Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Annual Report 2011–12

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Appendix B: Committees

Threatened Species Scientific Committee

The committee advises the minister on the amendment and updating of the EPBC Act’s lists of threatened species, threatened ecological communities, and key threatening processes, and on the making or adoption of recovery plans and threat abatement plans.

Table B16: Membership of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee at 30 June 2012


Professor Helene Marsh (Chair)

Professor Peter Harrison

Dr Andrea Taylor

Dr Bill Humphreys

Dr Michelle Heupel

Dr John Woinarski

Dr Rosemary Purdie

Dr Guy Fitzhardinge

Dr Keith Walker

Dr Gordon Guymer

Indigenous Advisory Committee

The Indigenous Advisory Committee established under section 505B of the EPBC Act provides advice to the minister on the operation of the EPBC Act by incorporating Indigenous people’s knowledge of land management and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Table B17: Membership of the Indigenous Advisory Committee at 30 June 2012


Ms Melissa George (Chair)

Ms Chrissy Grant (Deputy Chair)

Mr Jason Field

Mr Dave Johnston

Mr Frank Loban

Mr Damein Bell

Ms Francine McCarthy

Mr Joe Morrison

Mr Kado Muir

Mr Daniel Oades

Mr Klynton Wanganeen

Australian Heritage Council

The Australian Heritage Council, which is established under the Australian Heritage Council Act 2003, is the Australian Government’s principal advisory body on heritage matters. The Council is responsible under the EPBC Act for assessing the heritage values of places nominated for possible inclusion in the National and Commonwealth Heritage lists, and for advising the minister on heritage issues.

Table B18: Membership of the Australian Heritage Council at 30 June 2012


Professor Dr Carmen Lawrence (Chair)

Mr Howard Tanner

Associate Professor Peter Valentine

Mr Rodney Dillon

Dr Jacqueline Huggins AM

Dr Libby Mattiske

Ms Helen Lardner

The council met six times during 2011–12.

Appendix C: 2011–12 publications

Guidelines and policy statements

Compliance and Enforcement Policy: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999: Environment Assessment Manual–Implementing Chapter 4, EPBC Act’.

Draft referral guidelines for the endangered Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica

Draft referral guidelines for four threatened Tasmanian burrowing crayfish

Referral guidelines for the vulnerable black-eyed susan, Tetratheca juncea

Referral guidelines for the vulnerable striped legless lizard, Delma impar

Draft Referral guidelines for the waum sedllge frog, Litoria olongburensis

Draft referral guidelines for three species of Western Australian black cockatoos

Guidance Note 1–Listings made after a section 75 ‘Controlled Action’ decision: Section 158A of the EPBC Act–February 2012

Guidance Note 2–Expiry Dates for Approvals-February 2012

Guidance Note 3–Definition of ‘action’: Section 523, section 524, and section 524A of the EPBC Act–February 2012

Guidance Note 4–Reconsideration: Implementing the requirements of sections 78, 78A, 78B and 78C of the EPBC Act–April 2012

Guidance Note 5–‘Indirect consequences’ of an action: Section 527E of the EPBC Act– April 2012

Guidance Note 6–Change of person proposing to take an action; Change of proponent; Transfer of approvals: subsection 78(5) and sections 145B and 156F of the EPBC Act– April 2012

Guidance Note 7–Definition of ‘Environment’ under section 528 of the EPBC Act–April 2012

Guidance Note 8–EPBC Act Delegations–April 2012

Guidance Note 11–Prior Authorisation and Continuing Use Exemptions: Sections 43A and 43B of the EPBC Act–May 2012

Guidance Note 12–Staged Developments–Split referrals: Section 74A of the EPBC Act– May 2012

Interim Koala Referral Advice for Proponents

Pamphlets, factsheets, and other publications

Nationally protected broad leaf tea-tree (Melaleuca viridiflora) woodlands in high rainfall coastal north Queensland–does it affect you and your land?–fact sheet

Lowland rainforest & landholders–fact sheet

Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Heath ecological community–fact sheet

Compliance monitoring and auditing–fact sheet

Celebrating Canberra: A nation’s cultural and democratic landscape

Living Heritage (online magazine)–Issues 3–6

Compliance audits completed during 2011–summary of findings

Compliance audits completed during 2012–summary of findings

Australian Heritage Strategy–Public Consultation paper

Australian Heritage Strategy–10 Essays

  • What is Heritage?–Peter Spearritt

  • What is Heritage?–Susan Tonkin

  • Whose Heritage?–Damein Bell & Joy Elley

  • Whose Heritage is it?–Joann Schmider & Peter James

  • Who are the Players in Heritage and What Roles do they Play?–Don Garden

  • What are the Community Expectations for Heritage Protection?–Chris Johnston

  • What are the Community Expectations for Heritage Protection?–Heath McDonald

  • Delivering the Social and Economic Benefit of Heritage Tourism–Bruce Leaver

  • ‘Only Connect’–The Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Cultural Heritage
    –Kate Clark

  • Conserving Australia’s Geoheritage–Graeme Worboys

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