a. EXDIR Defined. The EXDIR is ageneralofficer appointed bytheACOMCG andapproved bythe CSA. The EXDIR is thechiefrepresentativeand delegated decision maker ofArmysenior leaders. The EXDIR will:
(1). Host the ConceptDevelopment Video Teleconference (CDVTC) andprovideguidance on exercise design. If no EXDIR isappointed, theMCTP Commander performs the responsibilitiesofthe EXDIR. (2). Review WFXtrainingobjectivesand commander’s trainingendstatefor allparticipants. (3). Approvethe WFX higher command(HICOM) task organization and unit’sassets available within the constraints of thestandardtask organization. (4).Approvethe scenariodeveloped by the MCTP.
(5). Approvespecificstart of exercise (STARTEX)conditions. STARTEX conditionsarethe training and OPFOR unit locations, strength, level of engineeringeffort, etc.at the start ofthe exercise. (6). Represent the MCTP issues with exercise supportfundingor manningto theACOM. (7). Approveor coordinate with properauthorityfor variants from standard WFXs (as described in par. 1-6). (8). Reviewand signtheWFX memorandum of instruction(MOI). Ensure adherence to allmilestones agreed to between the trainingunitand the MCTP in the MOI. (9). Provide exerciseplanningpoint of contact (POC) toMCTP upon notification ofappointment. b. EXDIR Guide. Foradditional information on EXDIRresponsibilities throughout theexecution ofthe ELC, seethe EXDIRGuide, available at: https://combinedarmscenter.army.mil/orgs/cact/MCTP/s3/TR%20350503/Forms/AllItems.aspx
2-12. Warfighter ExerciseTraining Audience:
a. General. All units participatingin trainingwith the MCTP will do the following: (1). Providea single POC upon notification ofa scheduled exercise. (2). Complywith milestones specified in theMOI. (3). Provideapprovedtrainingobjectives at the FORSCOM Commander levelto the MCTP no later than 15 days priortotheinitial event planning. (4).Provide guidance to theMCTP OPS GRP ondesired endstateand vision forMCT no later than theinitial event planning. (5). TheCommander orhis delegate will signa MOAforthe MCT between the MCTP, the trainingunit, and thefacilitymanager(facilitymanager is onlyrequired for MCTs not conducted at FortLeavenworth, KS)detailingtheresponsibilitieseachhas regardingtheconduct and support to the MCT. This MOAis signed no later than one week priortothe departure of thetrainingunit (or MCTP forapproved exceptions) fromhome station.
(6). TheCommander or his delegate will signa MOA forthe WFX between MCTP, the trainingunit, and thefacilitymanagerdetailingthe responsibilitieseach has regardingthe conduct and support to theWFX. This MOAis signed no later than the finalevent planning. (7). Employorganiccommand post equipment and tactical networkarchitectureaswould be employed in anaustereenvironment. Shortages in required equipment should beaddressedwith theunit’s higher headquarters or ACOM.
(8). Resourceresponsecell personnel andequipment as outlined in the ESMD and the simulation control plan. Incases of modularunitHQ that lack subordinate elements, theunit is responsible for coordinationwith their higherHQ to theACOM forresourcing.Units maycoordinate with the supporting Installation Management Command MTC for equipment shortfalls.
b. Senior Headquarters. At each traininglocation, oneunit will be identified as the seniorheadquarters. The seniorheadquarters (typically a corps or division) will: (1). Design, plan, integrate, and provide maintenance oftactical network usedforthe exercise. Thesenior headquarters ateach location ensures that all trainingunits at their location have complete resourcing and accessfor all services requiredforthe WFX at that location. Theplanningforthis is doneduringthe command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I)working group led bythesenior training unit headquarters atall ELCevents. The MCTP will ensure that the simulation network is operational and integrated. The senior headquarters will providea liaison officer from theirG-6 to the exercise control group (ECG). Additionally, the seniorheadquarters will establish a help desk within theMTC to integrateand maintain thetacticalnetwork in theECG. Theseniortrainingunit at each location is responsible for coordinatingArmyMaterial Command support to the exerciselocation for AMCS. (2) Schedule thesupportingMTC facilities, personnel, and equipment accordingto theexercise timeline (28 days from setup to teardown)and within the scope ofthe MTC operatingprocedures.
(3). Host asitesurveytoallow the MCTP andothertrainingunits deployingto the traininglocation to develop theexercise footprint and life support requirements. The MCTP will outlinethesupport required of thesenior headquarters in aMOA for theexercise. Inconjunction with thesitesurveyat themain traininglocation (definedas location ofthe seniorHQ within theexercise orwherethe EXDIR will locateduringthe exercise), the senior trainingunit will hostthe main event planning and embedded MSELscriptingeffort.
(4). Establish a mayor’scell and reception, staging, onward movement, and integration(RSOI) plan fortrainingunits and trainingsupport personnel at each traininglocation.
2-13. OtherSupportingCommands.
To properlymeet training guidanceand objectivesdirected to CTCs, the MCTP requires Unified Action Partner support. a. 505TH Command and ControlWing. 505THCCWcoordinates for AirCombatCommand (ACC) and otherUSAFMajor Commandsupport throughDetachment 1in direct support to the MCTP at Ft.Leavenworth.505THCCWprovides the necessarysimulationfeeds to USAF command and control systems used in support ofthe trainingunits andtheirairpowerelements. 505TH CCWcan provide capabilities foran air operations centerresponse cell and, whenavailable, aSenior Mentor (SM) to coachand teach commandersandtheir commandgroup onthe integration ofUSAF assets and joint firepower. b. ArmyMaterial Command. Army Materiel Command provides area support maintenance and technical experts on AMCSand tactical network. In order to ensuresuccessfulcommand post exercisetrainingin the WFX, trainingunits will coordinate and sourceArmy Materiel Commandfield servicerepresentatives and logisticsassistance representatives forAMCSandkeycommand post equipmentmaintenance.Additionally, in order toproperlytrain sustainment units, subject matter experts from ArmyContractingCommand (ACC), SurfaceDistribution and Deployment Command(SDDC), andArmyField Service Brigadesarerequired as augementees to theexercise.
c. Joint Personnel Recovery Agency.Joint Personnel Recovery Agency provides doctrinal experts to assist inscriptingpersonnel recoveryevents within the exercise. With prior coordination and funding,provides subject matterexperts to serveas AOC/Ts as well as personnel torepresent the Joint Personnel RecoveryCoordination Center. d. Air Mobility Command. Air MobilityCommand throughthe 34th Combat TrainingSquadronprovides air mobilityliaisonsto the exercises to provideexpertise to sustainment and maneuverHICOMs. e. Joint Improvised ExplosiveDevice Defeat Organization. Joint Improvised ExplosiveDevice Defeat Organizationincorporates scriptinginto the exercise that assists in the portrayal of thehybrid threat, trainingunits on the attack the network approach. f. United States Special Operations Command(SOCOM). SOCOM provides exerciseplanners to integrate special operations into eachexercise.For division WFXs, thesepersonnelwill fill the role ofthe Special ForcesLiaison Element for thetrainingunit and overseethe actions of theSOF cell, providingcontrol andreportingfrom special operations unitsin thesimulation.
g. National Ground Intelligence Center. National Ground Intelligence Centerprovides personnel to assist inscriptingof intelligence and to ensure that intelligence products to the trainingunits are relevantfortrainingpurposes. h. U.S. ArmySpace andMissile DefenseCommand/Army Forces StrategicCommand. U.S. ArmySpace andMissile DefenseCommand/Army Forces StrategicCommand provides assistance to portrayal of spaceandglobalmissile defense operations within theexercise aswell as provides input into special technicaloperations. i. Peace Keeping and Stability Operations Institute(PKSOI). PKSOIis theArmyrepresentation into theIntegrated Education and TrainingWork Group (IETWG). PKSOIandtheIETWG incorporate the latest whole-of-government approach doctrineusedduringplanningand training fortransition to stability.PKSOI, alongwith the MCTP’s interagencytrainingspecialist, coordinates Unified Action Partners participation in the exerciseand host atable top exercisein Washington D.C., focusing on complexcivil militaryissues in the trainingscenario.Theseniortrainingheadquarters are invited to attend thetable top exercise andapplicable productsofthe table top exercise areusedin the exercise. j. ArmyCyber Command. ArmyCyber Command provides exercise planners, cyberOC/Ts, and staffaugmentation to the trainingunitsto incorporate CEMA into the exercise.OC/Ts observe the staffandprovide feedback intothe integration ofCEMAprinciples anddoctrineinto operations. TheWorld Class Cyber OPFOR closelycoordinates with the WCOPFOR and the irregular forces to conduct CEMAagainst the trainingunits.World Class Cyber OPFOR will operate under an approved ROEto ensure that exercise trainingobjectives will bemet.