By Health Educator Sylvester Johnson, Ph. D. Applied Physics For personal consultation service, please see

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Appendices: Acid-Alkali Balance

Major reference in text: “Acid-alkali balance


Highly acid-forming foods include:

artificial sweeteners

anything containing artificial sweeteners

table salt, beer, fried foods, soft drinks, beef, dairy, white sugar

Moderately acid-forming foods include :

Cigarettes, fruit juices with sugar

refined breads, refined cereals, wine, sweetened yogurt, bananas ( still green), cheese, eggs (whole)

popcorn w/salt and butter, coffee

Low acid- to neutral forming foods include:

crackers (unrefined)

egg whites [Since whole eggs are listed above as more acid-forming, and egg yolks below as alkaline-forming, the listing for eggs is self-contradictory. The answer may be that whole eggs leave only slightly acidic ash.]

goats milk, fructose

olives (pickled) [??]

Low alkali-forming foods include:

water (7.0 neutral) [without chlorination]

ginger tea almonds Brussels sprouts

cherries fresh coconut

cucumbers onions

raw honey

tomatoes egg plant

egg yolks, sesame seeds, soy products

sprouted grains

Moderately alkali-forming foods include:

(pH from 7.5 to 8.0)

bamboo shoots

cabbage carob

kale broccoli

bell pepper

beans (fresh green)

oranges potatoes (with skin)

squash pumpkin

raspberries strawberries

Extremely alkali-forming foods include:

Asparagus endive

Kiwi pears pineapple

raisins [dried without sulfur]

vegetable juices

mango melons

papaya seedless grapes

dried dates and figs [dried without sulfur]

kelp watermelon

lemons & limes (add to water to alkalize)

(Although citrus fruits are acidic, in the digestive system they leave an alkaline ash)

[The citric acid temporarily increases acidity, but after metabolization other components of these fruits leave an alkaline ash.]

From wallet card

Extremely alkali-forming

Lemons, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Cayenne, Celery, Dates, Figs, Kelp, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley, Seaweeds, Seedless Grapes (sweet), Watercress
Asparagus, Fruit Juices, Grapes (sweet), Kiwifruit, Passion fruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple, Raisins, Umeboshi Plum, Vegetable Juices
Apples (sweet), Alfalfa Sprouts, Apricots, Avocados, Bananas (ripe), Currants, Dates, Figs, (fresh), Garlic, Grapefruit. Grapes (less sweet), Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears (less sweet), Peas (fresh, sweet), Pumpkin (sweet), Sea Salt ([sea] vegetable)

Moderately alkali-forming

Apples (sour), Beans (fresh, green), Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carob, Cauliflower, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes (with skin), Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberries, Strawberries, Squash, Sweet Corn (fresh), Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider)

Almonds, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Brussels Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Mushrooms, Okra, Olives (ripe), Onions, Pickles (homemade), Radish, Sea Salt [sea vegetable], Spices, Tomatoes (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice)

Slightly alkali-Forming

Chestnuts (dry, roasted), Egg Yolks (soft, cooked), Essene Bread, Goat's Milk & Whey (raw), Mayonnaise (homemade), Olive Oil, Sesame Seeds (whole), Soy Beans (dry), Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Sprouted Grains, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast (nutritional flakes)


Butter (fresh, unsalted), Cream (fresh, raw), Cow's Milk & Whey (raw), Margarine, Oils (except olive), Yogurt (plain)

Moderately acid-forming

Bananas (green), Barley (rye), Blueberries, Bran, Butter, Cereals (unrefined), Cheese, Crackers (unrefined rye, rice & wheat), Cranberries, Dried Beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney & garbanzo), Dry Coconut, Egg White, Egg Whole (cooked hard), Fructose, Goat's Milk (homogenized), Honey (pasteurized), Ketchup, Maple Syrup (unprocessed), Milk (homogenized), Molasses (not sulfured & organic), Most Nuts, Mustard, Oats (rye, organic), Olives (pickled), Pasta (whole grain), Pastry (whole grain & honey), Plums, Popcorn (with salt and/or butter), Potatoes, Prunes, Rice (basmati & brown), Seeds (pumpkin & sunflower), Soy Sauce, Wheat Bread (sprouted organic)

Extremely acid-forming

Artificial Sweeteners, Beef, Beer, Breads, Brown Sugar, Carbonated Soft Drinks, Cereals (refined), Chocolate, Cigarettes & Tobacco, Coffee, Cream Of Wheat (unrefined), Custard (with white sugar), Deer, Drugs, Fish, Flour (white wheat), Fruit Juices With Sugar, Jams, Jellies, Lamb, Liquor, Maple Syrup (processed), Molasses (sulfured), Pasta (white), Pastries & Cakes From White Flour, Pickles (commercial), Pork, Poultry, Seafood, Sugar (white), Table Salt (refined & iodized), Tea (black), White Bread, White Vinegar (processed), Whole Wheat Foods, Wine, Yogurt (sweetened)


High Acid-Forming Foods

Most meat and dairy products.

Processed foods and flour products.

Aspirin, tobacco, and most drugs.

Alcohol, Asparagus, Beans, Brussels sprouts, Catsup [sugar sweetened??], Chickpeas, Cocoa, Coffee, Cornstarch, Cheese, Cranberries, Eggs, Fish, Flour, Legumes, Vinegar, Lentils, Mustard, Noodles, Peanuts, Cashews, Seeds, Oatmeal, Olives, Pasta, Pepper, Plums, Poultry, Prunes, Sauerkraut [Although fermented sauerkraut contains lactic acid, the alkaline ash may eventually compensate the acid after metabolization.], Shellfish, Soft drinks, Sugar, Tea

Low Acid-Forming (almost neutral)

Butter Canned fruit

Sulfured fruit [Depending on how much sulfur and sugar have been added, may be higher acid-forming.]

Grains [Not all, see other listings.]

Ice cream

Alkali-Forming Foods

Fresh Fruits (including citrus).

Fresh Vegetables. Greens like Kale, parsley, lettuce, spinach, etc. Soy bean products, tofu, Kidney beans, Azuki beans, Avocados, Corn, Dates, Honey, Molasses, Fresh Coconut, Raisins, Ginger, Maple syrup, Pickles, Mushrooms, Onions, Tomatoes, Herb teas, Sea vegetables, dulse, kelp

Low Alkali (almost neutral)

Almonds, Chestnuts, Brazil nuts, Millet, Blackstrap Molasses, Buckwheat, Lima beans, Soured dairy products


A - Foods Leaving An Acidic Ash

(One-Fifth Class)

Barley Eggs [As noted, whole eggs may leave only slightly acidic ash.]; Bananas (unripe) Grain Foods [but see alkaline]; Beans [not all beans] Lentils; Bread Meats; Cereals [with sugar??] Nuts except almonds; Cakes Oatmeal; Chicken Peas [??]; Confections Rice; Corn Sugar; Chocolate Sea Foods; Coffee Tea;

B - Foods Leaving An Alkaline Ash

( Four-fifths class )

Almonds Melons; Apples Milk; Apricots Onions; Banana (ripe) Oranges; Beets Parsley; Cabbage Peaches; Carrots Pears; Cauliflower Pineapple; Celery Potatoes; Coconuts Pumpkins; Cottage Cheese [depends on whether low fat, since that would higher acidic protein content] Radishes; Cucumbers Raisins; Dates Spinach;

Figs (Fresh and Dry) Soy beans; Grapes Tomatoes; Lemons Turnips; Lettuce

Acid-Forming Foods

Alcohol; Grains (Wheat, Spelt, Rice etc.) [but see alkaline]; Breads; Cereals; Sugars; Legumes [but see alkaline]; Lentils; Eggs; Coffee; Black Tea; Anything Sulfured; Dairy Products (except unsweetened Kefir); Bottled orange juice [with sugar or preservatives??]; Tomato Sauce [with sugar or preservatives??]

Alkali-Forming Foods

Sprouts; Most Vegetables (especially green ones); Seaweed; Sauerkraut; Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth [ancient grains: kamut also alkaline??]; Apple Cider Vinegar; Molasses; Apples; Avocados; Bananas; Cantaloupe; Grapefruit; Grapes; Peaches; Pears; Lemons Limes

From a CD available from

Common Acidic Ash Foods

Alcohol; Aspirin; Bacon; Barley grain; Beef; Blueberries; Bran, oat; Bran, wheat; Bread, white; Bread, whole wheat; Butter; Cake; Carob [But see listing from]; Cereals; Cheese; Chicken; Chickpeas; Chocolate; Cod; Coffee; Corn; Corned beef; Crackers, soda; Cranberries; Currants; Eggs; Flour, white; Flour, whole wheat; Grains, except millet; Haddock; Honey; Lamb; Legumes; Lentils, dried; Lobster; Macaroni; Milk, cow's; Mustard; Nuts; Oatmeal; Oysters; Pasta; Peanut butter; Peanuts; Peas, dried; Pike; Pork; Rice, brown; Rice, white; Salmon; Sardines; Sausage; Scallops; Seeds, dried; Shrimp; Soda crackers; Spaghetti; Squash, winter; Sugar; Sunflower seeds; Tea, black; Turkey, Veal; Vinegar, distilled [other than cider]; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) [However, buffered C is available.]; Walnuts, Wheat germ; Yogurt; Canned, glazed & sulfured fruit; All dairy products; All animal, foul and sea animal products

Common Alkaline Ash Foods

Alfalfa sprouts; Almonds, Apples; Apricots, Avocados; Bananas, Beans, dried; Beet greens; Beets; Berries; Blackberries; Broccoli; Brussels sprouts; Cabbage, Cantaloupe; Carrots, Cauliflower; Celery; Cherries, sour; Collard greens; Cucumbers; Dates, dried; Dulse; Figs, dried [dried without sulfur]; Fresh corn; Goat whey; Grapefruit; Grapes; Green beans;

Green peas; Green soybeans; Kale; Kelp Lemons; Lettuce; Lima beans, dried; Chard leaves; Mangoes; Maple syrup [natural unsweetened]; Melons; Milk, goat; Millet; Molasses; Mushrooms; Muskmelons; Mustard greens; Okra; Onions; Oranges; Parsley; Parsnips; Peaches; Pears; Peppers; Pineapple Plums; Lima beans, green; Limes ; Potatoes, white; Potatoes, sweet; Prunes; Quinoa; Radishes; Raisins; Raspberries; Rhubarb [honey, no sugar]; Rutabagas; Sauerkraut; Soy beans, green; Spinach, raw; Strawberries; Tangerines; Tomatoes; Vinegar, cider; Watercress; Watermelon

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