This chapter discusses the methodology used in this study. It specifically examined the research methods including the research design, the study setting, population and sampling procedures and data collection instruments. The chapter discusses techniques for data analysis and presentation, and ethical consideration related to the study..
Research design
A research design is the overall plan or strategy for conducting the research (Oso and Onen, 2008). According to Kothari (2008) “a research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
Boquiren (2003) noted that research design involves determination of the study population and how it is obtained, sampling procedures, the source of data to employ, the techniques of data collection and controls of use, the tools to use and their design and how data will be processed and analyzed.
A qualitative approach was used in this study as it has been clearly noted by Busha and Harter (1980) that qualitative researchers deploy a wide range of interconnected methods endeavoring always to obtain a clear perception of the subject matter. In this study qualitative approach involved the use and collection of a variety of empirical materials and in-depth interview. This approach allows one to identify recurring practices and meaning in individual‟s activities. Since qualitative methods focus primarily on what people tell the researcher and what they do, enabling the researcher to understand what is going on and hence it can illuminate issues and suggest possible explanations.
Study Population
A population is a group of individuals, objects or items from which samples are taken for measurement (Kombo & Tromp, 2006). This is the total population from which the target population will be drawn from as the respondents or study subjects. Mugenda (2003) further defines a target population as the population to which a researcher wants to generalize the results of the study.
The subjects of this study were drawn from among the staff of High and lower Courts working in various sections of the Court (Judicial, Registry (civil and criminal), members of the public (litigants) and advocates representing litigants. Sample of 21 persons were picked from the staff population of 33 in number from the above mentioned sections. This included: Chief judges, 6 judges, 6 clerical staff each from criminal registry and civil registry and a records officer/Archivist, 1 executive officer (Senior court clerk), 10 Litigants who are consumers of court service and present at the court at the time of data collection, finally 9 advocates representing litigants appearing in court at the time of study.
These group of respondents were justified to provide relevant data relating to the study, in that; the judges and the executive officers were responsible for decision making, delivery of justice, policy formulation and implementation and overall management of court processes, the archivist and the registry court clerks were mainly involved in records management functions at various stages of their life-cycle and at the same time provided information on the various types and formats of records created and received as a result of business transactions and processes of the court among others. on the other hand litigants were direct consumers of the court processes and had to provide information the quality of services and treatment given to them and at the same time gave information on the type of records they relied on their case handling. The advocates were selected because they involved in representing litigants in court.
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