1. Is the information provided in a clear and concise manner?
2. Has the document been staffed with a subject matter or technical expert to ensure the validity of its content?
3. Has the document been staffed with an instructional systems specialist/subject matter expert (SME) to ensure the educational value of the way the information is presented?
a. Is the material consistent with the design concept?
b. Are appropriate TLOs and ELOs adequately covered?
c. Is the sequencing effective?
4. Has the document been staffed with environmental coordinator to ensure:
a. Environmental considerations identified during task analysis are incorporated into the training materials?
b. Environmental compliance requirements have been met?
5. Has the document staffed with the safety manager to ensure safety considerations have been integrated into all training products?
6. Is the document written at the appropriate reading level for the target audience?
7. Has the document been validated on a portion of the target population?
8. Has the document been approved for use?
9. Is there appropriate audit trail documentation?
10. Does the POI track with the job analysis, individual critical task analysis, and course design?
11. Was the POI reviewed by:
a. Training departments SMEs (includes USAR and NGB)?
b. By Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) or equivalent?
c. By the training brigade/battalion?
d. By the anticipated training locations (if other than proponent location)?
12. Is there a TRADOC approval for variations from the approved instructor contact hours authorizations?