Departmental Capital Budgets are appropriated through Appropriation Acts (No.1, 3 & 5). They form part of ordinary annual services, and are not separately identified in the Appropriation Acts. For more information on ordinary annual services appropriations, please see Table A: Annual appropriations.
Appropriations reduced under Appropriation Acts (No.1, 3 & 5) 2011-12: sections 10, 11, 12 and 15 or via a determination by the Finance Minister.
Payments made on non-financial assets include purchases of assets, expenditure on assets which has been capitalised, costs incurred to make good an asset to its original condition, and the capital repayment component of finance leases.
The Department received $56,347,000 in Appropriation Act (No. 3) 2011-12 for Departmental ordinary annual services, which was comprised of $57,401,000 for operating purposes and a reduction of $1,054,000 against the Departmental Capital Budget (DCB). The reduction to the DCB was required as forward year budget estimates provided for operating purpose were transferred for capital purposes following a restructuring of administrative arrangements in 2011. The Department of Finance and Deregulation approved for the Department to draw down $1,054,000 from the DCB for operating purposes to achieve this notional split of the amount received under Appropriation Act (No. 3) 2011-12.
The variance of $3,867,000 represents amounts from the 2011 DCB expended in the current year.
Table B (Cont'd). Departmental and Administered Capital Budgets ('Recoverable GST exclusive')
2011 Capital Budget Appropriations
Capital Budget Appropriations applied in 2011 (current and prior years)
Departmental Capital Budgets are appropriated through Appropriation Acts (No.1, 3 & 5). They form part of ordinary annual services, and are not separately identified in the Appropriation Acts. For more information on ordinary annual services appropriations, please see Table A: Annual appropriations.
Appropriations reduced under Appropriation Acts (No.1, 3 & 5) 2010-11: sections 10, 11, 12 and 15 or via a determination by the Finance Minister.
Payments made on non-financial assets include purchases of assets, expenditure on assets which has been capitalised, costs incurred to make good an asset to its original condition, and the capital repayment component of finance leases.
The variance of $3,988,000 represents funding of $2,691,000 to pay year end accruals for capital projects and funding of $1,297,000 carried forward to 2012.
Table C. Unspent Annual Appropriations ('Recoverable GST exclusive')
Appropriation (Water Entitlements) (Act 2) 2009-10 - Non Operating - Admin Assets and Liabilities 2009-10
Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2010-11
Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2010-11 - Administered Assets and Liabilities
Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2010-11 - SPP
Appropriation Act (No. 4) 2010-11 - Administered Assets and Liabilities
Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2011-12
Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2011-12 - Administered Assets and Liabilities
Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2011-12 - SPP
Appropriation Act (No. 3) 2011-12
Appropriation Act (No. 4) 2011-12 - SPP
Table D. Special Appropriations ('Recoverable GST exclusive')
Appropriation applied
Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 s.28(2), Administered
To provide an appropriation where an Act or other law requires or permits the repayment of an amount received by the Commonwealth and apart from this section there is no specific appropriation for the repayment.
Section 83 of the Constitution provides that no amount may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund except under an appropriation made by law. Further details of the Department’s compliance with section 83 are disclosed at Note 29A.
Table E. Disclosure by Agent in Relation to Annual and Special Appropriations ('Recoverable GST exclusive')