c. OPSGRPB and F. OPSGRPs Band Fobserve, coach, and trainfunctional and multi-functional brigadecommanders and staffs during embedded WFXs.Theirpriorities ofsupport are: battlefield surveillance brigades, maneuver enhancement brigades,combatand theateraviation brigades, fires brigades, engineer brigades, and militarypolicebrigades.Each OPSGRPcan observe,coach,and train up to three different collocated brigades per exercise. On order, they support Joint and ASCCexercises in support of unified action
d. OPS GRP C. OPSGRPC observes, coaches, and trains brigadecombat teamcommanders and staffs duringembedded WFXs. OPSGRPC’s priorityofsupport is to theArmyNational Guard brigadecombat teams andKorea-based brigadecombat teamsnot conductingculminating training events at a Maneuver Combat Training Center (MCTC). OPSGRP C can train two brigadecombat teamsorotherfunctional/multifunctionalbrigades as part of an embedded WFX. OPSGRP C functional andmultifunctionalpriorities ofsupport are: signal brigades, theater aviation brigades, andexplosive ordnance disposalgroups. AdditionallyOPSGRP Ccan conductup to sixstand-alone brigade warfighterexercises per FY for asinglebrigadecombat team and its subordinate battalions, in which theOPSGRP provides an opposingforce (OPFOR) anda replicated operating environment. On order, they support Joint and ASCCexercisesin support ofunified action.
e. OPS GRP S. OPSGRP S observes, coaches, and trains theater and expeditionarysustainment commands and sustainment brigade commanders and staffs duringembedded WFXs. OPSGRP S canobserve, coach, and train two sustainment units duringanexercise. On order, theysupport Joint and ASCCexercisesin support ofunified action.
f. OPSGRPJ.OPSGRP J observes, coaches, and trains Army special operations forces (SOF) operational level headquarters during embedded WFXs. OPS GRP J also observes, coaches and trains Conventional Force (CF) commanders and staffs in SOF/CF integration, interoperability and interdependence during WFXs. OPS GRP J provides SOF scenario development and design, integrates SOF doctrine, concepts, and procedures, and serves as the SOF Response Cell / SOFhighercommand (HICOM) during WFXs. OPSGRPJ can observe, coach, and train oneSOF operational level HQ per exercise. g. OPSGRPX.OPSGRP X provides direct supportto exercise design, planning,seniorcontrol, and managementof WFXs. OPSGRP X provides general supportto trainingOPSGRPs forotherexercisesbased on requirements. OPSGRP X consists of scenario design, plansand operations,exercisecontrol (EXCON),and operationalcontractingsupportdivisions (OCSDs),as well as theWorld Class OPFOR(WCOPFOR).TheChiefofOPSGRP Xisalso chiefexercise controller and the exercisecontrol groupchiefof staffduringWFXexecution. (1). TheScenario DesignDivision (SDD) isresponsible for the creation ofthe complexoperatingenvironment under the doctrinal operationalvariables for theexercise.Scenariodesign alsocontrols the irregularthreat forces androle-players duringthe exercise.Additionally,SDD coordinates and integrates the Unified Action Partner support to the exercise to meet operational training guidance and trainingobjectives. They contain subject matter experts who
produce Master Scenario Event List (MSEL) injects to the exercise such as media, cyberelectromagneticactivities(CEMA), inform and influence activities (IIA),and militaryinformation supportoperations. (2). ThePlans and OperationsDivision (POD) leads and integrates theaspects ofexercise design and planningfor WFX on behalfof the MCTP and external agencies. Duringthe exercise event life cycle(ELC), theymanage theplanningprocessand planningevents.During exercise execution, theyprovide the coreof theCommandInformation Center(CIC)forthe exercise controlgroup (ECG).
(3). TheEXCON division synchronizes and manages the stimulation oftrainingunitsduringtheexecution ofthe WFX. EXCON ensures that supporting elements that arenotdesignated as primarytrainingunits (HICON, response cells, workcells, etc.) areproperlytrained and rehearsed inpreparation for the exercise. EXCON manages the synchronization and timingof exercise MSEL injects. Based on theguidance of the exercise director (EXDIR), chiefcontroller, and OPS GRP chiefs, EXCON ensuresthat the trainingunits havean opportunitytomeet their trainingobjectives andoutcomes. (4). TheWCOPFOR provides a“free thinking,” near-peercompetitor in ahybrid threatenvironment, with an equal chance of success. Theysupport realistic rigorand stress oncommanders and staffs duringthe WFX. TheWCOPFOR are certified bythe TRADOC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2) andoperate under thedoctrineoutlined in TrainingCircular(TC) 7-100 series of manualdescribingthe hybrid threat. The OPFOR threat characteristics conform to theguidance of theTRADOCG-2 in order to represent the mostcurrent threat capabilities outlined in theTRADOCWorldWideEquipment Guide. The WCOPFORhas a coordinatingrelationshipwith theArmyCyberCommand’s World Class Cyber OPFORforWFXplanningandexecution. (5). TheOCSDobserves,coaches, andtrains operational contractingsupport for joint, corps, division, and functional/multi-functional brigade trainingunits. OCSD enhancesthe operatingenvironment resultinginthe creation ofacomplex, asymmetric battlefield byincluding, developing,coordinating,and executingcontractingrequirements and fiscal implications intoexercises. OCSD coordinateswith other organizations through the sustainmentHICOM support cell, with strategic enablersand interagencypartnershavingoperational contract support authorityon the battlefield. Additionally, OCSD coordinates with the ArmyContracting Command (ACC) and United StatesArmyFinance Command to arrangeforcontractingaugmenteeobserver, coach,trainers (AOC/Ts), resource management and comptroller subject matter experts to provide contract-funding oversight duringexercises. h. 505TH Command andControlWing,Detachment 1(505TH CCW, DET.1). The505THCCWDet. 1 is the MCTPUnited States Air Force (USAF) liaison to USAFelementsparticipatingincombat training,codified under theChiefof Staffof the AirForce, JointTrainingTransformation Initiative, and Joint National TrainingCapabilityevents. The505THCCW, Det. 1 observes, coaches, and trainscommanders, staffs, andtheirUSAFairpoweroperations liaison elements in the integration ofairpower andapplication ofjoint firepower. The505THCCW, Det 1 commander serves astheDeputyExercise Directorfor Airpower,also known as theChief ofAirpower, duringWFXand Mission Readiness Exercise events. Based on the MCTPpriorities and505THCCW, Det. 1 resources, each OPSGRP issupportedbyUSAFOC/Ts,EXCON, and planningstaffto ensure accurate USAF airand space capabilities and doctrine arerepresented. i. ArmyJoint Support Team (AJST). TheAJST is the TRADOC and Combined Arms Center (CAC) lead forjointair-ground operations, education, and training, includingboth themission command processesand the joint command and control processes associated with joint air operations, e.g.,close airsupport, air interdiction,airspace control, joint targeting, common operational picture, andintegrated airandmissile defense. AJST missionsin support of the MCTP, as assigned byTRADOC, include associated education, training,joint command and control systems integration, replication ofjoint air-ground operations command and control processes and systems, and exercise planningsupport for the MCTPevents at echelons above brigade. AJST educatesand trains the MCTP personnel in support ofjointair-ground operations requirements. AJSTsupportis integral to the MCTP organization and function. They provideexpertise, systems, OC/Ts, and coordinates for battlefieldcoordination detachmentsupport to the MCTP events to providea battlefieldcoordination detachment responsecell (with augmentation) when a full battlefieldcoordination detachment isnot required. Duringthe executionand assessment phases of exercisetrainingevents,theAJST provides observations and other relevant input on allaspects of Joint Air-GroundIntegration relevant toboth operations and Army MissionCommandSystems (AMCS) employmentfor theMCTP leadership and respective OC/Ts.
j. Senior Mentors. Senior mentors are retired flagofficersappointed bytheCSAand the Chiefof Staffof the AirForce.Theycoach, teach, and mentortrainingunit commandersand theircommand groupsthrough the operations process and execution ofthe WFX.Senior mentorsalso oversee doctrinalstandardization within exercise training eventsandprovide holistic feedback to the Army’s Senior leadership.