Interpret: Study the data you collected in the table above. What trend do you see in the data, and how would you explain it? The trend I see is the lower the transmission probability the more people that get infected, and the way I would explain this is that the more people and the lower the transmission probability there is the faster they get infected.
Analyze: On the CONTROLS tab, place the Probability of transmission slider under Person to person half-way between Low and High. Select the SIMULATION and GRAPH tabs. Click Play.
At what time did the disease spread most slowly? Most quickly? 10 hours and 18 hours.
How could you explain this change in the rate of the disease’s spread? The more people infected the less the disease can spread because people already have the disease.
Apply: An epidemic is the rapid spread of an infectious disease. How do you think a government could try to prevent an epidemic of a dangerous person-to-person pathogen?
They would require us to social distance and wear masks.