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Std. Deviation

1. I enjoy using computers and smart technology for
personal and training.



2. I am confident using computers and smart
technology for engineering training.



3. I have a positive attitude towards computer
technology applications for my training.



4. I am very confident using Computer technology





Std. Deviation

5. I have positive attitude towards Computer
technology for learning.



6. The digital presentation assignment helped me to
develop critical thinking skill.



7. Computer technology applications digital presentation assignment helped me to develop
critical thinking skill.



8. The digital training helped me to work with my



9. The digital training helps me to exercise my



10. I think using computers, giant screens and smart
technology in class waste too much time.



11. Computer technology applications intimidate and
threaten me.



12. Difficult to understand computer base training.






Source: Field Data (2023)
Table 4.14 presents the findings of a study on the perceptions of technology among students in mechanical engineering education in technical universities in Ghana. According to the data, it can be inferred that the students exhibit a favourable disposition towards computer technology applications and smart technology as means of enhancing their educational experience. The individual in question has expressed a fondness for utilising computers and smart technology for both personal and training-related endeavours. They exhibit a high level of proficiency in operating computers and smart technology for engineering training purposes, and maintain a favourable outlook towards the implementation of computer technology in their training regimen. The variables' mean scores fall within the range of 4.01 to 4.11, while their standard deviations range from 0.966 to 0.975.

The findings align with prior research that has underscored the significance of favourable attitudes towards technology in facilitating the successful adoption and incorporation of computer-based technologies in the realm of education (Vergara et al., 2023; Violante & Vezzetti, 2015) The favourable dispositions exhibited by students towards computer technology and smart technology imply a high likelihood of their openness to the integration of digital technologies into their educational curriculum. The findings suggest that the student population exhibits a favourable disposition towards computer technology and its various implementations. The respondents have expressed their fondness for utilising computers and smart technology for both personal and training objectives. They have demonstrated proficiency in operating computers and smart technology for engineering training and have exhibited a favourable disposition towards the application of computer technology in their training.

Additionally, they exhibit a sense of assurance in utilising computer technology applications and display a favourable disposition towards computer technology as a tool for education. Moreover, the user posits that the utilisation of digital presentation tasks facilitated the enhancement of their critical thinking abilities, with computer technology applications being a contributing factor to this skill development. The participants concur that digital instruction facilitated their collaboration with colleagues and enabled them to express their ingenuity.
The students hold a moderate level of agreement regarding the notion that the utilisation of computers, giant screens, and smart technology during class sessions results in a significant waste of time. Additionally, they express feelings of intimidation and threat towards computer technology applications. Comprehending computer-based training is also a challenging task for them. The results of this study indicate that despite acknowledging the advantages of computer-based technologies, students may encounter obstacles in their proficient utilisation.
The findings confirm prior research that emphasises the capacity of computer-based technologies to improve educational achievements and facilitate information accessibility (Grizioti & Kynigos, 2020; Warschauer & Matuchniak, 2010) The results emphasise the significance of sustained funding in digital

infrastructure and the encouragement of digital literacy among pupils to augment the utilisation and efficacy of computer technology in the realm of education.

Furthermore, the findings direct an overall favourable disposition towards the utilisation of computer technology in educational settings. The students exhibit a sense of assurance in utilising computer technology applications and assert that their digital education has facilitated the cultivation of their critical thinking abilities, teamwork aptitude, and creative potential. Nonetheless, there exists a significant degree of heterogeneity in the viewpoints of students, as certain individuals perceive particular facets of technology as arduous, daunting, or requiring a substantial amount of time. The findings are consistent with prior studies that highlight the capacity of technology to augment information accessibility and enhance educational quality (Chick et al., 2020; Oshikoya & Nureldin Hussain, 1998) The present study's observation of students exhibiting a favourable disposition towards technology aligns with prior research that has demonstrated the potential of technology to augment educational outcomes and facilitate access to high-quality education (eg., Warschauer & Matuchniak, 2010; Wekerle et al., 2020). The findings indicate that the incorporation of computer-based technologies into the curriculum of mechanical engineering education in technical universities in Ghana holds promise in augmenting the educational experiences of students and equipping them with the necessary skills to meet the requirements of the engineering sector. Nonetheless, it is imperative to acknowledge the diversity in students' perspectives and furnish sufficient assistance to those who encounter difficulties with specific facets of technology. Prospective studies may explore the variables that account for the fluctuations in learners' dispositions towards technology and ascertain tactics to foster the efficient implementation of technology in the realm of education.
The study yielded a composite mean score of 3.86 for the results on attitude towards technology (ATT), accompanied by a standard deviation of 1.028. The composite score denotes the mean response encompassing all statements pertaining to the disposition towards technology. The statement regarding the respondents' intimidation and perceived threat from computer technology applications yielded the lowest mean score of 3.44 among all individual statements. The data indicates

that the respondents hold a marginally unfavourable perception or experience of intimidation towards computer technology applications, on average. Conversely, the highest average score observed is 4.11, which corresponds to the assertion regarding the pleasure derived from utilising computers and intelligent technology for individual and educational objectives. The data suggests that, on average, the participants exhibit a favourable disposition and derive pleasure from utilising computers and smart technology for both personal purposes and educational pursuits. The value of 1.028 for the standard deviation indicates the extent of dispersion or variability in the responses obtained from the sample. The aforementioned observation suggests that there exists a degree of heterogeneity in the manner in which people perceive and engage with technology, as evidenced by the variety of reactions elicited by the statements.

Table 4.15 Results on laboratory equipment for teaching (LET)

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