
Process for Establishing and Revising Program Outcomes

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Process for Establishing and Revising Program Outcomes

As shown in figure 2.1 above, the program outcomes are defined by our faculty, to be consistent with the educational objectives. These are reviewed annually as part of our annual assessment report preparation, and are revised, as needed, once every 5 years. The most recent revisions to the program outcomes were done during the 2006-2007 academic year. These outcomes are shared with our constituencies (students, external advisory board, alumni, and employers) to ensure that the outcomes include the critical skills deemed essential by these constituents.

Program Outcomes

The program outcomes are documented at the AE School Web site . The course outlines have individually tailored versions of these outcomes.

a) The graduates of the undergraduate program in aerospace engineering will have an understanding of physics, chemistry and mathematics, and how they pertain to solving real world problems.

b) The graduates will have a firm understanding of engineering science fundamentals that enables the graduates to examine real world problems for the underlying physical principles, and decide on appropriate methods of solution.

c) The graduates will have the ability to design, conduct and analyze the results of experiments in order to measure and study physical phenomena.

d) The graduates will have the ability to analyze and design aerospace structural elements, such as trusses, beams and thin walled structures, taking into account structural dynamics and aeroelastic effects.

e) The graduates will have the ability to analyze and design airfoils and wings, accounting for viscous and compressibility effects.

f) The graduates will have the ability to analyze and design air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems.

g) The graduates will have the ability to analyze the flight dynamics of aircraft and spacecraft, and design flight control systems.

h) The graduates will have the ability to work in teams and design complex systems such as aircraft and spacecraft, from conceptual and preliminary design perspectives.

i) The graduates will have good oral, written and graphical communication skills.

j) The graduates will be well trained in the role of the engineer in society, and have an awareness of ethical, environmental and quality concerns in the engineering profession.

k) The graduates will be trained to be life-long learners, pursuing and interested in independent study, research and development.
Relationship of Program Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives

Table 3.1 shows how the program education objectives map to the expected outcomes.

Relationship of Courses in the Curriculum to the Program Outcomes

Each of the outcomes listed above have been linked to specific courses, where the skills needed to realize these outcomes are taught. They have also been mapped against the ABET (a)-(k) criteria. Table 3.2 below shows this link.


Please see for course syllabi. See for the direct assessment data to be discussed, already available on line. Much of the student work (senior design reports, design competition reports, undergraduate research reports) are electronically archived, and will be made available to the visitor prior to the visit.

At the time of the visit, sample student work in the class (exams, homework) lecture notes, and text books in use will all be available for examination.

Table 3-1. Mapping AE Program Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives

Program Objectives


Our graduates will have the necessary understanding of the essential disciplines of aerodynamics, structures, vehicle dynamics and control, propulsion, and interdisciplinary design to be well prepared for careers in aerospace and related engineering fields.

An understanding of physics, chemistry and mathematics, and how they pertain to solving real world problems.

A firm understanding of engineering science fundamentals that enables the graduates to examine real world problems for the underlying physical principles, and decide on appropriate methods of solution.

An ability to design, conduct and analyze the results of experiments in order to measure and study physical phenomena.

An ability to analyze and design aerospace structural elements, such as trusses, beams and thin walled structures, taking into account structural dynamics and aeroelastic effects.

An ability to analyze and design airfoils and wings, accounting for viscous and compressibility effects.

An ability to analyze and design air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems.

An ability to analyze the flight dynamics of aircraft and spacecraft, and design flight control systems.

Our graduates will be well-trained to function as professionals who can formulate, analyze, and solve open-ended problems that may include economic and societal constraints.

The graduates will have the ability to work in teams and design complex systems such as aircraft and spacecraft, from conceptual and preliminary design perspectives.

The graduates will be well trained in the role of the engineer in society, and have an awareness of ethical, environmental and quality concerns in the engineering profession.

Our graduates will have good communication skills and be able to function well in teams and in a global environment.

The graduates will have good oral, written and graphical communication skills.

Our graduates will be trained to be life-long learners who can continuously acquire knowledge required to research, develop, and implement next-generation systems and applications

The graduates will be trained to be life-long learners, pursuing and interested in independent study, research and development.

Table 3-2. Mapping AE Program Outcomes to ABET (a)-(k) and Course work

Program Outcomes

ABET (a)-(k)


a) The graduates of the undergraduate program in aerospace engineering will have an understanding of physics, chemistry and mathematics, and how they pertain to solving real world problems.


Math 1501,1502, 2401, 2403; Physics 2121, 2122; Chemistry 1310; Science elective; all AE courses

b) They will have a firm understanding of engineering science fundamentals that enables the graduates to examine real world problems for the underlying physical principles, and decide on appropriate methods of solution.

a), e)

MSE 2001; EE 3710; EE 3741; all AE courses

c) They will have the ability to design, conduct and analyze the results of experiments in order to measure and study physical phenomena.

b), k)

AE3051, AE 3145, AE 4525; AE electives 290x/390x/490x

d) They will have the ability to analyze and design aerospace structural elements such as trusses, beams and thin walled structures, taking into account structural dynamics and aeroelastic effects.

a), c), e), k)

COE 2001, COE 3001, AE 3125, 3145, 2220, 4220

e) They will have the ability to analyze and design airfoils and wings, accounting for viscous and compressibility effects.

a), c), e), k)

AE2020, 3021, 3051

f) They will have the ability to analyze and design air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems.

a), c), e), k)

AE 3051, 3450, 4451

g) They will have the ability to analyze the flight dynamics of aircraft and spacecraft, and design flight control systems.

a), c), e), k)

AE 3515, 3521, 4525

h) They will have the ability to work in teams and design complex systems such as aircraft and spacecraft, from a preliminary design perspective.

a), c), d), h)

AE 1350, 3310, 4350, 4351, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359; Electives 1355, 2355, 3355, 4355

i) They will have good oral, written and graphical communication skills.


ENGL 1101, 1102; ME 1770; LCC 3401; AE 3051, 3145, 4350, 4351,4525

j) They will be well trained in the role of the engineer in society, and have an awareness of ethical, environmental and quality concerns in the engineering profession.

f), j), h)

Humanities, Social Sciences, AE 1350, 4350, 4351; Electives 1355, 2355, 3355, 4355

k) They will be trained to be life-long learners, pursuing and interested in independent study, research and development.


All AE courses; Electives 1355,2355, 3355, 4355, AE 290x, 390x, 490x

Achievement of Program Outcomes

The School of Aerospace Engineering uses a variety of direct and indirect assessment instruments to determine if our graduates are achieving the program outcomes. All of this data is electronically captured and documented at a web site and is being made available to the evaluation team at the time the self-study report is submitted.

Specifically, the following assessment and evaluation processes are in place:

  • The faculty of the School of Aerospace Engineering conducts an assessment of the students’ preparation, from a pre-requisites perspective. This is done in selected upper level courses once per calendar year, during the first two weeks of a semester. The assessment information is communicated to the faculty in that discipline by the instructor. Remedial actions such as tutorials and recitation sessions are arranged as needed. The instructors in the pre-requisite classes revise the course content and coverage, as required, based on the information received from this assessment. See the web site for faculty input on assessment of student preparation in several specific courses:

  • Senior exist surveys are conducted once every calendar year. The survey is filled out by the students during the term prior to graduation, as part of the degree application process. The surveys are electronically processed by the office of Assessment at the end of the spring term and made available at a web site. Comparative data from exit surveys conducted at other units within Georgia Tech are also available at this web site. This data is disseminated to the AE faculty as soon as the survey results have been processed, usually during the beginning of the following fall term. See 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 2006 2007 for this data.

  • As discussed under Criterion 2, senior design projects, external design competition entries, undergraduate research reports, and other portfolio items (e.g., honors and awards) are collected once a year, typically at the end of the spring semester. Comments from external judges, were available, are also collected. These comments (where available) and results from the national competitions are disseminated to the students, the instructors and the AE faculty as soon as they are available.

  • Samples of students’ writing are collected throughout the year, from the freshman class through the senior design. Undergraduate research project reports and student publications resulting from this work are collected at the end of each term. A CD containing a sample collection for one full year from various courses (senior design, undergraduate research, AE 2020 and 1350 writing samples, lab course writing samples) will be made available to the reviewer prior to the visit.

  • As discussed in under Criterion 2 above, alumni surveys are conducted once every three years in collaboration with the College of Engineering and the office of Assessment (see 2001 Survey Results, 2004 Survey Results, 2007 Survey Results). While the alumni surveys are primarily used to assess the program educational objectives, these are also useful in assessing the program outcomes. Te findings of the alumni survey are documented at an institute web site, and disseminated to the faculty as soon as these are available. Employer surveys are conducted by the Co-Op division. The faculty of the School of AE periodically meet with employers to find out their expectations for the employee (i.e., skill sets required to succeed in the job), and an assessment of how well our graduates are functioning in their chosen fields.

  • An annual assessment report is submitted to the Institute once a year (during the fall term) summarizing the findings of these assessment studies, and whether the outcomes are being met. See 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 2006 for the annual assessment reports for the past several years.

Assessment of Faculty Data: The faculty members have assessed the student preparation at the start of many of our important courses (e.g., statics, deformable bodies, dynamics, system dynamics and control, low speed aerodynamics, aerospace vehicle performance, senior design) and extensively documented areas where the students lack the pre-requisite material that would prevent the student from fully realizing the outcomes of the upper level course. The faculty members have proposed several remedial actions.
Examples of closing the loop based on faculty assessment of student preparation:

  • It was observed by the senior design faculty that the student preparation for capstone courses varied widely. This was traced to the primary pre-requisite course, AE 3310 (Aerospace Vehicle Performance). To address this, AE 3310 (Vehicle Performance) was reorganized to meet the cap-stone design needs. CD of course materials prepared and distributed to all the faculty members responsible for teaching this course.

  • It was observed that AE 3515 ((System Dynamics and Control) poses difficulty due to its heavy math content, and abstract concepts. Under an instructional grant from the College of Engineering, Prof. Amy Pritchett has explored a redesign of AE 3515 (3 hour lecture, 1 hour of problem solving). Students critique each other’s work, video-tape their own critique.

  • The instructors (COE 2001, statics) found inadequate prepared students. To correct this, instructors increasingly use problem solving sessions. TAs assigned for courses where extra help is needed. This approach has been found to be quite successful.

  • Instructors in all the gateway courses in AE (statics, dynamics, and low speed aerodynamics) observed inadequate preparation in math and physics. To correct this, the math and physics pre-requisites (C or better) are more strictly enforced. Refresher material is placed at the Aerospace Digital Library.

Assessment of Exit Survey Data: The exit survey is administered by the Georgia Tech office of Assessment. The survey data is disseminated the AE faculty and student body as soon as it is available. This survey contains useful information that is related to expected outcomes, as well as other data. The data is closely examined to determine if the seniors, in their opinion, are realizing the expected outcomes (a)-(k) above. As an example, the results from the 2006 exit survey, related to the (a)-(k) outcomes above, is presented below. Given the large number of responses, this data is statistically meaningful. A median score below 3 (on a scale of 1 to 4), or a median score below 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10) indicates a perceived weakness (on the part of students) in a specific area.



of responses

Level of preparation



your ability to apply knowledge of mathematics





your ability to apply knowledge of physical sciences and chemistry





your ability to identify and formulate engineering problems





your ability to formulate alternative solutions to engineering problems





your ability to formulate alternative solutions to engineering testing





your ability to design a system, component, or process to meet user needs





your ability to apply modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice





your ability to understand the societal impact of engineering solutions





your ability to understand the environmental impact of engineering solutions





your ability to produce written reports regarding technical topics





your ability to deliver oral reports regarding technical topics





Aerodynamics-Analytical Skills





Aerodynamics-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Aerodynamics-Independent Research





Structures-Analytical Skills





Structures-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Structures-Independent Research





Flight Mechanics and Control-Analytical Skills





Flight Mechanics and Control-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Flight Mechanics and Control-Independent Research





Propulsion and Combustion-Analytical Skills





Propulsion and Combustion-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Propulsion and Combustion-Independent Research





Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics-Analytical Skills





Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics-Independent Research





Astronautics-Analytical Skills





Astronautics-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Astronautics-Independent Research





Aerospace Systems and Design-Analytical Skills





Aerospace Systems and Design-Lab, Data Acquisition and Analysis Skills





Aerospace Systems and Design-Independent Research





To what extent do you think that the BS in AE had prepared you for a career in AE





To what extent do you think that the BS in AE had prepared you for knowledge and appreciation for professional standards





To what extent do you think that the BS in AE had prepared you for delivering technical oral reports





To what extent do you think that BS in AE has stimulated your desire for life-long learning





During this particular year, the survey indicated the independent research opportunities in all areas as a particular weakness. The students rated themselves as adequately trained in analytical skills and lab skills in discipline specific areas. This particular class of students also felt that they were adequately trained to be life-long learners. The student perception of their oral and written communication skills has steadily improved in exit surveys from year to year.

The above data is just an example of the exit survey data that has been collected and analyzed using methodologies above. Results for other years have similarly been examined and processed.
Closing the Loop Based on Exit Surveys: There are small variations in the median scores and averages from year to year. However, students consistently have rated themselves as well- trained in the mathematics, sciences, and aerospace discipline topics. The students desire more undergraduate research opportunities and hands on skills. To accommodate it, the School offers several sections of undergraduate research courses (AE 2699, 2698, 4699, 4698) for credit and pay and allows up to 10 hours of free elective credit.
Assessment of Portfolio Items: The honors and awards list (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 2006) and the benchmark data (e.g., student performance in national design competitions found at, and undergraduate research documents indicate that the students get adequate opportunities, outside of required course work, to develop their team design skills, oral and written communication skills, and research skills. Participation in these activities is voluntary both on the part of instructors as mentors, and on the part of students who pursue these activities as free electives. Nevertheless, a large number of our students participate in design competitions and/or undergraduate research.
Closing the Loop Based on Portfolio Items: An examination of our portfolio items indicates that much of the design competition activities were in the area of aircraft and spacecraft design, and in traditional disciplines (aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, etc). The program has added faculty in rotorcraft design and work with specialists at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in the turbomachinery area to broaden the education and design experiences for our students. We have also added faculty in emerging disciplines (software engineering, avionics, cognitive engineering, Human Factors, air transportation). A number of electives are taught in these areas to train our students. It is anticipated that the addition of new faculty, new electives, and new research areas will diversify and enrich the research experiences our students will receive during the coming years.
Information Used for Program Improvement

The results of the alumni surveys and employer surveys, along with input from our faculty, our Student Advisory Council and the external Advisory Council, are used to make decisions about improvements at the program level. We also take into consideration the input from the Board of Regents, the Provost’s Office, and the College of Engineering, in particular the strategic plan and the mission and vision of these organizations.

Results from the other assessment instruments (instructors, exit survey, samples of student work, other portfolio items) discussed under Criterion 3 above are used to make improvements at the course level.

Actions to Improve the Program

In this section, we summarize the input from our constituents and the assessment data from each of these instruments, and actions taken to close the loop and continuously improve the program.

International Plan and Research Options: Georgia Tech, as part of the Southeastern Colleges and Schools (SACS), periodically conducts a self-assessment study and develops plans for improving the quality of its educational and research programs. The most recent self-study was conducted in 2005. As part of this review, Tech proposed a quality enhancement plan: ( ). At the undergraduate level, an International Plan option intended to prepare our students for the global community, and a Research Plan option intended to enhance their skills in scholarship and innovation, were proposed.

The faculty of the School of Aerospace Engineering, in consultation with our constituents, acted on this recommendation and began offering two new degree options: BSAE (IP) and BSAE (RO). The International Plan option first became available in the fall of 2006, and 27 students are enrolled in the IP Plan at this writing. The Research Option first became available in spring 2007.

Enhanced Study Abroad Offerings: In 2002, with input from our faculty, our industry and government partners, the external advisory council, and the student advisory council, the School developed a strategic plan documented at One of the goals of this plan was to internationalize the undergraduate program, base don the fact that the aerospace industry is a global enterprise that brings engineers and investors from across the globe. Beginning in 2005, the School began offering its own study abroad offerings taught by AE faculty at the Oxford University in England, and Georgia Tech Lorraine in France. These offerings allow student to take AE courses towards their degree, along with humanities and social sciences related to the region. The participation of AE students in study abroad program has steadily grown as a result.

Honors Programs and Undergraduate Research Programs: The 2002 Strategic Plan also calls for the establishment of an honors program that was intended to promote scholarly research and innovation activities among our undergraduate students. This program was developed in consultation with our constituents and incorporates academic excellence (3.5 GPA or above), excellence in research (3 terms of research for pay or credit), and development of oral and written technical communication skills. Students may apply the research credit earned towards the BSAE (Research Option) and document their work as an undergraduate thesis. We also began offering research opportunities for credit or pay for those students who do not meet the 3.5 GPA threshold, and yet have a aptitude for and a desire to conduct undergraduate research. Four new courses (AE 2699 and AE 4699 for credit; AE 2698 or AE 4698 for pay) were created to document the research accomplishments in the students’ transcripts. Since its inception, this initiative has led to a steady growth in the number of students participating in undergraduate research as shown in the chart below. The number of students participating in the honors program has also steadily grown.

Minor Program in AE: The 2002 Strategic Plan also called for the establishment of a minor program in AE as a service to the campus community, and as a way of enhancing interdisciplinary education and research at the undergraduate level. This program combines required courses (Introduction to AE, low speed aerodynamics, and Vehicle Performance) with electives in a track for a total of 18 credit hours.
Increased Opportunities for Undergraduate Design Experiences: Until 1999, the participation of AE students in design was largely limited to the senior capstone design experience. Students participating in design competitions largely conducted such activities on their own time, under the mentorship of our faculty members. Beginning in 1999, several new design-build-fly and design competition courses (AE 1355, 2355, 3355, and 4355) were offered that bring together a vertically integrated team of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students. These activities were recorded in the transcript, and the students were allowed to count these activities towards their free elective credit, for a maximum of 10 credit hours. These activities allow students at the 1000 and 2000 levels to work with advanced CAD and CAE tools, enhancing their skill sets. The table below shows participation among our students in these courses over the past 6 years.

These design activities have allowed the AE School to benchmark our students and our educational program against peer institutions. As shown in the table below, since 1999, the AE students have won at least one award every year in the prestigious AIAA design competitions ( ). In 2007, the AE undergraduate students won the second place in an AHS Helicopter Design Competition.

Other Actions: The assessment studies described under Criteria 2 and 3 above have led to the following observations and associated corrective actions.

  • Observation: Students who were readmitted after drop had a high failure rate

    • Action: Retention of students in difficulty (re-admit after drop) has been improved with mentoring and selection of courses that combine academics, DBF Competitions, research.

    • In some cases, we work with the students to identify their strengths and interests, and help them transfer to new programs once they achieve good standing.

  • Other actions taken based on assessment studies:

    • Pre-requisites for performance and some senior design courses have been relaxed.

    • Science electives have been broadened to include technical electives.


Program Curriculum

ABET requires that the program must provide an integrated educational experience that develops the ability of graduates to apply pertinent knowledge to solving problems in the engineering technology specialty. The orientation of the technical specialization must manifest itself through program objectives, faculty qualifications, program content, and business and industry guidance. The program objectives, faculty qualifications, and constituent guidance are documented under other criteria. The program content is briefly described here.

Total Credits The Baccalaureate program consists of a total of 132 semester hours. A sample 8 semester program is shown at:
Our program meets and exceeds the minimum ABET requirement of 124 semester hours.
Communications ABET recommends that the communications content must develop the ability of graduates to:

a. plan, organize, prepare, and deliver effective technical reports in written, oral, and other formats appropriate to the discipline and goals of the program,

b. incorporate communications skills throughout the technical content of the program,

c. utilize the appropriate technical literature and use it as a principal means of staying current in their chosen technology, and

d. utilize the interpersonal skills required to work effectively in teams.
This requirement is being met in the BSAE program in the following ways.

  • At the freshman level, the students take AE 1350 which requires the students to work on a group design project. The students present this work to the instructor and the entire class through written reports and an oral presentation.

  • At the sophomore level, many of the required AE courses include essay questions and discussions.

  • At the junior level, AE students take a technical communications course (LCC 3401) where formal technical communication skills are re-emphasized. The lab courses (AE 3051, AE 3145) have written reports that are graded for content as well as writing, and a final oral examination where the student is asked to design an experiment and present it to his/her peers and the instructor.

  • At the senior level, the capstone design sequence (Design I and II in the fall and spring terms, respectively) gives ample opportunity for the students to practice their writing skills and oral communication and presentation skills.

  • The AE program has 10 hours of free electives. Many students take courses such as Freshman Seminar (GT 1000), Design-Build-Fly Competitions (AE 1355/2355/3355/4355) where students function in a vertically integrated environment and practice writing and oral communication skills, and undergraduate research (AE 2699 or AE 2699).

Samples of the student work have been collected for these courses, and are periodically assessed, to evaluate the improvement in the student’s oral and written communication skills from the freshman year through the senior year. These rubrics, the assessment data, and samples of the student work are documented at a companion web site.

Mathematics ABET requires that “the level and focus of the mathematics content must provide students with the skills to solve technical problems appropriate to the discipline and the program objectives. Algebra, trigonometry, and an introduction to mathematics above the level of algebra and trigonometry constitute the foundation mathematics for an associate degree program. Integral and differential calculus, or other appropriate mathematics above the level of algebra and trigonometry, constitutes the foundation mathematics for baccalaureate programs.”
This requirement is satisfied in the BSAE curriculum with two full years (16 credit hours) of calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations.
Physical and Natural Science ABET states that the basic science content can include physics, chemistry, or life and earth sciences that support program objectives. This component must include laboratory experiences which develop expertise in experimentation, observation, measurement and documentation.
This requirement is satisfied in the BSAE program by requiring classical physics (Physics 2211), Modern Physics (Physics 2212), and Chemistry (Chemistry 1310). These courses all have a lab component. Students are also required to take a science elective (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Biology, etc) or a technical elective (typically an AE course).

Social Sciences and Humanities ABET requires that the social sciences and humanities content must support technical education by broadening student perspective and imparting an understanding of diversity and the global and societal impacts of technology.
In the BSAE program, the humanities requirement is being satisfied by requiring 12 hours of humanities: English 1101, English 1102, plus two courses chosen from . The social sciences requirement is being satisfied by constitution requirement (History 2211/2212 or POL 1101 or INTA 1200), economics (ECON 2101, 2105 or 2106), plus 6 hours of courses chosen from .
Technical Content ABET requires that the technical content of a program must focus on the applied aspects of science and engineering in that portion of the technological spectrum closest to product improvement, manufacturing, construction and engineering operational functions. The technical content must develop the skills, knowledge, methods, procedures, and techniques associated with the technical discipline and appropriate to the goals of the program.
In the AE curriculum, this is satisfied by requiring a total of 63 hours of engineering topics (Approximately 51.5% of the curriculum). These include

  • 12 hours of engineering topics: Computer science (CS 1371), engineering graphics (CE/ME 1770), material sciences and engineering (MSE 2001), Circuits theory (ECE 3710), circuits lab (ECE 3741).

  • 10 hours of structural analysis including lab skills: statics (COE 2001), deformable bodies (COE 3001), aerospace structural analysis (AE 3125), and structures lab (AE 3145)

  • 8 hours of aerodynamics including lab skills: low speed aerodynamics (AE 2020), high speed aerodynamics (AE 3021), fluids lab (AE 3051)

  • 6 hours of thermodynamics (AE 3450), and jet and rocket propulsion (AE 4451)

  • 6 hours of dynamics (AE 2220) and aeroelasticity (AE 4220)

  • 10 hours of system dynamics and control (AE 3515), flight dynamics and control (AE 3521), and controls lab including control system design (AE 4525)

  • 11 hours of design topics including Introduction to AE (AE 1350), Aerospace vehicle Performance (AE 3310), Senior design project I (AE 4350/4356/4358), senior design project II (AE 4351/AE4357/AE4358).

Cooperative Education ABET requires that cooperative education credit used to satisfy prescribed elements of these criteria must include an appropriate academic component evaluated by the program faculty. In our program, co-operative experience is not counted towards the 132 hours of required course work.
Flow Chart

Please see for a sample flow-chart of our 132 hour curriculum.

Course Syllabi

Please see the appendix for all required, and most of the elective coursework in our program.

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