Carlos del rio, md

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del Rio C & Hernandez-Avila M. Lessons from Previous Influenza Pandemics and from the Mexican Response to the Current Influenza Pandemic. Arch Med Res 2009; 40: 677-680 [PMID 20304256].

  • Franco-Paredes C, Hernandez-Ramos I, del Rio C, Alexander KT, Tapia-Conyer R, Santos-Preciado JI. H1N1 Influenza Pandemics: Comparing the Events of 2009 in Mexico with those of 1976 and 1918-1919. Arch Med Res 2009; 40: 669-672. [PMID 2030452]

  • Southwick F, Katona P, Kauffman C, Monroe S, Pirofski LA, del Rio C, Gallis H, Dismukes W. IDSA Guidelines for Improving the Teaching of Preclinical Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Academic Medicine 2010; 85(1): 19 – 22. [PMID 20042815]

  • del Rio C. Report from the 17th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. Expanding HIV testing and treatment. J. Watch AIDS Clin Care 2010; Apr; 22(4): 29-30. [PMID 20480617]

  • del Rio C. Report from the 17th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. 2009 H1N1 influenza and HIV infection. J Watch AIDS Clin Care 2010; Apr; 22(4): 32 - 3. [PMID 20480931]

  • Vogenthaler N & del Rio C. Is directly observed therapy worthwhile in the Treatment of HIV infection? J Watch AIDS Clin Care 2010; Jun; 22(6):55. [PMID 20666005]

  • del Rio C. CD4-cell counts at entry into care: improving but far from ideal. J Watch AIDS Clin Care 2010; Jun; 22(6):52 [PMID 20648722]

  • del Rio C & Guarner J. The 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic: what have we learned in the past 6 months. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc 2010; 121: 128 - 140. [PMID 20697556/PMC 2917128]

  • Albarracin D, Rothman AJ, DiClemente R, del Rio C. Wanted: A Theoretical Roadmap to Research and Practice Across Individual, Interpersonal and Structural Level of Analysis. AIDS Behav 2010; Sept 8 {E-pub ahead of print}. [PMID 20824321]

  • Armstrong WS & del Rio C. Gender, Race, and Geography: Do They Matter in Primary Human Immunodeficiency Infection? J Infect Dis 2011; 203: 437-438 [PMID 21245158/PMC 3071221]. {Article selected for reprint as part of “2010 Clinical Issues in HIV Medicine”, published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America}

  • Margoles L, del Rio C, Franco-Paredes C. Leprosy: a modern assessment of an ancient neglected disease. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2011; 68(2): 110-116.

  • del Rio, C. Obstacle course: the role of health care providers in helping overcome stigma, denial, and ignorance. Posit Aware 2011 Spring; 23(4): 7 – 9. [PMID 21710874]

  • del Rio C. Latinos and HIV Care in the Southeastern United States: New Challenges Complicating Longstanding Problems. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 53: 488 – 489 [PMID 21844032].

  • Narayan KM, Ali MK, del Rio C, Koplan JP, Curran J. Global Noncommunicable Diseases – Lessons from the HIV-AIDS Experience. N Engl J Med 2011; 365 (10): 876 – 878. [PMID 21899448]

  • del Rio C, Armstrong W. Antiretroviral therapy programmes in resource limited settings. BMJ 2011 Nov 9 343:d6853. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6853. [PMID 22074712]

  • Granich R, Gupta S, Suthar AB, Hoos D, Viotoria M, Simao M, Hankins C, Schwartlander B, Ridzon R, Bazin B, Williams B, Lo YR, McClure C, Montaner J, Hirnschall G’ ART in Prevention of HIV and TB Research Writing Group. Antiretroviral therapy in prevention of HIV and TB: update on current research efforts. Curr HIV Res 2011; Sept; 9(6): 446 – 69 [PMID 2199779]. {acknowledged as member of the writing team}

  • Koplan JP, Curran J, Debas H, del Rio C, Gostin LO, Keusch GT, Wasserheit JN, In support of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Lancet 2012; 379(9826): 1585. [PMID 22541570]

    1. Book chapters:

          1. Stephens DS, del Río C. Gonococcal Diseases. In: Kelly WN (ed.), Textbook of Internal Medicine, 1989 (1st. Ed.), pp 1519-1524 & 1991 (2nd. Ed.), pp 1382-1387; JB Lippincott, Philadelphia.

          2. McGowan JE Jr, del Río C. Other Gram-Negative Bacilli, In: Mandell, Douglas, Bennett (eds.): Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 3rd. Ed. 1990. pp 1782-93.

          3. Bartley DC, del Río C, Shulman JA. Clinical Complications. In: Schlossberg D. Infectious Mononucleosis, 2nd Ed. Springer-Verlag Publ. 1989. pp 35-48.

          4. Prokesch R, del Río C, Shulman JA. Amebiasis. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 3rd Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann 1992. pp 425-28.

          5. del Río C, Shulman JA. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 3rd Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann 1992. pp 467-69.

          6. del Río C. Human T cell Lymhotropic virus type 1 infections. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 3rd Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann 1992. pp 479-81.

          7. del Río C. Enfermedades de Transmisión por Contacto Sexual. In: Antología de la Sexualidad Humana. CONAPO 1994. Vol III pp 423-450. (ISBN 970-628-063-4).

          8. del Río C. Infección por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana. In: Antología de la Sexualidad Humana. CONAPO 1994. Vol III pp 451-491. (ISBN 970-628-063-4).

          9. del Rio C. Parvovirus. In: Uribe M. Tratado de Medicina Interna, 2nd De. Editorial Panamericana 1995. pp 1471-1473. (ISBN 986-7157-56-9).

          10. del Rio C. Infección por Citomegalovirus durante el embarazo. In: Uribe M. Tratado de Medicina Interna, 2nd De. Editorial Panamericana 1995. pp 1840-1842. (ISBN 986-7157-56-9).

          11. del Rio C, Schwarzmann SW, Hugley CM. Infectious Mononucleosis. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 4th Ed. Appleton & Lange 1996. pp 497-499 (ISBN 0-8385-6317-1).

          12. del Río C & Shulman JA. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 4th Ed. 1996. pp 500-502 Appleton & Lange (ISBN 0-8385-6317-1).

          13. Morgan J & del Río C. Amebiasis. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 4th Ed. Appleton & Lange 1996. pp 457-459 (ISBN 0-8385-6317-1).

          14. Gunthel CJ & del Río C. Human T-cell Lymphotrophic Virus Type I Infections. In: Hurst JW. Medicine for the Practicing Physician, 4th Ed. Appleton & Lange 1996. pp 514-517 (ISBN 0-8385-6317-1).

          15. del Río C. Tuberculosis y SIDA. En: Sifuentes J & Sada E. Tuberculosis en México. Interamericana-McGraw-Hill Vol III (4), 1995. pp 795-808 (ISBN-968-25-2471-7).

          16. del Rio C, Granter SR, Duray PH. Lyme Borreliosis. In: Horsburgh CR & Nelson AM: Pathology of Emerging Infections. American Society for Microbiology 1997. pp269-283 (ISBN 1-55581-120-5).

          17. del Rio C. Mujer y SIDA: Conceptos sobre el tema. En: Rico B, Vandale S, Allen B y Liguori AL. Situación de las Mujeres y el VIH/SIDA en América Latina. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública 1997. Pp: 15-19. (ISBN 968-6502-30-0).

          18. Schuklenk U, del Rio C, Magis C, Chokeviat V. AIDS in the Developing World. In: Chadwick, Ruth (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethic, Vol 1. Academic Press 1998, San Diego, Ca. pp: 123-127.

          19. Schuklenk U, Chokevivat V, del Río C, Gbadegesin S, Magis C. AIDS: ethical issues in the Developing World. In: H. Kuhse & P. Singer (Eds): A Companion to Bioethics. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Oxford 1998, pp. 355-365. (ISBN 0-631-19737-0).

          20. del Rio C & Meier FA. Yellow fever. In: Nelson AM & Horsburgh CR: Pathology of Emerging Infections 2. American Society for Microbiology 1998. pp 13-41 (ISBN 1-55581-140-X).

          21. del Rio C & Curran JW. Epidemiology of HIV Infection and AIDS. In: Goldman and Bennett: Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 21st Ed. 2000, pp 1898-1904. (ISBN 0-7216-7995-1).

          22. del Rio C & Curran JW. Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS and HIV Infection. In: Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition. W.B. Saunders 2000, pp 1340-1368 (ISBN 0-443-07593-X).

          23. Steinberg J & del Rio C. Other Gram-Negative Bacteria. In: Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition. W.B. Saunders 2000, pp 2459-2474 (ISBN 0-443-07593-X).

          24. del Rio C & Cahn P. Antiretroviral Therapy and Treatment of Illnesses Associated with HIV/AIDS: General Considerations and Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean. In: JA Izazola: AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean: a multidisciplinary view. Funsalud/SIDALAC/UNAIDS 1999, pp 85-106 (ISBN 968-5018-17-0).

          25. Magis C & del Rio C. Epidemiología del VIH y del SIDA en México. In Ponce de Leon S & Rangel S. SIDA: Aspectos Clínicos y Terapéuticos. McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2000, pp 1-10 (ISBN 970-10-2527-X)

          26. del Rio C & Franco-Peredes C. Bioterrorism: A New Public Health Problem. In: Sepulveda J: Panamerican Health in the 21st Century: Strengthening International Cooperation and Development of Human Capital. National Institute of Public Health 2002, pp 115 –118 (ISBN 968-6502-59-9).

          27. del Rio C & Sepulveda J. Infection by HIV/AIDS in Mexico. In: Sepulveda J: Panamerican Health in the 21st Century: Strengthening International Cooperation and Development of Human Capital. National Institute of Public Health 2002, pp 97 - 101 (ISBN 968-6502-59-9).

          28. del Rio C & Curran JW. Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS and HIV Infection. In: Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition. Elsevier Inc. 2005; pp 1477-1506 (ISBN 0-443-06643-4).

          29. Steinberg J & del Rio C. Other Gram-Negative and Gram-Variable Bacilli. In: Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition. 6th Edition. Elsevier Inc. 2005; pp 2751-2768 (ISBN 0-443-06643-4).

          30. del Rio C. Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. In Goldman & Ausiello: Cecil Medicine 23rd Ed. Elsevier Inc 2008; pp 2567 - 2571 (ISBN 987-1-4160-2805-5)

          31. Celentano DD, Bayer C, Davis WW and del Rio C. The HIV/AIDS Epidemic of the Americas. In: DD Celentano C Bayer: Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries. Epidemiology, Prevention and Care. Springer 2008; 525 – 530. (ISBN 978-0-387-72710-3)

          32. Dionne-Odom J, Bonney L & del Rio C. Access to Culturally Competent Care for Patients Living with HIV/AIDS. In: Stone, Ojikutu, Rawlins et al: HIV/AIDS in Minority Communities. Springer 2009; 69 – 82. (ISBN 978-0-387-98151-2)

          33. del Rio C & Curran JW. Epidemiology and Prevention of AIDS and HIV Infection. In: Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7th Edition. Elsevier Inc. 2010; pp 1635 – 1661 (ISBN 978-0-4430-6839-3).

          34. Guarner J & del Rio C. Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Anthrax in Humans. In: Bergman NH: Bacillus anthracis and Anthrax. Wiley-Blackwell 2011; pp 251 – 267 (ISBN 978-0-470-41011-0)

          35. Doshi RK, del Rio C & Marconi VC. (2011) Social Determinants of HIV Health Care: A Tale of Two Cities. In: Understanding HIV/AIDS Management and Care – Pandemic Approaches in the 21st Century. Fyson Hanania Kasenga (Ed.) (ISBN 978-953-307-603-4; InTech, available at:

    1. Books edited and written:

          1. del Río C, Hernandez G, Uribe P (editores): Guía para la Atención Domiciliaria de Personas que viven con VIH/SIDA. CONASIDA 1993. (ISBN 968-811-211-9).

          2. del Río C y Uribe P (editores): Guía para la Atención Psicológica de personas que viven con VIH/SIDA. CONASIDA 1994. (ISBN 968-811-246-1).

          3. del Río C, Hernández Tepichín G, Uribe Zúñiga P (editores): Guía para la Instalación de Centros de Información sobre VIH/SIDA. CONASIDA 1994 (ISBN 968-811-342-5).

          4. McCary JL, McCary SP, Alvarez-Gayou JL, del Río C, Suárez JL. Sexualidad Humana de McCary. 5a. edición. El Manual Moderno 1996. (ISBN 968-426-707-X).

          5. Ponce de Leon S & del Río C. (editores). Guía para la atención médica del paciente con VIH/SIDA en Consulta Externa y Hospitales. 2nd Ed. CONASIDA 1996. (ISBN 968-811-291-7) and 3rd Ed. CONASIDA 1997 (ISBN 968-811-617-3).

          6. Institute of Medicine (IOM). 2004. Measuring What Matters: Allocation, Planning and Quality Assessment for the Ryan White CARE Act. Washington DC: The National Academies Press (ISBN 0-309-09115-2)

          7. Institute of Medicine (IOM). 2008. Methodological Challenges in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. (ISBN 978-309-11430-1)

    1. Book reviews:

    • Guarner J & del Río C. Book review, AIDS Pathology. JAMA 1990; 264:1476.

    • del Río C. Book Review: Fatal Extraction. Am J Med Sci 1998; 315(5):343-44.

    1. Manuals, videos, computer programs, and other teaching aids:

    • del Rio C & Lennox J. HIV/AIDS Guideline. In: EBM Solutions (

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