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Kadima won’t join the government

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Kadima won’t join the government

Kadima is not interested in saving Netayanhu’s government – they want to form a new government

Hoffman 10 (Gil, chief political correspondent and analyst, The Jerusalem Post, 6-22-2010, CM

The sources denied reports that Kadima was en route to the government or that progress had been made in talks behind the scenes. They said neither Netanyahu nor Livni had changed their original positions that have prevented a government between them in the past. Kadima still opposes joining the current government without setting new coalition guidelines in favor of taking steps to expedite the diplomatic process, and Netanyahu still opposes showing the door to any of his current coalition partners. “There is no chance that Netanyahu has changed his mind,” Hanegbi said. “He asked us what we thought about widening the government. We said we cannot join the coalition as-is, but Kadima would have no problem with going back to square one and forming new guidelines. If the other parties want to stay, they can.” Livni told the Kadima faction on Monday said she was not interested in saving the current government but in changing its policies and the makeup of the coalition.

Coalition will collapse – Settlement Freeze

The Settlement Freeze Issue will inevitably collapse Netanyahu’s Coalition

Berkman 7/6 (Matt, researcher for a Middle East policy institute in New York. , Human Rights, 7-6-2010, CM

The uncharitable interpretation is that Obama is again sacrificing principle on Israel/Palestine for short-term political gain. But, more charitably, Shiffer’s article also suggests that, once the cameras have departed, Obama plans to put the screws to Netanyahu in private, urging him to fully lift the siege on Gaza. Other sources have reported that he will also push Netanyahu hard on the issue of renewing the 10-month settlement freeze set to expire in September. This would put Netanyahu in an uncomfortable position: his own party has already voted to oppose such a move (a vote from which Netanyahu conspicuously absented himself), and just yesterday, Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition partners issued a joint declaration warning that any attempt to renew the freeze would imperil the “preservation of Israel as an autonomous state.” For their part, members of the “left-leaning” Labor party have threatened to withdraw from Netanyahu’s coalition if the freeze is not renewed. The best we can hope from Obama is that his backroom pressure will heighten the contradictions that already plague Netanyahu’s government, bringing about either a reconfiguration that will shift the coalition to the center-left, or a full-scale collapse resulting in new elections.

The United States and the Coalition government of Israel disagree on the building freeze.

Gedalyahu 10 (Tzvi Ben; staff writer, Arutz Sheva: Israel Nation News, July 7, 2010, CH

Defense Minister Ehud Barak tip-toed closer to the coalition government policy Wednesday and called on Abbas to resume direct talks without pre-conditions for a building freeze. He told visiting Senators Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsey Graham that he believes direct talks will resume in several weeks. Speaking on Army Radio, the Defense Minister and Labor party chairman brushed aside the demands for an extension of the temporary freeze, saying that obstacles can be worked out once direct discussions resume. The Labor party has been the lone holdout from coalition leaders’ insistence that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu uphold his promise that the 10-month freeze on building for Jews in Judea and Samaria will not be extended. If Barak and the Obama administration were hoping for cracks in the coalition, they were sorely disappointed. Prime Minister Netanyahu avoided a difficult session with U.S. President Barack Obama Tuesday by leading a successful campaign against an initiative to require Knesset approval for a building freeze. However, the Prime Minister and president got a clear message from the will of coalition party whips, all of whom—except Labor—signed a letter opposing any extension of the freeze.

Netanyahu Internal Link Turn

Splitting from Obama when the US undermines Israel’s interest is key to Netanyahu’s credibility

Glick 10 (Caroline, senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy and Deputy Managing Editor of JPost, The Jerusalem Post, 5/28,

Second, Netanyahu must not become Obama’s spokesman. As part of his unsuccessful bid to convince Obama to change his policies towards Israel, Netanyahu and his advisers have gone on record praising Obama for his support for Israel. These statements have stymied attempts by Israel’s US supporters to pressure Obama to change those policies.

The Israeli official who has been most outspoken in his praise for Obama and his denial that Obama’s policies are hostile towards Israel has been Ambassador Michael Oren. Oren has repeatedly praised Obama for his supposedly firm support for Israel and commitment to Israel’s security – most recently in an appearance on Fox News on Wednesday. Moreover, according to eyewitness reports, in a recent closed-door meeting with American Jews, Oren criticized the Republican Party for attacking Obama for his animosity towards Israel.

This quite simply has to end. As foreign officials, Israeli diplomats should not be involved in US partisan politics. Not only should Israeli officials not give Obama undeserved praise, they should not give Republicans undeserved criticism.

At the end of the day, American Jews have the luxury of choosing between their loyalty to the Democratic Party and their support for Israel. And in the coming months, they will choose.

The government of Israel has no such luxury. The government’s only duty is to secure Israel and advance Israel’s national interests in every way possible. Netanyahu must not permit Obama’s public relations campaign to divert him from this mission.

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