Compiled by Colby B. Rucker Preface: Use of Copyrighted Material

Hypericaceae or Guttiferae (St. John's Wort Family)

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101. Hypericaceae or Guttiferae (St. John's Wort Family)

890. Ascyrum hypericoides L. 1753. Shr.456, B&B.233

(Ascyrum crux-andreae L.)

(St. Andrew's Cross)

Low, many-stemmed native shrub. Yellow flowers.

Habitat: "Pine barrens" (Gray 1867). "Dry sandy soil" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Dry sandy or rocky woods and thickets" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Common in the Coastal Zone in dry forests and open situations, rare in the Midland Zone in dry sandy soil" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Saw Mill Pond (Plitt 7/19/1899). Near St. James Church, along roadside 6/5/1966, Stieber 368 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent River near Rt. 50 spreading on sandy clay 7/21/1966 & 8/8/1966, Stieber 367 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, solitary on old road through mixed hardwood forest of Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 968 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park, Poplar Ridge Park, Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed, dry ridge near Ruckers Pond (several plants, later died out). Dicus Mill Road near Severn Run. Martins Pond watershed, Jones property. Uplands near Cypress Creek Savanna. Indian Landing Road near Arlington Echo. Truxtun Park, by path leading to bare ridge.

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

891. Ascyrum stans Michx. 1803. Shr.456, B&B.233

(St. Peter's Wort, Atlantic St. Peter's Wort)

Upright native shrub.

Habitat: "In dry forests, being most abundant on sandy soil" (Shreve et al 1910). "In moist to dry, sandy, open woods and in fields" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Patuxent Community Pond, moist soil 9/23/1966, Stieber 369 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

892. Hypericum adpressum Bart. 1818. B&B.644

(Creeping St, John's Wort)

An erect herb; the rhizome creeps.

Habitat: "Marshy borders of ponds" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Swamps and wet meadows" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Coastal Plain; infrequent" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Sawmill Pond (Wagner's Pond) Glen Burnie (Plitt 7/19/1899).

893. Hypericum canadense L. 1753, Shr.456, B&B.646

(Canadian St. John's Wort)

Native annual or perennial slender branching herb.

Habitat: Wet, sandy soil" (Gray 1867). "In fresh marshes, swamps and open wet situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "In swampy places, on wet rocks, or on moist banks" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, in sandy area 9/23/1966, Stieber 370 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond 9/23/1966, Stieber 371 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Round Bay Bog, Angels Bog, South Grays Bog (Sipple & Klockner 1984). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991). Angels Bog 8/7/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

894. Hypericum densiflorum Pursh 1814. Shr.456, B&B.235

(Bushy St. John's Wort, Dense St. John's Wort)

Tall leafy native shrub.

Habitat: "Swamps and moist acid soil" (Strausbaugh & Core 1958). "Swamp or dry, sandy soils" (Brown & Brown 1972).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; infrequent in bogs and open wet situations in the Coastal and Midland Zones, frequent in the Mountain Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Marsh at the head of the Severn River 10/24/1951, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

895. Hypericum dissimulatum Bicknell B&B.646

An apparent hybrid of H. canadense (Gleason & Cronquist 1963). "Probably a hybrid of H.

gymnanthum" (Brown & Brown 1984).

(St. John's Wort) Herb.

Habitat: "Peaty or wet sandy soil" (Stieber 1971).

Records: Marsh at head of the Severn River 10/24/1951, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967). Gravel pit off West Pasadena Road 8/3/1991 (Sipple 1993).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

896. Hypericum gentianoides (L.) B.S.P. 1888. B&B.646

(Sarothra gentianoides L. 1753) Shr.456

(Pineweed, Orange Grass)

Low branching native annual herb.

Habitat: "Sandy fields" (Gray 1867). "Moist sandy areas" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Throughout the state, being common on the lighter soils of the Coastal Zone, and frequent in dry open situations in the Midland and Mountain Zones" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, moist sandy area 8/6/1966, Stieber 372 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). On gravelly flat near Patuxent River, below Sands and Bayard Roads (Higman 1977). Upland near Magothy River headwaters 7/31/1989 (Sipple 1993). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

897. Hypericum mutilum L. 1753. Shr.456, B&B.646

(Dwarf St. John's Wort, Small-floweredt. John's Wort)

Native erect annual herb.

Habitat: ""In fresh marshes, swamps, moist forests and open wet situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Low, moist, open woods and meadows" (Grimm 1968). "An occasional weed in gardens, especially damp clay soils" (Fogg 1956).

Frequency: Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "Common throughout" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Rt 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy area 8/6/1966, Stieber 374 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond, wet pond edge 9/23/1966, Stieber 373 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, solitary at edge of Phalaris meadow, Higman 156 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Cattail Creek Pond 7/12/1990 (Sipple 1993). Jacobsville Park, Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991). Stream area near Kinder Park Pond 6/11/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Herbaria: CBC. LCU (Stieber 1971).

898. Hypericum perforatum L. 1753. Shr.456, B&B.644

(Common St. John's Wort)

Perennial herb introduced from Europe. Leaves with small translucent dots.

Habitat: "In fields and waste situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Dry sandy or gravelly soils...old meadows and pastures...roadsides, rocky slopes and waste ground" (Fogg 1956). "Roadsides, pastures, fields" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). A weed (Fogg 1956, Jaques 1959).

Records: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, on a grassy hillside in open sun 6/20/1966, Stieber 376 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church, grassy roadside 7/27/1966, Stieber 375 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, solitary in main building area; Ivy Neck, moderately abundant in recent old field on Scaffold Peninsula; Higman 7, 812 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

899. Hypericum punctatum Lam. 1797. B&B.644

(Hypericum maculatum Walt. 1788) Shr.456

(Spotted St. John's Wort, Dotted St. John's Wort)

Erect native perennial herb.

Habitat: "Moist open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Open woods, thickets and fields" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Near St. James church, grassy roadside 7/27/1966 & 8/12/1966, Stieber 377 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, infrequent along old road through mixed hardwood forest of Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 928, 929 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

900. Hypericum spathulatum (Spach) Steud. B&B.235

(Hypericum prolificum L.) probably. Shr.456

(Shrubby St. John's Wort)

Tall shrub.

Habitat: "Either wet or dry soil" (Brown & Brown 1972).

Frequency: "Frequent in western part of state" (Brown & Brown 1972).

Records: Marley Creek swamp (Longbottom 1991).

901. Hypericum virginicum L. 1763. B&B.646

[Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. 1836] Shr.456

(Marsh St. John's Wort)

Erect unbranched native pink-flowered perennial herb.

Habitat: "In fresh marshes, swamps, and open wet situations" (Shreve 1910). "Swamps, bogs and wet sandy places" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Common in the Coastal Zone, infrequent in the Midland" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: North Grays Bog (Whigham 1981). Cypress Creek Savanna, Round Bay Bog, Eagle Hill Bog, Angels Bog, South Grays Bog (Whigham 1981, Sipple & Klockner 1984). Eagle Hill Bog 7/12/1986 (Sipple 1993). Fishing Creek Farm (Williams 1986). Lake Waterford 8/25/1989 (Sipple 1993). Lake Waterford Park (Longbottom 1991). Angels Bog 6/10/1992, 8/12/1992 (Sipple 1993). Cypress Creek Savanna 6/10/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Sightings: Cypress Creek Bog 7/27/1990 (Longbottom, pc). Along banks of Boyd Pond 9/28/1991 (Longbottom pc).

902. Triadenum tubulosum (Walt.) Gmel.

(Hypericum tubulosum Walt.) B&B.646

(Hypericum petiolatum Walt. 1788).

[Triadenum petiolatum (Walt.) Britton 1897] Shr.457

(Larger Marsh St. John's Wort)

Erect native pink-flowered herb.

Habitat: "In river swamps and stream swamps" (Shreve et al 1910). "Swamps and marshes of the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910). Now rare.

Heritage Rating: 1988: B1 (Regionally Rare). 1991: Highly Rare.

County Occurrence: Listed for Anne Arundel County by Mathews 1987.

102. Cistaceae (Rock-rose Family)

903. Helianthemum bicknellii Fern. B&B.650

(Hoary Frostweed) Perennial herb.

Habitat: "Dry rocky or sandy soils" (Stieber 1971). "Dry, sandy or serpentine soils, in light shade or open fields" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Throughout, but more common on the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984). Now extirpated.

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly State Rare). 1991: Endangered Extirpated.

County Occurrence: Two A. A. Co. stations (1966) noted by Broome et al Dec. 1979.

Records: Patuxent Community Pond, edge of the pond 6/14/1966, Stieber 379 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, dry sand 6/20/1966, Stieber 378 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

904. Helianthemum canadense (L.) Michx. 1803. Shr.457, B&B.650

[Crocanthemum canadense (L.) Britton]

(Cistus canadensis L. 1753)

(Long-branched Frostweed) Erect native 5-petaled perennial herb.

Habitat: "Sandy or gravelly dry soil" (Gray 1867). "In dry rocky or sandy soil" (Britton & Brown 1913). "In rocky open woods and on sandy barrens" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state, being most abundant in the Coastal Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Severn River at Rt. 50 in a sandy woods 11/12/1949, E. P. Killip (US) (Stieber 1967). 3 mi. NW of Gibson I., in a sandy field near a fresh pond 5/27/1953, E. P. Killip (US) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy area 7/21/1966, Stieber 380 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Pine area near Catherine Avenue (Magothy headwaters) 7/31/1989 (Sipple 1993). Pitch pine area between Mountain Road & Route 100 8/11/1989 (Sipple 1993). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Herbaria: US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
ADD: Hudsonia ericoides L. B&B.236: not reported in Md.

(Pine-barren Golden-heather)

Low native woody plant.

Habitat: “Dry sands and pinelands” (Fernald 1950).

Heritage Rating: S1 (Highly state rare)

Frequency: Reported in Delaware and Virginia. Sipple’s station is the first known occurrence in Maryland.

Records: Approx. 30 plants on BG&E transmission line r/w off Marley Station Boulevard by Wm. Sipple 5/24/2000 & 6/3/2000 (See The Maryland Naturalist, Summer 2001).

Herbaria: Delaware State University (DOV) Sipple 2032; Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (ANSP) Sipple 2033: Anne Arundel County Community College Sipple 2034.

905. Lechea minor L. 1753. Shr.457, B&B.651

(Lechea thymifolia Michx.)

(Thyme-leaved Pinweed)

Native perennial 3-petaled branching herb.

Habitat: "In dry open grounds" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Sandy woods and openings" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Patuxent R. near Rt. 50, in clay soil 10/29/1966, Stieber 381 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy area 10/29/1966, Stieber 382 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

906. Lechea racemulosa Michx. Shr.457, B&B.651

(Lechea racemulosa Lam.)

(Oblong-fruited Pinweed) Native perennial herb.

Habitat: "In dry sandy and rocky soil" (Britton & Brown 1913).

"Sandy open woods" (Stieber 1971).

Records: No locale 10/20/1879, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, solitary on south shore of Scaffold Peninsula, on bank above Scaffold Creek, Higman 1049 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

907. Lechea villosa Ell. 1817. Shr.457, B&B.651

(Lechea major Michx.)

(Hairy Pinweed, Large Pinweed) Native perennial herb, 1-2 ft. high.

Habitat: "Sterile grounds" (Gray 1867). "Dry, sandy to gravelly open woods" (Stieber 1971). "Dry or sandy soil of fields and clearings"

(Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "In Delaware and Anne Arundel County; rare" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State Declining). 1991: Watchlist.

Records: "Open sandy situations near Benfield (Robert K. Miller)" (Shreve et al 1910). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sand 8/6/1966, 9/23/1966, 10/29/1966, Stieber 383 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

103. Violaceae (Violet Family)

908. Viola arvensis Murr. B&B.665

(European Wild Pansy)

Annual herb; stems leafy, petals pale yellow; naturalized from Europe.

Habitat: "Cultivated fields and roadsides" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Quite common in some areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

909. Viola blanda Willd. 1806. Shr.458, B&B.659

(Sweet White Violet)

Native herb; stemless; leaves cordate at base, petals white.

Habitat: "Moist rich woodlands" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In cool, moist woods and ravines" (Grimm 1968). "Rich deciduous woods" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: "V. blanda or V. pallens...Mill Swamp, infrequent at base of mossy north slope above old logging road overlooking swamp" Higman 1369 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Sightings: V. blanda has not been positively identified. The following stations may prove to be V. primulifolia. Chase Creek watershed (Schmitt's ravine). Indian Creek Branch (mossy hummocks near Chamaecyparis). Jabez Branch (Drum Point R. R. r/w at KOA property). Corcoran tract at Sandy Point 6/18/88.

Herbaria: CBC (tentative identification, Higman 1977).

910. Viola brittoniana Pollard 1898. B&B.659

(Viola atlantica Britton)

(Viola septemloba)

(Britton's Violet, Coast Violet)

Native herb. Stemless. Narrow-lobed leaves. Flowers violet.

Habitat: "In moist sandy or peaty soil" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist sandy or peaty soils" (Grimm 1968). "Moist sandy or peaty soil and brackish meadows" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Chiefly coastal, frequent; rare in Piedmont" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State Declining). 1991: Watchlist.

Records: No locale April 1898, Edw. L. Greene (US) (Stieber 1967). In moist sand by a branch near Forest Home (Plitt 5/2/1903).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

911. Viola cucullata Aiton 1789. Shr.457, B&B.655

(Common Blue Violet, Marsh Blue Violet)

Native perennial herb. Stemless; variable in size, color, leaf shape.

Habitat: "Wet meadows, bogs, and springy places" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: "Magothy River 5/31/1876, and 4/25/1881" (The 1881 station may have been north of the Magothy; see Chamaedaphne), J. D. Smith (US)(Stieber 1967). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Near Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

912. Viola fimbriatula Sm. B&B.657

(Viola ovata Nutt.) Shr.458

(Ovate-leaved Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; leaves ovate-oblong, flowers violet-purple.

Habitat: "Sandy fields and dry hillsides" (Robinson & Fernald 1908).

"In dry forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Dry open woods, fields, and on hillsides" (Grimm 1968). "Dry fields and woods" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Midland Zone, frequent" (Shreve et al 1910). "Common, Western Maryland; infrequent, Midland and W-B area" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Beachwood Park, Marley Creek Swamp (Longbottom 1991).

913. Viola kitaibeliana R. & S. var. rafinesquii (Greene) Fernald B&B.655

(Viola rafinesquii Greene 1899).

(Field Violet, Field Pansy)

Small native annual herb. Leafy stems. Petals bluish-white to cream.

Habitat: In fields and open woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Dry, grassy fields and roadsides" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Manresa, in a grassy field near a moist woods 5/5/1966, Stieber 387 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent in old orchard (south slope) above Phalaris meadow, Higman 1150 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park, Poplar Ridge Park, Quiet waters Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Clearing near Ruckers Pond. Rough turf at end of State "D" parking lot at College Creek 3/27/90.

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

914. Viola lanceolata L. Shr.458, B&B.659

(Lance-leaved Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; petals white; leaves glabrous, lanceolate.

Habitat: "Open bogs, moist meadows and shores" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In moist forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Damp soils, in open areas or light shade" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Throughout the state, frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 5/1/92 (Sipple 1993).

Sightings: Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).

915. Viola pallens (Banks) Brainerd 1905. B&B.659

(Viola rotundifolia var. pallens Banks 1824)

(Northern White Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; petals white; leaves glabrous, heart-shaped.

Habitat: "Springy land and along cold brooks" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Wet soils, swamps, bogs, and along streams at higher elevations" (Brown & Brown 1984). Northern states and along the mts. to S.C. and Ala. (Gleason & Cronquist 1963).

Frequency: "Frequent in Garrett County; reported from W-B area and Frederick" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Patuxent Community Pond, pond bank 5/2/1967, Stieber 384 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

916. Viola palmata L. 1753. Shr.457, B&B.659

(Viola cucullata var. palmata)

(Wood Violet, Early Blue Violet, Hand-leaf Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; flowers violet-purple; leaves palmately lobed.

Habitat: "Dry rich woodlands" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Dry but rich wooded hillsides" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "Common over most of state except Eastern Shore" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Near Brooklyn (A. A. Co.? Plitt 4/12/99).

917. Viola papilionacea Pursh 1814. B&B.655

(Viola obliqua Hill.) Shr.457

(Meadow Blue Violet, Common Blue Violet, Thin-leaved Wood Violet)

Native herb. Stemless. Compare knobs of beard with V. cucullata.

Habitat: "Moist meadows and groves, frequently about dwellings" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "A weed...lawns and gardens" (Fogg 1956). "In open woods, meadows, door-yards, and along roadsides" Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Coastal and Midland Zones; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910). "Probably our most common species, but less frequent on the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Manresa, in a moist woods amid a stand of Galium 5/5/1966, Stieber 385 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, moderately abundant on steep east slope near north boundary and west of new entrance gate, Higman 581, 602 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed: Rucker (lot 705).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

918. Viola pedata L. 1753. Shr.458, B&B.655

(Birdfoot Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; flowers lilac-purple; leaves much divided.

Habitat: "Sandy or gravelly soil" (Gray 1867). "Open sunny slopes in sandy soil" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Dry forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "On dry, sunny, sandy, rocky, or clayey banks and open woods" (Grimm 1968). "Dry clay, shales or sandy soil;

almost always in full sun" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: "No locale"; (possibly off the Annapolis Road toward Furnace Creek; see Chamaedaphne); 4/25/1881, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Waterford (Plitt 4/29/1905). Elvaton (Plitt 4/29/1905).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
919. Viola pensylvanica Michx. B&B.662

(Viola eriocarpa Schwein 1822)

(Viola pubescens var. eriocarpa Nutt. 1822)

(Smooth Yellow Violet, Smoothish Yellow Violet)

Stems 6-12 in., smooth, leafy. Flowers yellow, 3 lower petal w/purple veins. Capsule densely white-wooly.

Habitat: "In low open woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). "In moist woods and on cool, rocky slopes" (Grimm 1968). "Moist soils, usually in light shade" (Brown & Brown 1984)

Frequency: "Frequent in Western Maryland and Midland; rare on Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Old Forge Bridge (Longbottom 1993).

Sightings: Abundant on rich floodplain of Patuxent River above Stocketts Run (Peter Perry property) (Tentative identification 5/18/1991).
920. Viola primulifolia L. 1753. B&B.662

(Viola primulaefolia L.) Shr.458

(Primrose-leaved Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; flowers white; leaves taper at base, petioles winged. Often mistaken for V. blanda.

Habitat: "Damp soil" (Gray 1867). "Moist or almost dry soil"

(Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist forests and flood plains" (Shreve et al 1910). "In moist open woods, clearings, and meadows" (Grimm 1968). "Moist soils containing a considerable amount of sand" (Aiken 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Patuxent Community Pond, pond bank 6/14/1966, Stieber 386 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Jacobsville Park, Marley Creek Swamp, Poplar Ridge Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 5/1/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Mossy hummocks above Ruckers Pond, May 1991). Community College, mossy clearing at edge of woods (Williams pc). Near Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

921. Viola sagittata Aiton 1789. Shr.458, B&B.657

(Arrow-leaved Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; flowers blue; mid-season leaves lanceolate.

Habitat: "Dry or moist open places" (Gray 1867). "Moist banks and fields" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist forests and flood plains" (Shreve et al 1910). "On moist banks and in fields and upland woods" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: No locale 4/23/1881, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). CBC: Stevens Farm, infrequent in weedy field beside entrance road, opposite Camp Letts, Higman 1390 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

922. Viola septentrionalis Greene 1898. B&B.657

(Northern Blue Violet)

Native herb. Stemless; undivided leaf; petiole & underleaf pubescent.

Habitat: "Moist open woodlands, especially under conifers" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist woods and clearings" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "...south to Connecticut and northern Pennsylvania" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Cranesville Swamp, Garrett County" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2/U Highly State Rare, Status Uncertain. 1991: Status Uncertain.

Records: Java Farm, infrequent along Old Muddy Creek Road, through mixed hardwood forest, Higman 548 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Along Old Muddy Creek Road (Stieber 1971).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

923. Viola sororia Willd. 1809. B&B.657

(Wooly Blue Violet)

Native perennial herb. Stemless; petiole & underleaf densely hairy.

Habitat: "Moist meadows, alluvial woods, shady ledges and dooryards"

(Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In low woods, moist meadows, and on damp slopes" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Common in mountains; infrequent in Cecil County; reported from W-B area" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Ivy Neck, infrequent on old road through central Scaffold Peninsula, in mixed hardwood forest, Higman 599 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Herbaria: CBC.

924. Viola striata Ait. 1789 Shr.458, B&B.662

(Striped Violet, Pale Violet)

Stems 6-12 in., smooth, leafy. Leaves heart-shaped. Flowers white or creamy-white).

Habitat: "Low grounds" (Gray 1867). "In flood plains" (Shreve et al 1910). "Low and shady ground" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Low moist woods and meadows, and along streams" (Grimm 1968). "Moist woods and fields" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Midland Zone; rare" (Shreve et al 1910). "Frequent in Western Maryland and Piewdmont of Cecil County (Tatnall); rare in Midland (PLM)"

(Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Old Forge Bridge (Longbottom 1993).
925. Viola triloba Schwein. 1822 B&B.657

(Three-lobed Violet)

Cut-leaved stemless herb. Flowers pale violet.

Habitat: "Dry woodlands" (Britton & Brown 1913). "In rich but dry woodlands" (Grimm 1968). "Rich, dry woods, often on limestone ledges" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Common in mountains, Midland, and Piedmont; infrequent on the Coastal Plain south to Queen Anne's County" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Smithsonian property (See 1993 index to CBC herbarium).

Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993).

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