Device Driver inf guidelines for Windows xp june 30, 2006 archive

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Running the ChkINF Tool

Note: Because ChkINF is a Perl script, to use the tool you must obtain a Perl interpreter. ChkINF requires a Perl interpreter that is Version 5.003_07 or later. ChkINF should work with Perl 5.0 or any later version, but has not been tested with versions earlier than 5.003_07.

ChkINF is located in the <DDKRoot>\Tools\Chkinf subdirectory and should be run from the command prompt. A batch file, ChkINF.bat, is provided for smooth execution. ChkINF takes the following arguments:

ChkInf[.bat] <FileList> /L <LogFile> [/B] [/DC <Options>]



FileName | Wildcard List | DirectoryName where:

  • "FileName" is the name of a single INF file.

  • "Wildcard List" is any Microsoft MS-DOS® wildcards, as in "net*.inf". ChkINF automatically expands wildcards and checks all applicable INF files.

  • "DirectoryName" subdirectory is the name of a subdirectory. ChkINF checks all INF files in the DirectoryName subdirectoy.


Write a Windows NT log file named .


Launch default browser and display results.


Verify files copied (CopyFiles) against Layout.inf.


Use device class when checking INFs. The only Device Class option currently supported by the /DC argument is the NOFAX option.


Do not check any Fax keys present in Modem INF files only.

ChkINF Output

Under Windows XP, there are no changes to the ChkINF logging functionality, which is independent of the Windows system Event Logger.

At the end of the checking process, ChkINF produces three types of files that are saved into the subdirectory \Htm, located off the directory from which ChkINF is invoked:

  • Summary.htm: A single HTML file that lists all of the INF files that were checked and displays the number of errors and warnings detected in each INF file. The name of each INF file is linked to the respective >.htm file.

  • An optional Windows NT Log file.

  • >.htm: A results file produced for each checked INF file, showing the following:

  • Errors: A list of the errors found in the INF file, along with the error message and the line in the INF file where it was detected. Each error includes a link to its location in the Annotated INF (described later in this list).

  • Warnings: A list of the warnings detected in the INF file, along with the warning message and the line in the INF file where it was detected. Each warning includes a link to its location in the Annotated INF.

  • Annotated INF: The complete source for the INF file, with the warning and error messages displayed adjacent to the line where the warning or error was detected.

ChkINF Limitations

In addition to the information provided earlier in this paper, the following limitations apply for ChkINF:

  • ChkINF does not check the registry keys set by an INF file. There is no guarantee that an INF file that passes ChkINF with no errors will function correctly.

  • ChkINF warns for any sections that are not referenced by a directive elsewhere in the INF file. This is a change from previous versions of the tool, which reported errors for unreferenced sections.

  • ChkINF does not support Windows 98 or Windows Me INF files. ChkINF will not accurately check INF structure and syntax that is specific to Windows 98/Me INF files.

  • ChkINF does not support Unicode. To run ChkINF on a Unicode INF file, first save the file as an ASCII text file.

Microsoft neither endorses nor recommends any specific Perl interpreters. ChkINF has been tested with the following Perl interpreters:

  • GNU Perl 5.005_02 compiled for Microsoft Win32®

  • GNU Perl 5.6.0 compiled for Win32

  • Perl for Win32 5.003_07 from ActiveState Tool Corp

ChkINF and the Windows Logo Program

The Hardware Compatibility Tests (HCTs) for Windows 2000 and Windows XP include ChkINF as a required test.

The inclusion of the ChkINF tool is intended to help IHVs and OEMs develop device installations that adhere more closely to the Windows Plug and Play definition and provide a seamless experience for users.

Resources for ChkINF

Driver developers should test INFs with the ChkINF functionality in the Windows XP operating system.

All aspects of driver installation, including using the ChkINF tool for testing, are documented in the Windows DDK, together with sample INF files. ChkINF is located in the <DDKRoot>\Tools\Chkinf subdirectory and should be run from the command prompt. A batch file, ChkINF.bat, is provided for smooth execution.

For additional information about specific implementations of INF files and the ChkINF tool, see:
INF Platform Extension for 64-bit Versions of Windows XP
Multifunction Device Installation and Windows XP

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