By Health Educator Sylvester Johnson, Ph. D. Applied Physics For personal consultation service, please see

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Swimmers’ asthma from chlorine

  • Distilled water is neutral (pH 7.0). Chlorinated and fluorinated waters are acidic. Like many acids, such water acts destructively in the body. It can lower HDL, the “good” cholesterol, erode dental enamel, and worsen osteoporosis because the body draws alkaline calcium phosphate from the bones to buffer the acid-forming fumes from the water. A water filter for the shower can help.

  • Chlorine also reacts with organic matter to form chloroform, a carcinogenic toxin. Excessive exposure to chlorine can cause short and long term medical problems, including liver cancer. Pregnant women could be at increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects due to chlorine.

  • Breathing chlorine can irritate the respiratory system, resulting in bronchial hypersensitivity and inhaler-dependent asthma. Swimmers absorb chlorine through the skin or breathe chlorine evaporating from the pool, and inevitably swallow some water as they swim. More swimmers use inhalers to treat asthma than the general population. Many have to abandon the sport. Swimmers could seek an ozone-purified pool instead of chlorine-purified.

  • Chlorine and fluorine block iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism and reduced production of iodine-containing hormones essential for regulation of the metabolism.

  • Indoor pool areas are subject to chlorine build-up due to inadequate ventilation with fresh air (

  • Another useful website article is

Glyconutrients, fact or fad?

  • Both, fact and fad. Glyconutrients have been called “essential”. However, they are not essential the way that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin C are essential, in the sense that the body cannot make them. They’re essential, but a reasonably healthy person can synthesize them.

  • If one’s faced with major health challenges, perhaps such synthesis may get faulty. If so, the body may be having trouble making many other compounds essential to recovering health. A mostly plant food diet may help revitalize the body so that it can begin anew to synthesize everything needed. (Please see “Reversing advanced clinical disorders” and “Curing the common cold and other acute infections, flu”.)

  • Glyconutrients mostly get sold via multi-level marketing, a sales structure that exerts extremely high pressure to buy. This type of structure often results in the emission of even more hype, exaggerated claims and faddist propaganda than the usual advertising agency.

Enlightening lightning

  • Lightning can inflict damage over a broad area, not only at the strike location. For example dozens of people on a damp golf course can get impacted from a single strike. In such a case, since the victims remain functional they may not connect later disorders with the strike, so that doctors address only symptoms. One could check out the web sites of groups of strike victims to discover others’ solutions. The dietary information in this book also applies to possibly ameliorating strike damage. (Please see “Reversing advanced clinical disorders”.)

Toxic nibbles

  • Some older houses have yards with lead dust in the soil from sanding paint off during renovation. Precautions may need to get taken when gardening, such as replacing soil. Children may risk lead poisoning from the soil and mud.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is toxic to people if swallowed, since it forms water and free single neutral oxygen atoms when dissolved. Singlet neutral oxygen is highly reactive with almost all organic matter, and destroys tissues in the body. Ingestion of dilute solutions of hydrogen peroxide may result in vomiting, mild gastrointestinal irritation, gastric distension, and on rare occasions, gastrointestinal erosions or embolism (blockage of blood vessels by air bubbles). Intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide may destroy red blood cells critical for supplying oxygen to tissues ( Dilute hydrogen peroxide can be used as a disinfectant for household surfaces. If it’s used as a mouthwash, care must be taken not to swallow it.

  • Nanoparticles: Nano-sized particles are being added to some processed foods and even equipment such as cutting boards and baby mugs. Nanoparticles are more chemically reactive than larger particles, have greater access to our bodies than larger particles, and can weaken our immune response. While nano-capsules may dissolve harmlessly to release vitamins, other additives with ultra-fine metallic particles may not only get taken up by cells but even enter the nucleus damaging critical molecules. For example silver is reputed to help fight many types of infectious pathogens. However the particles may cause long term damage (nano_food.pdf). Nanoparticles are even being used as food “brighteners”. People get enough ultrafine particles via air pollution and smoke. Intentional inclusion in processed food is an avoidable hazard.

  • Ozone therapy may entail substantial negative side effects from poisonous ozone.

  • Lying down with a full stomach can cause uncomfortable sleep, since the digestive system slows down during sleep. And spicy cuisine before bed can lead to heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which occurs when gastric juice refluxes into the esophagus from the stomach, causing inflammation and possibly injury to the esophageal mucosal tissue, increasing risk of cancer. Make sure to finish a heavy meal at least four hours before bedtime.

  • Health chains such as GNC often carry synthetic supplements constructed artificially in the lab from substances such as tar. If one asks around, one can usually locate a health store source of natural and whole food supplements in the area.

  • Consumer Reports (May 2004) has issued a warning against glandular supplements, since they’re mainly sourced from cattle with concomitant risk of Mad Cow Disease. Since cattle have been fed rendered brain until recently, and even the bovine muscle/bone currently fed to cattle contain nerve tissue, and since the incubation period for Mad Cow in cattle may be longer than eight years, this risk will continue to be substantial.

  • White potato tubers contain toxic glycoalkaloids that cooking doesn’t destroy. Exposure to light stimulates chlorophyll synthesis which causes greening of tubers and in turn stimulates further glycoalkaloid synthesis. The glycoalkaloids are concentrated in the outer 1.5 mm layer close to the skin. Glycoalkaloids, including the allergen solanine, can increase inflammation and inhibit collagen repair (, White potatoes are in the Solanum botanical family, like the eggplant and tomato. Sweet potatoes (often called yams) are in a different family, with on the order of a twentieth of the glycoalkaloids in white potatoes.

  • According to Monsanto’s own tests, Roundup Ready soybeans contain 29% less of the brain nutrient choline, and 27% more trypsin inhibitor, the potential allergen that interferes with protein digestion, than natural soybeans. And levels of lectins, which are most likely the culprit in soy allergies, are nearly double in the transgenic variety.

  • Root canals can set up an environment that nourishes pathogenic bacteria (Root Canal Cover-Up EXPOSED by George Meinig, D.D.S.,

  • Some bakers grease the tins with animal fat. Vitamin D derived from fish oil or lanolin (from sheep) gets added to many breads. Some cereals contain animal-sourced glycerin.

  • The mycoprotein product called “Quorn” is made from a fungus that causes allergic vomiting in about 5% of the consumers, with the allergy either building to vomiting over time as the product gets consumed repeatedly, or taking effect with less consumption. Egg whites are used to bind the fungus into a firm state after steaming.

  • The supposed “24 hour flu” may actually be a result of food poisoning rather than a flu virus, since most true flu symptoms last longer. Vegans can get food poisoning from raw veggies, since even organic produce may have been fertilized with bovine manure. The variety of E. Coli most virulent to humans survives benignly in cattle. One might take care to wash produce thoroughly.

  • Microwave ovens in general tend to denature organic molecules, especially fats, making them toxic with enough exposure. Using a microwave oven to warm anything beyond mildly lukewarm may not be worth the risk. Cooking by microwave or frying transmogrifies a significant amount of any food into toxic chemicals in addition to transfats. Saran wrap drips poisonous toxins into food as it gets zapped.

  • Cell phone microwave radiation from the antenna held close to the skull scrambles electron transport in the brain, resulting in less efficient memory recall. Usage of an earplug allows the antenna to be held away form the skull.

  • Tanning bed booboos: The predominantly UVA rays of tanning lights penetrate deeper into the skin, damaging collagen and thinning the skin. This thinner skin begins to look like crepe paper. This damage may well be irreversible. The UVB content of the light can cause deadly cancer.

  • Candle wicks may contain metal, even lead. Beeswax candles may contain little or no lead.

  • Canada has banned Kava due to links with liver damage. This herb is used as a relaxant, ironically.

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