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Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution, at 9 (Jan. 2017) (‘‘DNI Assessment)
BBG Data on Russian International Broadcasting Reach, IBB Office of Policy and Research, Broadcasting Board of Governors, June 2017. For example, BBG data showed that RT and Sputnik combined only have a total weekly reach of 2.8 percent of Moldova’s population,
1.3 percent of Belarus’s, and 5.3 percent of Serbia’s. Comparing Russian and American Government Propaganda Meduza, Sept 14, 2017.
(Meduza is a Russian online newspaper Sam Gerrans, YouTube and the Art of Investigation
RT, Sept. 27, 2015. facts or truths.’’
Part of RT and Sputnik’s appeal—and an explanation for their apparent success—is their high production value and sensational content. According to a 2016 study by the RAND Corporation, RT and Sputnik are more like a blend of infotainment and disinformation than fact-checked journalism, though their formats intentionally take the appearance of proper news programs.’’
Russian media reports have even gone so far as conducting fake interviews with actors that are paid to pretend they are victims of Ukrainian government aggression.
RT was launched in 2005 and currently reports in six languages Arabic, English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. The US. State Department reports that the Russian government spends an estimated $1.4 billion per year on disseminating its messaging through various media platforms at home and abroad.
In 2016, over $300 million went to RT alone.
As a Russian human rights activist put it, the Europeans who see RT as an alternative are similar to the left-wing audience—both in Europe and the United
States—in the sands who held favorable views of the Soviet Union.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry has referred to RT as a propaganda bullhorn and RT regularly gives controversial European political figures a platform on its shows and gives disproportionate coverage to the more extreme factions of the European Parliament.
RT claims to reach between 500 million and 700 million viewers in over 100 countries. However, according to data compiled by the
BBG, this likely overstates the viewership, as it represents the number of households in which RT is available, and not the number of households that actually watch RT.
As of 2017, RT attracted about 22.5 million Facebook followers, and it deftly drives traffic to its platforms with human interest stories, cat videos, and pseudo conspiracy theories (like op-eds about whether the earth is round or flat).
A 2015 analysis found that only one percent of videos on RT’s YouTube channel were political in nature, while its
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42 Katie Zavadski, ‘‘Putin’s Propaganda TV Lies About Its Popularity The Daily Beast, Sept.
17, 2015. Matthew Bodner et al., Welcome to The Machine Inside the Secretive World of RT The
Moscow Times, June 1, 2017.
Max Greenwood, Russian Radio Takes Over Local DC station The Hill, June 30, 2017. Comparing Russian and American government propaganda Meduza, Sept 14, 2017. Ben Nimmo, Propaganda in a New Orbit Information Warfare Initiative Paper No. 2, Cen- ter for European Policy Analysis, at 6 (Jan. 2016). Ping ponging is a technique to raise the profile of a story through complementary websites, with the goal of getting the mainstream media to pick it up. See Appendix H. most popular videos were of natural disasters, accidents, and crime.
The Moscow Times found that when RT reporters strayed from its implicit editorial line, they were told this is not our angle.’’
Former staff report that RT’s editorial line comes from the top down, and managers, not editors, choose what will be covered and how. For example, when foreign staff disagreed with the way that RT was covering Ukraine, they were taken off the assignment and
Ukraine-related coverage was handled by Russian staff.
And those Russian staff are mostly apathetic or apolitical, with no prior experience in journalism’’—their primary qualification is fluency in English, gained from either linguistic training or being the children of Russian diplomats.’’
All of which reveals that, while RT may have a large budget and growing reach, it also has several fundamental institutional flaws which limit its ability to operate as a professional news organization. In the words of one former employee, a combination of apathy, alack of professionalism and a dearth of real talent keep RT from being more effective than it currently is.’’
Sputnik is a state-owned network of media platforms launched in November 2014 and includes social media, news, and radio content in June 2017, it began operating an FM radio station in Washington, D.C.
With an annual budget of $69 million, the network operates indifferent languages and attracts about 4.5 million Facebook followers.
Like RT, Sputnik consistently promotes anti-West narratives that undermine support for democracy. A study by the Center for European Policy Analysis found that Sputnik grants disproportionate coverage to protest, anti-establish- ment and pro-Russian members of the European Parliament from Central and Eastern Europe that it does so systematically and that even when it quotes mainstream politicians, it chooses comments that fit the wider narrative of a corrupt, decadent and
Russophobic West . . . making wide use of the protest potential of the legislature to promote the Kremlin’s chosen messages of disinformation.’’
Sputnik is also often used to ping pong a suspect story from lesser-known news sites and into more mainstream press out- lets.
One well-known example was the purported police cover-up of the Lisa rape casein Germany. After initially circulating on Facebook, the story was picked up by Channel One, a Russian gov- ernment-controlled news channel, and then covered by RT and Sputnik, which argued the case was not an isolated incident. The following week, protests broke out, despite the fact the allegations had since been recanted and the police investigation had debunked
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43 Jim Rutenberg, RT, Sputnik and Russia’s New Theory of War The New York Times,
Sept. 13, 2017. Andrew Feinberg, My Life at a Russian Propaganda Network Politico, Aug. 21, 2017.
‘‘Ex-French Economy Minister Macron could be US Agent Lobbying Banks Interests

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