HC-101

150132-2 New Orleans Hop Scop Blues

Col 14516-D, 37577

Acc. by Charlie Green, tb / Clarence Williams, p. New York, April 12, 1930.

150458-3 See If I'll Care

Col 37576

150459-3 Baby Have Pity On Me

Col 37576

Acc. by Alex Hill, p, with the Bessemer Singers. New York, June 9, 1930.

150574-4 On Revival Day (A Rhythmic Spiritual)

Col 14538-D, HJCA HC-29

150575-4 Moan, You Mourners

Col 14538-D, HJCA HC-29

Acc. by Ed Allen, c / Steve Stevens, p. New York, July 22, 1930.

150657-1 Hustlin' Dan

Col 14554-D, HJCA 608, Tpl 522

150658-2 Black Mountain Blues

Col 14554-D, HJCA 608, Tpl 522

Acc. by Louis Metcalf, t / William W. Christian, tb / ? Clarence Williams, p / d. New York, June 11, 1931.

151594-1 In The House Blues

Col 14611-D, Par R-2329, B-71193, PZ-11285, Od 028077, HJCA 602

151595-3 Long Old Road

Col 14663-D, HJCA HC-62

151596-1 Blue Blue

Col 14611-D, HJCA 602

151597-3 Shipwreck Blues

Col 14663-D, HJCA HC-62

Acc. by Clarence Williams, p. New York, November 20, 1931.

151883-1 Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl

Col 14634-D

151884-1 Safety Mama

Col 14634-D

Acc. by Buck and his Band: Frank Newton, t / Jack Teagarden, tb / Benny Goodman, cl / Chu Berry, ts / Buck Washington, p / Bobby Johnson, g / Billy Taylor, sb. New York, November 24, 1933.

152577-2 Do Your Duty

OK 8945, Col 37575, DS-1538, UHCA 47, Par R-1793, A-7548, B-71192, Od 026927, OR-1793

152578-2 Gimme A Pigfoot

OK 8949, 6893, Col 37574, DS-1601, UHCA 49, Par R-2146, A-7613, B-71096, Od OR-2146

152579-2 Take Me For A Buggy Ride

OK 8949, 6893, Col 37574, DS-1601, UHCA 50, Par R-2146, B-71096

152580-2 I'm Down In The Dumps

OK 8945, Col 37575, DS-1538, UHCA 48, Par R-1793, A-7548, B-71192, Od O26927, OR-1793

NOTE: UHCA 47 / 48, and 49 / 50, are coupled.

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