Causes of the Depression
-demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of causes of the Depression (knows 1 or 2)
-demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the causes of the Depression (names 2 or 3)
-demonstrates knowledge and understanding of most of the causes of the Depression (names at least 4 causes)
-demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the causes of the Depression (knows all the causes)
Impact of the Depression on Canada
-demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Depression on Canada (can identify impact in 1 area)
-demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Depression on Canada (can identify some impact in 2 areas – social, political, economic)
-demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Depression on Canada (can identify at least 1 in impact all 3 areas)
-demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Depression on Canada (can identify significant impacts in all areas – social, political, economic)
Causes of the Second World War
-demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of causes of WWII (names 1 or 2 )
-demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the causes of WWII (names 1 or 2 and explains)
-demonstrates knowledge and understanding of most of the causes of WWII (names and explains at least 3 causes)
-demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the causes of WWII (names and explains multiple causes world wide)
Canada’s contributions and their importance to Allied Victory
Understanding; Thinking/Inquiry; Application)
-demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of Canada’s contributions to allied victory (can identify 1 or 2 important contributions at home and overseas)
-demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of Canada’s contributions to allied victory (can identify 3 or 4 important contributions, at home and overseas)
-demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of Canada’s contributions to allied victory (can identify many contributions at home, on land, at sea, in the air)
-demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of Canada’s contributions to allied victory(can identify all significant contributions at home, on land, at sea, in the air)
- demonstrates limited analysis/interpretation/
ability to draw conclusions (can make at least one connection between Canada’s contributions and the eventual Allied Victory)
- demonstrates some analysis/interpretation/
ability to draw conclusions (can make at least two connections between Canada’s contributions and the eventual Allied Victory)
- demonstrates considerable analysis/interpretation/
ability to draw conclusions (can make at least three connections between Canada’s contributions and the eventual Allied Victory)
- demonstrates high degree of analysis/ interpretation/
ability to draw conclusions (can make four or more connections between Canada’s contributions and the eventual Allied Victory)
How Canada was changed by our involvement in WWII
Understanding; Thinking/Inquiry; Application)
- demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of how Canada was changed by WWII (1 or 2 examples of economic, political, social)
- demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of how Canada was changed by WWII (2-3 examples of economic, political, social)
- demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of how Canada was changed by WWII (4 examples of economic, political, social)
- demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of how Canada was changed by WWII (at least six significant examples of economic, political, social)
- provides limited analysis/interpretation
- provides some analysis/
- provides considerable analysis/interpretation
- provides thorough analysis/
- demonstrates limited ability to draw conclusions
- demonstrates some ability to draw conclusions
- demonstrates considerable ability to draw conclusions
- demonstrates high degree of ability to draw conclusions
How the Depression and WWII remind us of our Christian and human responsibilities
Understanding; Thinking/Inquiry; Application
- demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of our human responsibilities
- demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of our human responsibilities
- demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of our human responsibilities
- demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of our human responsibilities
- provides limited analysis/
- provides some analysis/
- provides considerable analysis/
- provides high degree of analysis/
- demonstrates limited ability to draw conclusions (1 conclusion)
- demonstrates some ability to draw conclusions (2 conclusions)
- demonstrates considerable ability to draw conclusions (3 conclusions)
- demonstrates high degree of ability to draw conclusions (4 or more conclusions)
Written Communication
- of information and ideas
- demonstrates limited ability to communicate ideas in writing
- demonstrates some ability to communicate ideas in writing
- demonstrates considerable ability to communicate ideas in writing
- demonstrates thorough ability to communicate ideas in writing with a high degree of effectiveness
- proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, diction
- demonstrates limited skills in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and diction
- demonstrates some skills in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and diction
- demonstrates considerable skills in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and diction
- demonstrates high degree of skills in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and diction
Formal requirements:
(typing, spacing, length, headings, title page, and information)
- demonstrates limited compliance with requirements
- demonstrates some compliance with requirements
- demonstrates considerable compliance with requirements
- demonstrates thorough compliance with requirements