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Karzai Cred Low – 2AC

Karzai’s credibility gone- corruption, dirty brother, 8 year lame duck prove

Murphy 6/24 [Dan, Staff Writer, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, Lexis] KLS

Petraeus will be saddled with a strategic partner - the administration of President Hamid Karzai - that is increasingly unpopular and at times seems out of touch. The election that brought Karzai to power was badly marred by fraud. After the "clear" phase in Marjah, where the Taliban were partly able to take power because of the predations of corrupt central government officials and local warlords, the government McChrystal sought to install has yet to take root. In Kandahar, the next major push for the international effort, Mr. Karzai's half-brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, is one of the local warlords and has grown wealthy since the war began. Locals have accused him of seizing land by force and being involved in smuggling. Many Afghans say he's involved in the opium trade, a charge he has denied. "In eight years [President Karzai] hasn't been able to bring democratic, accountable government so I don't know why anyone would think he will now," says Rahman Oghli, a member of parliament from the northern Faryub Province and an opponent of the government. "The people in government and around Karzai have been lining their pockets and the people know this." In a leaked diplomatic cable last year, US Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, said Karzai was an ineffective partner that called into question the ability to carry out COIN successfully.

Karzai ineffective, corrupt, lacks credibility- no risk of an impact

Robinson 6/18 [Eugene, Staff Writer, The Washington Post, Lexis] KLS

Which he has not done. Karzai, who seems not to have gotten the memo on how a U.S. puppet should behave, alternates between grudging cooperation and petulant defiance. Most alarming is that Karzai is effectively sabotaging the effort to win hearts and minds in Kandahar, the heartland of the Taliban insurgency, by leaving the local power structure in the hands of his thuggish and corrupt half-brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai. In Washington, the hawkish interpretation of events is that the timeline itself is now the problem -- that, in the words of Sen. John McCain, it tells "the key actors inside and outside of Afghanistan that the United States is more interested in leaving than succeeding in this conflict." This sounds like a reasonable argument until you think about it. Karzai, the Taliban, the warlords and the Afghan public already know that U.S. and NATO forces will leave someday. The only way to make them think otherwise would be to announce that we intend to stay forever -- and clearly that's not the case. From the Afghan point of view, it doesn't make much difference whether the interlopers depart in one year or in five. It might make a difference, of course, if there were an honest, capable Afghan government that could use more time to build its capacity and earn the people's trust. Everyone knows, however, that such a government does not exist.

Afghans and the international community have lost faith in Karzai

Hoffmann 4/12 [Dr. Hubertus, advisor in the European Parliament, US Senate and German Bundestag World Security Network News, 2010,,18190,18148,18194]

When he dared to accuse his allies of eight years, including UN, EU and U.S. representatives, of "massive fraud" to undermine him, Karzai crossed the Rubicon to become seriously unreliable in the eyes of those who have spent more than $200 billion of taxpayers money and lost more than 1,700 soldiers supporting him. Fourth, he is therefore now much more a problem than a solution; this includes his brother. Fifth, he has become a 'loose cannon' in the fight for freedom in Afghanistan. He is now another risk factor, as seen in his infamous Kandahar speech to tribal elders, where he spoke of appeasement to them and challenged the long-planned offensive against the Taliban by both his own troops and ISAF. It is hard to manage too many risks concurrently, and makes failure of both the latest offensive and ISAF itself more likely.

Karzai Cred Low – 2AC

Karzai lacks credibility- corruption, poppy production

Hoffmann 4/12 [Dr. Hubertus, advisor in the European Parliament, US Senate and German Bundestag World Security Network News, 2010,,18190,18148,18194]

Seven, only two ministers were not corrupt in Karzai's previous government. Corruption remains endemic, as does poppy production, and the quality of his rule is low indeed. The West was naïve to hand over billions of dollars of aid without direct control. When the German Minister for Development met him two weeks ago, Karzai asked once more for free money - he will not change his demands.
Karzai’s credibility shot- loss of Pashtun community

Hoffmann 4/12 [Dr. Hubertus, advisor in the European Parliament, US Senate and German Bundestag World Security Network News, 2010,,18190,18148,18194]

Nine, his reputation in Pakistan is near zero and remains very low even within the Pashtun community that is the backbone of the insurgency. He never stopped hating Pakistan.Yet peace without both Pakistan and a consensus with the Pashtuns, peace-making is impossible for NATO.

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